1 Match the pictures and the words a e c g f b d ironing board tablecloth window cleaner light bulb clothes horse l rubber gloves paint brush laundry basket thermometer 10 coat-stand 11 clothes peg 12 watering can i j k h Find ten household items in the word search Put the pieces together NASBINVOYETIRONLUDESPOVEFBLDHSOMVGUTLDAMO PRCAEZWNCETKARACKGODEJOTDESEYTUSLADDERDO SO TOR SC IA AS ER SL THE RS IS RAD ME UR INE CLO hang / pay / cheer / laugh / ask / catch / look / wake /YP speak / ET IN / shout SAF break / smile / grow Complete the sentences with the correct word calendar clothes peg napkin bucket bin A round metal or plastic container with a handle: _ Find the household items A small wooden or plastic thing that holds wet clothes on a line in the circle when they are drying: A thing that you put rubbish in: A list of the days, weeks and months of one year: A piece of cloth or paper that you use when are eating to clean your mouth and hands: _ Match the pictures and the words a e c d 1 g f b ironing board tablecloth window cleaner light bulb clothes horse l rubber gloves paint brush laundry basket thermometer 10 coat-stand 11 clothes peg 12 watering can h i j k Find ten household items in the word search Put the pieces together NBINEIRONEOBDHSOULAMOPCEWNKRACKGEETLADDER SCISSORS RADIATOR MEASURER CLOTHES LINE SAFETY PIN Complete the sentences with the correct word calendar clothes peg napkin bucket bin dustpan, measurer, basket, radiator, clew, clothing button, picture frame, rubber gloves, fan, key, hanger, clothes line, rack, tablecloth, needle A round metal or plastic container with a handle: bucket A small wooden or plastic thing that holds wet clothes on a line when they are drying: clothes peg A thing that you put rubbish in: bin A list of the days, weeks and months of one year: calendar A piece of cloth or paper that you use when are eating to clean your mouth and hands: napkin