English Banana.com Test Your Spelling Skills Find the Missing Syllables – Hit the Shops! Look at the words and phrases below They are all to with going shopping and each one has a syllable missing Choose an appropriate syllable to complete each word or phrase shop - buil - ding car cen - tre - ci - et - y - out chang - home gift rooms - liv - er - y vou - in - ter - shop - ping mar - 10 - ley 11 su - - mar - ket 12 fif - ty per - cent 13 de - part - 14 fast food store - au - rant 15 es - ca - - tor 16 sales 17 cre - dit as - sis - 18 re - 19 cat - - logue 20 cus - - mer Extra time: Put the words into groups according to how many syllables they have – two, three, four, five or six For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto www.englishbanana.com now! 53