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USEFUL LANGUAGE To be+on the point of + gerund= To be about to-Infinitive There / It + be + no use/no good / not worth+ doing st = There’s no point / sense (in) doing st = It’s useless/pointless to st = It’s not worth + V-ing *There is no point in + V-ing : There is no point in shouting *There’s no need to-inf : There’s no need to shout +It is no use reading this kind of book / It is no point going to school without doing homework +It is no good telling him - he won't listen / It is / There is no use complaining /There is no use worring +This film was not worth seeing because it’s so boring / This film is worth seeing because it is very interesting +There is no point (in) having a car if you never use it / It's no good trying to persuade me You won't succeed +It's worth making an arrangement before you go +I live only a short walk from here, so it's not worth taking a taxi 1.There's no point _to study if you feel tired A.try B.to try C.trying D.in trying 2.Calling Jim is pointless because his phone is out of order A it's no use to call Jim because his phone is out of order B it's worth not calling Jim because his phone is out of order C it's useless calling Jim because his phone is out of order D there's no point calling Jim because his phone is out of order *As if / though : Như thể là : He speak English as if he were a native speaker -I don’t like Norma She talks as if she knew everything *Prevent / stop someone from something / doing something: He prevented us from parking our car here -Doing physical exercises regularly help us prevent from illness - The rain stopped us from going for a walk.( Cơn mưa ngăn cản dạo ) *Accuse someone of doing something : They accused him of stealing / having stolen the bike *Avoid = keep / stay away from : She avoided meeting him *Manage to sth = succeed in doing sth -She succeeded in persuading him to buy a new motorbike = She managed to persuade him to buy a new motorbike *It’s ( high ) time +S+simple past : It’s high time he followed a heathy diet *It’s time for someone to something : It’s time for you to follow a heathy diet *Keep an eye on ( watch something so that it is safe): Could you keep an eye on my bag when I go to out *Congratulate someone on something: He congratulated Tuan on his exam result *Concentrate on something : It’s very noisy here, I can’t concentrate on my study *Apologize + for + V.ing-I apologize for missing your birthday -Jack apologized for coming to the meeting late.-Tommy needs to apologize for breaking Mr Kim’s window *Apologize + for + noun -I apologize for the miscommunication./ Jack apologized for his mistake./Tommy needs to apologize for the accident *Be + sorry + for + V.ing-I am sorry for missing your birthday./ Jack said he was sorry for coming to the meeting late -Tommy told Mr Kim that he is sorry for breaking the window - Jack said he is sorry for his mistake./ Tommy told Mr Kim that he is sorry for the accident *Had no sooer + PP + than + S + simple past = Had hardly / scarcely / barely + PP + when + S + simple past - He had no sooner left than his son played computer games = He had hardly left when his son played computer games *Be on the point of doing something : I was on the point of going home, he arrived *It takes / took + O +time + to-inf = S + spend / spent + time + V-ing -It took him about minutes to go to school by bike = He spent minutes going to school by bike *Let someone something = allow someone to something - He lets his children play games on Sundays = He allows his children to play games on Sundays *Play an important part / role : Music plays an important role in our modern life *Pay attention to : He didn’t pay any attention to what the teacher said during the lesson *Prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing (Thích gì/ làm gì/ làm gì) = Would rather ('d rather) + V (inf) + than + V (inf ): (thích làm làm gì) - He prefers playing sports to reading books in his free time = He would like play sports than read books in his free time -She prefers staying at home to going out= She’d rather stay at home than go out *Prefer Someone ( not ) to something = Would rather Someone + V( simple past ) : Thích, muốn làm -I’prefer you (not) to smoke here = I’d rather you (not) smoked here * Enjoy / like = be interested in / keen on / fond of + Noun / V-ing - He enjoys playing soccers in his spare time = He is fond of playing soccers in his spare time *Can’t stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing: Không chịu nỗi/không nhịn làm - She can't stand laughing at her little dog / We can help suffering from that noise *Had better ( not ) + inf = Should ( not ) + inf : - You should study harder = You had better sudy harder = If I were you, I would study harder - You had better go to see the doctor *Have / get someone something = Have / get + something + PP -He had a mechanic repair his car yesterday = He had his car repaired by a mechnic yesterday *Be/get tired of + N/V-ing = Be bored with N/V-ing : mệt mỏi / Chán làm gì: -My mother was tired of doing too much housework everyday -We are bored with doing the same things everyday *Be good / bad at + N/ V-ing: giỏi / : I am good at swimming./ He is very bad at English *Hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing: I always practise speaking English everyday *Lend someone something = Borrow something from someone - Lan lent me her book = I borrowed a book from Lan / She borrowed this book from the liblary./ Can you lend me some money? *Look forward to V-ing = expect to +inf : ( Mong chờ, mong đợi làm ) -We are looking forward to going on holiday.-I look forward to seeing you / hearing from you *It’s not neccessary for someone to something = S + don’t need to something - It is not necessary for you to this exercise today = You don’t need to this exercise today * Plan / intend to something = Be going to something - He intneds to buy a new car = He is going to buy a new car *Someone need to something : I need to buy a new bike *Something need to be + PP / V-ing : My bike needs to be painted / painting *Remember to something : Remember to turn off all the switches when leaving / Remember to your homework *Remember doing something : I remember meeting him *Be busy with something / doing something : We are busy preparing for our exam / I’m busy with my homework *Give up + V-ing/ N: từ bỏ làm gì/ :You should give up smoking as soon as possible *It is ( very ) kind of smb to smt ( Ai thật tốt bụng / tử tế làm gì)It is very kind of you to help me *To find it + tính từ + to smt: We find it difficult to learn English.( Chúng thấy học tiếng Anh khó ) *To spend + time / money + on something :( Dành thời gian / tiền bạc vào doing smt làm ) -We should spend a lot of time on practising English *To be/get Used to + Noun / V-ing: (quen làm gì) : My father is used to getting up early *Used to + V (infinitive): -I used to play marbles when I was young *S + V + too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to something: (quá làm ) -This structure is too easy for you to remember./ He ran too fast for me to follow *S + V + so + adj/ adv + that + S + V: (quá mà ) -This box is so heavy that I cannot take it./ He speaks so soft that we can’t hear anything *It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S + V: (quá mà ) -It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it./ It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all *S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to something : (Đủ cho làm ) -She is beautiful and intelligent enough to become Miss World To be able to smt = To be capable of + V_ing ( Có khả làm ) -I’m able to speak English = I am capable of speaking English.( Tôi nói tiếng Anh ) *Be out of something = run out of something : He was out of money *Have a good relationship with someone = get on well with someon: He has good relationship with his neighbors To suggest that smb ( should ) smt ( Gợi ý làm ): I suggested she ( should ) buy this house To suggest doing smt ( Gợi ý làm ): I suggested going for a walk Try to ( Cố làm ): We tried to learn hard.( Chúng cố học chăm ) Try doing smt ( Thử làm ): We tried cooking this food.