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Difficulties in making individual oral presentations among second year english majors at can tho university

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CAN THO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT *** DIFFICULTIES IN MAKING INDIVIDUAL ORAL PRESENTATIONS AMONG SECOND-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS AT CAN THO UNIVERSITY B.A Thesis Supervisor Truong Nguyen Quynh Nhu, M.A Researcher Nguyen Huynh Nhu Hien Student ID: 7075887 Class: NN0752A2 Course: 33 Can Tho, May 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thesis has been completed thanks to the help and support of many people I would like to acknowledge their contribution to the completion of the study First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Ms Truong Nguyen Quynh Nhu, my supervisor, for her valuable instructions, advice and help In spite of being busy with her teaching, she spent time reading and giving comments on the drafts of my thesis Without her help and enthusiasms, I could not finish my study Also, I would like to thank Ms Huynh Chi Minh Huyen, Ms Duong Thi Phi Oanh, Mr Do Xuan Hai and Mr Le Thanh Hung for their permission to questionnaire administration Additionally, my special thanks go to all of the students who were willing to spend time marking the questionnaires and to participate in the individual interviews The thesis would not be completed without their assistance I would like to express many thanks to my friends who helped and encouraged me during the time I conducted the study Furthermore, I would like to thank the teachers of English Education Department, School of Education, Cantho University who offered me the opportunity to conduct the thesis and supported my work on it Finally, all my thanks go to my family who always supported me during the time I conducted the thesis i CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i LIST OF TABLES iv ABSTRACT v TÓM LƯỢC vi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Research aims 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Hypotheses 1.5 Significance of the research 1.6 Organization of the research LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Presentation 2.1.1 Definition of presentation 2.1.2 Types of presentation 2.1.3 Stages of a presentation Preparation Rehearsal Delivery 2.2 Difficulties in making presentations 2.2.1 Linguistic knowledge 10 2.2.2 Presentational skills 11 2.2.3 Psychological factors 12 2.3 Related studies 12 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 15 3.1 Research design 15 3.2 Participants 15 3.3 Research instruments 15 3.3.1 Questionnaire 16 3.3.2 Interviews 17 3.4 Procedures 17 3.4.1 Questionnaire administration procedures 17 3.4.2 Interview procedures 18 RESULTS 19 Results of the questionnaire 19 ii 4.1.1 Difficulties in preparing the presentation 19 4.1.2 Difficulties in rehearsing the presentation 19 4.1.3 Difficulties in delivering the presentation 20 4.1.4 Difficulties in using visual aids in the presentation 21 Results of the interviews 21 4.2.1 Difficulties in preparing the presentation 21 4.2.2 Difficulties in rehearsing the presentation 22 4.2.3 Difficulties in delivering the presentation 22 4.2.4 Difficulties in using visual aids 23 4.2.5 Interviewees‟ most difficulties 23 4.2.6 Causes of the difficulties in making individual presentations 24 DISCUSSIONS AND PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS 25 5.1 Discussions 25 5.1.1 The problems identified 25 5.1.2 The causes of the problems 26 5.2 Pedagogical implications 27 LIMITATIONS, SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH AND CONCLUSIONS 29 6.1 Limitations 29 6.2 Suggestions for further research 29 6.3 Conclusions 30 REFERENCE 31 APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE 34 APPENDIX 2: CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN 40 APPENDIX 3: RELIABILITY ANALYSIS 41 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Items categorized in the questionnaire Table 4.1 Descriptive statistics for the answers to questions about difficulties in preparing the presentation Table 4.2 Descriptive statistics for the answers to questions about difficulties in rehearsing the presentation Table 4.3 Descriptive statistics for the answers to questions about difficulties in delivering the presentation Table 4.4 Descriptive statistics for the answers to questions about difficulties in using visual aids in the presentation iv ABSTRACT This descriptive study was conducted to investigate the difficulties that students made in making individual oral presentations and the causes for those problems The participants of the study were 63 second-year students majoring in English education at Cantho University The data were collected from a questionnaire of 21 items and semi-open interviews The data were analyzed by Statistics Package for the Social Science The statistical results revealed that difficulties of the participants were as follows: (a) difficulties in preparing the presentation, (b) difficulties