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LESSON : TAG QUESTIONS I Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence: We should call Rita, _? A should we B shouldn't we C shall we D should not we Monkeys can't sing, ? A can they B can’t they C can it D can't it These books aren't yours, ? A are these B aren't these C are they D aren’t they Your baby is very lovely, ? A is he B isn’t he C is it D isn’t it No one died in the accident, _? (British English) A didn’t they B did he C didn't he D did they? I'm right, _? A aren't I B amn't I C isn't I D not I am They never came to class late, and _ A neither did we B so did we C we did either D neither we did You have a ticket to the game, _? A have you B don’t you C haven’t you D you They are studying pronunciation with Mr Brown, _? A are they B aren’t they C they D don’t they 10 She should have obeyed her parents, _ she? A should B should have C shouldn't have D shouldn't 11 Everybody likes beauty, _? A doesn’t he B they C don’t they D does he 12 The air-hostess knows the time she has been here, _ A does she B isn’t it C doesn’t she D did she' 13 This is the second time she has been here, _? A has she B hasn't she C isn’t this D isn't it 14 They must as they are told, _ A mustn’t they B must they C are they D aren’t they 15 He hardly has anything nowadays, _? A has he B doesn’t he C does she D hasn't she 16 You’ve never been in Italy, _? A have you B haven’t you C been you D had you 17 Tom knows Alice, _? A doesn’t he B is he C does he D isn’t he 18 Come into the kitchen, _? A you B will you C won’t you D B and C 19 Peter never comes to class late, ? A doesn’t he B doesn’t Peter C does he D does Peter 20 I’m going to see my grandparents in HCM City next week, _? A aren’t I B am I not C are you D A and B C Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting It has been a long time since we talked to John, isn’t it? A B C D There’s a new Orient restaurant in town, isn’t it? A B C D They hardly never go to the beach because of their sickness, they? A B C D Nobody had bothered to plant new ones, they? A B C D You won’t be leaving for another hour, won’t you? A B C D They enjoy watching soccer on television, they? A B C D David and Peter love football but their classmates don’t, they? A B C D I’ll help you with your homework, shan’t I? A B C D There are ten children playing in the yard near her house, aren’t they? A B C D 10 Smoking isn’t good for our health, so it should be banned, is he? A B C D LESSON 18 : INVERSION I Inversion after negative adverbials: 1, Never, Rarely, Seldom Ex: Never have I heard a weaker excuse! Rarely can a minister have been faced with such a problem 2, Hardly/Scarcely when No sooner than Ex: Hardly had he raised the alarm when the fire engine arrived No sooner had she told him her address than she regretted it 3, Phrase containing ‘no’, ‘not’: on no account, under no circumstances at no time, in no way, in vain, on no condition, not until, not only (but also) Ex: In vain did they try to persuade him On no condition are they to open the fire without a warning Not until I got home did I notice that I had the wrong umbrella II Inversion after ‘so’/ ‘such’ with ‘that’: 1, So + Adjective Ex: So devastating were the floods that some areas may never recover So little did he know about her that he was not even sure of her name PNote: So little/few/many/much 2, Such + Be + Noun: => so much/ so great Ex: Such was my annoyance that I tore up the letter Such was the force of the storm that trees were uprooted III Inverted conditional sentences without ‘if’: Three types of If- sentence can be inverted without ‘If’ This makes the sentences more formal and makes the event less likely Ex: If they were to escape, there would be an outcry => Were they to escape, there would be an outcry If the police had found out, I would have been in trouble => Were the police