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036 a single man

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1 Prof Francisco Zabala - 2016 A Single Man – Fear Activity 1: Watch the video (or listen to the audio file) Notice the aspirated o+ s+ j and the devoicing of k+ q+ v+ i shown in bold Pay special attention to the FORCE vowel and the aspiration in the words cause Z!jçN99y\ and course Z!jçN9r\, which are repeated several times Focus on the highlighted elements elements No, Mr Huxley is not an anti-Semite Semite Of course the Nazis were wrong to hate the Jews But their hating the Jews was not without a cause It’s just that the cause ause wasn’t wasn real The cause was imagined The cause ause was fear Let’s Let leave the Jews out of this, just for a moment moment Think of another minority, one that… one that can go unnoticed, if it needs to There are all sorts of minorities minorities Blondes, for example People e with freckles freck But a minority is only thought of as one, when it constitutes c some kind ind of threat to the majority A real rea threat, or an imagined one And therein ein lies the fear And, if that minority is somehow invisible, invisib then the fear is much greater And that fear is why the minority is persecuted ted And so, you see, there always a is a cause The cause is fear Minorities are just people People like us I can see I’ve ve lost you a bit But tell ell you what? We are gonna forget about Mr Huxley today And we are gonna talk alk about fear Fear, after all, is our real enemy Fear is taking over our world Fear is being used as a tool ool of manipulation in our society It’s how politicians peddle policy olicy It’s how Madison Avenue sells s us things you don’t don’ need Think about it The fear of being attacked, a the fear that there are communists ommunists lurking around every corner The he fear that some little litt Caribbean country that doesn’tt believe in our way of life poses oses a threat to us The fear that black culture may take ake over the world w The fear of Elvis Presley’s s hips Actually, maybe that one is a real rea fear The fear that our bad breath might ruin our friendships The fear of growing old o being alone The fear that we’re re useless and that no one cares what we have to say Have a good weekend TIPS: • Sometimes, k sounds different from the one in Spanish This is called “dark dark” or “velarized” Z4\, because the back of the tongue is raised towards the velum so that the sound can acquire a back vowel resonance (i.e it sounds similar to a Spanish n or English T.) Wee use dark k in General British when it’ss followed by a consonant, the semi-vowel semi v or silence Practise the words I’ve I highlighted A Single Man (2009) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1315981/ Prof Francisco Zabala - 2016 TIPS: • In