( Chúng thử nấu ăn ) To provide smb with something ( Cung cấp cho ) -Can you provide us with some books in history? ( Bạn cung cấp cho số sách lịch sử không?) *Have a difficulty / trouble ( in ) + V-ing : He had a difficulty in learning English Be opposed to V-ing: không đồng thuận với/ chống lại = Object to Noun / V-ing: không thích phản đối làm -Many local people object to the building of the new airport Affect badly = have bad effect on : Smoking affcts our health badly = Smoking has bad effect on our heath *Make an / no attempt / effort to-inf : He made an attempt to break record *Be high in ( contain a lot of ) : This drink is high in sugar *Be about to: Be intending to sth in a very short time -Could you call me back later ? I’m about to have lunch *Be on the point of doing something = Be just about to: I was on the point of going home, he arrived *Be likely to-inf = probably : That program is likely to attract a lot of people *Give someone encouragement : My teacher gave me a lot of encouragement *Take a risk / chance +V-ing : He took a risk investing all his money in a new company *There’s no harm in +V-ing :There’s no harm in asking her to lend you money I’m sure she won’t get angry *Be bound to-inf = certainly : He was bound to be late because he didn’t leave soon *Be just about to: Be intending to sth mostly immediately-Don’t tell me again, I’m just about it *Be due to + inf :Talk about future arrangements that are expected to happen at a specific time -The bus is due to leave at 8:15 a.m, according to the timetable *In time to-inf : Set off late but he arrived in time to catch the train *In time for : I must get home in time for lunch *Put presure on ( try to force someone to something : He is putting presure on her at work *Be aware of : They are aware of the benefits of taking physical exercises *Have an argument with someone about +noun / V-ing : We had an argument with them about environment *Blame: accuse someone of being responsible for something: I didn’t balme you for doing it *Be to blame for something : be responsible for something bad:They say she was to blame for the accident *Get the blame for + noun / V-ing : Be accuse of doing something bad : I didn’t break the window but I got the blame *Make a criticism of : She made a criticism of my behavior at the party *Have a discussion with someone about something :I had a long discussion with them about the situation at work *Give someone an explanation for He gave me an explanation for arriving late ( his late arrival ) *Make someone a promise : She made me a promise to pay him back *Object to something / V-ing : He objected to my plans *Have an/no objection to something/V-ing:Do you have an objection to my plan?/I have no objection to waiting a bit longer *Make an appointment with someone : I’d like to make an appointment with the manager, please *Take into consideration / account (Think about before making a decision ):Have you taken into consideration / account how much this is likely to cost you ? *Be in mood for something / to-inf : ( feeling that you would like something / to something ) -I’m in mood for some fun / She wasn’t in mood to dance *Have a desire for something / to-inf ( the feeling of wanting something ): I had a strong desire for chocolate / to eat some chocolate *Do someone a favour : Could you me a favour ? I need to borrow some money *On behalf of = represent : You have to sign this form on behalf of your family *A large / small number of plural noun :She tends to make a large number of phone calls / I live in a small village with a small number of shops *A large / small amount of uncountable noun : I try to save a small amount of money every month *A great deal of uncountable noun = a lot of : I feel a great deal of anger about it *The minority of uncountable noun / plural noun / singular noun : -You’ve eaten the minority of bread / He thinks that minority of jobs are boring / He eats minority of his meal at home *Approve of someone / something -Lan’s parents disapprove of her and Tuan being together = Lan’s parents don’t approve of her being with Tuan *Be convinced something = believe in something -He is not convinced that there is life on other planets = He doesn’t believe in the existence of life on other planets *Be in favour of : -Lan’s parents are not in favour of her marriage = Lan’s parents are opposed to her marriage * Find it + Adj + to-inf = Have difficuly / trouble in +V-ing * Be able to + inf = Be capaple of - They say he is able to swim across this river = He is said to be capaple of swimming across this river -I find it difficult to learn English = I have difficulty in learning English *be accustomed to = Be / get used to ; *Be / get / keep in touch ( contact ) with someone : Did you manage to keep in touch with Lan ? *Have difficulty in = have trouble with ( He has difficulty in learning English = He has trouble with learning English ) *Make progress in You can make progress in your English by practising it every day *Get / be fed up with = Get / be tired of ( I get fed up with living in the city ) The number of students People / tourists There was a rise / an increase a fall / decrease in my school in this region in the number of rose / increased /went up fell / decreased / went down / dropped students People / tourists Do research: thực khảo sát, tìm kiếm = make an investigation Do business: chấp nhận hợp đồng liên quan đến kinh tế Do shopping: Đi mua sắm (shopping) Do an exercise: tập thể dục, rèn luyện thân thể Do a favour: sẵn sàng giúp Do homework/housework: làm tập nhà/việc vặt gia đình Make a investment: đầu tư Make a suggestion: đồng ý Make a fuss: làm ồn Make a mess: làm lộn xộn hết Make a stop: nghỉ ngơi, dừng chân Make progress: tiến make a mistake: phạm sai lầm Make a break: Trốn thoát Make an appointment: Hẹn 1.Say cheese! Cười lên ! (Khi chụp hình) 2.Be good ! Ngoan nhá! (Nói với trẻ con) 3,Bottom up! 100% nào! (Khi…đối ẩm) 4.Me? Not likely! Tao hả? Không đời nào! 5.Scratch one’s head: Nghĩ muốn nát óc 6.Take it or leave it! Chịu lấy, không chịu thôi! 7.Hell with haggling! Thây kệ nó! 8.Mark my words! Nhớ lời tao đó! 9.Bored to death! Chán chết! dramatically gradually/ considerably in my school / this region last year 10.What a relief! Đỡ quá! 11.Enjoy your meal! Ăn ngon miệng nhá! 12.It serves you right! Đáng đời mày! 13.The more, the merrier! Càng đông vui (Especially when you’re holding a party) 14.Beggars can’t be choosers! ăn mày đòi xôi gấc 15.Boys will be boys! Nó trẻ mà! 16.Good job!= well done! Làm tốt lắm! 17.Just for fun! Cho vui 18.Try your best! Cố gắng lên (câu biết) 19.Make some noise! Sôi lên nào! 20.Congratulations! Chúc mừng ! 21.Rain cats and dogs Mưa tầm tã 22.Love me love my dog Yêu em yêu đường đi, ghét em ghét tông ty họ hàng 23.Strike it Trúng 24.Alway the same Trước sau 25.Hit it off Tâm đầu ý hợp 26.Hit or miss Được hay 27.Add fuel to the fire Thêm dầu vào lửa 28.To eat well and can dress beautyfully Ăn trắng mặc trơn 29.Don’t mention it! = You’re welcome = That’s allright! = Not at all Không có chi 30.Just kidding Chỉ đùa 31.No, not a bit Không chẳng có 32.Nothing particular! Không có đặc biệt 33.After you Bạn trước 34.Have I got your word on that? Tôi có nên tin vào lời hứa anh không? 35.The same as usual! Giống 36.Almost! Gần xong 37.You ‘ll have to step on it Bạn phải 38.I’m in a hurry Tôi bận 39.What the hell is going on? Chuyện quái quỷ diễn vậy? 40.Sorry for bothering! Xin lỗi làm phiền 41.Give me a certain time! Cho thêm thời gian 42.Prorincial! Sến 43.Decourages me much! Làm nản lòng 44.It’s a kind of once-in-life! Cơ hội ngàn năm có 45.Out of sight out of might! Xa mặt cách lòng 46.The God knows! Chúa biết 47.Women love throught ears, while men love throught eyes! Con gái yêu tai, trai yêu mắt 48.Poor you/me/him/her…! tội nghiệp mày/tao/thằng đó/ 49.Go along with you Cút 50.Let me see Để xem đã/ Để suy nghĩ 51.Quên đi! (Đủ đấy!) — Forget it! (I’ve had enough!) 52.Bạn chơi có vui không? — Are you having a good time? 53.Ngồi —Scoot over 54.Bạn có hứng chưa? (Bạn cảm thấy thích chưa?) —Are you in the 55.mood? 56.Mấy bạn phải về? — What time is your curfew? 57.Chuyện tùy — It depends 58.Nếu chán, (nhà) — If it gets boring, I’ll go (home) 59.Tùy bạn —It’s up to you 60.Cái — Anything’s fine 61.Cái tốt — Either will 62.Tôi chở bạn —I’ll take you home 63.Bạn thấy việc có không? — How does that sound to you? 64.Dạo việc tốt hả? — Are you doing okay? 65.Làm ơn chờ máy (điện thoại) — Hold on, please 66.Xin nhà — Please be home 67.Gửi lời chào anh tới bạn em — Say hello to your friends for me 68.Tiếc quá! — What a pity! 70.Quá tệ — Too bad! 71.Nhiều rủi ro quá! — It’s risky! 