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Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18

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Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18 Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 12 phần 18

Grammar Exercise Complete each of the following sentences, using a suitable adverbial clause of time in the box Use each clause once only while they were on holiday as long as imperialism exists whenever we are in Hanoi before you after leave the war was over as he walked away when I see Mary tomorrow till you get back as soon as she arrives in Ho Chi Minh City Example: Ill invite her to our party When I see Mary tomorrow, Ill invite her to our party Shell phone you we started rebuilding the country They met a lot of people dont forget to turn off the lights Ill stay Well come to see you There is a danger of war Tom sang a merry song Exercise Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets Example: Ill help you with your homework as soon as I (do) my own Ill help you with your homework as soon as I have done my own When he (arrive), he will tell us about the match Before the head teacher (arrive), Ill give the guests their tea Peter and John are going to play tennis tonight While they (play), well go to the beach Since they (get) married, they have moved the house twice As soon as I (finish), Ill give you a call After he (graduate) from university, he joined the army Can you look after the children while I (be) out? When I (read) this novel, you can have it Exercise Combine two sentences, using one as an adverbial clause of time with the given conjunction Example: You are going to leave soon You must visit Ha Long Bay before that You must visit Ha Long Bay before you leave Its going to start raining Lets go out before that Lets before Ill find somewhere to live Then Ill give you my address I when He had done his homework Then he went to bed After he , Well make our decision Then well let you know as soon as I left school (3 years ago) I havent met them since then I since Robert was doing the examination He suddenly began to feel ill during the examination Robert while Kate is going to finish the last semester Then shell come back home after TEST YOURSELF F I Listening (2.5 points) Listen and fill in the blanks with the information as you hear UNESCO stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization It was established on (1) _ to encourage collaboration among nations in the areas of education, science, culture, and communication UNESCO had (2) _ member nations as of 2007 The agency has its headquarters in Paris, France, and operates educational, scientific, and cultural programs and exchanges from (3) _ field offices worldwide Projects sponsored by UNESCO include international science programs; literacy, technical, and (4) _ programs; regional and cultural history projects; and international cooperation agreements to secure the world's cultural and natural (5) _ and to preserve human rights II Reading (2.5 points) Read the text then answer the questions that follow More and more women are now joining the paid labour force worldwide They represent the majority of the workforce in many sectors Even in countries which have low proportions of women paid workers, such as Arab countries, the number of women who have jobs is rising In Southeast Asia, women represent up to 80 percent of the workforce in the labour-intensive textile, toy, shoe and electronic sectors In Latin America and the Caribbean, women make up 70 per cent of the workforce in service industries Paid employment has undoubtedly brought economic and social gains to many women In the past, they were often excluded from many paid jobs and thus economically dependent on their husbands or fathers Women are now better educated and can promote themselves much more easily than in the past The access to education and the change in economic status have given women more freedom There are many famous women in the areas which used to be reserved for men and some women have even become prime ministers Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Indira Gandhi Prime Minister of India Which countries, according to the passage, have low levels of female paid workers? In which sectors you find the majority of working women in Southeast Asia? What is the percentage of women who work in the service sector in Latin America and the Caribbean? On whom did women depend economically in the past? According to the passage, what are the two factors that give women more freedom nowadays? III Grammar (2.5 points) Use the following phrasal verbs to complete the sentences below catch up keep up cool off speak up fall behind stay on give in wait up grow up watch out He still behaves like a child I wish hed grow up Come to the party on Friday and for the weekend I wont be back until late