Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURE 7 Purpose of study 10 Research questions 10 Object of study 10 Task Process 11 Contribution 11 CHAPTER1: LITERATURE REVIEW 12 1. 1 Usability 12 1.1.1 Concept and element of usability 12 1.1.2 Website usability concept and its elements 14 1.2. Usability evaluation method, model and tool 15 1.2.1 Category of usability evaluation method 15 1.2.2 Model of Usability evaluation 16 1.2.3 Usability measure tool. 17 1.2.4 Educational website usability measurement on user’s perspective 18 CHAPTER 2: METHEDOLOGY 21 2.1 Analysis framework 21 2.2 Research model 22 2.3 Designing questionnaire and performance test. 23 2.2.1 Questionnaire design 23 2.2.2 Designing website performance test 24 2.4 Sample and data collection. 24 2.5 Data analysis methodology 25 2.5.1 Questionnaire analysis 25 2.5.2 Website performance analysis 26 CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS 28 3.1 Markus School introduction. 28 3.1.1 Marketing school introduction 28 3.2 Markus website operation 29 3.3 Data description. 30 3.3.1 Questionnaire based method 30 3.3.2 Website performance test 33 3.4 Data analysis 34 3.4.1 General usability point: 34 3.4.2 Usability points in term of factor factors 36 3.4.3 Website performance usability 39 CHAPTER 4: FINDING AND DISCUSSION 40 4.1 The usability of Markus website ( 40 4.2 Suggestion for development 43 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSTION 45 REFERANCE 46 APPENDIX 49 Questionnaire – English 49 Questionnaire – Vietnamese 52
UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS FACUTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - ASSESSMENT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT MILITARY BANK BY MINH NGUYEN HUE A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELOR DEGREE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INTERNATIONAL STANDARD PROGRAM) Hanoi – May 2012 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS FACUTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - ASSESSMENT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT MILITARY BANK Supervisor’s name: Dr Lien, Pham Thi Student’s name: Minh, Nguyen Hue Class: QH2008E-QTKD Program: International Standard Program Hanoi – May 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere thanks to my advisor Dr Pham Thi Lien - Lecturer in Faculty of Business Administration, who was thoughtfully guiding me in writing this thesis Secondly, I would like to thank Military Bank – Transaction Center that gave me an internship chance in the bank I especially thank Ms Tran Thi Hong Thom who was directly introducing me the field of service quality, and guiding me in measuring service quality at Transaction Center Besides, I thank to all specialists of the bank for their whole-hearted guides during my internship in Military Bank – Transaction Center Last but not least, I’m grateful to the numerous people in other departments who provided sincere helps through all my internship time I cannot thank them enough for study environment they provided Student Nguyen Hue Minh TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ABSTRACT This thesis examines the banking service at Transaction Center of Military Bank, using SERVPERF model (Cronin & Taylor, 1992) to assess perceived service quality of Military Bank, and then research the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction on banking service’s quality Data used in making analysis was collected from conducting survey at Military Bank Based on 123 valid responses from customers, the study indentified three components – RELI-ASS (reliability combined with assurance), RESPONSIVENESS, and EMPATHY – which explain customers’ evaluation of perceived service quality at Military Bank The results indicate that Military Bank’s service quality is assessed with a fairly high level in customers’ perception Furthermore, the relationship between these service quality components and customer satisfaction is also investigated through regression analysis As the result showed, these three components of service quality have positive relationship with customer satisfaction in which RESPONSIVENESS has the most significant impact on customer satisfaction level In addition, based on these findings, the thesis also gives some suggestions for Military Bank to further improve service quality and customer satisfaction level INTRODUCTION Background After more than 20 years of the renovation (from 1986), Vietnam has developed dramatically, and has achieved many significant successes Political and economic reforms transformed Vietnam from one of the poorest countries in the world with GDP per capital lower than US$100 to lower middle income country with GDP per capital up to US$1,130 in 2010 The poor rate decreased significantly from 58% in 1993 to 14.5% in 2008 Besides, other indicators of welfare also have been improved (The World Bank, 2012) Vietnam has been appreciated about its development, and gradually played a more visible role on the regional and global stage In recent years, Vietnam’s economy has been taking ongoing efforts to integrate into the international economy Especially, joining into the World Trade Organization (2006) brought many opportunities to Vietnam, but also posed challenges for all aspects of Vietnamese economy The greatest benefit obtained from integration is