Your boss was out on a business lunch with one of your potential clients While he was out, a number of people called and asked to talk to him/her You wrote down their messages and promised to relay them to your boss Below you can see all the messages you need to deliver Do a small conversation for each message The subcontractor called He wants you to call him back before noon CALLER: Ms Parker (subntractor) MESSAGE: Send over colleagues to their Headquarters to hold technical training for them CALLER: MESSAGE: CALLER: CALLER: MESSAGE: MESSAGE: CALLER: The secretary of the minister of finance v MESSAGE: Did anybody call while I was out? The Big Boss CALLER: Assess your quarterly performance in a personal meeting tomorrow CALLER: MESSAGE: MESSAGE: CALLER: Ms Smith (client) MESSAGE: Call him back, update her about latest battles with authorities Arrange for a business dinner for next week GRAMMAR GUIDE Client says: Secretary reports to boss: Your boss should call me back wants to call him back Your boss was out on a business lunch with one of your potential clients While he was out, a number of people called and asked to talk to him/her You wrote down their messages and promised to relay them to your boss Below you can see all the messages you need to deliver Do a small conversation for each message CALLER: CALLER: MESSAGE: MESSAGE: The subcontractor called He wants you to call him back before noon Did anybody call while I was out? Mr Darcy (client) Fax him the most recent price list CALLER: CALLER: MESSAGE: MESSAGE: The Department Head Drop by his office before you leave today CALLER: Your wife MESSAGE: Pick up the kids from kindergarten at pm; she has to go to hairdresser CALLER: CALLER: CALLER: MESSAGE: MESSAGE: MESSAGE: v Mr Wesson (client) Mail him invoice with the correct details ASAP (the first one had mistakes in it) GRAMMAR GUIDE Client says: Secretary reports to boss: Your boss should call me back wants to call him back