Work individually or work together and discuss in pairs Choose the correct adjective/ adverb for the facial expressions below There can be more than one correct answer Can you come up with suggestions of your own? a) happy b) optimistic c) confident a) resigned b) depressed c) baffled a) scared b) uncomfortable c) troubled a) discontented b) grumpy c) frustrated a) jealous b) bored c) arrogant a) cocky b) gloomy c) amazed a) serious b) contented c) disgruntled a) envious b) excited c) annoyed a) joyful b) contagious c) dreary a) flirty b) infatuated c) insolent a) happy b) blissful c) satisfied a) bossy b) lonely c) disgruntled a) mad b) angry c) furious a) shocked b) surprised c) scared a) exhausted b) hysterical c) sad a) hypnotized b) baffled c) shocked a) in love b) hysterical c) tired a) sleepy b) depressed c) surprised a) interested b) frustrated c) contented a) pleased b) curious c) blissful