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Ôn tập thi HKI tiếng anh lớp 10

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REVISION FOR THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATIONENGLISH 10 I Choose the best answer to complete each sentence The alarm goes off at 4:30 A goes wrong B goes away C rings D plays We chat about our work A talk in a friendly way B learn C.discuss D worry What is Mr Vy’s ……? - He is a peasant (job/ profession/ career/ All are correct) Mr Lam is a He rides a lot of passengers every day A teacher B doctor C farmer D cyclo driver Miss Phuong enjoys working with children in a school She is a A teacher B student C peasant D passenger I can speak two - Vietnamese and English ( addresses/ names / languages/ occupations) I was born in Dong Thap Dong Thap is my ( date of birth /place of birth/ present address/ surname) Marie Curie is a brilliant and mature student (young / very good /having a fully developed mind/difficult) She received a general ……………… in local school A educate B education C educational D educated 10 My favourite ……… is Literature A subject B teacher C job D student 11 John isn’t content with his present salary ( excited about/ satisfied with/ disappointed about/ interested in) 12 A computer consists of hardware and software A screen B physical part C programs D keyboard 13 Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint are A software B hardware C floppy disks D keyboard 14 We can see a lot of information on the visual display unit (VDU).( CD ROMs /mouse /computer screen/ printer) 15 … cook rice, meat, fish and vegetables or keep the food warm.(TV/ fax machine/ air conditioner/ electric cooker) 16 The man continues to learn how to use a computer after a few lessons.A goes on B stops C agrees D refuses 17 With the development of information technology we can send……… from one computer to another A houses B messages C buildings D computers 18 You should ………the volume if you want to hear the sound louder.A select B watch C adjust D insert 19 A blind person is a one who cannot anything A hear B see C eat D talk 20 Lan is anxious about her parents’ permission A interested B worried C cheap D expensive 21 Computer-controlled robots are now common in industrial manufacture ( service / production / preparation / communication) 22 She sings …………… She is famous for her voice.(beauty / beautiful/ beautifully / beautify) 23 Which of these expressions is commonly used when people start a conservation? A Goodbye See you later B Hello What are you doing? C Well, it’s been nice meeting you D Great I’ll see you tomorrow 24 Lan is taking English this A party B hotel C beach D semester 25 She received a general ….….… in local school A educate B education C educational D educated 26 We are going to the theatre to see a play A cartoon B dramaC comedy D documentary 27 Which of the following is NOT the type of the mass media? A TV B books C radio D the Internet 28 They helped the villagers grow cash crops for export A crops to be sold B crops to be used C crops to be eaten D crops to be seen 29 They build a to look after people’s health.A bridge B medical centre C school D football ground 30 The opposite of turn right is A keep walking B walk past go over D turn left 31 They apply new farming methods to get bumper crops (good crops/ cash crops /crops for buying/ crop failure) 32 If you want to learn about the events that are happening all over the world, you can watch a……………… A cartoon B comedy C love story D documentary 33 If the roads are widened, cars and lorries can get around easier (broadened/ flooded/ grown / got) 34 English is a(n) ………… language A national B nation C international D internationally 35 Mr Phong has to …… his bike in narrow and crowded streets to get to school.(drive/ ride/ rode/ rides) 36 You don’t look very happy ………………… ? A What’s the matter with you B Where are you now C What are you doing D Who did you meet 37 ………….? He is a teacher A What does your father B What is he like C What does he look like D Who is he 38 Marie Curie earned a degree in Physics with flying colours A with a bad mark B with keeping in her mind C with a high mark D with difficulties 39 Watching Thuy taking a class, one can see how time-consuming the work is A taking a little time B slowly, a long period of time C taking a lot of time D needing a lot of people 40 My friend has decided to become a professional ………… A photographer B photogenic C photographic D photography 41 I took a …… of my girl-friend yesterday.A A photographer B Photogenic C photographic D photography 42 Computers help you interact with people around the world.A link B differ C learn D type 43 ………… is used to keep the air cool or warm when it is cold or hot A cell phone B air conditioner C fax machine D computer 44 A film made by photographing a series of changing drawings is: (comedy/ cartoon / documentary drama.) 