_ Diaru oƒa Wimpu Kid Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Diary of a.Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel
Trang 5
PUFFIN BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London wc2e ort, England Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4? 23
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First published in the English language in 20n by Amulet Books, an imprint of ABRAMS, New York Original English title: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever (All rights reserved in all countries by Harry N Abrams, Inc.) Published simultaneously in Great Britain in Puffin Books 2001
This edition published 2013 +022
Wimpy Kid text and illustrations copyright © Wimpy Kid, Inc 201
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Trang 8
Saturday — - "
\os† people look forward_+o the holidays but the
stretch between Thanksgiving and_Christmas just
makes me a nerVous wreck Tf you make a mistake
in_the first eleven months of +h e-year, it's no big
deal But if you do something _wrong-d uri hg the a
holiday season youre gonna pay for_it GOT MORE PRESENTS | IF YOU HADN'T | _ PINCHED YOUR \ BROTHER LAST WEEK! /
T+s too much pressure to eon your best ap
behaviour for_a_whole month The most T can — really handle is_six or seven days ina row So
Trang 9Kids whose families dont celebrate Christmas — —
are lucky because they dont have to stress out
whenever they do something wrong.at this time
of year Tn fact, T have a few friends in that _
category who 1 think acta little extra jerky - —
around how _just because they cản,
The thing that REALLY makes me nervous is this
whole Santa issue The fact that he can see you
when youre sleeping and knows when youre awake
really e out So Te started wearing
sweatpants †o bed because J really dont need
Trang 10Tm not really convinced - that Santa has the time to keep an eye on you twenty-four hours_a day ain I, T_figure he can -only_check in ‘on each kik once ae
twice a year fora - few seconds - and, rwithy-luck, : that! Men NƯnh ec rere thing ye de |
hi hat T want for Christmas and all +ha+ T use m y letters to_ pant myself in the
best possible ahs Dear Santa, T did not throw a crab “opple —|-œt+-Mrs ToylorS-cøt
— |} +hough- it fightve looked ————
Trang 11Then theres this ‘Naughty or Nice’ list theyre
always talking about You hearabout.it, but
you hever actually get +o SEE it, so it's up to s grown-ups +o tell_you where you stand at.aty giveh_moment And something about that just
doesn + seem right
— t3
.~” of
t t ote ——
T kind of wonder how accurate the list really is
anyway Theresa kid_named Jared Pyle who_lives up the street from me, and_if theres ANYONE _
who deserves to be on the “Naughty” list
it's him But last year he gota dirt bike for
Christmas, so don+ even ask me WHAT Santa was
thinking on THAT one
Trang 12
Ts not just Santa The got to worry about,
either Last year, when Mom was going through _
some old boxes, she found a homemade doll from _
her childhood
Mom said the doll is called “Santa's Scout! and —_
that his job is to.watch how kids behave and then
report back +o Santa at the North Pole
Trang 13
Well, Tem not a fan of that idea First of all, T
think you have aright to privacy in_yaur_own home
And,.second, Santa's Scout gives me the willies
L dont really buy the idea that this doll is
feeding Santa information, tut, just in case, T —
try tobe extra good whenever Tm in the same
Trang 14But it probably doesnt matter anyway, because
my older_brother, Rodrick, is constantly feeding
Santas Scout bad information about me
a new place, which T guess is supposed to prove that
Trang 15Sunday s a Today we took all our Christmas decorations out
of the storage room in the basemen+ We have
boxes full of ornaments, and some of them are pretty old There's one with -a_picture_of me_and
Rodrick taking a bath in the sink that's really —
embarrassing, but Mom wont-let me throw it out We put up the tree in the living room and_started hanging orhaments.on it My little brother,
Manny, was taking a nap upstairs and,.when he
woke up and found out we were decorating the
Trang 16
The-reason Manny was so upset was because
| someone had_hung_his favourite ornament, this —_
candy_cane_he really likes So Mom took it off the tree_and_handed_it to Manny +o hang up himself
oe 1" 38NIFF‡
But Manny wanted his ornament tobe the —
EIRST one on the tree, so that meant we had
Trang 17And thats just the kind of thing that happens —
in_my house every sinale day / / «+ / Mom hasnt started +a use the threat of Santa
asa way of getting Manny to behave, but Tim —
sure_she will soon 1 dont think it's sucha good
an real leVeraae / `2
Trang 18Monday
Right before Thanksgiving break, there wasa —
contest at school +o see who could come_up with
the best anti-bullying slogan, and the grand prize wasa pizza party for the winning team |
Forma team of up to five and
come up with the best anti-bullying PIZZA PARTY inthe cafeteria!
Everyone wanted that pizza party, and people
didnt care WHAT they had to init “wo groups.of girls in my grade_came up with slogans
that were really similar, and_each group accused
Trang 19“he whole situation spun out of control, and evenrtually the vice principal had +o step in to stop
it from turhing into_a full-scale riot
Trang 20
The day before Thanksgiving there was abig
anti-bullying assembly, and.everyone in the
auditorium was looking at Dennis the whole time T_ kind of fel+ sorry for him, so +red to make
him feel better — ea YAS - he „ SS | —
Even though Dennis is th real_bully in our
school this year, we had TH NO of hen
LAST year People were constantly getting picked
the playground where kids could press a button if -
they needed +o get a grown-ups attention, —
Trang 21
Well, the Tell-a-Teacher station just ended up —_ bein 3-4 conVeni ent place for the bullies to hang out to find their next victims,
The teachers say TEASING counts os bullying, —
to0,_but T don+† think there's anyway they’ Ye
gonna puta stop +o THAT Kids are always calling each other names and that kind of thing
at mự_ school Tn - fact, ohe.of the reasons try _
to Stay under the radar_is because 1 dont want
to_end_up getting stuck with «nickname like — Cody Johnson di d
| Si kindergarten Coy steped in some dog poop
at recess, and cer shee then gap have called
him “Dookie”
Trang 22
And Tim not just talking about the kids, either
ll tell you this: if T ever nan
Dookie, ll mave to.a different tm
Trang 23But what would : probably happen is that someone
from m my OLD school would move +to my new iown_ —
and ˆ the whole thing -would just s†ar+- back up again HEY! \DOOKTE1) | 2 7 ef: = | | >\ Ì The teachers always say that whe re ae+tina_ ¡ ink thats pic
a good idea, but it didnt work out so well when 7 was getting bullied
There was this kid who_lived in - the neighbourhood _
nhu ana Some reason eeryone ced lim ˆ ‘Nasty Pants” ~
Trang 24
th stick,
The thing that really stunk was that me.and_
Rowley_used_the woods in that neighbourhood as
a shortcut +o get to school So we started having
Trang 25We did EXACTLY what the teachers are always
telling us -†o do, and comp lained to the vice - principal But Vice Principal Roy said that since
Nasty Pants didnt go +o our_school there was _
hothing he could really do about it | ⁄^ Gs wt HN MR ROY) 6 6 ——] | I eh
After getting chased.a few more times, To —_
decided T'd had enough, so T told Dad about
the situation was afraid Dad was gonna say 1
Trang 26
Dad's bully was named Bill y Staples, and Billys favourite thing to do was ph a kids arm behind ˆ
his back and hold it there until he cried
Dad said that the ki ds_in the neighbourhood
told_their_parents about Billy and they all wert to Billy's house +toconfront his mom_and dad Mr Staples made Bil ly promise to never pick on "
anyone ever_again, and Dad said Billy burst into
+ears_and_mi ght have even wet his pants Tỉ —
Trang 27
Well, after hearing that story, TI dan think Billy
Staples wouldve been any match for Nasty Pants
But T told Dad TT lked the idea of complaining +o
the bully’s parents T called up Rowley and told
heeded as_much back-up as we could get |
9-2 a
T `)
Dad knocked on Nasty Pants's door, and we —
Trang 28
But Nasty Pants HIMSELF came to the door,
ahd me and Rowley took off
T guess I should've described Nasty Pants to — Dad, because it took him a while to understand
that the kid who came to the.doorwas the one
who was causing us all that trouble
Trang 29
On the way home, Dad was pret mad at me for letting myself get bullied by.a kid who was still in kindergarten But let me just say inom i defence yinry
that when some kid.is chasing you with a stick — you don+ s†op to_ask him how old he is ———_
Tuesday _
They took the last piece of playground equipment away at school today We started off the year
with all sorts of things, like monkey bars and
swings.and_stuff, but nay the playground is an —
Trang 30T heard the school was having trouble paying the insurance for the : playground, so every time there was some kind of accident or Quy injury on a