that favorable export market for Vietnam has been expanded Vietnam’s products can fairly compete with other rivals with much less tax or quota barriers As a result, Vietnam can enhance economic through promoting export activities and attracting foreign investment Besides, one of the biggest challenges for Vietnam when it joined WTO is the problem arising from rapid reforming process of the state sector, mainly in industry and services The role of state sector declines while the number of foreign companies entering to Vietnam increases Therefore, to keep developing in long term, Vietnam need to create a stable financial condition that will facilitate the rapid growth of domestic trade as well as international trade Through 25 years of renovation, banking sector has had positive contributions to stabilize financial market as well as Vietnam’s economic development At first, it has played an important role in repelling and controlling inflation, gradually maintaining the stability and value for money Secondly, banking sector has promoted investment activities which create favorable conditions for business development and export activities Thirdly, banking sector has effectively created new jobs for employees, contributed to improve income and reduce poverty In short, with such roles and contributions, banking sectors should be received more and more attention for further development Statement of problem Opening economy which requires more and more trading transactions is creating favorable conditions for foreign banks to enter into Vietnam as well as for domestic banks to appear in Vietnamese market As a result, banks in Vietnam have to cope with many challenges, especially the increasingly intensive competition They have to compete to each other not only in market share but also in the ability to comply with international standards of banking services Military Bank is not an exception Main business lines of the bank sector are monetary, credit, and banking services Products from different banks seem to be mostly similar Thus, to exist and develop in the increasingly competition, Military Bank is required to focus more on their service quality to attract customers and rise profitability Enhancing service quality to gain customer satisfaction is considered as an effective way to help Military Bank build their sustainable competitive advantages From these facts, assessing the quality of banking services, researching relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction on banking service’s quality are necessary to develop banking service in the future Purpose and research questions With thesis title “Assessment of service quality and customer satisfaction at Military Bank”, the purpose of this thesis is examining the banking service at Transaction Center of Military Bank, using SERVPERF model (Cronin & Taylor, 1992) to assess perceived service quality of Military Bank, then research the 10 relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction on banking service’s quality Together with this purpose, the research will answer two questions: - How is the quality of banking services at Military Bank? What is relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction at Military Bank? Methodology This research is a result of two-month internship in Military Bank – Transaction center, No.3 Lieu Giai, Hanoi In this period, the author observed employees working in the bank, learned from them and directly took part in some works in the international payment section This research used quantitative method and the strategy of inquiry used was survey The place where survey was carried out is Transaction center, No.3 Lieu Giai, Hanoi This place was selected purposefully base on the number of customers coming to this Transaction center every day (about 100 customers per day on average) Data collected from this survey was analyzed in order to find out customers’ assessment about Military Bank’s service quality, and the relationship between this assessment result and customer satisfaction Delimitations and limitations - Delimitations: The study confined itself to finding about banking service quality at - Military Bank The study was conducted in Hanoi Limitations: This research was conducted in one Transaction office of Military Bank – No.3 Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh, Hanoi Besides, the time to carry out survey, collect survey data as well as analyze data was limited Therefore, some analysis and conclusions may be still subjective and can be improved Outline of the thesis 54 H5: EMPATHY component and customer satisfaction have a positive relationship That means the higher/lower customer evaluate empathy factor, the higher/lower level of customer satisfaction Supported In conclusion, by data selected from customers of Military Bank, this research constructed a regression model in which four components of service quality (RELIASS, TANGIBLE, RESPONSIVENESS, and EMPATHY) have statistically positive relationship with customer satisfaction (SATISFACTION) All hypotheses are supported by this result except hypothesis of TANGIBLE component 55 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Assessment of perceived service quality at Military Bank Perceived performance of service quality can be assessed through the SERVPERF scores The SERVPERF scores on RELI-ASS, RESPONSIVENESS, and