order to avoid dropping dropping final consonants, it’s useful to think that a final consonant is attracted by a “sexy” vowel after it I have marked these cases with [ ˛ ] • Focus on the several instances of dentalization I have shaded them here • Notice the aspirated o+ s+ j and the devoicing of k+ q+ v+ i shown in bold • I have used the symbol Z4\ where it occurs For or transcription purposes, remember that you will be tested on broad transcription only in your exams That is, you are not supposed to use diacritics to mark allophones (unless you’re you specifically instructed to so) /ə ˈsɪŋɡ4 ˈmæn || ˈfɪə || ˈnəʊ | ˈmɪstə ˈhʌksli ɪz ˈnɒt ən ˌæntiˈsema ˈsemaɪt || əv ˈk kɔːs ðə ˈnɑːtsɪz wə ˈrɒŋ tə ˈheɪtt ðə ð ˈdʒuːz | bət ðeə ˈheɪtɪŋ ðə ˈdʒuːz | wəz ˈnɒt wɪðˈaʊt ə ˈk kɔːz || ɪts ts dʒəs(t) d ðət ðə ˈk kɔːz wɒzn(t) ˈrɪə4 || ðə ˈk kɔːz ːz | wəz w ɪˈmædʒɪnd || ðə ˈk kɔːz | wəz ˈfɪə || ˈlets ˈliːv ðə ˈdʒuːz ˈaʊt əvv ðɪs ð | ˈdʒʌs(t) fər ə ˈməʊmənt || ˈθɪŋk əv əˈnnʌðə maɪˈnɒrəti | ˈwʌn ðət | ˈwʌn ðət kən ˈɡəʊ ˌʌnˈnəʊtɪst | ɪf ɪt ˈniːdz tuː || ðər (ər) ˈɔː4 ˈsɔːts əv maɪˈnɒrətiz || ˈblɒndz ˈbl | fər ɪɡˈzɑːmp4 || ˈp piːp4 wɪð ˈfrek4zz || bət b ə maɪˈnɒrəti ɪz ˈəʊn(l)i | ˈθɔːt ɒv əz ˈwʌn | wen ɪt ˈk kɒnstɪtju tjuːts ˈsʌm | ˈk kaɪnd əv ˈθret | tə ðə məˈdʒɒrəəti || ə ˈrɪəl ˈθret | ˈɔːr ən ɪˈmædʒɪn(d) wʌn || ən ˌðeərˈɪn ˈlaɪzz ðə ð ˈfɪə || ən ɪf ˈðæt maɪˈnɒrəti | ɪz ˈsʌmha(ʊ)) ɪnˈvɪzəb4 | ðen ðə ˈfɪər ɪz ˈmʌtʃ ˈɡreɪtə || ən ˈðæt ˈfɪə | ɪz ˈwaɪ | ðə maɪˈnɒrɪti ti | ɪz ˈp pɜːsəˌkj kjuːtɪd || ən ˈsəʊ ju ˈsiː ðər ˈɔː(4)weɪzz ˈɪz ə ˈk kɔːz || ðə ˈk kɔːz ɪz ˈfɪə kj || maɪˈnɒrətiz | ə dʒəs(t) ˈp piːp4 || ˈp piːp ːp4 laɪk ˈʌs || aɪ kən ˈsiː aɪv ˈlɒst ju ə ˈbɪt || bət ˈttel ju ˈwɒt || wɪə ɡənə fəˈɡet əˈbaʊt ˈmɪstə ˈhʌksli ksli təˈdeɪ t | əm wɪə ɡənə ˈttɔːk əˈbaʊt ˈfɪə || ˈfɪər ˈɑːftər ˈɔː4 | ɪz ɑː ˈrɪəl ˈenəmi || ˈfɪə | ɪz ˈt ˈteɪkɪŋ ˈəʊvə | ɑː ˈwɜː4dd || ˈfɪə | ɪz ˈbiːɪŋ ˈjuːzd | əz ə ˈttuːl əv məˌnɪpjəˈleɪʃn | ɪn ˈɑː səˈsa(ɪ)əti əˈsa(ɪ)əti || ɪts ˈhaʊ ˌp pɒləˈttɪʃnz | ˈp ped4 ˈp pɒləsi || ɪtts ˈhaʊ ˈmædɪsən ˈævənjuː | ˈse4z əs ˈθɪŋz ŋz | ju ˈdəʊn(t) ˈniːd || ˈθɪŋk əˈbaʊt ɪt || ðə ˈfɪər əv ˈbiːɪŋ əˈttækt || ðə ˈfɪə ðət ðər ə ˈk kɒmjʊnɪs(t)s ˈlɜːkɪŋ əˈraʊnd ˈevri ˈk kɔːnə || ðə ˈfɪə ðət ˈsʌm ˈlɪt4 ˌk kærəˈbiːən ˈk kʌntri | ðət ˈdʌzn(t) bɪˈli liːv ɪn ɑː ˈweɪ əv ˈlaɪf | ˈp pəʊzɪz ə ˈθret tu əss || ðə ð ˈfɪə ðət ˈblæk ˈk kʌ4tʃə | meɪ ˈtteɪk ˈəʊvə ðə ˈwɜː4d || ðə ˈfɪər əv ə ˈe4vɪs ˈpr presliz ˈhɪps || ˈæk(t)ʃ(uə)li | ˈmeɪbi bi ˈðæt wʌn | ɪz ə ˈrɪə4 ˈfɪə || pr ðə ˈfɪə ðət ɑː ˈbæd ˈbreθ | maɪt ˈruːɪnn ɑː ˈfren(d)ʃɪps || ðə ˈfɪər əv ˈɡrə(ʊ)ɪŋ ˈəʊ4d | ˈbiːɪŋ ˈbiː əˈləʊn || ðə ˈfɪə ðət wɪə ˈjuːsləs | ən ðət ˈnəʊ wʌn w ˈk keəz ˈwɒt wi ˈhæv tə ˈseɪ || ˈhæv ə ˈɡʊd wiːkˈend/ Dark k helps you distinguish the following pair: Word Z!v29c\ World Z!v2994c\+ Z!v29Tc\

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 14:38