45 ………… provides information and entertainment orally and we receive information through our ears A TV B radio C The Internet D newspaper II Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence ……Peter leave for London? – Two weeks ago A Why has B When did C Where will D What did We are looking for ward to ……….you soon A hear B heard C hearing D hearing from It rained all the time, …………was a great pity.A that B what C which D who I ………… go to pop concerts when I was young A will B used to C am used to D got used to Claude didn't ……….in Canada A lived B use to live C used to live D used to living I didn't like the noise in the city at first But now …………here A I got used to living B I'm used to living C I used to live D I used to living Galileo……………his first telescope in 1609 A builds B built C has built D had built I really enjoy with my mother A cook B to cook C cooked D cooking Would you like _ to the movie with me? A going B to go C A and B D go 10 The alarm goes off and Mr Lam gets up ……….… 4:30 A in B at C on D for 11 We are contented ………… what we A with B from C of D about 12 Mr Lam usually ….…… an old man from District to District A ride B rides C riding D rode 13.Last year I …… my summer holidays at a seaside town.A spend B spends C to spend D spent 14 Miss Lan Phuong enjoys with children.A works B to work C working D worked 15 Mr Ha worries his son’s safety.A on B for C about D at 16 I’m still looking for a job, but I hope ….…… something soon.A find B to findC finding D to finding 17 When they met again, they ……… each other for 10 years.( don’t see/ hadn’t seen/ doesn’t see/ didn’t see) 18 I am good at ……….…… books and letters in Chinese A read B to read C reading D reads 19 Liz used to …… a motorbike A rides B rode C ridding D ride 20 Jill isn’t on the phone, …………… makes it difficult to contact her A this B which C who D that 21 We send letters .…….almost every part of the world with the help of computers.A to B on C in D from 22 Thousands of animals in the forest fire (have killed/ has killed/ has been killed/ have been killed) 23 Please think of a word .comes from a foreign language into Vietnamese A which B.Who C it D this 24 Tell me your plan, Lan What this Saturday evening? A did you B are you doing C will you D are you going to 25 There is a comedy programme ……… between 10:15 and 11:00 A in B on C to D of 26 We haven’t had a good meal ……… three weeks A in B since C ago D for 27 It’s two years I last saw Quoc Anh A ago B from C since D about 28 They arrived home ten minutes …… A ago B since C for D in 29 his illness, he managed to come to school.A BecauseB Because of C In spite D In spite of 30 When you come out of the station, turn right Keep …… for about minutes A walk B walked C to walk D walking 31 I thought the film ………interesting A will be B would be C be D can be 32 Jack …………… me that he was enjoying his new class A told B talked C said D spoke 33 If I …………… to medical college, I will study medicine A go B went C goes D will go 34 I ….…… in London for a month A were B am C was D have been 35 I’ll lend you my book …………… I finish reading it.A if B when C because of D in spite of 36 If we raise the roads, they …… muddy and flooded after rains (weren’t/ will not be/ would not be/ aren’t) 37 I Nancy in London in 1992.A meet B had met C meets D met 38 A nurse is a person …………… looks after patients.A which B who C she D where 39 …….…… you live? - In the centre of the city.A Which B Who C When D Where 40 Gold and diamon………… making jewelries.A are used to B are used for C used to D get used to 41 They ……living on farms and working on fields.A are used to B are used for C used to D did not use to 42 Robin Hood stole fr…………….poor A rich and gave B the rich and rave to the C the rich and giving D rich and the 43 Julia is a nurse She has spent her life caring for…… A the poor B the sick C the young D the rich 44 The gold hunter and his dogs …………… could not man-age to find the way out of the storm never returned A which B who C whom D that 45 We haven't kept in touch with Mary …………… A for leaving school B since we left school C for we left school D since leaving school 46 Mary …… to work everyday, but today she ………for the bus A is driving/ waits B drives/ is waiting C has driven/ is going to wait D is going to drive/ has waited 47 Every school year we have four ……………………… A forty-five minute tests B forty-five minutes tests C forty-five minutes test D forty-five minute test 48 They ……… best friends when they were little boys but now their friendship no longer exists A are used to be B are used to being C used to D used to be 49 I left home early ……………I was tired A because of B because C due to D so as to 50 ………he works as hard as he used to A Although his older B Because of he is old C Inspite of his age D As age 51 In spite of …………., he has no intention to give up smoking A his bad cough B he coughs badly C it is his bad cough D his badly cough 52 Tom told Mary he had bought a new car three days …………A then B after C ago D before 53 You will get a good seat if you ……… first A come B came C have come D will come 54 The book I bought at the bookstore yesterday is expensive.A.who B whose C that D B & C 55 Don’t forget _ home as soon as you arrive at your destination.