Touch your toes? Sing a nursery rhyme? Say the English alphabet? elephant See signs fly? when driving (w/o glasses) deaf person hear? Ride a Stand on motorcycle? your head? GO BACK SPACES Play the piano? earthquake destroy homes? Whistle? Take public transportation in your town? volcano erupt in Florida? police officer speed? Order at a restaurant in English? A bird fly thousands of miles? Play the guitar? Eat spicy food? caterpillar turn into a butterfly? SKIP AHEAD SPACES ROLL AND GO BACK that # Eat dairy products? Can you (or) Can a/an… Lightning travel through water? thunder shake the ground? Fix a flat tire? hurricane hit Indiana? Lift one eyebrow? Run one mile? Ride a horse? Make an origami animal? Fire burn jewelry? Stay on budget at the grocery store? Celebrate Christmas at your family’s? Helicopter fly backwards? ROLL AGAIN astronaut travel to Mars? ROLL & SKIP AHEAD that # Rubber bounce? Swim? Five-year old learn to read? child make wise decisions? See electricity? Speak another language? teacher spank children? person surf in Alaska? Sew a button on a shirt? See a zebra at a zoo? Go on vacation tomorrow? Teenager clean their room? mail carrier deliver eggs? doctor prescribe medications? Use a computer efficiently? “Can” Board Game person text and drive? (legally) child drive a LOSE A car? TURN Snap your fingers? Person see Mickey Mouse at Universal? Eat with chopsticks? Person get a Fish breathe Newborn baby talk? good meal in the air? in New York?