to have found out, I would have been in trouble If you should hear anything, please let me know => Should you hear anything, please let me know If he has cheated, he will have to be punished => Should he have cheated, he will have to be punished If I had known, I would have protested strongly => Had I known, I would have protested strongly IV Other structures: 1,Inversion after ‘as’ Ex: They live in Hollywood, as most other stars We were short of money, as were most people in our neighborhood 2,‘Only’, ‘Only when/if’, ‘Only then’: Ex: Only after posting the letter did I remember that I had forgotten to put on a stamp PNote: When ‘only’ refers to ‘the state of being the only one’, there is no inversion following it Ex: Only Mary realized that the door hadn’t been closed 3, Inversion after ‘neither’, ‘nor’, ‘so’: Ex: Neither I Nor is he So are you 4, Inversion after ‘Little’: Ex: Little does the government appreciate what the results will be 5, ‘Here’, ‘There’ Ex: Here are the answers There goes the bus Here comes the taxi 6, Adverbial expressions of place: Ex: Up jumped the cat In the corner sat a large pig PNote: If the subject is pronoun, inversion does not take place: Ex: Here you are! Down it jumped Round the corner she ran EXERCISE Rewrite the sentences , beginning with the underlined words She rarely smile at me =>……………………………………………………… I hadn’t known her until he told me =>……………………………………………………… You will hardly finishyour work before it’s dark =>……………………………………………………… You can buy this book only in this shop =>……………………………………………………… 5.My teacher is no longer teaching in this school =>……………………………………………………… She has never seensuch a beautiful sight =>……………………………………………………… This rich man seldom helps the poor =>……………………………………………………… People did not discover AIDS until 1981 =>……………………………………………………… Martin had no sooner sat down than the telephone rang =>……………………………………………………… 10 The lost child could be found nowhere =>……………………………………………………… 11 He not only refused to help me but he also laughed at me =>……………………………………………………… 12 She has made good progress only within two months =>……………………………………………………… 13 It is hot enough to sit outside only in summer =>……………………………………………………… 14 If Germany were to beat Romania, they would face Italy in the final =>……………………………………………………… 15 If we hear any further news, we will be in touch immediately =>……………………………………………………… 16 He had hardly entered the house when the police arrested him =>……………………………………………………… 17 The child was so afraid that he hid behind the sofa =>……………………………………………………… 18 It was such an appalling sight that we reeled back in horror =>So………………………………………………………… 19 He was so disgusted at her behaviour that he severed all contact with her =>So……………………………………………………… =>Such……………………………………………………… 20 People were so furious that he threw the book across the room =>So……………………………………………………… =>Such……………………………………………………… LESSON 19: USUAL SENTENCE PATTERNS (Các Mẫu Câu Thông Dụng ) CLAUSES AFTER AS IF, AS THOUGH, IT’S HIGH… (Mệnh đề sau AS IF, AS THOUGH, IT’S HIGH…) 1A AS IF SUBJECT + V ( Present ) + Past subjunctive ) + S + V2 ( Past simple / AS THOUGH Ex : The old lady dresses as if it was/were winter even in the summer (But it is not winter.) He acts as though he was/ were rich (But he is not rich) 1B AS IF SUBJECT + V ( PAST ) + S + V ( Past Perfect ) AS THOUGH ( hành động xảy trước hành động mệnh đề chính) Ex : She didn’t win the grand prize => She talked about the contest as if she had won the grand prize Ex : He didn’t see a ghost => He looked as though he had seen a ghost IT IS HIGH TIME ( Đã đến lúc ) 2A IT IS HIGH TIME + TO + V IT IS HIGH TIME + FOR SOMEONE + TO + V Ex : It is high time to go EX : It is high time for them to clean the office 2B IT IS HIGH TIME + S + V2 ( PAST SUBJUNCTIVE ) Ex : We should something about it now It is high time we did something about it now WOULD RATHER 3A Mong muốn tương