in delivering the presentation, (c) difficulties in using visual aids Among these, the most prominent specific difficulties were explaining technical terms in the presentation, using words for their precise meaning, having the feeling of nervousness, pronouncing English words, and maintaining eye contact with the audience while displaying PowerPoint slides The causes of the difficulties were as follows: nervousness and ability to select information On the basis of the findings, pedagogical implications are also included (teacher‟s positive feedback, peer correction and simultaneous individual presentations) v TÓM LƯỢC Nghiên cứu thực theo phương pháp mô tả nhằm khó khăn sinh viên mắc phải làm thuyết trình cá nhân nguyên nhân khó khăn Đối tượng nghiên cứu 63 sinh viên năm hai chuyên ngành sư phạm Anh văn trường Đại học Cần Thơ Số liệu thu thập thông qua phiếu câu hỏi gồm 21 câu buổi vấn bán mở Số liệu xử lý chương trình SPSS Kết phân tích số liệu cho thấy sinh viên gặp phải khó khăn sau: (a) gặp khó khăn việc chuẩn bị thuyết trình, (b) khó khăn trình bày thuyết trình, (c) khó khăn việc sử dụng dụng cụ trực quan Trong đó, khó khăn cụ thể bật: giải thích thuật ngữ có thuyết trình, phát âm từ tiếng Anh, kết hợp thao tác trình chiếu slide với việc giao tiếp mắt với khán giả Nguyên nhân khó khăn sau: hồi hộp khả chọn lọc thông tin Dựa kết nghiên cứu, đề nghị phương pháp giảng dạy đề xuất vi CHAPTER INTRODUCTION This chapter will present rationale, research aims, research questions, hypotheses, and significance of the research Organization of the study will also be included 1.1 Rationale Public speaking has been used as a significant means of communication It is a way that people can share their ideas with other people and even influence other people (Lucas, 2004) This author also shows that in a survey on personal qualities of college graduates sought by employers, communication skills – comprising public speaking – stood at the first position Moreover, this skill is essential in community life The skill of making presentations in public has become increasingly popular because it is required in almost every field nowadays, such as business and education People need this skill because it is useful for their job, their study, etc Coombe, England and Schmidt (2008) mentioned in the research on public speaking and presentation skills for English Language Teaching (ELT) educators the ideas of experts on the importance of speaking skills; that is, good oral and written skills can be the most prized possession in gaining and holding a top position At Can Tho University (CTU), English majors are equipped with knowledge of presentation skills In listening-speaking classes, students are instructed how to make a presentation They also have opportunities to give individual or small group presentations on particular topics as part of the course assessment This learning activity is useful for students because it benefits students in various ways It can improve students‟ oral skills, their confidence in delivering a speech in front of the audience, for instance However, to deliver a speech is a challenge to the speaker According to Linus (2003), a lecturer at National University of Singapore Business School, what makes speaking in the public challenging is that the presenter uses only voice, body language to convey information to the audience Tong (2009) states that making a presentation, especially in English, might possibly become a demanding task for a large number of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students Besides, Tong shows that there are numerous difficulties that students face when speaking in front of the audience Also, this researcher indicates that one of the causes for students‟ difficulties is that they have little prior experience with self-made presentations in secondary schools Kavaliauskiené (2005) did research to investigate students‟ difficulties in making presentations, and many hindrances were found Generally, regarding to EFL students‟ difficulties in making oral presentations, especially individual presentations, there are a few research conducted – Kavaliauskiené (2005) and Tong (2009) Furthermore, this issue has not been paid much attention in Vietnam, particularly at CTU Thus, the present study attempts to investigate difficulties that English majors at CTU have to encounter when making individual oral presentations In addition, it is an effort to explore potential causes of those problems Consequently, this study aims at contributing to EFL teaching and learning in Vietnam in general and at CTU in particular 1.2 Research aims The aim of this study is to investigate difficulties that second-year students of English education at CTU have when they make individual oral presentations The study is also aimed to figure out possible causes of those difficulties Briefly, the research is conducted with two aims: to examine what difficulties second-year students majoring in English education have in making individual presentations and the reasons for those difficulties 1.3 Research questions To investigate difficulties that second-year students of English education have in making individual presentations and potential causes of these problems, the researcher answers the following questions: What are the difficulties that second-year students majoring in English education experience when making individual oral presentations? What are the possible causes of these difficulties? 