Talk a Lot Weather Discussion Questions: What is your favourite kind of weather? Why? What is your least favourite kind of weather? Why? Tell me about a time when the weather made you change your plans What is the weather usually like where you live in…? a) spring b) summer c) autumn d) winter Which countries you associate with…? a) flooding b) drought c) forest fires d) tsunami What you wear outdoors / take with you when it is…? a) hot b) snowing c) sleeting d) wet and windy Do you listen to / read the weather forecast? Do you think it’s accurate? Why? / Why not? What different ways are there to find out what the weather will be like? What’s the weather like at the moment? What will it be like tomorrow? Why people like talking about the weather? What is the worst weather you have ever seen? Have you ever experienced extreme weather, such as hurricanes, cyclones, tsunami, flooding, etc.? What happened? For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! 37