Kuy SENTENCE -TLTWzuTING i After seeing an advefiisement for ltaliar-i lessons, Daniel decided to go gDaniel { ,:-:t i.li.t:r for ltaliar-r lessons and then decided tc /.pit:.Jf-.SO.ri.unadveftisemerit There are fifteen other students in his Italian class *His ,tur,., /fuaA q c2t Italian Daniei thinks that speaking *Daniel fifteen other str:dents in it ltali{nis easiel iiran writinq ii doesn't think that speaking ir." an/io, J.1Xi C^#//rqf.d Daniel's teacher is Jtalian and her nanre's Chiara Paolozzit t as ivriting tialian *Daniel's teacher is ltalian and she's ea//eJ Chia rapaoiozzi The students are giventlo hous of homework each iveek by Cirjaru *EachrveekChiara." g.t.VeS thestuclentshvohoursofhomervork It's six rnonths since I last went swimming +I ,Ir.a rcn?t b Jswir.,.,r',.ringfolsixnonttis The nelv pool is near to my home €It's F.M the new pool to my home FCgn B If you can't slim, you're not allowed in the deep end not *Yor-/re not allor,ved in tlie deep ena t+nl.Qit / 4a.C.o! you My friend Sam wanted rne to go swirnmirg witli him l +'w 10 al>i/-,1 o,, - go swimming with me?' suggested I didn't go sr,virnming with Sam because I r,r'as very busy hv *[was - .fu.A Sarn busytogoswimmingr,vithSam I Probably, no otlter paintirig is as famous *Lct as La Gioconda "/./* /n.9.st Fa.m.el$ painring Giocoitca is probabl-y can swim I i2 Nobody is sure ofthe identity of the woman in the painting *Nobody is surc Lr/l.o the in rhe r,vorl