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translate sentences into the ipa true or false quiz

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English Banana.com Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Translate Sentences into the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) True or False Quiz Translate the following sentences into the IPA, and decide whether they are true or false: Moscow is the capital city of Russia The Great Wall of China was built between 1845-1847 You can buy sandwiches and crisps at Boots the Chemist Bananas are yellow when they are ripe The German currency is called the Deutsche Mark Our teacher is wearing a horrible jumper! th In the 15 century, the Aztec people of Central America enjoyed drinking hot chocolate Bees collect pollen from flowers to make jam In the UK the Chancellor of the Exchequer is responsible for foreign policy 10 I really enjoy writing using the International Phonetic Alphabet! For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge English Banana.com Test Your Speaking & Listening Skills Translate Sentences into the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) True or False Quiz Answers: Moscow is the capital city of Russia (True.) LDóflởõ]r=fũ=a]=Dõụộfớọ=Dởfớỏ=flợ=Dờắp]L= The Great Wall of China was built between 1845-1847 (False It was built between the 5th century BC and the 16th century.) La]=ệờẫfớ=DùlWọ]ợ=Dớp~fồ]=ùflũ=fọớ=fDớùỏWồ=1845-1847L= You can buy sandwiches and crisps at Boots the Chemist (True.) LDỡWõ]ồ=~f=Dởụồùfầw]ũ=]ồ=õờfởộở=ụớ=rớở=a]=DõẫófởớL= Bananas are yellow when they are ripe (True.) L]Dồ^Wồ]ũ=^W=Dẫọ]r=ùẫồ=aẫf=^W=ờ~fộL= The German currency is called the Deutsche Mark (False The Deutsche Mark was replaced as the German currency by the Euro in 1999.) La]=DầwWóồ=Dõắờ]ồởỏ=fũ=õlWọầ=a]=ầlfớp=ó^WõL= Our teacher is wearing a horrible jumper! (Answers will vary!) L^W=DớỏWớp]=fũ=Dùẫ]ờfẽ=]=Dĩflờfọ=Dầwắóộ]L= In the 15th century, the Aztec people of Central America enjoyed drinking hot chocolate (True.) Lfồ=a]=15th Dởẫồớp]ờỏ=a]=Dụũớẫõ=DộỏWộ]ọ=flợ=Dởẫồớờ]ọ=]Dóẫờfõ]=ẫồDầwlfầ=Dầờfẽõfẽ=ĩflớ=Dớpflõọ]ớL= Bees collect pollen from flowers to make jam (False They use it to make honey.) LỏWũ=õ]Dọẫõớ=Dộflọ]ồ=ẹờfló=Dẹọ~rắũ=ớDóẫfõ=ầwụóL= In the UK the Chancellor of the Exchequer is responsible for foreign policy (False He is responsible for economic and financial policy.) Lfồ=a]=UK=a]=Dớp^Wồởọ]=flợ=aỏW=ẫõởDớpẫõ]=fũ=ờfDởộflồởfọ=ẹlW=Dẹflờẫồ=DộflọfởỏL= 10 I really enjoy writing using the International Phonetic Alphabet! (Answers will vary!) L~f=Dờf]ọỏ=ẫồDầwlf=Dờ~fớfẽ=DỡWũfẽ=aỏW=Dfồớ]ồụpồọ=ẹ]Dồẫớfõ=Dụọẹ]ẫớL= For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com now! This worksheet can be photocopied and used without charge

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 17:56