1.4 Hypotheses Based on the literature and research questions, it was hypothesized that secondyear English majors would have difficulties in making individual oral presentations as follows: (1) Difficulties in preparing the presentation (i.e searching for information, using words for their precise meaning, narrowing down the presentation topic) (2) Difficulties in rehearsing the presentation (i.e having difficulties in memorize the content of the presentation, lacking time to practice delivering the presentation in advance) (3) Difficulties in delivering the presentation (i.e pronouncing difficult, unusual, or foreign words, capturing eye contact with the audience) (4) Difficulties in using visual aids (i.e maintaining eye contact with the audience while displaying the PowerPoint slides) 1.5 Significance of the research The study attempts to investigate challenges that English majors have to face when making individual oral presentations The findings of this research thus reflect what difficulties students are facing From the results, teachers who are teaching speaking skill may have insights into what difficulties that students have, so they will employ appropriate teaching methods to improve students‟ presentation skills, as well as help students overcome these difficulties 1.6 Organization of the research The thesis is presented in chapters: (a) introduction, (b) literature review, (c) research methodology, (d) results, (e) discussions and pedagogical implications, (f) limitations, suggestions for further research and conclusions The first chapter consists of the rationale, research aims, research questions, hypotheses, significance of the research, and organization of the research In chapter 2, the review of the literature is presented Particularly, it includes the definition of presentation, types of presentations, stages of a presentation, difficulties in making presentations and related studies Chapter is the research methodology which presents research design, participants, research instruments and procedures The fourth 5.2 Pedagogical Implications On the basis of the findings, pedagogical implications for classroom are provided as follows: Students can improve their presentation qualities in terms of content, structure, etc in accordance with teacher feedback Nevertheless, it is challenging for the evaluator to offer positive feedback (Smith, 2003) To help teachers become better at the process of critiquing, he offers some suggestions First, the evaluator should give the feedback honestly and specifically Second, the evaluator should describe not evaluate students‟ presentation performance Third, the feedback should be positive; if there are negative ones, they should be constructive, not critical Last, Smith recommends that there should be video camera or videotape in classroom so that students can see themselves and obtain immediate reaction Then, teachers are most likely to ensure the objectivity of the evaluation by using positive feedback and applying technology in classroom Jordan (1997) mentions that peer evaluation helps not only the speaker but also the audience improve oral presentations After the presentation, everybody will complete an evaluation sheet whose purposes are to give feedback The reasons for using this kind of evaluation are to emphasize the value of communication between and among students, to draw attention to the necessity for understanding and being understood by other non-native speakers, to get feedback for the speaker on what the audience has understood and to obtain a wider sample of opinions than just one, regarding oral evaluation With reference to peer feedback, Swales (2004) mentions that feedback from pair interaction is concerned to both accuracy and meaning, whereas teacher feedback seems to concentrate more on accuracy Therefore, learners should be encouraged to evaluate each other so that their oral presentations could be better Brierley and Adams (2009) state that simultaneous group presentations should be employed to increase students‟ speaking time and reduce the audience size within the oral presentation According to them, the class can be divided into a various number of groups in order that the presentations can happen at the same time Video camera can be equipped to record students‟ 27 presentations for evaluation purposes This method can possibly be applied in individual presentations In the class, there are some students who will individually present, and some groups of students who will play the role of the audience Each student simultaneously presents in front of one group; then, the speakers will move to a different group to present again With