lai S + WOULD RATHER THAT ( Mong muốn ) + S2 + V2 / ED / WERE Ex: I would rather you went home now 3B Mong muốn khứ S + WOULD RATHER THAT ( Mong muốn ) + S2 + had + V3 (past perfect) Ex: He would rather we hadn’t left yesterday (We left yesterday) 3C S + WOULD RATHER (NOT) + V (bare-inf)………(THAN)… (tương lai tại) 3D S + WOULD RATHER (NOT) + have V3…… (THAN)…… (quá khứ) Ex: I would rather stay at home tonight John would rather go to class tomorrow than today John would rather have gone to class yesterday than today Mary would rather not have gone to class yesterday PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE ( Thì tai giả định) (Vo): Có hình thức giống nguyên thể động từ Thì giả định dùng mệnh đề bắt đầu That S + V + THAT + S + [ V (in simple form) ] ORDER, COMMAND (ra lệnh) , REQUEST, ASK (yêu cầu) , DEMAND, REQUIRE ( đòi hỏi ), PROPOSE , SUGGEST(đề nghị) , INSIT ( khăng khăng), URGE (hối thúc) Ex : He demanded that he be allowed to meet his lawyer Ex : The doctor suggested that his patient ( should ) stop smoking Ex : The child urges that his father take him to the zoo AFTER THE EXPRESSIONS ( Sau thành ngữ ) IT + BE ( Any tense ) + ADJECTIVE + THAT + SUBJECT + VERB – IN SMPLE FORM It is necessary It is essential It is imperative (cấp bách) + That + S + [ V (in simple form) ] It is important It is advisible (thích hợp) It is urgent (khẩn cấp) Ex : It is necessay that your mother follow the doctor’advice Ex : It is advisible that you be careful in the laboratory S + BE + NOT USED TO + V – ING / NOUN THIS IS THE FIRST TIME + S + HAVE + V3 Ex : This is the first time my daughter has eaten European food => My daughter is not used to eating European food S + BE + USED TO + V – ING / NOUN S + OFTEN / USUALLY + V Ex : My French friend finds driving on the left difficult => My French friend isn’t used to driving on the left Ex : I often get up early => I am used to getting up early S + PREFER + V-ING + TO + V-ING +V + THAN + V Sth + TO + Sth S + WOULD RATHER S + LIKE ……BETTER THAN…… Ex : She prefers staying at home to going to market => She would rather stay at home than go to market Ex : They prefer coffee to tea => They like coffee better than tea a LET’S + V b IN MY OPINION THAT c S + ADVISE SUBJUNCTIVE (Vo) d WHY DON’T YOU DO SOMETHING S + SUGGEST + + S + PRESENT Ex : “ Let’s go for a walk in the park, ” said Ann => Ann suggested that we should go for a picnic in the park Ex : “ Why doesn’t Tom buy this picture as a wedding present ” said Mary => Mary suggested that Tom buy this picture as a wedding present 10 Immediately No sooner + had + S + V3 + than + S + past tense The moment Just after As soon As Hardly + had + S + V3 + when + S + V2 Ex : Immediately after his appointment to the post , the new editor fell ill => No sooner had he appointed the post, the new editor fell ill Ex : Just after solving the problem, I was faced with another => Hardly had I solved the problem, I was faced with another Ex : She was wrong to think that her husband didn’t love her => Contrary to what she think, her husband didn’t love her 10 IT + BE + NOT UNTIL … THAT - CLAUSE ( … ) NOT UNTIL … + Clause ( đảo ngữ) Ex : He didn’t become a doctor until 1990 =>It was not until 1990 that he became a doctor (Not until 1990 did he become a doctor.) Ex: She won’t get married until 2008 => It is not until 2008 she will get married (Not until 2008 will she get married) 11 S + V + NOT ONLY + NOUN + BUT ALSO + NOUN ADJECTIVE ADJECTIVE ADVERB ADVERB PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE PRE.P PHRASE … mà 0r S + NOT ONLY + VERB + BUT ALSO ( BUT … AS WELL ) + VERB Ex : Robert is not only talented but also handsome Ex : Beth plays not only the guitar but also the violin Ex : Joln not only plays the piano but also composes music Ex : She is not only beatiful but also kind She is not only beatiful but kind as well

Ngày đăng: 26/08/2016, 06:17



