English Banana.com Essential English List of Common Homophones Homophones are words that sound the same as each other, but have different spellings and meanings Here are some common examples: allowed aunt ball base be bear berry blue boar board bread buy by cereal check council course dam deer die doe earn eight faint farther feet find flair floor flower for fur great hart heal hear heard hi hole idle in it’s jeans lane aloud aren’t bawl bass bee bare bury blew bore bored bred by bye serial cheque counsel coarse damn dear dye dough urn ate feint father feat fined flare flaw flour four fir grate heart heel here herd high whole idol inn its genes lain lead least loan male meet mind morning naval new no one pear pie piece pier poor rain raw read red road sale saw see sun tail tea their they’re tide too two wail warn weal wear weather week weight while wood write yew your led leased lone mail meat mined mourning navel knew know won pair pi peace peer pour reign roar reed read rode sail sore sea son tale tee they’re there tied to too whale worn wheel where whether weak wait wile would right you you’re For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto www.englishbanana.com now! 96