the method of simultaneous individual presentations, students are offered more opportunities to practice delivering a presentation, as well as improve their oral presentations 28 CHAPTER LIMITATIONS, SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Limitations Although the research was carefully conducted, limitations on the design of the study and questionnaire administration procedures are inevitable In fact, there are limitations The first one is the design of the study in terms of the sample size and the validity of the findings The research was conducted with a quite small-sized sample (n = 63) of one course (course 35) at one university; thus, the findings may not be generalized to other students in other colleges or universities Similarly, the findings might not be valid to a larger population An additional limitation which is related to the design of the study is lack of interviews with teachers due to time constraints As a result, the research may not explore deeper insights into students‟ difficulties in making individual presentations The last one is the questionnaire administration procedures The questionnaires were delivered four times in four different classes, which may lead to low Cronbach‟s alpha 6.2 Suggestions for further research Due to the limitations of the study, it is highly suggested that future research should attempt to solve those issues in the following ways: A large sample size should be put into investigation in order that the findings of the study might lead to generalization, to a more diverse population across colleges, universities and language institutions in Vietnam One of the scopes of this study is to investigate reasons for difficulties that students experience in making individual presentations To obtain the information only interviews with the participants were employed It is strongly recommended that questionnaires on causes of difficulties that students might encounter when making individual presentations shouldbe included Furthermore, there should be interviews with teachers who evaluate students‟ presentation performances so that the data would be enriched Consequently, the issues, causes of students‟ problems, would be deeply explored 29 In this research, there are pedagogical implications – teacher‟s positive feedback, peer correction and simultaneous individual presentations – whose effectiveness needs to be examined Thus, suggestions for further research are that there should be investigations on the effectiveness of teacher‟s positive evaluation, peer evaluation and simultaneous individual presentations on the improvements of students‟ individual presentations 6.3 Conclusions In conclusion, the purposes of this descriptive study are to investigate difficulties that English majors experience in making individual presentations and the causes of the problems The findings indicated that they had difficulties in preparing the presentation, delivering it and using visual aids in their presentation Among problems that the participants encountered, the most prominent ones were explaining technical terms in the presentation, using words for their precise meaning, having the feeling of nervousness, pronouncing difficult, unusual, or foreign words, and maintaining eye contact with the audience while displaying the PowerPoint slides Two causes for the hindrances were the participants‟ being nervous and selecting information From the findings, pedagogical implications are included; that is, teacher‟s positive feedback, peer correction and simultaneous individual presentations Finally, for further research, it is suggested that there should be experimental studies to examine the effectiveness of the suggested implications, and a study to explore indepth information on causes for the difficulties that learners experience in individual presentations 30 REFERENCES Avery, P., & Ehrlich, S (1998) Teaching American English pronunciation Oxford: Oxford University Press Bereczky, K (2007) Marking logical connection in presentations Retrieved February 19, 2011, from http://langped.elte.hu/Bereczky.pdf Bierley, M & Adams, J (2009) Simultaneous group presentations The Asian ESP Journal, 5(2), 60-74 Retrieved January 11, 2011, from http://www.asian-esp- journal.com/August_2009_mb.php Coombe, C., England, L & Schmidt, J (2008) Public Speaking and Presentation Skills for ELT Educators Retrieved December 31, 2010, from http://christinecoombe.com/admin/articles/Chapter%20Coombe%20England% 20and%20Schmidt.pdf Daniels, N (2008) The speech versus the presentation: Part Retrieved May 3, 2011, from http://www.articlesbase.com/presentation-articles/the-speechversus-the-presentation-part-1-595163.html Dudley-Evans, T., & St John, M J (1998) Developments in English for specific purposes Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Dương, T L (2009) Kỹ thuyết trình Hà Nội: University of State Economy Publisher Galvin, K M., Cooper, P J., & Gordon, J M (1994) The basics of speech: Learning to be a competent communicator Lincolnwood, Illinois: National Textbook Co Graham, C R & Walsh, M M (n.d) What are some major problems that ESL learners have with grammar? 