Biology Lab Report Checklist The references are to page numbers in the Fourth Edition TITLE (p 80) Descriptive and concise AUTHORS Each author’s first name is followed by his/her surname ABSTRACT (pp 79–80) Contains an introduction (background and objectives) Contains brief description of methods Contains results Contains conclusions INTRODUCTION (pp 78–79) Starts with a general introduction to the topic Contains a question or unresolved problem References support the background information Selected references are directly relevant to your study Citation format is correct Citations are paraphrased Direct quotations are not used Objectives of the study are clearly stated MATERIALS AND METHODS Contains all relevant information to enable the reader to repeat the procedure (pp 52–53) Routine procedures are not explained (p 52) Written in paragraph form (not a numbered list) and in complete sentences (pp 51–55) Written in past tense (p 51) Written in passive voice (active voice is allowed in some disciplines) (pp 51–52) Materials are not listed separately (p 53) No preview is given of how the data will be organized or interpreted (pp 54–55) © 2013 Sinauer Associates, Inc All rights reserved Permission granted to users of A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology to download and adapt this form for their own use For educational use only, not for commercial use or resale RESULTS Figures and tables are present Figure caption goes below figure; table caption goes above table (pp 61–72) Text is present Every sentence is meaningful (p 58) Reference is made to each table and figure, and the results are described in words (p 59) Figure and table titles are informative and can be understood apart from the text (pp 61–72) No explanation is given for the results (p 57) DISCUSSION (pp 76–78) Results are briefly restated Results are explained and interpreted Results are related to published work Errors and inconsistencies are pointed out Implications of the results are described REFERENCES (pp 81–94) References consist mostly of primary journal articles, not textbooks or websites Reference format is correct and complete All end references have been cited in the text All in-text citations have been included in the References section REVISION All questions from the laboratory exercise have been answered Calculations and statistics have been double-checked (p 97) Overall structure (pp 96–97) Figures and tables (pp 61–72 and 111) Sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words (pp 98–111) Word usage (pp 106–110) Grammar (pp 111–114) Spelling (p 115) Punctuation (pp 115–119) Standard abbreviations (pp 120–122) Numbers (pp 120 and 123) Format (pp 123–124)