EMPATHY are calculated by the mean of service quality components With a higher perceived performance implied higher service quality Assessment will base on this convention: - Score from to 5: very high level Score from to 4: fairly high level Score from to 3: average level Score under 2: below average level Results of service quality scores are illustrated in following table: Table 3.17: Perception on service quality at Military Bank Mean score Minimum score Maximum score RELI-ASS 3.9954 1.71 5.00 RESPONSIVENES S 3.5020 1.50 5.00 EMPATHY 3.7236 2.50 5.00 As Table 3.17 indicated, perceived scores for three components of service quality in Military Bank ranges from 3.5020 to 3.9954 Customers assessed Military Bank’s service quality at a fairly high level Among three components, RELI-ASS gets the highest score 3.9954 which is nearly reach very high assessment level This number explains that customers highly perceived and assessed on the bank’s ability to perform services accurately and on time right at the first time In addition, they highly trust in bank’s service, trust in employees’ professional skills as well as serving attitude The second rank belongs to 56 EMPATHY component with mean score of 3.7236 Customers assessed at fairly high level about the bank’s attention and care to each individual customer The last component which gets the lowest score of 3.5020 is RESPONSIVENESS Although this is the lowest score among three components, it is still in range of fairly high level This number illustrate that customers also fairly high assess on the bank’s willingness to provide services and help customers In conclusion, Military Bank’s service quality is assessed with a fairly high level in customers’ perception 4.2 Impact of service quality factors on customer satisfaction at Military Bank The service quality factors in Military Bank are classified into RELI-ASS, RESPONSIVENESS, and EMPATHY They are also service quality components which determine customer satisfaction level The remaining component – TANGIBLE – which does not show reliable statistically relationship with customer satisfaction is discarded The reason why can be explained that among 123 customers in the survey sample, there are 56 people which accounts for 45.5% used and assessed ATM card services Their transactions with the bank are mainly performed through ATM machines Therefore, TANGIBLE components may not have much impact on their assessment about service quality The regression function which illustrates the relationship between these three factors and customer satisfaction is written part 3.4.1 as following: SATISFACTION = 0.270RELI-ASS + 0.371RESPONSIVENESS + 0.356EMPATHY All hypotheses for these components are supported From the equation, positive coefficients show that three factors have positive relationship with customer satisfaction The factor which has significant influence on overall customer satisfaction is RESPONSIVENESS with standardized coefficient of 0.371 This number reveals that a unit increases (decreases) in RESPONSIVENESS will lead to an 57 increases (decreases) in overall customer satisfaction by 0.371 units That also means if Military Bank increases its responsiveness ability in serving customers by unit, they may increase customer satisfaction level by 0.371 units The second important factor in determining customer satisfaction is EMPATHY component with standardized coefficient of 0.356 That means a unit increases (decreases) in the bank toward their attention and care to customers, they may increases (decreases) overall customer satisfaction level by 0.356 units The last factor which has smallest impacts on customer satisfaction is RELIASS This factor has the smallest impact among three factors, but its standardized coefficient is still quite high with value of 0.27 It is a combination between the bank’s ability to perform services accurately right at the first time and to build trust for customers If the bank can increase these abilities by unit, it will contribute to an increase in overall customer satisfaction by 0.27 units Adjusted R-square value of 0.64 indicates that these three service quality component can explain 64% of the variance in customer satisfaction The remaining 36% can be explained by other factor such as brand’s image, advertising activities, social responsibility, etc It is clear that three service quality components together determine customer satisfaction level in Military Bank Although level of each factor’s impact is different, they are all important factors which are needed attention and further improvement 4.3 Suggestions to improve service quality and customer satisfaction at Military Bank 4.3.1 Improve RESPONSIVENESS and RELI-ASS components The research result showed that RESPONSIVENESS has the most significant influence on customer satisfaction Therefore, in order to enhance customer satisfaction level, Military Bank should firstly pay attention to improve its 58 RESPONSIVENESS ability They need to invest more in human resource development because employees play an important role in this bank’s ability Besides, investing in human resource also helps Military Bank improve the RELIABILITY and ASSURANCE ability Since with professional qualifications and skills, employees can built trust in customers, and can perform services accurately as promised Here are some specific suggestions for Military Bank: - Military Bank should have attracting-talents policies, and recruit right people to right positions The bank should analyze jobs at all positions to indentify the duties and human requirements for each of them Human resource department needs decide which positions are open and build strategic plan to seek suitable people Selecting process should be clear and careful to ensure that people selected have enough necessary professional qualifications and skills for the jobs Besides, candidates who have interest and passion in banking service should be preferred because if they have interest and passion in their work, they will always want to perform transactions With these employees, serving customers is happiness rather than just responsibility - After recruiting qualified employees, the bank needs to train them Each job has its own particular tasks and characteristics Working in a bank not only requires deep understandings about transaction processes, but also requires flexibility in serving different customers, gentle behaviors and attitudes in communication Therefore, after have qualified employees, the bank should keep improving their skills by training to meet increasing requirements of customers - The bank should establish suitable compensation policies for employees The open economy provides many working opportunities for people today, especially with experienced employees who worked in a bank Thus, to hold employees’ loyalty and dedication with Military Bank, it is necessary to offer strategic benefit policies for employees Besides salary and other social welfares, the bank may provide its employees personal privileges when they make transactions or use banking services at Military Bank These policies, on one hand, will keep employees together with 59 Military Bank; on the other hand, will give them more motivations to work better and better - Besides the roles of employees in bank’s ability to perform services accurately and on time right at the first time, service processes are also very important The bank should continuously improve service processes to create comfortable for customers By improving service processes, the bank may shorten transaction time, enhance accuracy and safety levels of all processes, then provide highest utility of services for customers Additionally, the bank should usually inspect service quality to ensure about customer satisfaction 4.3.2 Improve EMPATHY component EMPATHY is also an important factor influencing customer satisfaction Increasing EMPATHY means increasing the care providing for individual customer Thus, the bank should further pay attention to customer caring such as: - With each different customer, the bank should deeply understand their specific needs and help them to choose suitable services Then, employees consult customers to get largest benefits for them - In some special occasions such as customer’s birthday, New Year, etc, the bank may send customers best wishes or gifts These actions express meticulous care from the bank to customers - Attracting customers is extremely important, but maintaining customers’ loyalty is also equally important Military should implement preferential customer policies to maintain the loyalty of its customers That helps the bank build close relationships with customers (especially with long-term customers) by offering them preferential policies such as customer care on holidays, birthdays; providing VIP cards; giving preferential interest rate, etc… 60 - The bank should diversify list of services to meet to various needs of customers The diversification will help Military Bank attract more types of customers while also help customers find the most suitable service that may ensure their interests and reduce risks for them To that, the bank should make market research to find potential needs of customers before effectively diversifying its services base on market demand 4.3.3 Improve other components of service quality Besides suggestions to improve three factors responsiveness, reliabilityassurance, and empathy, to wholly improve service quality and gain customer satisfaction, there are some other suggestions: - Military Bank should invest in physical facilities of the bank At first, appearance of the bank and its staffs is very important in building the bank’s image for customers Thus, Military Bank should have suitable investment in staffs’ uniforms, physical facilities at transaction centers, or materials providing for customers, etc… to better build a professional image of the bank Besides, with up-to-date facilities, it will be more convenient and comfortable to perform transactions - They should adjust service fees to attain competitive prices compared with rivals Price is always considered when a person purchases any product or service To have reasonable prices, on one hand, Military Bank should continually update service fees of its competitors; on the other hand, the bank keeps improving banking technology to save labor force but still improve work efficiency and enhance productivity - The bank should have strategic marketing plan to better approach potential customers In a highly competitive environment nowadays, banks cannot wait for customers coming to make transactions, but they need to find the ways to approach potential customers Being not an exception, Military Bank