Aim: To be able to give simple written advice on a variety of topics using appropriate structures Write the following on the board: Dear Anna, I am an English teacher and I have a very difficult class who don’t like English What can I do? Invite the class to be Anna and give some advice As they suggest things, list these on the board using a variety of advice structures, for example: You should make your lessons more interesting Why don’t you sing English songs? If I were you, I’d ask the class why they don’t like English You could teach Spanish instead! Ask the head teacher to help you Good luck! Your problems… Your problems… Q Dear Anna, Every day when I go to work I see the same girl on the bus and I would like to get to know her What should I do? Paul QDear Anna, At school everyone laughs at me because I am so tall and I have no friend What can I do? Julia A A Your problems… QDear Anna, Your problems… QDear Anna, My boyfriend is a student and has no money so I always have to pay for everything It’s very expensive What should I do? Maria My boss often makes mistakes and this causes problems at work He’s the boss so it’s difficult for me to say anything What can I do? David A A