You Are The Course Book Discussion Questions – Sample Question Sets Sample Question Set 1: What is your favourite / least favourite…? Why? What are the advantages / disadvantages of…? Describe… / Imagine I’m an alien who knows nothing about life on Earth Describe something / Describe an everyday activity in detail, e.g brushing your teeth or tying your shoelaces Have you ever…? (experience) How would you feel if…? Will it ever be possible to / that…? Tell me more If no, why not? How many different ways can you think of to…? Can you… (ability)? When did you first…? How did you start…? Why you…? Sample Question Set 2: Do you believe that it is right to / that…? (ethical issue) Why? / Why not? Rank (e.g 10 things)… in order of preference / importance / etc Describe a typical day for… When did you last…? (experience) Why… What… How… When…? etc What would life be like without…? Could you live (in a world) without…? How would life be different if…? What would you do… if you no longer had…? / …if there were no more…? What five words come to mind when you hear the word x? Tell me more Tell me about a time when… Invent your own… (e.g sport, car, clothes, dessert, TV channel, etc.) Consider the following elements… You Are The Course Book – Lesson Plans 111