There was a very good act that followed the dogs It was with a lady riding her horse The horse galloped arond the ring with her on its back This template is fom: James also loved the elephants They paraded around the tent, each holding each other's tail One of them could put his heavy foot on the trainer's face I wonder if he was afraid? People love circuses James was a boy who loved going to see the clowns, horses, elephants and especially the performing dogs They jumped thourgh hoops and were very funny ` Another great act was the lion tamer He was very brave and made the lion perform tricks such as jumping through hoops James wanted to be a lion tamer when he grrew up Near the end of the acts, there was always the excitng »human cannon ball« act A man was put into a cannon and then launched through the roof of the tent He went up high!! By Fiona Aufranc At the end of the show, the clowns came out in their car These were James's favourite performers They made him laugh and he was sad when he had to go home Next year, he'd go again That's for sure!! Which was your favourite act?