Internal or external pressure Weight of the vessel and contents Static reactions from attached equipment, piping, lining, insulation, internals, supports Cyclic and dynamic reactions due
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Welcome to the CD-ROM edition of the Pressure Vessel Handbook.
P.O 35365 “ Tulsa, OK 74153
Trang 7Engineers who design equipment for the chemical process industryare sooner or later confronted with the design of pressure vessels and
experience for anyone who has not kept up with current literature
in the field of code requirements and design equations
First he must familiarize himself with the latest version of the
properties and dimensional data from various handbooks and companycatalogs for use in the design equations
has been accumulating data on code requirements and calculational
of his “Calculation Form Sheets” and now has put it all together inone place in the Pressure Vessel Handbook
I believe that this fills a real need in the pressure vessel industryand that readers will find it extremely useful
Paul Buthod
Trang 8This reference book is prepared for the purpose of making formulas,
technicaldata, designandconstruction methods readily available for thedesigner, detailer, Iayoutmen and others dealing with pressure vessels.Practical men in this industry often have difficulty finding the requireddata and solutions, these being scattered throughout extensive literature
or advanced studies The author’s aim was to bring together all of theabove material under one cover and present it in a convenient form
The design procedures and formulas of the ASME Code for PressureVessels, Section VIII Division I have been utilized as well as thosegenerally accepted sources which are not covered by this Code Fromamong the alternative construction methods described by the Code theauthor has selected those which are most frequently used in practice
In order to provide the greatest serviceability with this Handbook,rarely occurring loadings, special construction methods or materials havebeen excluded from its scope Due to the same reason this Handbookdeals only with vessels constructed from ferrous material by welding,since the vast majority of the pressure vessels are in this category
A large part of this book was taken from the works of others, with some
of the material placed in different arrangement, and some unchanged
The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to ProfessorS4ndor Kalinszky, J&os Bodor, Lasz16F61egyhiizyand J6zsef Gyorii fortheir material and valuable suggestions, to the American Society ofMechanical Engineers and to the publishers, who generously permittedthe author to include material from their publications
The authorwishesalso to thank all those who helped to improvethisnew edition by their suggestions and corrections
Suggestions and criticism concerning some errors which may remain
in spite of all precautions shall be greatly appreciated They contribute tothe further improvement of this Handbook
Eugene F Megyesy
PART I Design and Construction of Pressure Vessels 11
PART II Geometry and Layout of Pressure Vessels 25’7
PART III Measures and Weights 321
PART IV Design of Steel Structures 447
PARTV Miscellaneous 465
Trang 11PART L
1 VesselsUnder internal Pressure_~ ~~_~~~~~~~ ~.~~~~ti~ti~~~~ 15
Fluid, Pressure-TemperatureRatings of American Standard
,CarbonSteel Pipe Flanges.
2 Vessels Under External Pressure 31
Definitions, Formulas, Minimum Required
Carbon Steel,
3 Design ofTall Towers 52
Wind Load, Weight of Vessel, Seismic Load, Vibration,
Eccen-tric Load, Elastic Stability, Deflection, Combination of Stresses,
Design of Skirt Support, Design of Anchor Bolts (approximate
method), Design of Base Ring (approximate method), Design of
Anchor Bold and Base Ring, Anchor Bolt Chair for Tall Towers
4 Vessel Suppotis 86
Stresses in Large Horizontal Vessels Supported by Two Saddles,
Stresses in Vessels on Leg Support, Stresses in Vessels Due to
Lug support.
5 Openings 122
Inspection Openings, Openings without Reinforcing Pad,
Open-ing with ReinforcOpen-ing Pad, Extension of OpenOpen-ings,
Reinforce-ment of Openings, Strength of AttachReinforce-ments, Joining Openings to
Vessels, Length of Couplings and Pipes for Openings
6 Nozzle Loads 153
7 Reinforcement at the Junction of Cone to Cylinder 159
8 Welding of Pressure Vessels 170
Welded Joints, But Welded Joint of Plates of Unequal
Thick-nesses, Application of Welding Symbols
9 Regulations, Specifications 181
Code Rules Related to Various Services, Code Rules Related to
Various Plate Thicknesses of Vessel, Tanks and Vessels
Con-taining Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Properties of
Materials, Description of Materials, Specification for The
De-sign and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels, Fabrication
10 Materials of Foreign Countries 194
11 Welded Tanks 204
Trang 1213 Rectangular Tanks 212
14 Corrosion 221
15 Miscellaneous ~ o o u,mv ~ u ti ~ ~ ~ u ~ 232
Fabricating Capacities, Pipe and Tube Bending, Pipe
Engage-merit, Drill Sizes for Pipe Taps, Bend Allowances, Lengthof
Stud Bolts, Pressure Vessel Detailing, Preferred Locations,
Chains, Transportation ofVessels
Trang 13S P V
Pressure vessels are subject to various loadings, which exert stresses of different intensities in the vessel components The category and intensity of stresses are the function of the nature of loadings, the geometry and construc- tion of the vessel components.
Internal or external pressure
Weight of the vessel and contents
Static reactions from attached equipment, piping, lining, insulation, internals, supports
Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to pressure or thermal variations
Wind pressure and seismic forces
Impact reactions due to fluid shock
Temperature gradients and differential thermal expansion
induced by any combination of
stress plus primary bending stress
induced by combination of
load-ings, except as provided in d
induced by combination of
earth-quake or wind pressure with other
loadings (See definitions pages
1.5 Sa
1.2 times the stress permitted in a., b.,
or c This rule applicable to stresses exerted by internal or external pres- sure or axial compressive load on a cylinder.
Seismic force and wind pressure need not be considered to act neously.
simulta-S.= Maximum allowable stress in tension for carbon and low alloy steel Code Table UCS-23; for high alloy steel Code Table UHA-23., psi (See properties of materials page 180- 184,)
Trang 14/ ,
stress than in the circumferentialseam becauseof the geometryof the cylinder
A vessel under external pressure, when other forces (wind, earthquake, etc ) are not
Trang 15I P N R
The pressure which is required for the process, served by the vessel, at which
the vessel is normally operated
The pressure used in the design ofa vessel It is recommended to design a vessel
and its parts for a higher pressure than the operating pressure Adesign pressure
higher than the operating pressure with 30 psi or 10 percent, whichever is the
greater, will satis@this requirement, The pressure of the fluid and other contents
of the vessel should also be taken into consideration See tables on page 29 for
pressure of fluid
The internal pressure at which the weakest element of the vessel is loaded to the
ultimate permissible point, when the vessel is assumed to be:
(a) in corroded condition
(b) under the effect ofa designated temperature
(c) in normal operating position at the top
(d) undertheeffectof otherloadings(wind load, external pressure,
hydro-static pressure, etc.) which are additive to the internal pressure
When calculations are not made, the design pressure may be used as the
maximum allowable working pressure (MA WP) code 3-2
A common practice followed by many users and manufacturers of pressure
vessels is to limit the maximum allowable working pressure by the head or shell,
not by small elements as flanges, openings, etc
See tables on page 28 for maximum allowable pressure for flanges
See tables on page 142 for maximum allowable pressure for pipes
The term, maximum allowable pressure, new and cold, is used very oflen, It
means the pressure at which the weakest element of the vessel is loaded to the
ultimate permissible point, when the vessel:
(a) is not corroded (new)
and the other conditions (c and d above) also need not to be taken into
O and one-half times the maximum allowable working pressure or the designn e
pressure to be marked on the vessel when calculations are not made to determine
the maximum allowable working pressure
If the stress value of the vessel material at the design temperature is less than at
the test temperature, the hydrostatic test pressure should be increased
H y d rt o ss tbeahct oi cnas ad aul fftc a ltblerehdil bec ac t roieamol np le e ts en d
Trang 16I t c that pressure shall be:si eh en s s , e t
1 )( M A W.Press xal l xo5StressValueSw Temperature
The efficiency of different types of welded joints are given in table on page
Trang 18The head furnishedwithmrtslraigh[ Ilwrge.
Detcrrnirrethe required thickness I d’ ii hemispherical SEE DESIGNL)A’rAABOVE
head. Determine IIw maximumallowuhlcvrn-kingpressure P
I’or().3125 in [hi(k head when it is in IICNctmdili(m ]00 x 48, Izfi
2 x I7500 x 0.85 0.2 x I00 p , ,?x I7500 x 0.X5x 0.3 I25
+ IOJ p~i
W + 0.2 x (),3I25 + C.A 0.125 in.
0.287 in.
Use: ().3125 in MIN HEAD
Dctcrrninethe requiredthicknessot’a SCJMICSS ellipsoidal
100X 96.25 Determinethe maximumdlmv:iblc U[wkingprcwurc P
— = 0,275 in for 0,275 in thick seamless head \!’heni! is in corroded
‘ - 2 x 17500 x 1.0– 0.2x 100 condition.
+ C.A 0.125 in, 2 X 17500X 1,0 X 0.275
in, 96.?5 + 0.2 x 0.275— = 10(1psiUse: o 437s in, MIN THK HEAD
Trang 20E =1.00,jointefficiencyofsearnless * incorrodedconditiongreaterwith
Cos30° = 0.866
Determine the maximum allowable
Determine the required thickness, tof a working pressure, P for 0.6875 in thickseamless head, when the vessel is in
seamless ASME flanged and dished
Determine the required thickness t of a
+C.A 0.125in p= 96.1252 x 17500X1.0xO.481X1.75+0,2 xO.481 = 100psi
Trang 22E =1.00,jointefficiencyofseamless
SEE DESIGN DATAABOVEHead furnished without straight flange
Determine the maximum allowableDetermine the required thickness, tof a
head, when the vessel is in newcondition
Determine the maximum allowable
Trang 23.
Trang 24E =0.85,efficiencyofspot-examinedjoints t = Requiredwallthickness,inches
R = 48inchesoutsideradius
seamless ASME flanged and dished
0.603in. ‘= 1.75X96-0478(1.75-0.2)=100ps*
NOTE: W t r h o La iehg t r t ni/e1 ea, (ho nt f orea6c o n s t r u c t i o n )ns r - Cn to :vd e ao hl
Trang 25F
P = Internal or external design pressure psi E=joint efficiency
t~ = Actual thickness of head exclusive of corrosion allowance, in
tr = Minimumrequired thickness of seamless shell for pressure, in.
t~ = Actual thickness of shell, exclusive of corrosion allowance, in
Trang 26E
tr =0.243 i required thickness of seamless shell for pressure.n
t~ =0.3125 in actual thickness ofshell
Theratio ofhead thickness to the diameter of the shell is satisfactory
Use 1.75 in plate
Using thicker plate for shell, alesser thickness wfil be satisfactory for the head
Use 1.625 in plate
The shell thickness shall be maintained along a distance 2
J dt, from theinside face of the head
American National Standard ANSI B16.5-1981
Ratings apply to materials:
1 For service temperatures above 850 F it is recommended that killed steels
containing not less than 0.10070residual silicon be used
2 Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 800 F, the carbide phase of
carbon steel may be converted to graphite
3 T m a s t h ne hbr u iai eat oshll i a cle k21/2bt ni e edo sn sv n e
Flangesof ANSI B16.5shall not be usedfor higher ratingsexceptwhereit is
justified by the design methods of the Code
Ratings are maximum allowable non-shock working pressures expressedas gage
pressure, at the tabulated temperatures and may be interpolated between
temperatures shown,
Temperatures are those on the inside of the pressure-containing shell of the
f l I ga en inigt e se r alhno t, hcmot snemahte aa stit en free id a l
Trang 28
The fluid in the vessel exerts pressure on the vessel wall The intensity of the
pressure when the fluid is at rest is equal in all directions on the sides or
bottom of the vessel and i d t t h u eo t hif s gae l ohhtbe up t o iof hev di
Trang 29T
f q c uo om ipo ar cre irqpsk out nlhi ir aaceweight for various materials andfkdtn e nes s d
at different degree of radiographic examination
A Stressvalues at tem~ -20 to 650° F..
0.4426 inches and the weight of the vessel 12600 lbs
2 What plate thickness will be required and what will the weight of the vessel be,using SA 285-C plate and fill radiographic examination:
The ratio of the two stress values tlom Table B = 1.08 In this proportion will beincreased the required plate thickness and the weight of the vessel
0.4426 x 1.08 = 0.4780 in
12600 X 1.08= 13608 lb
P = Maxunumallowableworking pressure, psig.
L = the length, in ofvessel section between:
1 circumferential line on a head at one-third the depth of the
5 tube sheets (see pa e 39)
Seamless or with Longitudinal Butt JointsWhen D./l equal to or greater than 10the maximum allowable pressure:
Trang 32A=O.00007 from chart (page 42)determined by the procedure described on
the facing page
Since the value of A is falling to the left of the applicable temperature-line
in Fig UCS-28.2 (page 43),
P* = 2A E/3( DOlt) = 2 x 0.00007x 27,000,000/3x 192= 6.56 psi
P stiffening rings shall be provided.
Using 2 stiffening rings equally spaced between the tangent lines of the heads,
Length of one vessel section, L = 200 in.(length of shell 192 in plus one third
of depth of head 8 in.)
thickness of shell using two stiffening rings,
P = External design pressure psig.
Pa = Maximum allowable working pressure psig.