( to call/ calling/ have called/ to be called) 56 Ann is interested in _ young children A teach B teachesC to teach D teaching 57 The last time I swimming was when we were in Spain.A had gone/ went / has gone / was going) 58 He decided broken glass on top of his wall preventing from his children.( putting/ puts to put/ put) 59 After we the bill, we the restaurant.A.paid/left B were paying/leftC.had paid/left D paid/had left 60 Why _ you attend the class yesterday, Tom?A don’t B weren’t C wasn’t D didn’t 61 My family _ a tour around that city two months ago.A is takingB had taken C take D took 62 The village a lot since their children came back with new farming methods A have changed B was changed C has changed D is changing 63 My father used to a lot but now he gives up it.A smoke B smoking C to smoke D smokes 64 The man was born in a poor family is a good student A who B which C whom D whose 65 If he harder, the results will be better A workedB works C has worked D will work 66 He couldn’t go to school yesterday _ his illness A in spite of B although C because of D because 67 Lan is never _ for school A absent B present C early D late 68 The meeting had been canceled the chairman’s absence A although B because of C in spite ofD because 69 We haven’t seen each other we left school A since B for C before D after 70 We decided to eat out the bad weather.A becauseB although C in spite of D because of 71 What you use the Internet _?A to B with C of D for 72 Before she out, she all the dishes A went/ washed B had gone/ washed C went/ had washed D had gone/ had washed 73 It often me twenty minutes to school A takes/ to go B took/ to go C takes/ going D had taken/ to go 74 What/ they/often/ do/ morning? A what they often in the morning? B What they often in the morning? C What they often doing in the morning? D What does they often in the morning? 75 It’s not good to avoid the teacher’s questions in class A answer B answering C to answer D answered 76 Our/ teacher/ enjoy/ teach/ class/ very much A Our teacher enjoys to teach our class very much B Our teacher enjoy to teach our class very much C Our teacher enjoy teaching our class very much D Our teacher enjoys teaching our class very much 77 Now Nam has got a car He a motorbike A uses to drive B used to driving C used to drive D uses to driving 78 Could you please stop so much noise?A make B to make C making D made 79 The deaf person is the one _ is not able to hear.A which B whom C who D whose 80 There are the books _ my father wrote when he was young A what B who C that D whom 81 A new hospital for children/ build/ in our city/ for ten years A A new hospital for children have been built in our city for ten years B A new hospital for children have built in our city for ten years C A new hospital for children has been build in our city for ten years D A new hospital for children has been built in our city for ten years 82 Could you help me find the man _ saved the girl? A which B who C whom D what 83 The doctor is someone looks after people’ health A that B who C which D A and B 84 The house _ many times since June A has repaired B have repaired C has been repaired D have been repaired 85 Do you think the windows are so dirty?-Oh, yes I _ later A will clean B clean C am going to clean D have clean 86 Smoking is very bad for his health, but he _ it up A isn’t going to give B doesn’t give C didn’t give D won’t give 87 He has had this car _ six months A in B since C ago D for 88 Go straight and _ the third turning on the right A get B make C take D catch 89 How you often to go to school? A on foot B five days a week C I go to school in the morning D I often stayed at home 90 –A: Pass me this pen, please! B: : _ A Thank you B Here you are C I don’t know D Yes, I would 91 Would you like to go for a drink? –: I am not thirsty now A I don’t think so B No, thanks C No, I don’t want D Yes, we will go 92 A: Thanks so much for your lovely present! – B: _ A You are welcome B Thank you C Cheers D Good luck 93 A: Excuse me, Lan! - Lan: A No, I’m busy B Yes?C Thank you! D There’s nothing! III Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting Nam usually go fishing with some friends in his free time Where did you come here? - Just a few days ago Lan was in a difficult situation, so I agreed lending her some money He seldom travels by bicycle before he went to Vietnam I used to eating ice cream when I was a child These are the pictures who my son drew when he was young I hear Tim has won a lot of money What has he going to with it? Lan and Minh have lived in Ho Chi Minh City in 1999 If I will more homework, I will pass my exam 10 She is used to get up early in the morning 11 I can't find my diary, that is a real nuisance 12 He said me that he had sent his letter to me 13 She learns English since she was five 14 She is going to buying a new bicycle 15 Before he became a film star, he has been a teacher 16 Since I begin school, I haven’t had much free time 17 Why you call me so late last night? 