English Banana.com Test Your Research Skills Fears and Phobias What are you most afraid of? Use a library or the Internet to find out the official names of these fears and phobias Write your answers below: fear of flying _ fear of books _ fear of hospitals _ fear of snakes _ fear of fire _ fear of animals _ fear of mice _ fear of vegetables _ fear of spiders _ 10 fear of failure _ 11 fear of going to the doctor’s _ 12 fear of kissing _ 13 fear of bald people _ 14 fear of change _ 15 fear of the sea _ For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge English Banana.com Test Your Research Skills Fears and Phobias Answers: fear of flying Aviatophobia fear of books Bibliophobia fear of hospitals Nosocomephobia fear of snakes Ophidiophobia fear of fire Pyrophobia fear of animals Zoophobia fear of mice Murophobia fear of vegetables Lachanophobia fear of spiders Arachnophobia 10 fear of failure Alchyiphobia 11 fear of going to the doctor’s Iatrophobia 12 fear of kissing Philemophobia 13 fear of bald people Peladophobia 14 fear of change Tropophobia 15 fear of the sea Thalassophobia For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge