Shoulduniversitiesspendequalamountofmoneyonsportsand librarys? As a student, I support that universities shouldn`t give the same amountofmoney to their students` sport activities as they give to their university libraries There are a lot of reasons and I would in here explain the most important ones The first reason why I disagree to use the same amountofmoney to the sport activities is that the libraries cost much more money than the sport activities It costs tremendous to maintain and update the facilities in the library No one wants to study the encyclopedia which was published several years ago No one wants to use the computer which eliminated years ago No one wants to copy the information on the book by hand instead of a copy machine These cost a great amountofmoney Do you think it is wise and sensible to use the same amountofmoney to the sports activities? Another reason is that the students` sport activities may not cost as much as the libraries For instance, in a lot of universities, the facilities ofsports are open to the public, people who not study in the university should pay the access fee which can be used in maintaining the facilities Thus, it costs much less than the library Moreover, the libraries need to train the staff to set up new documents and archives while the staff in stadium always recruit the volunteer Thinking of this, libraries need more money than stadiums Finally, I think it is necessary for us to pay attention to the students` sport activities which are good for our physical health But from the above we discussed, we can draw a conclusion that universities not need to pay the same amountofmoney to their students` sport activities as they five to their university libraries