18 The blind is very difficult when seeing something 19 These books have been buy for a long time 20 They finish to their homework earlier 21 She often went to school by bus 22 We have to cancel the excursion because of the weather is bad 23 After he had done all his homework, he goes to bed IV Choose the correct sentence that best rewrites the root one: This story is about a woman She doesn’t know how to read and write A This story is about a woman who doesn’t know how to read and write B This story is about a woman which doesn’t know how to read and write C This story who doesn’t know how to read and write is about a woman D She doesn’t know how to read and write who this story is about a woman They have watched this film on TV A This film have been watch on TV B This film have been watched on TV C This film has been watched on TV D This film has watched on TV No one has used this computer for a long time A This computer has been used for a long time B This computer was not used for a long time C This computer has not been used for a long time D This computer has not used for a long time I don’t like to go to the parties because I have the trouble remembering people’s names A I avoid going to the parties B I avoid to go to the parties C I avoid go to the parties D I avoid to going to the parties We lived in Nottingham a few years ago, but now we live in Manchester A We used to live in Manchester B We used to live in Nottingham C We live in Nottingham now D We use to live in Nottingham Because the weather was cold, we kept the fire burning all day A Because the cold weather, we kept the fire burning all day B Because of the cold weather, we kept the fire burning all day C In spite of the cold weather, we kept the fire burning all day D We kept the fire burning all day because of the weather was cold 7.The taxi driver is friendly He took me to the airport A The taxi driver who took me to the airport is friendly B The taxi driver whom took me to the airport is friendly C The taxi driver whose took me to the airport is friendly D The taxi driver is friendly who took me to the airport The street is very noisy This makes it difficult to sleep A The street is very noisy, this makes it difficult to sleep B The street is very noisy, who makes it difficult to sleep C The street is very noisy, which makes it difficult to sleep D The street is very noisy, which this makes it difficult to sleep This story is about an old man He doesn’t know how to use a computer A This story is about an old man who doesn’t know how to use a computer B This story is about an old man which doesn’t know how to use a computer C This story who doesn’t know how to use a computer is about an old man D He doesn’t know how to use a computer who this story is about an old man 10 They have washed their hands on a towel A Their hands have washed on a towel B Their hands has been washed on a towel C On a towel has been washed their hands D Their hands have been washed on a towel 13 No one has cleaned the floor for weeks A The floor hasn’t been cleaned for weeks B The floor has been cleaned by someone for weeks C The floor hasn’t cleaned for weeks D A & B are correct 14 Somebody has taken some of my books away A Some of my books have been taken away B Some of my books have taken away C Some of my books away have taken  This is the man D Some of my books taken away ……………………………………… V Writing : I saw some glasses They were all dirty Exercise 1: Relative clauses  I saw some glasses This is the man I gave him money this morning ………………………………… She is the most beautiful girl I've ever met her in my  …………………………………………… life He hasn’t done her exercises  She is the most beautiful girl………………………  ……………………………… Nam isn't on the phone This makes it difficult to contact Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the verbs in him brackets Nam isn't on the phone, ……………………… I (not/ meet) ……………… him a long time ago Jim passed his driving test This surprised everybody He (buy)………………… a new car last weekend …………………………………………………………… My parents (read)………… newspapers every day 6.The children broke the window.They live in the next street ………….she (learn) …………………… English ……………………………………………… everyday? I didn’t really like the car We bought it My daughter (not/ watch)…………… TV every …………………………………………………………… night This is the man I gave him money this morning …….they (work) ………… eight hours everyday? …………………………………………………………… They (not /meet) ……… each other years ago The clock is very beautiful My mother gave it to me on My friends (come)………… to visit me yesterday my birthday party Her parents had died before she (finish) …………………………………………………………… ……… her education 10 The girl