72.Cố gắng đi! — Go for it! 73.Vui lên đi! — Cheer up! 74.Bình tĩnh nào! — Calm down! 75.Tuyệt — Awesome 76.Kỳ quái — Weird 77.Đừng hiểu sai ý — Don’t get me wrong 78.Chuyện qua — It’s over 79.Sounds fun! Let’s give it a try! — Nghe hay đấy, ta thử (vật) 80.Nothing’s happened yet — Chả thấy xảy 81.That’s strange! — Lạ thật 82.I’m in no mood for … — Tôi không tâm trạng … đâu 83.Here comes everybody else — Mọi người tới nơi 84.What nonsense! — Thật ngớ ngẩn! 85.Suit yourself — Tuỳ bạn 86.What a thrill! — Thật li kì 87.As long as you’re here, could you … — Chừng bạn đây,phiền bạn … 88.I’m on my way home — Tội đường nhà 89.About a (third) as strong as usual — Chỉ khoảng (1/3) so với khi(nói chất lượng) 90.What on earth is this? — Cái quái này? 91.What a dope! — Thật nực cười! 92.What a miserable guy! — Thật thảm hại 93.You haven’t changed a bit! — Trông ông phong độ chán! 94.I’ll show it off to everybody — Để đem khoe với người Tội đường nhà — I”m on my way home * None of your business! — Không phải việc bạn * Don”t stick your nose into this — đừng dính mũi vào việc 99 CÂU GIAO TIẾP THÔNG DỤNG TRONG TIẾNG ANH Help yourself! - Cứ tự nhiên nhé! Absolutely! - Chắc chắn rồi! What have you been doing? - Dạo làm gì? Nothing much - Không có What's on your mind? - Bạn lo lắng (nghĩ) vậy? I was just thinking - Tôi nghĩ linh tinh I was just daydreaming - Tôi đãng trí đôi chút It's none of your business - Không phải chuyện bạn Is that so? - Vậy hả? 10 How come? - Làm vậy? 11 How's it going? - Dạo rồi? 12 Definitely! - Quá đúng! 13 Of course! - Dĩ nhiên! 14 You better believe it! - Chắc chắn mà 15 I guess so - Tôi đoán 16 There's no way to know - Làm mà biết 17 I can't say for sure - Tôi nói 18 This is too good to be true! - Chuyện khó tin quá! 19 No way! (Stop joking!) - Thôi (đừng đùa nữa) 20 I got it - Tôi hiểu 21 Right on! (Great!) - Quá đúng! 22 I did it! (I made it!) - Tôi thành công rồi! 23 Got a minute? - Có rảnh không? 24 About when? - Vào khoảng thời gian nào? 25 I won't take but a minute - Sẽ không nhiều thời gian đâu 26 Speak up! - Hãy nói lớn lên 27 Seen Melissa? - Có thấy Melissa không? 28 So we've met again, eh? - Thế ta lại gặp phải không? 29 Come here - Đến 30 Come over - Ghé chơi 31 Don't go yet - Đừng vội 32 Please go first After you - Xin nhường trước.Tôi xin sau 33 Thanks for letting me go first - Cám ơn nhường đường 34 What a relief - Thật nhẹ nhõm 35 What the hell are you doing? - Anh làm quái kia? 36 You're a life saver - Bạn cứu tinh 37 I know I can count on you - Tôi biết trông cậy vào bạn mà 38 Get your head out of your ass! - Đừng có giả vờ khờ khạo! 39 That's a lie! - Xạo quá! 40 Do as I say - Làm theo lời 41 This is the limit! - Đủ đó! 42 Explain to me why - Hãy giải thích cho 43 Ask for it! - Tự làm tự chịu đi! 44 In the nick of time - Thật lúc 45 No litter - Cấm vứt rác 46 Go for it! - Cứ liều thử 47 What a jerk! - Thật đáng ghét 48 How cute! - Ngộ ngĩnh, dễ thương quá! 49 None of your business! - Không phải việc bạn 50 Don't peep! - Đừng nhìn lén! 51 What I'm going to if - Làm 52 Stop it right a way! - Có không 53 A wise guy, eh?! - Á thằng láo 54 You'd better stop dawdling - Tốt hết mày đừng có lỏng 55 Say cheese! - Cười lên nào! (Khi chụp hình) 56 Be good! - Ngoan nha! (Nói với trẻ con) 57 Bottoms up! - 100% nào! 58 Me? Not likely! - Tôi hả? Không đời nào! 59 Scratch one’s head - Nghĩ muốn nát óc 60 Take it or leave it! - Chịu lấy, không chịu thôi! 61 Hell with haggling! - Thây kệ nó! 62 Mark my words! - Nhớ lời đó! 63 What a relief! - Đỡ quá! 64 Enjoy your meal! - Ăn ngon miệng nha! 65 It serves you right! - Đáng đời mày! 66 The more, the merrier! - Càng đông vui 67 Boys will be boys! - Nó trẻ mà! 68 Good job! / Well done! - Làm tốt lắm! 69 Just for fun! - Đùa chút 70 Try your best! - Cố gắng lên 71 Make some noise! - Sôi lên nào! 72 Congratulations! - Chúc mừng! 73 Rain cats and dogs - Mưa tầm tã 74 Love you love your dog - Yêu yêu đường đi, ghét ghét tông ty họ hàng 75 Strike it - Trúng 76 Always the same - Trước sau 77 Hit it off - Tâm đầu ý hợp 78 Hit or miss - Được hay 79 Add fuel to the fire - Thêm dầu vào lửa 80 Don't mention it! / Not at all - Không có chi 81 Just kidding (joking) - Chỉ đùa 82 No, not a bit - Không, chẳng có 83 Nothing particular! - Không có đặc biệt 84 Have I got your word on that? Tôi có nên tin vào lời hứa anh không? 