DO = Outsidediameter of the head, in
RO = Outside radius of sphere or hemispherical head, 0.9D0 for ellipsoidal
heads, inside crown radius of flanged and dished heads, in
= Minimum required wall thickness, inches
The value of B shall be determined by the cedure:
followingpro-1 Assume the value for t and calculate the value of
A using the f o r m u / ( )l(see page 49)a :
appli-cable temperature line, the value of POcan be culated by the formula:Pc = 0.0625V~R0/ t ):
cal-If the maximum allowable working pressure f’ puted by the formula above, is smaller than the designpressure, a greater value for [ must be selected andthe design procedure repeated
where&=O.9 00, and B to be determined as forsphere
The required thickness and maximum allowable
ellipsoidal heads (See above)ROmaximum=D,,f,
P = 15psigexternal design pressure
Do= 96 inches outside diameter of head
Material of the head SA-285C plate
500°F design temperature
Determine the required head thickness
F F rU Ci oS( - g42pm 8= 8a 3 d2 ge5 )t eeb r0t mBp i rn0oe hcd e d uy er
S t i m an xah cli l mweo uwoe pamr rb kPa is exceedingly greater thanle eis ns ug r e
the design pressure f’, a lesser thickness would be satisfactory
For a second trial, assume a head thickness: t = 0.1875 in
B = 6 f 7 c (r0 hp a0Pa = B/(RJt) = 6700/256 = 26.2 psi.oag e, r4m 3 t) ,
The assumed thickness: t = 0.1875 in is satisfactory
A = 0.1 25/(86.4/0.3125)= 0.00045
B = 6100 from chart (page 43 ), Pa = B/( RO\r)I= 6100/276= 22.1 psi.
Since the maximum allowable pressure Pai g r t e t adh t ep e ahrss re i s n sg e
P t a s ts hh ui i mcs a t i s f a c t o r y k een de s s s
Assume a head thickness: t = 0.3125 in., RO=,DO= 96 in.
A = 0.125/(96/0.3125)= 0.0004
B a 5 f 2c r( h 04 poaPa = B/( RO/t) = 5200/307 = 16.93 psi.0a3 rm g t) e ,
Since the m a xa li l mpo ruw Peami sbg ls r etu e rt adeh t ep ae ahrss re is n sg e
~ t a s tshh ui i mcs a t i s f a c t o r y keen de s s s
Trang 35Dl = outside diameter at the d et ds iep gr hsonmust be repeatedci ,e gd e un r
= modulusof elasticityof
Le = equivalent length of For cones havingD A ratio smallerthan 10,
F’ = 15 psi external design pressure
Material of the cone SA 285-C plate
1 Assume a head thickness, t, 0.3125 in
Sincethe maximum allowable pressure is greater than the design pressure, the
assumed plate thickness is satisfactory
CONICAL SECTION (See design data above)
S t i m na xah cli l mpeo ruwe P is greater than theeam sb ls eu r de ep rs e i s sg u
P,the assumed thickness is satisfactory
Trang 38Use L in calculation as shown when
the strength of joints of cone to
result the thickness for the cone notless than the minimumrequired thick-ness for the joining qdindrical shell
the strength of joints of cone to der meets the requirements described
Trang 39A, = Cross sectional area of the stiffening ring, sq in.
DO= Outside Diameter of shell, in.
E = Modulus of elasticity of material (see chart on page 43)
1, = Required moment of inertia of the stiffening ring about its neutral axis parallel
to the axis of the shell, in.4
f’,, = Required moment of inertia of the stiffening ring combined with the shellsection which is taken as contributing to the moment of inertia The width ofthe shell section 1.10 @ in.4
L, =The sum ofone-halfofthe distances on both sides of the stiffening ring fromthe center line of the ring to the (1) next stiffening ring, (2) to the head line atdepth, (3) to a jacket connection, or (4) to cone-to-cylinderjunction, in.
P = External design pressure, psi
I Select the type of stiffening ring and determine its cross sectional area A
II Assume the required number of rings and distribute them equally betweenjacketed section, cone-to-shell junction, or head line at % of its depth and
The value of A shall be determined by the following procedure:
1 Calculate factor Busing the formula:
2 Enter the applicable material chart (pages 43 -47) at the value of B and move
horizontally to the curve of design temperature When the value of B is less than
2500, A can be calculated by the formula: A = 2B/E.
3 From the intersection point move vertically tothebottom of the chart andreadthe
value ofA.
4 Calculate the required moment of inertia using the formulas above.
If the moment of inertia of the ring or the ring combined with the shell section is greaterthan the required moment of inertia, the stiffening of the sheH is satisfactory Otherwisestiffening ring with larger moment of inertia must be selected, or the number of ringsshall be increased
Stiffening ring for jacketed vessel: Code UG-29 (f)