Enjoy your job? CClliieenntt LLiiaaiissoonn EExxeeccuuttiivveess ££1199KK LLiivviinngg ffoorr tthhee w weeeekkeenndd?? LLiiffee’’ss ttoooo sshhoorrtt ffoorr cclloocckk w waattcchhiinngg IIff yyoouu’’vvee ggoott aa lloott ooffffeerr,, w wee w waanntt ttoo hheeaarr ffrroom m yyoouu ttooddaayy B Beennssoonn M Meeddiiccaall G Grroouupp LLttdd (Extract adapted from a job advert from an international financial organisation) What kind of mistake you see? (Tick one) apostrophes articles doesn’t make sense punctuation singular / plural spelling Write your corrected version below: For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto www.englishbanana.com now!