englishpage.com Home > Conditional Tutorial > Conditional Exercise 5 Conditional Exercise 5 Past Real Conditional / Past Unreal Conditional f t g+ p Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate conditional form, then click the "Check" button to check your answers Clarence: Mary, have you ever had a teacher who changed your life or influenced you greatly? Mary: Yes. But the teacher influenced me in a very negative way. I have always had problems with math, and I think it comes from my seventh grade math teacher, Mr. Harris. He thought girls couldn't do math. When any girl (ask) a question, he always (sigh) and (say) can't do math. It's a wellknown fact." When a boy (ask) question, he (smile) , "Girls a and (ask) for his answer. Clarence: That's terrible! Your teacher actually said that to you? Mary: Yes. If he ever did let me answer a question, and I actually got it right, he always (say) that it was a lucky guess. Clarence: Your parents (should, do) They (could, go) to the principle of the school and complained about the way Mr. Harris treated the girls. If you (be) (demand) http://www.englishpage.com/conditional/conditional5.htm something about him my child, I that such an irresponsible teacher be fired. 1/2 Mary: You're right! If somebody (force) children equally, I (become) behavior (might, affect) Mr. Harris to treat the more confident in math. His every girl in that class. Clarence: It might have. I'm glad our children don't have teachers like that! Check Hint Copyright © 2016 Englishpage.com, All Rights Reserved Contact us | Privacy Policy | Advertise with us Your personal online English school. Learn English at Englishpage.com! Weekly Lesson Grammar Book Vocabulary Verb Tenses Conditionals Modals Gerunds / Infinitives Articles Prepositions Minitutorials Irregular Verbs Reading Room Listening Lounge Games English Forums English Schools English · Foreign Dictionaries English ·English Dictionaries Irregular Verb Dictionary Phrasal Verb Dictionary Verb + Preposition Dictionary http://www.englishpage.com/conditional/conditional5.htm 2/2