English Banana.com Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Translate Signs and Notices from the IPA Translate the signs and notices below from the International Phonetic Alphabet: LDẹfẹớỏ=ộ]Dởẫồớ=ỗẹL L~f=ùắồ=ệẫớ=ùắồ=ẹờỏWL Lõọ]rũầL LầfởDẫfọầL Lẹ~f]=Dẫõởfớ/ LD]rộ]ồL LõỏWộ=~rớL LDẫõởfớL LDớlfọ]ớởL 10 Lồ]r=ầflệũ]Dọ~rầ=ẫõởẫộớ=Dệ~f=ầflệũL _ 11 Lồ]r=Dộ^WõfẽL= 12 L~rớ=]ợ=DlWầ]L 13 LộrpL= 14 Lộẫf]ồầfởDộọẫfL 15 LộọỏWũ=ộẫf=ĩf]L 16 Lồ]r=Dởó]rõfẽL====== = 17 LDộ^Wõfẽ=ộờ]rDĩffớầL= 18 LõỡW=ĩf]L 19 /ở~fọL 20 Lởớ^Wẹ=D]rồọỏL= = For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge English Banana.com Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Translate Signs and Notices from the IPA Answers: LDẹfẹớỏ=ộ]Dởẫồớ=ỗẹL 50% (fifty percent) off L~f=ùắồ=ệẫớ=ùắồ=ẹờỏWL buy one get one free Lõọ]rũầL closed LầfởDẫfọầL disabled Lẹ~f]=Dẫõởfớ/ fire exit LD]rộ]ồL open LõỏWộ=~rớL keep out LDẫõởfớL exit LDớlfọ]ớởL toilets 10 Lồ]r=ầflệũ]Dọ~rầ=ẫõởẫộớ=Dệ~f=ầflệũL no dogs allowed except guide dogs 11 Lồ]r=Dộ^WõfẽL= no parking 12 L~rớ=]ợ=DlWầ]L out of order 13 LộrpL= push 14 Lộẫf]ồầfởDộọẫfL pay and display 15 LộọỏWũ=ộẫf=ĩf]L please pay here 16 Lồ]r=Dởó]rõfẽL====== = no smoking 17 LDộ^Wõfẽ=ộờ]rDĩffớầL= parking prohibited 18 LõỡW=ĩf]L queue here 19 /ở~fọL sale 20 Lởớ^Wẹ=D]rồọỏL= = staff only For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge