Talk a Lot Clear Alphabet Dictionary Longer Phrases Here are some phrases that had to be cut from the main dictionary because they were too long! antisocial behaviour bed and breakfast breakdown recovery service checkout assistant communication skills community centre community service complimentary newspaper connected speech consonant cluster consonant sound continental breakfast curriculum vitae [CV] duck-billed platypus embedded schwa sound employment history excess baggage exclamation mark express an emotion express an opinion express likes/dislikes final consonant linking (FCL) friendly consonant sound further education future continuous future perfect continuous great white shark high expectations how are you doing? interactive content neighbourhood watch scheme newspaper reporter painter and decorator past perfect continuous personal subject pronoun possessive determiner present continuous present perfect continuous recruitment agency semi-detached house standard pronunciation stress-timed language suspended sentence Sydney Opera House thunder and lightning catering assistant second conditional self-improvement windscreen wipers washing machine Talk a Lot Clear Alphabet Dictionary an ti seu shl b Hei vy be dn Bre kfst brei kdaun r Ku v rii ser vis Che kau t si stnt k myoo n Kei shn skilz k Myoo n tii sen t k myoo n tii Ser vis kom pl men trii Nyoo spei p k ne kt Tspeech Kon s nnt klu st Kon s nnt saund kon t nen tl Bre kfst ku ri ky lm Vee tai [See Vee] du kbil Tpla t puus uhm be d Tshwar saund uhm Ploy mn_ hi st rii e kse Spa gij e kskl Mei shn mark e kspre s n Meu shn e kspre s n Pin yn e kspre Slaikz/Di slaikz fai nl kon s nn_ Ling king (e fsii Yel) fren dlii Kon s nn_ saund fer th re j Kei shn fyoo ch kn Tin y ws fyoo ch per fe_ kn Tin y ws grei_ wai_ Shark hai ye kspe Ktei shnz w y Doo wing? in t kti Fkon tent nei b huu Two chskeem Nyoo spei p r por t pein t rn De k rei t par sper fe_ kn Tin y ws per s nl Su bje kpreu naun p ze siv d Ter mi n pre zn_ kn Tin y ws pre zn_ per fe_ kn Tin y ws r Kroo_ mn tei jn sii se mii d ta Chthaus stan d tpr nun sii Yei shn stre staim Tlang gwij su spen d Tsen tns si dnii Yo pr haus ttun d rn Tlai_ ning Kei t ring uh si stnt se kn tkn Di shnl sel fim Proo vmnt Win tskreen wai pz Wo shing m sheen English 167