English Banana.com Test Your Research Skills Units of Time Use a library or the internet to find the answers to the following questions: Which is faster, a nanosecond or a millisecond? Which is faster, a millisecond or a microsecond? How many milliseconds are there in a second? How many seconds are there in five minutes? How many minutes are there in a quarter of an hour? How many seconds are there in two hours? How many minutes are there in a day? How many hours are there in a day? How many hours are there in a weekend? 10 How many hours are there in one week? 11 How many minutes are there in a fortnight? 12 How many days are there in a calendar month? 13 How many days are there in a lunar month? 14 How many days are there in a standard year? 15 How many days are there in a leap year? 16 How many hours are there in a leap year? 17 How many years are there in a generation? 18 How many years are there in four decades? 19 How many years are there in a couple of centuries? 20 How many years are there in a millennium? For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto www.englishbanana.com now! 97