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words and phrases with glottal stops

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Talk a Lot Clear Alphabet Dictionary Words and Phrases with Glottal Stops This is a list of items in the dictionary which have glottal stops Glottal stops are represented in the Clear Alphabet by the symbol: _ A glottal stop often replaces the first sound in a cc sound connection – usually t or d : passport control present perfect present simple put down remote control retirement home Scotland seatbelt silent letter sit down social network sports car state pension witness write down Items where t is replaced by a glottal stop: absolutely achievements amusement park apartment apartment block appointment basketball benefits benefits trap brackets budget airline Cate Blanchett climate change content word credit card debit card department store en-suite bathroom favorites fertility treatment fingerprints fitness suite football football stadium front cover fruit juice get angry get burned get divorced get dressed get promoted get stung get worse Great Britain its John O’Groats market place networking nightclub nightdress ought to partner a ps Loo_ lii uh Chee vmn_s uh Myoo zmn_ park uh Par_ mnt uh Par_ mn_ blok uh Poyn_ mnt Bar ski_ borl Be n fi_s Be n fi_ strap Bra ki_z bu ji_ Eir lain kei_ Blarn cht Klai m_ cheinj Kon ten_ werd Kre di_ kard De bi_ kard d Par_ mn_ stor on swee_ Bar ttroom Fei vr_z f Ti l tii tree_ mnt Fing g prin_z Fi_ n sweet Fuu_ borl Fuu_ borl stei diym frun_ Ku v Froo_ joos ge_ Ang grii ge_ Bernd ge_ d Vorst ge_ Drest ge_ pr Meu td ge_ Stung ge_ Wers grei_ Bri tn I_s jo n Greu_s Mar ki_ pleis Ne_ wer king Nai_ klub Nai_ dres Or_ too Par_ n Par spor_ kn treul pre zn_ Per fkt pre zn_ Sim pl Puu_ Daun r meu_ kn Treul r Taiy mn_ heum Sko_ lnd See_ belt sai ln_ Le t Si_ Daun seu shl Ne_ werk Spor_ skar stei_ Pen shn Wi_ ns Rai_ Daun Items where d is replaced by a glottal stop: blood test graduate lead to sound connection Blu_ test Gra_ j weit Lee_ Too Saun_ k ne kshn Items where b is replaced by a glottal stop: web page web server webcam website We_ peij We_ pser v We_ pkam We_ psait Items where a different sound is replaced by a glottal stop: back cover electric guitar emergency exit ba_ Ku v uh le ktri_ gi Tar i mer jn sii Ye_ ksit Item where the glottal stop does not replace a sound: pizza Pee_ ts For more fun worksheets, games, and quizzes log onto englishbanana.com now! Talk a Lot Clear Alphabet Dictionary English Banana.com 166

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 16:52