85 The same as usual! - Giống 86 Almost! - Gần xong 87 You 'll have to step on it - Bạn phải 88 I'm in a hurry - Tôi vội 89 Sorry for bothering! - Xin lỗi làm phiền 90 Give me a certain time! - Cho thêm thời gian 91 Provincial! - Đồ quê mùa 92 Discourages me much! - Làm nản lòng 93 It's a kind of once-in-life! - Cơ hội ngàn năm có 94 The God knows! - Có Chúa biết 95 Poor you/me/him/her !- bạn/tôi/cậu ấy/cô thật đáng thương/tội nghiệp 96 Got a minute? - Đang rảnh chứ? 97 I’ll be shot if I know - Biết chết liền! 98 to argue hot and long - cãi dội, máu lửa 99 I’ll treat! - Chầu tao đãi! *Etc viết tắt của cụm từ et cetera, có nguồn gốc từ tiếng Latinh, đồng nghĩa với so on, and more tiếng Anh Có nghĩa tiếng Việt "vân vân" (viết tắt v.v) Ví dụ: My sister have come from supermarket with a lot of things such as milk, eggs, fruit, etc CHATROOM Bạn dân nghiền “chat”? Bạn muốn cải thiện trình độ Tiếng Anh giao tiếp thân? Bạn cảm thấy tự tin đối diện với người xứ? Học tiếng Anh qua “chatroom” phương pháp học tiếng Anh phù hợp cho bạn “Chat” với người xứ cách hiệu để luyện tập vốn tiếng Anh dùng ngữ Tin nhắn “chatroom” thường câu ngắn Đôi chúng câu hoàn chỉnh mà vài từ tiếng Anh Những từ không ngữ pháp lại cách giao tiếp đặc trưng có mẩu đối thoại ngắn gọn với bạn bè Hơn để tiết kiệm thời gian gõ phím (và tiền thuê bao Internet) người ta thường dùng ký hiệu viết tắt Vì vậy, đừng tham gia vào “chatroom” với mong muốn luyện tập vốn tiếng Anh chuẩn xác mặt ngữ pháp Đây nơi lý tưởng để bạn luyện tập tiếng Anh giao tiếp hàng ngày với bạn bè kết bạn với người xứ cảm thấy tự tin phải tiếp xúc với người nước Không tham gia vào “chatroom” bạn cải thiện kỹ đánh máy nhanh nữa! Có cách viết tắt hay xuất “chatroom”: + Dùng chữ từ: Ví dụ: Chữ “c” đồng âm với “sea/ see” nên cu = see you: Hẹn gặp lại + Dùng số đếm đồng âm với từ Ví dụ: imo = in my opinion: theo ý kiến tôi, theo + Dùng chữ đồng âm với từ: Ví dụ: (four) đồng âm với “f” (eight) đồng âm với “ate” → L8 = late: muộn; W8 = wait: chờ Dưới số cách viết tắt thông dụng tiếng Anh “chatroom”: · ASAP = as soon as possible: sớm tốt · ASL = Age/ sex/ location: tuổi/ giới tính/ địa · B4 = befe: trước · 121 = One-to-one (person-to-person): đối diện, nói chuyện riêng (với chatroom) · AAMOF = as a matter of fact: thật · AKA = also known as: biết · AFK = away from keyboard: rời bàn phím · B4N = bye f now: tạm biệt · BBL = be back later: quay lại sau, đề cập sau · BTW = By the way: nhân thể, · CUL8ER = see you later: hẹn gặp lại · CUZ = because: · DAMHIK = don’t ask me how I know: đừng hỏi biết · ETA = estimated time of arrival: đến theo dự tính · FAQ = frequently asked questions: câu hỏi thường gặp · FYI = f your infmation: thông tin bạn · F2F = face to face: đối diện · GF = girlfriend: bạn gái · GMT = Greenwich Mean Time: chuẩn quốc tế (GMT) · HTH = hope this helps: hy vọng giúp bạn · ICBW = I could be wrong: nhầm · IDK = I don’t know: · K = okey/ OK · L8R = later: sau · JAM = just a minute: phút · J/ K = just kidding: đùa · LMK = let me know: cho biết · LOL = laugh out loud: cuời ha · M/ F = male female: nam hay nữ · MSG = message: tin nhắn · OIC = oh I see: hiểu · PLS/ PLZ = please: làm ơn · P2P = person-to-person: nói chuyện riêng với (trong chatroom) · PM = private message: tin nhắn cá nhân · Q = queue: xếp hàng · RUMF = are you male female: bạn nam hay nữ · SIL = sister-in-law: chị / em gái chồng/ vợ · SYL = see you later: hẹn gạp lại · THX = thanks: cảm ơn · TGIF = thank goodness it’s Friday: tạ ơn trời hôm thứ sáu cuối tuần · UOK = you ok: bạn có ổn không · VR = virtual reality: thật mười mươi · WDYMBT = what you mean by that: bạn nói có ý · TIA = thanks in advance: cảm ơn trước · TTYL = talk to you later: nói chuyện với bạn sau

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2016, 06:25



Mục lục


    Dưới đây là một số cách viết tắt thông dụng bằng tiếng Anh trong các “chatroom”:


