English Banana.com Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills IPA Test Write the name of your country using the IPA: _ Write two words in English that contain the same vowel sound: a) LWL b) L^WL _ _ Write two words in English that contain the same diphthong: a) LlfL b) Lr]L _ _ Write two words in English that contain the same consonant sound: a) LwL b) LL _ _ Translate the following sentences into English: a) LùỏW=ệflớ=Dóụờỏầ=fồ=Dẫfộờ]ọ=ọ^Wởớ=f]L= b) La]=Dởùfófẽ=ộỡWọ=Dùflũồớ=Dợẫờỏ=DfũỏL= Write the following sentences using the IPA (include stress marks): a) Whats your favourite film? b) My friends will be here soon c) Fresh spring water is pure d) The toys were made in China Write these words in your native language, then translate the result into the IPA: a) dining room b) clothes c) aeroplane d) lettuce _ _ _ _ For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge English Banana.com Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills IPA Test Answers: Answers will vary Answers will vary, for example: a) LWL b) L^WL bird, heard palm, farm Answers will vary, for example: a) LlfL b) Lr]L boy, soil pure, fewer Answers will vary, for example: a) LwL b) LL television, usually yacht, youth a) We got married in April last year.= b) The swimming pool wasnt very busy.= a) Whats your favourite film? Lùflớở=úlW=Dẹẫfợờ]ớ=ẹfọóL b) My friends will be here soon Ló~f=ẹờẫồũ=ùfọ=ỏW=ĩf]=ởỡWồL c) Fresh spring water is pure Lẹờẫp=ởộờfẽ=DùlWớ]=fũ=ộr]L d) The toys were made in China La]=ớlfở=ùW=óẫfầ=fồ=Dớp~fồ]L Answers will vary For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge