Luyện nghe tiếng Anh trình độ nâng cao: University Conversation

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Luyện nghe tiếng Anh trình độ nâng cao: University Conversation

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Luyện nghe tiếng Anh trình độ nâng cao: University Conversation tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án,...

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Luyện nghe tiếng Anh trình độ bản: Cuộc sống sinh viên Khi bước vào cánh cổng đại học, bên cạnh niềm vui sướng bước đầu đạt ước mơ mình, bạn phải đối mặt với nhiều khó khăn chỗ ăn, chỗ ở, chi phí sinh hoạt, học tập Hãy nghe trải lòng cô tân sinh viên Listening test Topic: College Life Key Vocabulary hectic (adjective): very busy - Life is always very hectic when you're trying to work and go to school at the same time major (noun or verb): course of study - I'm thinking about majoring in computer science next year (verb) - What is your major? (noun) land (a job) (verb): to secure, win, or get a job - It is becoming increasingly difficult to land a job in the field of language teaching work (your way) through (school) (verb): think through, in this case, work while going to school to support yourself - Since my parents had no money, I had no choice but to work myself through school - Sometimes we just have to work through many new experiences before we understand the language and culture Answer the questions based on the vocabulary you learned He didn't receive any money from his parents, so he had to work himself _ school A by B through C on After I graduate, I want to try to a job in my hometown A hire B buy C land So, what is your at college? Someone told me you were studying computer science or something like that A teacher VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí B major C class Life has been very _ these days I'm going to school full-time, working two part-time jobs, and getting ready to get married As a result, I have little free time for anything else A relaxing B hectic C boring She received a to pay for school expenses, so things should be easier for her now She doesn't have to worry about paying back any money either A major B loan C Scholarship Listen to the conversation and answer the questions What does the man want to after he graduates? A He wants to become a teacher B He hopes to go on to graduate school C He'd like to work at a hotel What is the woman majoring in? A history B French C computer science How does the woman pay for college? A She has a part-time job B She received a scholarship C Her parents are paying for it Where does the man work part-time? A at a bakery B in a library C at a restaurant What thing did the man NOT say about his job? A His co-workers are friendly B He works long hours VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí C The pay is okay Đáp án: C He'd like to work at a hotel C computer science B She received a scholarship C at a restaurant B He works long hours Bài nghe: College life Maria: Oh, hi Dave Long time, no see! Dave: Hi Maria I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd drop by Maria: Come on in [Thanks.] Take a seat Would you like anything to drink? I have Sprite or orange juice Dave: Sprite would be fine Uh, so, how have you been? Maria: Oh, not bad And you? Dave: Oh, I'm doing okay, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven't had time to relax Maria: By the way, what's your major anyway? Dave: Hotel management Maria: Well, what you want to once you graduate? Dave: Uh I haven't decided for sure, but I think I'd like to work for a hotel or travel agency in this area How about you? Maria: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French, but I realized I might have a hard time finding a job using the language, so I changed majors to computer science [Oh] With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn't be as difficult Dave: So, you have a part-time job to support yourself through school? Maria: Well, fortunately for me, I received a four-year academic scholarship [Wow] that pays for all of my tuition and books Dave: Wow That's great VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Luyện nghe tiếng Anh trình độ nâng cao: University Conversation Bước 1: Nghe đoạn hội thoại Không xem câu hỏi bạn nghe hết file audio Đọc câu hỏi trước không giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ nghe Tiếng Anh bạn Bước 2: Câu đố - Xem Câu hỏi What two states are the guys from? New York and Oregon California and New York Texas and California Texas and New York What year are the two students in? Both are freshman One is a freshman and the other is a sophomore One is a sophomore