Spinning wheel : The months of the year January: New Year / firework February: Mardi Gras / valentine day Mars: nature grows / the spring starts April: Easter / fool’s day May: mother’s day / the birds lay an egg June: father’s day / the summer starts July: Independence day / 1th summer vacation month August: 8th month / 2th summer vacation month September: new school year starts / The autumn starts Oktober: Halloween / World Animal day November: penultimate month of the year/ 11 th month December: Christmas / the winter starts Rules of the game: - Print the wheel, the words and the pointers on white or colored paper Cut and laminate Attach the pointers with a splitpen o Minimum players o Player 1: turns the big pointer and reads the text o Player 2: repeats the sentence and completes with the correct action o Put the right action above the text Point with the little pointer to the right picture