English Banana.com Rhyming Words International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) - Vowels ə / ə vowel sound in ‘a go’ ago adore about around annoy annul envelope famous royal loyal vowel sound in ‘h e r’ her per learn earn stir fir turn burn somebody anybody nobody whirr stern fern London cur fur unless president resident confident woman boil coil foil family banana endless faithless harmless computer heater under user teacher power tower brother mother father sister daughter motorway purr heard herd nerd bird stirred purred word curd turd perch worm term perm firm shirt skirt hurt pert first thirst worst worse curse lurch church verse birch world search girl murder furl hurl curl umbrella the hour until girder For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto www.englishbanana.com now! 96