VIP Welcome Bonus MS Text Hi, this is A.J., welcome to the Bonus Mini-Story for your first VIP Welcome lessons This is just a little extra bonus for your first VIP lesson set to say thank you for joining I’m so happy that you are now a VIP member and that you are joining me on this mission to grow more confident, to become more successful and then to share your confidence and success to help other people Let’s get started I have a little extra information about that other mini-story with Brad Pitt ***** So as you know, Brad Pitt was rich, successful and handsome, but he was unhappy But I have extra information, extra information about what happened before that story Because many years ago, before that story, Brad Pitt had actually been quite happy He had actually been quite happy He had been happy, but he wasn’t successful He had been happy, but he wasn’t so handsome He had been happy, but he was poor So before that story happened, Brad Pitt had been quite happy for a while in his life when he was a child And continuing up until about the year 2000, Brad Pitt had been very, very happy Now who had been very, very happy? Brad Pitt, of course Brad Pitt had been very, very happy before that story And what about Tomoe? Had she been happy before that original story? Sure Now Tomoe had been happy before that story and she was happy during that story and she’s still happy now So Tomoe had always been happy and she has always been happy, all her life But Brad Pitt, that’s not the case Brad Pitt had been happy then he became unhappy and then finally at the end of the original story he became happy again Now what about Brad Pitt’s dog? Hum… What is the name of Brad Pitt’s dog? Well, the name of Brad Pitt’s dog is George George is Brad Pitt’s dog Now today George is very, very happy He’s a very, very, super happy dog And during the original story, starting around the year 2000, Brad Pitt’s dog was a very, very happy dog, but here’s some interesting information Before that story George, Brad Pitt’s dog, had been extremely unhappy Why? Why had he been so unhappy before that story started? Well, he had been so unhappy because for years he had loved Brad Pitt, he had loved Brad Pitt, but he had never met Brad Pitt You see, George was a homeless dog before he met Brad Pitt Poor George Had George been happy before he met Brad Pitt? No, he hadn’t He had not been happy before he met Brad Pitt Now, was he happy after he met Brad Pitt and after he became Brad Pitt’s dog? Oh, yes, of course After he met Brad Pitt, after he became Brad Pitt’s dog oh, he was so, so happy and he’s still happy now, but he had been very, very unhappy before he met Brad Pitt Why had he been so unhappy? Two reasons: one, because he had been homeless before he met Brad Pitt and, number two, he had loved Brad Pitt for many years He had wanted to meet Brad Pitt He had wanted to become Brad Pitt’s dog, but he had never been able to meet Brad Pitt in the past, in the far past Until one day in the year 2000 George finally got his chance George went to a movie premiere the first showing of a movie with Brad Pitt And he saw Brad Pitt coming from a limousine into the movie theatre and he jumped out and he jumped on Brad Pitt and he said, “Brad, I love you! Please let me be your doggie! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” Now on that day was George a happy, happy dog? Oh, yes On that day, in the year 2000, at the movie premiere, George became a super happy dog Now what did George say to Brad Pitt? He said, “I love you Please let me be your dog! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” What did Brad Pitt say? Brad Pitt said, “Well, of course, you can be my dog.” And he kissed George on the head (Smack!) Who did Brad Pitt kiss on the head? George, George the dog Brad Pitt kissed George the dog Where did he kiss George the dog? On the head He kissed George the dog on the head Did he kiss George the dog on the mouth or did he kiss George the dog on the head? On the head, of course He kissed George the dog on the head Had he kissed George the dog before that? No, no, he had never kissed George the dog before that day That was the first time he kissed George the dog on the head Had he kissed George the dog on the mouth before that day? No, he hadn’t He had never kissed George the dog on the mouth before that day and he didn’t kiss George the dog on the mouth on that day Where did he kiss George the dog on that day? He kissed George the dog on the head on that day Now before that day had Brad Pitt kissed George the dog on the foot? No, no, he hadn’t He had not, never kissed George the dog on the foot before that day He had never kissed George the dog at all before that day Brad Pitt had never kissed George the dog before that day, but on that day, in the year 2000, what did Brad Pitt do? Kissed George the dog on the head Now before that day had George ever spoken to Brad Pitt before? No, he hadn’t He had never spoken to Brad Pitt before that day Had he ever seen Brad Pitt in person before that day? No, he hadn’t He had never seen Brad Pitt in person before that day Now before that day, of course, he had seen pictures of Brad Pitt, but he had never met Brad Pitt before that day in 2000 Who had never met Brad Pitt before that day? George, of course George had never met Brad Pitt before that day in 2000 Now what happened on that day in the year 2000? Well, George finally met Brad Pitt What did he do? He jumped on Brad Pitt And then what did he do? He said to Brad Pitt, “I love you! Please let me be your dog! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” And what did Brad Pitt say? Brad Pitt said, “Okay, yes, you can be my dog.” Had Brad Pitt met George the dog before that day or was that the first time they met? Well, that day was the first time they met It was the first time George and Brad Pitt met Had they met in the year 1995? No, they hadn’t Had they met in the year 1999? No, they hadn’t They had not When did George and Brad Pitt meet for the first time? In the year 2000 In the year 2000 they met for the first time And where did they meet for the first time? Well, they met at a movie theatre at a movie premiere And who met for the first time at a movie theatre at a movie premiere in the year 2000? Who? Brad Pitt and George the dog Had they met at a movie premiere before that time? No, they hadn’t They had not They had never met before that day Had they met 10 years ago? No, they hadn’t Had they met five years before that day? No, they hadn’t When did they meet finally? Well, they finally met in the year 2000 at a movie premiere and Brad Pitt said to George the dog, “Yes, you can be my dog.” How did George the dog feel? Oh, he felt wonderful He was so happy He started to shake, he wagged his tail, haha-ha, he was so, so happy When was he so, so happy? In the year 2000 on that day Has he been happy since that day until recently, until now? Yes, he has He has been very, very happy every single day since the year 2000 Who has been happy every single day since the year 2000? Well, George the dog, of course And why has he been happy since that year? Well, he has been happy every day since that year, because he became Brad Pitt’s dog at that time Now, had he been super happy before that day? No, no he hadn’t He had not been happy before that day Was he happy on that day when he first met Brad Pitt? Yes, he was, of course He was very, very happy on that day, because he finally met Brad Pitt And has he been happy since that day until now? Yes, he has He has been very, very happy since that day until now, because now and because since that day he has been Brad Pitt’s dog Does he love Brad Pitt? Oh, yes, he loves Brad Pitt See even the teachers make pronunciation mistakes sometimes, okay So has he been happy since that day? Yes, he has Has he always been happy? No, George has not always been happy Before he met Brad Pitt he had not been happy The day he met Brad Pitt he was happy and since he met Brad Pitt he has been very, very happy Is he happy now, today? Yes, he is, of course Now he is still very, very, very happy He’s a super, super happy dog ***** So, that is the end of our Bonus Mini-Story lesson You can see we are playing with grammar a little bit Do not think about grammar rules All you need to is listen to the story and understand the meaning and also focus on those phrases that I give you, the time phrases For example, since 2000, in the year 2000, before that day, before the year 2000, now, right? Those time phrases, those time words Plus, the changes in the vocabulary, the changes in the verbs, will help you understand the grammar intuitively, subconsciously, effortlessly, easily So just understand the meaning, just answer the questions You can pause if you need to If it’s too fast just pause and shout your answers and listen, listen, listen and understand You can read the text if that helps you If you don’t need the text then just listen that’s probably better In this way you will learn the grammar naturally, intuitively, subconsciously, automatically and effortlessly Do not think about the rules, just understand and listen to the story every day One more thing, remember, confidence is so important When you listen to this story, when you listen to anything from me, when you listen to any English, always have your shoulders back and always have your chin and your head up, always be smiling a big, stupid smile on your face, feeling happy When you answer the questions shout your answers and use your body, your whole body when you answer Move your body when you answer Say yes, no, he was happy, I don’t know Okay? Whatever you answer it’s okay, but use strong energy, strong confidence, and strong voice Keep your head up, your chin up and a big smile This is so important This is the fuel This is the gasoline for the Effortless English motor You have to give that emotional gasoline, that emotional fuel Okay So remember, listen to this mini-story every day, listen to the original mini-story every day, listen to the point of view stories every day, listen to the commentary every day and, if you can, watch that video lesson every day And just as important…just as importantly…be sure to use the leadership skills you’re learning Practice gratitude and appreciation, practice contribution, so, so important Together we will help other people Together we will help so many other people I’ll see you again Enjoy the lessons and thank you for being a VIP member You are a special member of the Effortless English Club You are now a leader of the Effortless English Club Thank you See you again, bye-bye