and the other is a junior Both are senior What university are they currently at? Austin Stanford Berkeley UCLA VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí What are all the majors that were brought up? Political Science, English Literature, and Electical Engineering Science, English Literature, and Mechanical Engineering Biology, English, and Chemical Engineering None of the above Xem câu Trả lời Texas and California Both are freshman Berkeley Political Science, English Literature, and Electical Engineering Nếu bạn không chắn câu trả lời cho câu hỏi, nghe file audio lại sau đọc câu hỏi Sau bạn trả lời hết khả có thể, bạn xem câu trả lời để xem thử bạn làm Bước 3: Hiển thị nội dung đoạn hội thoại Bạn nên đọc Nội dung Hội thoại để giúp bạn sau bạn nghe hết Đừng mở Nội dung Hội thoại trước nghe file audio trước trả lời tất câu hỏi A: "Hi My name is Mark." B: "Mark? I'm Bill Glad to meet you." A: "Yeah So where are you from?" B: "I'm from Houston Texas." A: "Oh I'm from Southern California." B: "So, what year are you?" A: "I'm a freshman." B: "This is my first year too." A: "So what made you decide to come to California for school? I hear Austin is a good school." B: "It's aright, but I think Berkeley is better." A: "So is this where you wanted to come?" B: "To tell you the truth, I wanted to go to Stanford I made it on the waiting list, but ninety nine percent of the people accepted to Stanford go there Like, who wouldn't right?" A: "Very true But this is still a good school." B: "I'm not complaining I just know that I wanted to come to California Texas is cool and all, but I wanted to experience different things." A: "That's good Do you know what you plan on majoring in?" B: "I was thinking about political science, but now I'm leaning towards English literature How about VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí you?" A: "I plan on majoring in double E." B: "Do you know where the Smith building is? I have to pick up the syllabus for my psychology class I missed the first day." A: "That's a great start It's over there by the library." B: "It was nice meeting you." A: "Yeah We should hang out later." B: "Cool I'll see you tomorrow in class then." A: "Aright Later." Cấu trúc câu từ vựng tiếng anh đại học apply to/ get into/ go to/ start college/ university nộp đơn vào/ học ĐH – CĐ leave/ graduate from law school/ college/ university (with a degree in …) tốt nghiệp từ trường Luật (với chuyên ngành…) study for/ take/ do/ complete a law degree/ a degree in physics học/ hoàn tất Luật/ Vật lí major/ minor in biology/ philosophy chuyên ngành/ không chuyên sinh học triết học earn/ receive/ be awarded/ get/ have/ hold a master’s degree/ a bachelor’s degree/ a PhD in economics nhận/ trao/ có Thạc sĩ/ cử nhân/ Tiến sĩ Kinh tế học be the victim/ target of bullying nạn nhân bạo hành trường học play truant from/ (informal) bunk off/ skive off school not go to school when you should) trốn/ chuồn học skip/ cut class/ school học/ học môn lịch sử/ hóa học/ tiếng Đức… cheat in/ cheat on an exam/ a test gian lận thi cử get/ be given a detention (for doing something) bị phạt lại trường sau tan học (vì làm gì) be expelled from/ be suspended from school bị đuổi học khỏi trường/ bị đình học VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Luyện nghe tiếng Anh trình độ bản: Kết hôn Những phong tục truyền thống đám cưới giới khác bạn có tài ăn nói bạn hoàn toàn giải vấn đề phát sinh văn hóa Vậy ba vấn đề mà nghe đề cập đến chìa khóa giúp bạn vượt qua trở ngại đó? Hãy khám phá học sau Topic: Marriage Preparation Key Vocabulary sensitive (adjective): understanding the feelings of others - My spouse is very sensitive to our children's needs, and I love her for that caring (adjective): kind - If you have a caring attitude towards others, they will feel of your love for them prep (adjective): short for preparation - Taking a marriage prep class can help you develop better communication skills with your family obviously (adverb): in a way that is easy to see and understand - James obviously didn't listen to his wife's feelings because she is still very angry with him improve (verb): make better - How did you improve your relationship with your kids over the years? at this point: at this time - Amanda and Brandon don't want to get married at this point, but they are talking about this in the future be set on something (verb): be determined to something VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí - Why is Jessica set on marrying Andrew so quickly? They've only known each other for three weeks joint (adjective): having something together - My parents have a joint savings account work out (verb): find a solution or come to an agreement on something - Fortunately, they are getting counseling, and their marriage is working out - With time and patience, things work out in the end Answer the questions based on the vocabulary you learned Marriage is a partnership in life because two people have to work together to make it successful A obviously B joint C prep I am looking for a person who is very _ to the needs of others A sensitive B laid-bac C punctual If you are really on getting a divorce, I can't stop you A set on B improve C work out My wife and I spent a lot of our free time together, and this helped our relationship I'm very happy about that A work out B lose C improve Listen to the conversation and answer the questions The woman realizes that her brother is getting married _ A tomorrow B in a week C next month According to the conversation, what is his girlfriend like? A She's a compassionate person B She's outgoing and friendly VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí C The woman is very honest Jasmine, the man's girlfriend, _ A has bright green hair B wears a lot of crazy clothes C has interesting body art The man probably isn't ready for marriage because he A has been in many unsuccessful relationships B doesn't have a good paying job to support them C is still financially dependent on his parents The man and Jasmine _ A agree a lot on the same family size B have similar views on the number of kids they want C don't think alike at all on this subject According to the man, who is going to the housework? A The man is going to take care of it B The man and Jasmine will it together C Jasmine will be in charge of the chores Bài nghe: Woman: Hey What's this on Facebook? It says Are you getting married? Man: Yeah Didn't you know that? Woman: No Why didn't you tell me about it? (It) says you're getting married next week Man: Yeah, and I'm bringing her over to mom's house tomorrow You'll love Jasmine Woman: Jasmine? Man: Yeah Here's her picture on Facebook Woman: Oh Wow Man: What? What you mean? Woman: Dad is not going to be impressed Man: Why? Woman: She's got, like a lot her tattoos and a nose ring, and uh, I'm sorry The family is going to be really surprised Man: Ah, she's so, well, so sensitive and caring Woman:Um, well [ What? ] Have have you taken any marriage VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Chủ đề nghe: It tastes stale! - Món có vị ôi thiu! Pre-listening Vocabulary Expression Linking verbs: appear (trông có vẻ), taste (có vị), smell (có mùi), feel (cảm thấy), look (trông), sound (nghe có vẻ), grow (phát triển), seem (dường như), remain (vẫn), become (trở nên) S + linking verb + adj Eg: She looks beautiful in her white dress Cô trông thật đẹp váy trắng Để đưa lời mời, lời đề nghị, ta có: Why don't we ? = Let's Eg: Why don't we go to the cinema this weekend? Sao ta không đến rạp chiếu phim cuối tuần này? Cấu trúc: too + adj/adv + (for somebody) + to something: để làm VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí She's too old to take part in this course Cô tuổi để tham gia khóa học The exercise is too difficult for him to Bài tập khó để anh làm He spoke too quickly for us to understand Anh nói nhanh để hiểu Để diễn đạt "không thể không làm gì", ta có cấu trúc: can't help doing something I can't help falling in love with her Tôi lòng cô Để nói thích điều gì, ta sử dụng cấu trúc: love something to death Đây cách nói xưng, phóng đại Eg: I love my children to death Tôi yêu Bài Nghe chọn đáp án The woman is going ti make some pork for luch A True B False She has just bought it the day before yesterday A True B False The meat is very good because it was put in the refrigerator A True B False He thought eating out was very cheap A True B False The woman is hungry A True B False Bài Nghe xếp số sau để tạo thành đoạn hội thoại I ate them all I coudn’t help it They were so good Oh, really? I thought you didn’t like cookies John, where are the cookies? Huh, I don’t know that So, you like vanilla cookies Tell you what, vanilla cookies taste even better with a glass of mink I don’t like cookies flavoured with chocolate but I love vanilla cookies to death VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Bài Chọn đáp án (Có thể có nhiều đáp án) What is it? A meat B pork C milk What is it? A chocolate B cakes C vegetable What is the adjective? A rotten VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí B fresh C stale What is it? A water B milk C tea What is it? A beef B meat C chop What is it? A cookie B candy VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí C sugar What is it? A prepare for dinner at home B eat out C dinner What is the adjective? A hungry B thirsty C Sad TAI LIEU ANH VAN B TRUONG DAI HOC CONG NGHIEP TP HCM NGUYEN NGOC VIEN_01267894932 Trang 1 MỤC LỤC I. VOCABULARY 2 II. READING 14 III. GAP FILLING 23 IV. ERROR CORRECTION 29 V. TRANSFORMATION 33 VI. WRITTEN TOPICS 40 VII. LISTENING: 42 TAI LIEU ANH VAN B TRUONG DAI HOC CONG NGHIEP TP HCM NGUYEN NGOC VIEN_01267894932 Trang 2 I. VOCABULARY Choose the word, phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase. In this section you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. For each questions, 1–20, circle the letter A, B, C or D against the number of the question. 1. I bear no………………against him, despite what he did to me. A. resentment B. bitterness C. grievance D. grudge 2. He swore that he would get his……………….on the men who had hurt him. A. spite B. revenge C. retaliation D. resentment 3. I’m surprised………………. you. You’re not normally as rude as you were tonight. A. by B. for C. with D. at 4. Her divorce was a(n) ……………….experience for her and she still hasn’t fully recovered. A. stunning B. staggering C. shattering D. amazing 5. By a(n) ……………….stroke of luck, she survived the crash. A. amazing B. shocking C. shattering D. surprised 6. People were……………….the terrible pictures of the crash victims in the newspapers. A. shocked with B. startled for C. shocked by D. amazed of 7. She was ……………….the traffic in the city, she had never seen so many cars before. A. amazed at B. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Luyện nghe tiếng Anh trình độ bản: Movies Bước 1: Nghe đoạn hội thoại Không xem câu hỏi bạn nghe hết file audio Đọc câu hỏi trước không giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ nghe Tiếng Anh bạn Bước 2: Câu đố - Xem Câu hỏi Nếu bạn không chắn câu trả lời cho câu hỏi, nghe file audio lại sau đọc câu hỏi Sau bạn trả lời hết khả có thể, bạn xem câu trả lời để xem thử bạn làm What movie these people plan on watching? A Matrix Revolution B The Two Towers C Lord of the Rings D The Last Samurai When they plan on watching the movie? A On the Weekend B Tomorrow C Later in the evening today D Next Friday Where they plan on meeting? A At the subway entrance VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí B In front of the movie theater C At starbucks next to the theater D At home What time they plan on meeting? A At 7:30pm after dinner B At noontime C At one o'clock D At 3:45pm Đáp án: Lord of the Rings Tomorrow At the subway entrance At one o'clock Bước 3: Hiển thị nội dung đoạn hội thoại Bạn nên đọc Nội dung Hội thoại để giúp bạn sau bạn nghe hết Đừng mở Nội dung Hội thoại trước nghe file audio trước trả lời tất câu hỏi A: "What are you doing tomorrow?" B: "Nothing really." A: "Let's watch a movie or something." B: "What's on these days?" A: "I think they're playing Lord of the Rings" B: "That sounds pretty good Let's watch that." A: "Where should we meet?" B: "How about at the subway entrance." A: "Aright I'll meet you there at one o'clock." Chúc bạn học tốt! PAPER 1: LISTENING (Time: 30 minutes) Part 1: Questions – For each question there are three options (A, B, C) and a short recording Choose the correct option and write A, B, or C in the answer sheet Which present has the girl bought her mother? A a pair of ear-rings B a watch C a pen What will the prize be in the painting competition? A a book about painting B some money C a box of new paints Which photo does the girl dislike? A the photo of them on the beach B the photo of them in the park when she was wearing a dress C the photo of them on the boat What should the students take on the school trip? A some small change, fruit, and drink B some fruit, drink and colored pencils C some small change, fruit, and colored pencils Which subject does the boy like best? A Maths B Geography C Chemistry Part Questions 6-15 You will hear part of a radio programme about climbing holidays in North Wales For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space Climbing in North Wales The Climbing Centre first opened in (6)……………………… The building dated from (7)……………………… Climbing courses are held from March until (8)……………………… Accommodation for a maximum of (9)……………………… The Four-day Course Costs £280 Includes everything except (10)……………………… Day One How to use a (11)……………………… Day Two Understanding the (12)……………………… Days Three and Four Two-day trip with one night in a (13)……………………… Things to bring: food and camping (14)……………………… Evening activities in the Centre TV or (15)……………………… PAPER 1: LISTENING (Time: 30 minutes) Part 1: Questions – For each question there are three options (A, B, C) and a short recording Choose the correct option and write A, B, or C in the answer sheet What