1– VOCABULARY MATCH THE WORDS WITH THE PICTURES 1- FIRE 2- PHOTOGRAPH 3- MAGAZINE 4- CLOCK 5- PLANT 6- BIRD 7- CARPET 8- FLOWERS 9- CUSHION 11- CAGE 10- ARMCHAIR 12- COFFEE TABLE —— 14- FIRE PLACE 13- SOFA 15- CANDLE 17– LAMP 2—COMPLETE WITH THERE IS—THERE ARE - THERE ISN’T - THERE AREN’T _a clock _two armcharis _a plant _animals _three Windows _a fan _a small table _a computer _courtains 10 _a chair 3– ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PCITURE What room is it? Where are the books? What is there under the table? Is there a parrot in the room? Are there children? Is there a televisión set in the room? Are there cds on the sofá? Is there a desk in the room? Are there chairs in the room? 10 Are there toys on the floor? 16- PAINTING 4– PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE WRITE: IN - ON - BETWEEN - UNDER - NEXT TO 5- LOOK AT THE PICTURE OF THE ROOM AGAIN AND COMPLETE THE CORRECT PREPOSITION The The The The The The The flowers are……………………….the pot dog is……………… floor, ……………………….the sofá and the armchair magazine is…………………………… the table clock is……………………………….the wall lamp is…………………………….the fireplace and the cupboard plant is ………………………………………….the sofá cat is……………………….the rug,……………………… the small table