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If you “Strongly agree” with the statement number Statements Scale Strongly Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree disagree agree I have a lot of difficulties in delivering an individual oral presentation  - The following two cases are NOT accepted: + Not check () any columns: Statements Scale Strongly Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree disagree agree I have a lot of difficulties in delivering an individual oral presentation + Check () more than one column: Scale Statements Strongly Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree disagree agree I have a lot of difficulties in delivering an individual oral presentation   34 Statements 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Scale Strongly Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree disagree agree I have difficulties in searching for information for the presentation I have difficulties in using words for their precise meaning It is difficult for me to select main points for the presentation It is difficult for me to narrow down the presentation topic I find it difficult to memorize the content of the presentation I have difficulties with grammar (i.e verb tenses, prepositions, nouns, phrasal verbs, etc.) in writing the content of the presentation I find it difficult to explain technical terms which are used in my presentation I not have enough time to practice delivering the presentation in advance I often feel nervous when delivering the presentation in front of the audience I often worry about questions to be asked I often fill in the silence with “uh”, “er”, or “um” when I forget what to say next or search for the right words I find it difficult to capture eye contact with the audience I worry about my teacher‟ evaluations on the presentation I have enough time to practice delivering the presentation I have difficulties in pronunciation of difficult, unusual, or foreign words I cannot handle the questions of the audience adequately I have difficulties in maintaining eye contact with the audience while displaying the PowerPoint slides I can turn on/off a projector and connect it with the computer I am afraid that the audience can 35 recognize my mistakes during the presentation I cannot use my hands naturally when 20 speaking in front of the audience 21 I not know how to use projectors Thank you very much for your participation 36 BẢNG CÂU HỎI Họ tên: ………………………………………… Sinh viên chuyên ngành sư phạm Anh văn khóa: ………………… Sau phát biểu khó khăn thường gặp phải làm thuyết trình cá nhân Bạn vui lòng đọc mức độ đồng ý không đồng ý bạn phát biểu dựa vào kinh nghiệm bạn làm thuyết trình cá nhân Hãy chọn đánh dấu () vào cột phù hợp với bạn Ví dụ: - Nếu bạn “Rất đồng ý” với phát biểu số 0, … Mức độ STT Phát biểu Rất không đồng ý Không Không định Đồng ý đồng ý Tôi gặp nhiều khó khăn làm thuyết trình cá nhân Rất đồng ý  - Những trường hợp sau KHÔNG hợp lệ: + Không đánh dấu () vào cột cả: Mức độ STT Phát biểu Rất không đồng ý Không Không định Đồng ý đồng ý Rất đồng ý Tôi gặp nhiều khó khăn làm thuyết trình cá nhân + Đánh dấu () vào nhiều cột: Mức độ STT Phát biểu Tôi gặp nhiều khó khăn làm thuyết trình cá nhân Rất không đồng ý Không Không định Đồng ý đồng ý Rất đồng ý   37 Mức độ STT Phát biểu Rất không đồng ý Không đồng ý Không Đồng ý định Rất đồng ý Tôi gặp khó khăn việc tìm kiếm thông tin để làm thuyết trình Tôi gặp khó khăn việc tìm dùng xác từ ngữ viết thuyết trình Tôi gặp khó khăn việc chọn ý cho thuyết trình Tôi gặp khó khăn việc thu hẹp phạm vi nội dung chủ đề cần thuyết trình Tôi gặp khó khăn việc ghi nhớ nội dung thuyết trình Tôi gặp khó khăn ngữ pháp (chằng hạn động từ, giới từ, danh từ, ngữ động từ…) viết nội dung thuyết trình Tôi gặp khó khăn giải thích thuật ngữ chuyên ngành thuyết trình Tôi đủ thời gian để luyện tập thuyết trình trước đứng thuyết trình trước khán giả Tôi thường cảm thấy hồi hộp đứng thuyết trình trước khán giả Tôi thường lo lắng câu hỏi 10 khán giả Tôi thường dùng “uh”, “er” “um” 11 ngưng lại quên phải nói tìm từ cần dùng Tôi gặp khó khăn việc giao tiếp 12 mắt với khán giả thuyết trình Tôi lo lắng đánh giá giáo viên 13 thuyết trình Tôi có đủ thời gian để luyện tập thuyết 14 trình Tôi gặp khó khăn phát âm từ 15 khó, không thường gặp có nguồn gốc nước Tôi trả lời câu hỏi khán 16 giả cách phù hợp 38 Tôi gặp khó khăn việc kết hợp 17 thao tác trình chiếu slide với việc giao tiếp mắt với khán giả Tôi biết cách bật/tắt máy chiếu kết 18 nối với máy tính Tôi sợ khán giả nhận lỗi 19 tôi thuyết trình Tôi sử dụng tay 20 cách tự nhiên thuyết trình trước khán giả Tôi cách sử dụng máy 21 chiếu Cảm ơn hợp tác bạn 39 APPENDIX CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN Khi làm thuyết trình cá nhân, bạn thường gặp phải khó khăn gì? - Khi bạn chuẩn bị nói? - Khi bạn luyện tập? - Khi bạn đứng thuyết trình? - Khi bạn sử dụng PowerPoint lọai dụng cụ trực quan khác? Khó khăn lớn bạn? Theo bạn, nguyên nhân khó khăn bạn gì? 40 APPENDIX