Will you for me? He was exhausted but he still kept going He just Please dont go so fast I just cant Could you wouldnt a bit? I can hardly hear you ! Oh dear Didnt you see that car coming? You look hot and sticky Come and sit in the shade and You go on ahead and Ill 10 Wait for me I dont want to IV Writing (2.5 points) In about 120 words, write about the changes in womens role in the family in comparison with that 50 years ago The following cues might be useful to you Education Economic dependence Social activities Number of children Domestic chores Work GLOSSARY Unit biologist (n) caring (a) close-knit (a) household chore join hands /baIẩlôdZIst/ leftovers /ẩleftầôuvôz/ secure (a) shift (n) supportive (of) (n) willing (to something) /sIẩkjUô(r)/ /ẩkeôrIN/ /ẩklôUsnIt/ /ẩhaushôuld tSự(r)/ /dZIn hQndz/ /SIft/ /sôẩpựtIv/ /ẩwIlIN/ nhà sinh vật học quan tâm tới ngời khác quan hệ khăng kht việc nhà, việc vặt nhà thức ăn thừa, đồ ăn li sau bữa ăn an toàn ca, kp ủng hộ sn sàng làm g Unit bride (n) conde (v) conical (a) contractual (a) counterpart (n) determine (v) groom (n) maintain (v) oblige (v) precede (v) reject (v) rim (n) sacrice (v) /braId/ /kônẩfaId/ /ẩknIkl/ /kônẩtrQktSuôl/ /ẩkaUntôpAựt/ /dIẩtẻựmIn/ /gruựm/ /meInẩteIn/ /ôẩblaIdZ/ /prIẩsiựd/ /rIẩdZekt/ /rIm/ /ẩsQkrIfaIs/ cô dâu chia sẻ, tâm có hnh nón thoả thuận bên tơng ứng, đối tác xác đnh rể giữ, tr bt buộc, cỡng bách đến trớc, trớc khớc từ, bác bỏ, loi bỏ vành, p hi sinh Unit apologize (v) approach (v) argument (n) attract (v) clap (v) compliment (n) decent (a) install (v) kidding (n) marvellous (a) maximum (n) /ôẩplôdZaIz/ /ôẩprôUtS/ /ẩAựgjumônt/ /ôẩtrQkt/ /klQp/ /ẩkmplImônt/ /ẩdiựsnt/ /Inẩstựl/ /ẩkIdIN/ /ẩmAựvôlôs/ /ẩmQksImôm/ xin lỗi tiếp cận tranh luận thu hút, hấp dẫn vỗ tay khen ngợi lch sự, tử tế lp đặt đùa tuyệt vời tối đa Unit compulsory (a) /kômẩplsôri/ bt buộc curriculum (n) /kôẩrIkjôlôm/ chơng trnh môn học certicate (n) /sôẩtIfIkôt/ giấy chứng nhận nursery (n) /ẩnẻựsôri/ nhà trẻ kindergarten (n) general education /ẩkIndôgAựtn/ mẫu giáo /ẩdZenôrôl ầedZuẩkeISn/ primary education /ẩpraImôri ầedZuẩkeISn/ secondary education giáo dục tiểu học /ẩsekôndri ầedZuẩkeISn/ lower secondary school giáo dục phổ thông giáo dục trung học /ẩlôUô(r) ẩsekôndri skuựl/ trờng trung học sở upper secondary school /ẩpô(r) ẩsekôndri skuựl/ trờng trung học phổ thông Unit application form (n) applicant (n) blame daunt mate maximum (n) require (v) scary undergraduate course đơn xin học ngời xin học /ẩQplIkônt/ đổ lỗi, chu trách /bleIm/ nhiệm làm nản ch, nản /dựnt/ lòngbè bn /meIt/ nhiều nhất, tối đa /ẩmQksImôm/ yêu cầu /rIẩkwaIô(r)/ sợ hãi /skeôri/ /ầndôẩgrQdZuôt kựs/ khoá học học /ầQplIẩkeISn fựm/ Unit accompany (v) category (n) jot down keenness (n) r sum (n) retail (n) shortcoming (n) vacancy (n) wholesale (n) workforce (n) /ôẩkmpôni/ /ẩkQtôgôri/ /dZt daUn/ /ẩkiựnôs/ /ẩrezjumeI/ /rIẩteIl/ /ẩSựtkmIN/ /ẩveIkônsi/ /ẩhôUlseIl/ /ẩwẻựkfựs/ cùng, hộ tống loi, hng ghi li tóm tt say mê, thiết tha tóm tt bán lẻ vành, p v tr, chức vụ bỏ trống bán buôn lực lợng lao động Unit commitment (n) dissolve (v) domestic (a) drug (n) drug-taker (n) eliminate (v) /kôẩmItmônt/ /dIẩzlv/ /dôẩmestIk/ /drg/ /ẩdrg teIkô(r)/ /IẩlImIneIt/ cam kết giải tán, giải thể nội đa, nớc ma tu ngời sử dụng ma tu loi bỏ, loi trừ Enterprises Law ethnic minority eventually (adv) expand (v) guideline (n) illegal (a) in ruins /ẩentôpraIzIz lự/ ination (n) inhabitant (n) intervention (n) investment (n) islander (n) Land Law legal ground reaffirm (v) reform (v), (n) renovation (n) sector (n) stagnant (a) subsidy (n) substantial (a) /InẩfleISn/ /ầeTnIk maIẩnrôti/ /IẩventSuôli/ /IkẩspQnd/ /ẩgaIdlaIn/ /Iẩliựgl/ /In ẩruựinz/ /InẩhQbItônt/ /ầIntôẩvenSn/ /Inẩvestmônt/ /ẩaIlôndô(r)/ /lQnd lự/ /ẩlIgl graUnd/ /ầriựôẩfẻựm/ /rIẩfựm/ /ầrenôẩveISn/ /ẩsektô(r)/ /ẩstQgnônt/ /ẩsbsôdi/ /sôbẩstQnSl/ Luật Doanh nghiệp ngời dân tộc thiểu số cuối mở rộng nguyên tc đo bất hợp pháp tnh trng h hi, suy sụp lm phát dân c can thiệp đầu t ngời dân đảo Luật đất đai sở pháp l tái xác nhận cải cách, cải tổ đổi khu vực tr trệ bao cấp lớn, đáng kể Unit pessimistic (a) optimistic (a) terrorist (n) labour-saving (a) micro-technology (n) /ầpesIẩmIstIk/ /ầptIẩmIstIk/ /ẩterôrIst/ /ẩleIbô ầseIvIN/ /ẩmaIkrôU bi quan lc quan quân khủng bố tiết kiệm sức lao động công nghệ vi mô telecommunications (n) /ầtelikôẩmjuựnIkeISnz/ viễn thông tekẩnlôdZi/ [...]... /ẩgaIdlaIn/ /Iẩliựgl/ /In ẩruựinz/ /InẩhQbItônt/ /ầIntôẩvenSn/ /Inẩvestmônt/ /ẩaIlôndô(r)/ /lQnd lự/ /ẩlIgl graUnd/ /ầriựôẩfẻựm/ /rIẩfựm/ /ầrenôẩveISn/ /ẩsektô(r)/ /ẩstQgnônt/ /ẩsbsôdi/ /sôbẩstQnSl/ Luật Doanh nghiệp ngời dân tộc thiểu số cuối cùng mở rộng nguyên tc chỉ đo bất hợp pháp trong tnh trng h hi, suy sụp lm phát dân c sự can thiệp sự đầu t ngời dân ở đảo Luật đất đai cơ sở pháp l tái xác nhận cải

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 08:20

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