must have good marketing activities to widely bring Military Bank’s image to customers and attract their attentions to the bank’s services As a result, the bank may increase number of customers and expand its business activities 61 Last but not least, besides activities to internally improve service quality as suggested above, Military Bank should strengthen relationship with other banks in order to form a block of banks This block will not only help Military Bank provide more service portfolio to customers with more comfort, but also help all banks in the block support each other in searching new customers 62 CONCLUSION This research examined Military Bank’s services to investigate the components of its service quality and describe the relationship between service quality’s components and overall customer satisfaction level This research conducted quantitative method and the strategy of inquiry used was survey The theoretical model used was based on SERVPERF model with 22 observed items classified into components of service quality and component of customer satisfaction With 123 valid responses, data was used to make reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis as shown in chapter The initial theoretical model was replaced by a new model with components of service quality (RELI-ASS, RESPONSIVENES, and EMPATHY) and the remaining component of customer satisfaction The regression analysis describes the positive relationship between service quality components and customer satisfaction in form of following equation: SATISFACTION = 0.270RELI-ASS + 0.371RESPONSIVENESS + 0.356EMPATHY It is clear that positive customer attitude toward Military Bank will be driven by positive ability in RELI-ASS, RESPONSIVENESS, and EMPATHY of which RELIASS stands for a combination of the bank’s ability to perform services accurately and on time right at the first time and customers’ trust in bank’s service, trust in employees’ professional skills as well as serving; RESPONSIVENESS stands for the bank’s willingness to provide services and help customers; and EMPATHY stands for the bank’s attention and care to each individual customer This result confirms the importance of service quality in maintaining customer satisfaction In addition, demonstration in this research may contribute to Military Bank managers’ awareness service quality’s role Then, they may consider the value of service quality to customer satisfaction, and allocate resources in effective way 63 References Amit Choudhury, (2010), “Cronbach’s alpha”,, retrieved 29/04/2012, from Anber Abraheem Shlash Mohammad, and Shireen Yaseen Mohammad Alhamadani, (2011), “Service quality perspectives and customer satisfaction in commercial banks working in Jordan”, Euro-Journals, pp 60-69 Arash Shahin, SERVQUAL and Model of Service Quality Gaps: A Framework for Determining and Prioritizing Critical Factors in Delivering Quality Services, Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Iran, pp 2-3 Brady, M K., and Robertson, C J., (2001), “Searching for a consensus on the 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Anh/Chị sử dụng dịch vụ MB Chỉ dẫn: Anh/Chị đánh dấu nhân vào lựa chọn Anh/Chị Dịch vụ thẻ Thanh toán nội địa Gửi tiết kiệm Vay tiêu dùng Thanh toán quốc tế Dịch vụ khác Đánh giá Anh/Chị chất lượng dịch vụ MB Chỉ dẫn: Anh/Chị khoanh tròn vào lựa chọn phù hợp phát biểu sau: Các yếu tố Phương tiện hữu hình Hoàn toàn không đồng ý Khôn g đồng ý Đồng ý phần Đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý Nhân viên mặc đồng phục đầy đủ, gọn gàng Cơ sở vật chất nơi giao dịch đại, tiện nghi Trang thiết bị phục vụ giao dịch phù hợp, tiện ích Tài liệu giới thiệu dịch vụ cung cấp cho khách hàng đầy đủ, rõ ràng Các hạng mục 67 Các yếu tố Sự tin cậy vào quy trình thực dịch vụ ngân hàng Sự đáp ứng nhu cầu khách hàng Sự an toàn sử dụng dịch vụ Sự thấu hiểu chăm sóc khách hàng Đánh giá chung Hoàn toàn không đồng ý Khôn g đồng ý Đồng ý phần Đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý Ngân hàng ghi chép hồ sơ cách xác Ngân hàng thực dịch vụ hạn lần Ngân hàng thực dịch vụ theo thời gian hứa Nhân viên giúp Anh/Chị giải vấn đề cách chân thành Nhân viên mong muốn mang dịch vụ đến cho Anh/Chị Nhân viên sẵn sàng giúp đỡ Anh/Chị Nhân viên đáp ứng yêu cầu Anh/Chị sớm Nhân viên cho Anh/Chị biết xác yêu cầu Anh/Chị thực Anh/Chị thấy an toàn thực giao dịch ngân hàng Anh/Chị tin tưởng vào nhân viên thực giao dịch 5 5 5 5 Các hạng mục Nhân viên cư xử nhã nhặn, lịch với Anh/Chị Nhân viên có kiến thức chuyên môn tốt (để thực giao dịch để giải đáp hết thắc mắc Anh/Chị) Thời gian hoạt động ngân hàng thuận tiện cho Anh/Chị Ngân hàng tư vấn để đem lại lợi ích tốt cho Anh/Chị Các nhân viên ngân hàng hiểu rõ nhu cầu Anh/Chị Ngân hàng quan tâm, chăm sóc tới cá nhân khách hàng (những dịp sinh nhật, lễ, Tết ) Anh/Chị hài lòng chất lượng dịch vụ MB 68 Các yếu tố Các hạng mục Trong thời gian tới, Anh/Chị tiếp tục sử dụng dịch vụ MB Hoàn toàn không đồng ý Khôn g đồng ý Đồng ý phần Đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý Xin Anh/Chị vui lòng cho biết thông tin cá nhân: Họ tên……………………………………………………………Giới tính: Điện thoại: Độ tuổi: Dưới 20 Trình độ học vấn: Trung học phổ thông Từ 20 - 29 Từ 30 - 39 Trung cấp, cao đẳng Từ 40 - 49 Đại học Trên 50 Sau đại học Xin chân thành cảm ơn giúp đỡ Anh/Chị Mong Anh/Chị ngày thấy hài lòng sử dụng dịch vụ MB!