piece of equipment the easiest thing todo was — _ just remove it
Tn October, Francis Knott went flying off the _
swing-se†-and landed-an the seesaw,so that taak , out two big items right there
We lost the monkey bars when 4 đj irl_named
Christine Higgins climbed - tothe top and then_got
too scared +o come down |
Trang 31The teachers arent allowed +o touch kids, so —- they | had +o call Christine's parents to come a nd get her —— qa Yo S5 o
Eventually; the only piece of equipment left was
the balance beam, and T figured nobods y-could get hurt_on THAT thing But, believe it or not,_Some_
idiot wasnt ooking where he was going the other _
day, so now that's gone »_too
Trang 32
Without any playground equipment, _there's really
nothing, for us todo But the teachers wont
even le us St downy Because they- say we have to
stay Nactive
And it’s not like you! ‘re allowed “to bring in toys —
or Video games ˆ to keep yourself occupied, either —
Th fact, if you get caught with a “toy on the _ playground, it'll get confiscated Last week
somebody found_a_miniature_car_buried_in the sad
Trang 33TW A
The carhad three missing wheels, but people were
So desperate for entertainment that they lined up to_play with it while others kept lookout —Š : Re Lf a VTE > A la “| — sae BE Bel | Hư ` l k `
Now there's a black market for toys at our school
from home yesterday, and T hear a single brick will
set you back fifty cents
The teachers have banned a bunch of games we used.to_play, too Last week a group of boys.were
playing Freeze Tag, but oneof them got hurt
when someone shoved him from behind
Trang 34
So now were hot allowed †o †ouch each ¿ other or _ even RUN Today people were play ing “Air Tag"
and getting around | by sgeed-walking, but it
Trang 35Tm one_of those people who has.a hard time chà, focusing when the teacher is talking, and when "
another class is having, recess right outside the window its practically impossible to pay attention
OK, I take back what T said about being glad
the playground_equipment-is_gone Now the kids _ at recess dont have anything to do, so they just
stare in through the windows And that's seriously
Trang 36
Tt doesnt help that Tm not exactly the fastest
test-taker Tn third grade T hada teacher
named Mrs Sinclair who taught us all these great
tricks for remembering multiplication facts But
they seriously slow me_dowh
Eariec +his year we had a maths teacher named Me
Trang 37But once when Mr Sparks was trying to_get us to -remember_a maths concept one of the legs on his —
chair_broke and he fell (YAARGH?
“suing the school over rt + dont remember the
concept he was trying to teach us that day, but T
do_always remember never to stand_an the furniture
During recess 4oday everyone was just waiting started sk ipping around the playground ——_
Trang 38
= | PANE “3 Z "oe ea W eo sỉ + * * : 4| r « ` = skip Z⁄ ` penton any ` œ x > ye ee XS anne wen
must ve thou ght Rowley was protesting against ol f
the new cules by_ skipping instead_of running, but
likes to do
For some reason it really gets on my nerves wher
Rowley_skips, so + buaaed _me +o see him prancing
around the + play ground like +hat Ski ipping is _
shally ra me sử ket btn the va of
Rowley says Tm jealous of him because 1 dont, —~ roto ee ee ust looks stupid
Trang 39Fill admit that T never exactly got the hang
of skipping Tn fact, T was the only kid _in_first
grade wha couldnt do it (PARP Sp GALLOPING LOẠI - al, a 2 \À il ef Be ah
Twas afraid Td be held back until T learned how
to.skip, but luckily they let me move on to second |
; grade Still, Tm worried it’s gonna come back to haunt me_later_on
Trang 40
Sometimes 1 wonder how me and Rowley ended
uw _beina friends in the first place, since were So
different But at this point T figure were stuck _
with each other, So T just try +o overlook the _
things he does that annoy me
The thing that stinks about having Santa's —_—
Scout.wactching my every move at home_is that TLcant getaway with the things [_ used to do _
during the holidays
A few.years ago Mom and Dad_put some gifts
under the +ree a week before Christmas, and it