Should university students be required to attend classes?Most of universities in north America have no requirement for students attending classes, so going to class becomes an option for
Trang 1Should university students be required to attend classes?
Most of universities in north America have no requirement for
students attending classes, so going to class becomes an option for students Some people believe there are a lot of advantages for the students who have competence in auto-education, however others oppose to this To clarify this issue, let us identify some advantages and disadvantages of attending classes
For most of students in the universities, class lectures is the most important way to gain knowledge especially when someone just enter a brand new study field As we know, each course has its
own properties which means the way to understand and the way to remember are different For example, a math course is full of
logical analyze, and the teacher`s lecture give student the best and concise ideas to understand it Furthermore, leading students to the right method of thinking Obviously, it will save much time In class lectures facilitate the study for some students with some
On the contrary, some advanced students want to launch their own schedule and challenge themselves in order to develop their self-learning abilities which is useful in their future work environment Not attending class, which gives them more time to study alone and think alone, results in increasing their competence to work
independently That is what the best universities want to give to their students Since different courses have different configurations, students should study each course in the different way For example, English is a time consuming course We do not need lots of
understanding, but we need to use much more time on remembering and practicing A English textbook shows all of the detail and
explanation, so it is easy to obtain each knowledge point
Therefore, self study on this subject is advisable Attending classes have advantage and disadvantage, which mostly depend on the
students` abilities and penchant The course character is another considerable factor Students need to balance their study life in the university, choosing the best way to study for their future In
conclusion, I do not want to see the universities have the attending class requirement as a policy