Choose the correct answer a)a)Take Takeaabath bath b) Have b) Haveaashower shower c)c)Do the wash Do the wash Wash Washup up b) b)Clean Cleandishes dishes c)c)Do the washing Do the washingup up Play Play Teach Teach Work Work Swim Swim Dive Dive Sink Sink Clear Clear Tidy Tidy Wash Wash a)Do a)Dothe thehomework homework b)Do b)Dothe thehousework housework cc ) )Vacuum/ Vacuum/hoover hoover Speak Speak Write Write Read Read a)Go a)Goshopping shopping B) Do B) Dothe theshops shops c)Do the c)Do theshopping shopping Cut Cut Eat Eat Manger Manger Drink Drink Deal Deal Drive Drive a)a)Play Playmusic music b) Listen b) Listento tomusic music c)c)Hear Hearmusic music a)a)Ride Rideaacycle cycle b) Cycle b) Cycle c)c)Ride Rideaabike bike Get Getup up Wake Wakeup up Sleep Sleep a)a)Do Dothe thewashing washingup up b) Do the washing b) Do the washing c)c)Wash Washdishes dishes a)a)Run Runaadog dog b) Feed a b) Feed adog dog c)c)Walk Walkaadog dog Cook Cook Cake Cake Crook Crook Sit Sit Lay Lay Stand Stand Kiss Kiss Hug Hug Argue Argue a)a)Do Do(a(abasket) basket) b) b)Fill Fill(a(abasket) basket) c)c)Make a Make abasket basket Wear Wear Carry Carry Bear Bear a)a)Brush Brushteeth teeth b) b)Clean Cleantooth tooth c)c)Toothbrush Toothbrush Work Work Think Think Play Play Write Write Draw Draw Paint Paint Ride Rideaacar car b) b)Drive Driveaacar car c)c)Lead a car Lead a car a)a)Look Lookat atTV TV b) b)Watch WatchTV TV c)c)Watch Watchtelly telly