Talk a Lot Hospital Discussion Words patient wheelchair clinic accident visiting hours emergency appointment ward x-ray surgeon hospital pain broken arm anaesthetic diagnosis blood test nurse consultant drip trolley porter maternity outpatient syringe illness A&E mortuary doctor waiting list injury NHS heart attack ambulance crutch midwife operation corridor stethoscope medical student psychiatrist For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! 17 of 37 Talk a Lot Hospital Discussion Words (with the IPA) = = = = LDộẫfKpồớL= LDùf]ọKớpẫ]L= LDõọfKồfõL= LDụõKởfKầ]ồớL= = = = = LDợfũKfKớfẽK~r]ũL= LfDóWKầw]ồKởỏL= L]DộlfóKó]ồớL= LùlWầL= = = = = LDẫõởKờẫfL= LDởWKầw]ồL= LDĩflKởộfKớ]ọL= LộẫfồL= = = = = Lờ]rKõ]Dồ^WóL= LụồK]ởDqẫKớfõL= Lầ~fK]õDồ]rKởfởL= LDọắ\KớẫởớL= = = = = LồWởL= Lõ]ồDởắọKớồớL= LầờfộL= LDớờflKọỏL= = = = = LDộlWKớ]L= Ló]DớWKồ]KớỏL= LD~r\KộẫfKpồớL= Lở]DờfồầwL= = = = = LDfọKồ]ởL= LẫfK]DồỏL= LDólWKớp]KờỏL= LDầflõKớ]L= = = = = LDùẫfKớfẽKọfởớL= LDfồKầw]KờỏL= LẫồKẫfDớpẫởL= LDĩ^WớK]KớụõL= = = = = LDụóK]Kọ]ồớởL= LõờắớpL= = = LDõflKờfKầlWL= LDởớẫqK]Kởõ]rộL= LDófầKù~fẹL= LflộK]DờẫfKpồL= = = LDóẫKầfKõọKởớỡWKầồớL= Lở~fDõ~fK]KớờfởớL= For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! 18 of 37 Talk a Lot Hospital Discussion Words Visualisations Images reproduced by kind permission of: 19 of 37