RELIABILITY ANALYSIS Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 744 21 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item 10 Item 11 Item 12 Item 13 Item 14 Item 15 Item 16 Item 17 Item 18 Item 19 Item 20 Item 21 67.60 66.87 67.46 67.33 67.97 67.52 66.83 68.35 66.76 67.03 66.89 68.17 67.25 67.84 66.84 68.06 67.65 68.38 68.06 67.79 67.73 Scale Variance Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha if if Item Deleted Total Correlation Item Deleted 64.114 65.790 67.091 66.000 61.838 61.802 65.598 65.102 63.539 60.805 63.649 63.856 64.386 73.394 65.039 65.738 64.715 75.627 60.577 64.586 63.523 344 383 208 251 422 461 326 260 489 615 436 309 333 -.213 452 324 311 -.326 509 310 292 731 731 741 738 724 721 733 738 722 711 725 734 732 769 727 733 734 780 716 734 736 41 [...]... form, difficulties in rehearsing the presentation, difficulties in delivering the presentation In this study, the issues are classified into 4 clusters: (a) difficulties in preparing the presentations, (b) difficulties in rehearsing the presentation, (c) difficulties in delivering the presentation, (d) difficulties in using visual aids Second, to identify students‟ difficulties in making presentations, ... Results of the interviews The individual interviews were conducted with 12 random participants including 1 male and 11 female to obtain in- depth information on students‟ difficulties in making individual oral presentations, as well as the causes for those problems 4.2.1 Difficulties in preparing the presentation All of the interviewees indicated that they had difficulties in preparing the presentation They... categorizes difficulties in making presentations basing on the classifications in previous studies In Kavaliauskiené‟s research, the issues fall into 2 groups: learners‟ difficulties in preparing the presentations and learners‟ difficulties in delivering the presentations, whereas Tong mentions 4 categories: difficulties in preparing the presentation contents, difficulties in preparing the presentation... forgot what to say during her presentation delivery Finally, one interviewee said that she had difficulties with grammar 4.2.4 Difficulties in using visual aids The interviewees did not find it difficult to use visual aids in delivering individual oral presentations 83,33% of the interviewees did not use PowerPoint as an aid when individually delivering the presentation These participants reported that they... said that she did not experience many difficulties in making presentations Although she had some problems, they were not serious to her; therefore, she could not decide which was the most severe 4.2.6 Causes of the difficulties in making individual presentations The participants had difficulties in making individual presentations belong to 2 major areas: nervousness and ability to select information... experience in making individual presentations To obtain the information only interviews with the participants were employed It is strongly recommended that questionnaires on causes of difficulties that students might encounter when making individual presentations shouldbe included Furthermore, there should be interviews with teachers who evaluate students‟ presentation performances so that the data would... quantitative but also qualitative method (questionnaires and interviews) Secondly, the ways they grouped difficulties in making presentations were different Tong divided difficulties into four main groups: preparing the content of the presentation, choosing the presentation form, rehearsing the presentation, and delivering the presentation However, in Kavaliauskiené‟s study, rehearsing the presentation... presentation, difficulties in making presentations and related studies 2.1 Presentation 2.1.1 Definition of presentation There are various ways that the term presentation is defined According to Oxford (2006, p 560), presentation means “a meeting at which something is shown or explained to a group of people” Likewise, Macmillan (2006) states that presentation is a formal talk in which something is explained... Mykolas Romeris University towards making presentations and difficulties hindering those students in public speaking The study also aimed to evaluate learners‟ strengths and weaknesses in giving presentations A questionnaire on students‟ views on and difficulties in making presentations was employed She also analyzed students‟ strengths and weaknesses in public speaking based on the observation of students‟... questions are determined in advance so that the interviewer can explore in- depth information The interviewer probes according to the way the interview proceeds and elaboration is allowed, within limits (Seliger & Shohamy, 2000) Via the interviews, difficulties of the students in making individual presentations were deeply analyzed The purpose of the interviews is to confirm the data; in particular, if

Ngày đăng: 09/08/2016, 20:08


BẢNG CÂU HỎI - Difficulties in making individual oral presentations among second year english majors at can tho university
BẢNG CÂU HỎI (Trang 44)