is waiting in the hall I was telling you about her 10 You can’t avoid (meet)………… him if both of ……………………………………………………… you work in the same office Exercise 2: Make question with 11 After I (write) some letters, I went out Angus and Flora live in Scotland to post it 12 He (be)………… a newspaper reporter before he ………………………………… became a business businessman She went home because she was tired 13 The new bus driver (have) an accident …………………………… after he (drive) a few miles My school is big and beautiful 14 The passenger asked her how (get) …………to the ………………………………… station He gave me a dictionary last night 15 We stopped once (buy) ………… petrol and then we stopped again (ask) ……… someone the way ………………………… … 16 I hope (not do)…………… that tiring work again There are three cars in the car park 17 My parents decided (take) …………a taxi because …………………………………… it was late I spent 10 $ on this shirt 18 Do you agree (lend) ………….me some money? ……………………………………………… 19 Would you mind (put) …… all those toys away? He is ten years old 20 I enjoy (listen) …………….to classical music ………………………………………………… 21 They (live) …… in Dong Thap before they (move)………… to HCM city She bought a new car last month ……………………………………………………… B Complete the following sentences, using the cues below: I often have dinner at 7p.m * A letter of complaint: ………………………………………… I/ be/ writing/ complain/ the poor/ quality/ 10 She was born in Hue service/your center …………………………………………… …………………………………………………… 11 She went home because she was tired Everything/ seem/ be/ worse/ what/ you/ say/ ……………………………… advertisement 12 She came with a friend …………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 3.First of all, you/ say/ there/ be/ only/ native teachers, Exercise 3: Change these sentences into passive : but/ my class/ have/ one/ Vietnamese teacher/ two No one has treated me with such kindness native teachers  ……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Lan has bought a new car ………………………………………………………  …………………………………………… …………………………………………………… She has given me a book You/ also/ say/ each class/ have/ no more than/ 20  …………………………………………………… students, but there/ b/ over 30 students/ my class Mr Nam has opened the door …………………………………………………………… Television/ help/ us/ learn/ the world/ know/ see/ …………………………………………… many things The classroom/ be/ not/ air-conditioned That/ be/ quite / …………………………………………………… different/ the advertisement … …………………………………………………………… It/ make/ things/ memorable/ because/ it/ present/ ……………………………………………… information/ effective way The class time/ be/ not/ same/ what/ advertisement/ say …………………………………………………… Classes/ not only/ start/ late/ also/ finish/ early … …………………………………………………………… Watch/ TV/ be/ enjoyable/ way/ relax ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… To resolve/ problem, I/ require / you/ give/ me/ a fund It/ make/ us / aware/ our/ global responsibilities ……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… I / look/ forward to/ hear/ you soon ……… ……………………………………………………… Television/ encourage/ us/ buy/ things/ we/ not/ Please contact/me/ 30 Nguyen Hue street/ or/ phone need number/ 063.3859789 …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… It/ take/ time/ away/ activities/ reading/ games *Writing about advantages and disadvantages of the mass media ………………………………………………………… It/ interfere/family life/ communication.……………………… *writing an informal letter: giving directions: I/be/ happy/ hear/ you/ decided/come/ here/ the holidays.…………………………………………………………… I/ write/ tell/ you/ how/ get/ my house/ from/ Dalat railway station …………………………………………………………… When/ you/ come out of/ station/ turn right …………………………………………………………… Keep/ walk/ about 10 minutes/ you/ see/ small bridge/ ahead …………………………………………………………… Go/ the bridge, walk/ past/ medical center / and/ car park/, then/ take/ second/ turning/ the right …………………………………………………………… My house/ second/ after/ shoe shop/, opposite/ bookshop …………………………………………………………… I /enclosed/ map/ so that/ you / follow/ my directions/ easily ………………………………………………………… I / look/ forward to/ hear/ you / soon ……………………………………………… Exercise : Reported statement: 1/ Tom said : “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.”  2/ She said : “I spent my summer in this village last year.”  _ 3/ They said to me : “You taught us English years ago.”  4/ Mr.Brown said : “Our trip cost us two thousand dollars ”  _ 5/ He said to her : “ I didn’t find my hat anywhere in this room yesterday.”  _ 6/ My father said to them : “My secretary is going to finish this job.”  7/ They said : “We can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow.”  8/ My mother said : “I think it won’t rain tomorrow.” - _ 9/ He said : “Your car has been stolen, John.”  _ 10 Tom said: “ I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father”  11 She said: “ I spent my summer in this village last year”  _ 12 She said: “ I can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow, Nam” 

Ngày đăng: 17/08/2016, 19:14