present will they take? A DVDs and glasses B a jug and DVDs C a jug and glasses B clean the floor C paint the wall What will the man first? A clean the window Where is the bicycle? A Nearby his father’s car B By the street light C By the tree What is the man’s job now? A An artist B A photographer C A teacher Which button has the boy lost? A One the sleeve B One the collar C On the pocket Part 2: Questions 6-15 Interviewer: I’ve just come back from a short music course called Singing for Beginners It was at Brownstoke College, which is just to the north of London A woman (6) KIM THU Patricia Ackert R E I\ D O C \ Gidi thieu va chu giai K V H IE II T IM T R IN H D O N flN G G A N H CRO Kl u I NT ERMEDI AT E R E A D I N G P R A C T I C E (YEN EU C O SlfA CH &A v a k e m b a i t a p k ie m t r a m JJ SJHA X U A T B A N V A N H O A T H O N G TIN C A U SE AND E F F E C T Intermediate Reading Practice Patricia ackert Kim Thu chu giai NHA XUAT BAN VAN HOA - THONG TIN CAUSE AND EFFEC T CONTENT To the Instructor Unit I Explorers '' Burke and Wills - Across Australia Alexandra David - Neel - A French Woman in Tibet Vitus Bering - Across Siberia to North America 10 19 Robert Scott - A Race to the South Pole 27 Mary Kingsley - Victorian Explorer 38 Unit II W orld Issues ■G) World Population Growth Changes in the Family " 51 63 Women and Change 72 C Rain Forests 82 Green peace 91 Unit III A M ishm ash (A Hodgepodge) 7^ The Roadrunner Afraid to Fly 103 " 112 Handwriting Analysis 122 Skyscrapers 133 Left - Handedness 142 Unit IV Science A Biosphere in Space 153 in Volcanoes 162 Snow and hail 173 Photovoltaic Cells - Energy source o f the Future 181 Biological Clocks 191 CAUSE AND EFFEC T Unit_V M edicine and Health Headaches Sleep and dreams 203 ‘ 212 The Common Cold 222 CPR 232 Blushing and Shyness -V 241 T ests w ith a n sw ers 251 Unit I EXPLORERS A LA SK A \ (J>rK v/ ' ' B u r k e Vitus Bering’ a n d W ills Robert Scott M ary*siey NEPAL _ J/jAlexandra INDIA A David-Neel These rough notes and ou r dead bodies must tell the tale Robert Scott's Diary BURKE AND WILLSACROSS AUSTRALIA Australia is a huge country, and the out-back (the Australian word for the interior o f the country) very large is desert Some years it rains only centimeters in Change into, become the outback, but other years rainstorms turn the desert into sandy swamps Until the eighteenth century, only aborigines lived in Australia These are tall, thin, brown­ skinned people, the first people in Australia When 100 years Europeans went there to live, they built towns on the coast However, by the 1850s, people began thinking more about the interior In 1860, Robert O'Hara Burke, a police officer from Ireland, was chosen to lead an expedition across the continent from south to north He took with him William John Wills and 1 other men, camels, horses, and enough supplies for a year and a half They left Melbourne for the Gulf of CarpeHaria on August 20, winter in the southern hemisphere The expedition had problems from half of the earth the beginning Burke had no experience in the outback The men fought and would not follow orders Twice they left some o f their supplies so they could move faster, and later sent one o f the men, William Wright, back for them Finally, a small group led by Burke moved on ahead o f the others to a river named Cooper's Creek interior (n) [in'tiorio] : vi'ing d a l ben tro n g expedition (n) hemisphere (n) [.ckspi'di/n] : choc tlidin lueti [’hemisfio] : b an c a n hug e(adj) [hju:d3] : l on g Urn CAUSE A N D EFFECT and set up their base camp They were halfway across the continent, but it was summer now, with very hot weather and sandstorms They waited for a month for Wright, and then Burke decided that four from his small group, with months' supplies, should travel the 1250 kilometers to the north coast as quickly as possible They told the others to wait for them at Cooper's Creek The journey across the desert was very difficult, but at the end o f January they reached the Flinders River near the Gul f o f Carpentaria They started their return journey, but now it was the rainy season and traveling was slow and even more difficult than their trip north They did not have enough food, and the men became hungry and sick Then one o f them died Some o f the camels died or were killed for food Finally, on April 21, they arrived back at Cooper's Creek, only to find that no one was there The rest o f the expedition left the day before because they thought Burke must be dead The three men continued south, but without enough

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 17:42

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