1 Since 2004 How Yes, a boy and a girl Why How often you ? How many 22 I don’t like it either 23 I think I’ll just stay home and watch TV Go Back to Start Where Have you ? What 24 Manchester United Liverpool were runners-up 25 Because I’m allergic to it Board Game 20 I’m meeting my friends and we’re going for a drink Do you ? 19 From Scotland 31 Chopsticks 30 The blue whale Who 18 A natural disaster that makes the ground tremble 17 Just once a week I’m not very messy No, she passed away when she was 87 Peach and mango Are you ? 21 Move Ahead Spaces My father’s an architect and my mother’s a secretary 26 It’s hot, noisy and crowded, but quite cheap It wags its tail 27 Six months ago I know it’s getting quite long, so I’ll go again soon 28 Spiderman Yes, I have and I really like the Mona Lisa 29 The most famous English band of all times 10 G & T What’s the question? Miss a Turn 11 For more than five years now Intermediate to Advanced 16 Roll Again 15 I was reading a book and my mum was ironing 14 On Monday, because tickets are only half price 13 Absolutely not I haven’t had a drink all night 12 A surgeon Answer Key – Sample Questions How long have you lived here? 18 What is an earthquake? Do you have any children? 19 Where are you from? Where does (the best whisky) come from? What your parents do? Is your grandmother still alive? What are your favourite fruits? What does a dog when it’s happy? Have you ever visited (been to) the Louvre Museum? 10 What’s your favourite drink? (clue: G & T = gin and tonic) 11 How long have you lived/worked here? How long have you been living/working here? 12 Who works in an operating theatre? What you call a doctor who cuts people open? 13 Have you been drinking, sir? (traffic policeman to driver) or Are you drunk? 14 When you usually go to the (cinema) zoo? What’s the best day to go to the cinema? 15 What were you doing yesterday at (5 PM)? 16 17 How often you tidy your room? 20 What are you doing tonight? 21 22.I don’t like Japanese food What about you? 23 What are you going to tonight? 24 Who won the Premier League title in 2008-2009? Who were Premier League Champions in (the) 2008-2009 (season)? 25 Why don’t you (ever) eat (seafood)? 26 What is (Bangkok) like? 27 When did you last have a haircut? When did you last have your hair cut? (clue: it = hair) 28 Which superhero can climb like a spider? Which superhero is dressed in red and blue? Who’s your favourite superhero? 29 Who were/are the Beatles? 30 What’s the biggest animal in the world? 31 What you need to eat noodle soup? What you call the two sticks to noodles or rice with?