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Economy TOEIC RC1000 LC

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Cấu trúc

  • Cover

  • Contents

  • Actual Test

    • Actual Test 01

    • Actual Test 02

    • Actual Test 03

    • Actual Test 04

    • Actual Test 05

    • Actual Test 06

    • Actual Test 07

    • Actual Test 08

    • Actual Test 09

    • Actual Test 10

  • Answers

  • Script

Nội dung

GIỚI THIỆU CÁC SÁCH LUYỆN THI TOEIC CỬA HÀNG SÁCH TOEIC RẺ Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/sachtoeicre Website: www.sachtoeicre.vn Mua sách SÁCH TOEIC RẺ đảm bảo: 100% scan từ sách gốc nên rõ nét sách gốc Tiết kiệm từ 40% - 70% so với giá sách gốc Nhận ship hàng với chi phí cực thấp Liên hệ: 0977.158.784 0126.783.8638 LC1000 Lim Jung Sub NHA XUAT BAN TONG Ha l THANH PHO HO CHi ~IlNH NTV C6ngtyT' 1111 NbaD Tri Vi~t w ~ w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re v n Noh Jun Hyoung CONTENTS E.c o n o m y L· C·l000 Actual Test 02 22 Actual Test 03 36 Actual Test 04 50 Actual Test 05 64 Actual Test 06 78 Actual Test 07 92 Actual Test 08 106 Actual Test 09 120 Actual Test 10 134 Answer Sheet 149 Answers 159 Script 163 w w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re v n Actual Test 01 t ww\o '.nhanlriviel.COIll .v n w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re w Actual Test Aclual ' TeSt 01 Listening TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken Engl ish The entire listening lest will lasl approximately 45 minutes There are four parts, and directions are given for each part You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet Do not write your answers ' in the test book Part Directions : For each question in this part, you will hear lour statements about a picture in your test book When you hea r the statements you must selecl the one statemenl thai best describes what you see in the picture Then find the number of the question on you r answer sheet and mark you r answer The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one l ime Example Sample Answer w 18 w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re v n Statement (C) ~H e is writing in a notebook.His the best description of the picture so you should select answer (C) and mark it on you r answer sheet ECOIIlIlllV I.e InOli www.nhantri·/iet.com w w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re v n W\WJ.f'lhatlll j'Jlct.com I \1'111:11 TI,.t I> 9I w w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re v n 10 I":t'ol1on\\ I.e I WO www.nhanlriviel.com , '- : - - w w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re v n • • " -I:: \wA'I,nllantrivlet.(Om .v n w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re w \'Iww.nhantriviet.com ~A) Alilhe computers are turned oH 18 Hasn't the copier ordered arrived? (8) The computers are stacked on top of each other (A) Yes, he did (C) Seve ral people are working on the computers (8) No, nOI yet '0) An engineer IS wo rking on a computer (C) All righ t I'll cia Illat 10 (A) There IS a lone walker on a country road (B) The land near the farm IS fenced 19 When is the company awards ceremony in New York (A) To welcome a new dIrector (C, The hay IS pi led neat ly on the ground (B) AI the headquarters ~D) (Cl In the middle of the mon th The road curves InlO the dIstance In New York 20 Who was that ca ll for? IPart 02 :- (A) I don', know why she is calling (B) Oh II was for Anna Lopez 11 Does anyone have an ext calculator? (A) She calculated 11 yesterday (S) No it should be here all !tOle (C) You can borrow mine (e) No by lax 21 Mr Rion is responsible for arranging Ihe farewell par1y isn't he? (A) No, he dIdn 't leU me thaI 12 Why dan', we inspectlhis result next? (AJ Yes I received the etection resull yesterday (8 ) Yes he's in charge at It (C) A table fOl fou r, please, (B) I'd be glad 10 (C) The Inspection Isn' t so dlflicull 22 Did you visit Ihe new office building? (A I Yes, 13 Why is the post office closed? (AJ It's a na tional holiday .t looks very nice (81 No, I dIdn' t know (C) Because It'S very small (B) I dldn'l buy these slamps (C) Next 10 the post ol flce 23 Isn' t this your new computer? tA) All of them were compu tenzed , 14 What's the problem with the new printer? (A) I like to play with my children, (B) No, he didn't like this (e) Yes Ihal's il (8) Irs a long way from here (C) 1\ doesn 't print very well 24 How long have you been managing Ihe personnel department? 15 Where's Ihe extension cord to connect the computer in the living room I bought last week? (A) We used It atl up (A) For nearly two years, (8) He is the personnel manager (e) 1\ usually lakes three days (8) It's about thlr1 y· live dollars a roll 16, Wou ld you like to come to my dinner party tonight? 25 How would you feel about going to the beach this weekend? (A) I'd love 10 (8) No I didn't feel well (8) It's beIng prepared lor you now sir (C) Yes, here you are , w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re (A) Help yourself (C) Sorry I atready have plans, v n te) Check the power swifch flrsl 26, Is this year's awa rds ceremony going to be in (AI Please use the Iruck Osaka or Tokyo? (A) No , I didn't attend the ceremony , (8) 11 was repaIred loday (8 ) Yes it starts at Ie) NOl ver; (C) Thai hasn't been deCided yet w 17 Has your truck been fixed or is it still being worked on? 1202 h "lilflt\1I' 1.(' 1Il01I www.n han trivlc t.cOm 27 How did you send the package to the new client? 36 W he re can I find the bus stop? (A) She didn', pack the shipment (A) The bus doesn 't come very often (8) By express mail (8) J ust across the street (C) The assistant confirmed a reserva lion (e) Sorry , I wasn't able to 28 Won't she be here for the sales meeting? 37, Did you p roofread the report I sent ou l this (A) No, she has a scheduling conflict afternoon? (8) Sales were excellent (A) Ju st fill oul and send the form (el (8) No, my report is the bound copy over Ihere Yes, It'S on the desk (e) Yes , [ corrected several errors 29 When does the next fligh t to Tokyo leave? (A) I'm going to it in the morning tomorrow 38 Would you prefe r to meet in the lobby or by the gift (8) Ilell il al home shop? (C) Irs been postponed (A) [ prefer a window seat (8) Either is fine (C) What a nice gift 30 Don't you think that we should attend the ma nufacturing conference? (A) No, I worked at a manufactuflng plant 39 She was supposed to complete the market (8) Yes I think it's worth gOing there resea rch by last Friday, wasn't she? (C) In the conference rOOrll (A) No it's not due unll l next week (8) I reviewed the report (e) Yes I saw the memo 31 W ho is making a design presentation? (A) Attendance figures were inaccurate (8) Mr Benson said Ihat he would 40 I think the parking lot is near the service center (A) Yes ir s across the street from the serV1ce center (C) You must use an overhead projector (8) This park IS so beautiful 32 This is your first company dinner party, isn't it? (Al WelL I don't know why (C) No, I didn't work there (8) Yes, al the reception pany last year 33 Why was the product strategy meeting postponed? (A) Yes , In Ihe mailbox (8) The president was out of the ollice (e) Please post the nottce 34, How many of these reports have been reviewed so [] ,Part 03 41~43 w· Pardon me you know where I can find tomato soup? M: can't seem to find it M; got a good review (C) II is quite far Irom here 35 What's the charge for pressing a shirt? 44-46 refer to t h e fo ll owing conversation M: Ms Martin, I really think that the photos from the weekend rugby match should be included in Ihis weekend's sports section W: OUT readers prefer golf and football, so I usually (A) Four dollars per shIrt (B) Just press Ihe bullon That'll be at the end of aisle 4, next to the flower cen ter Follow me ['II show you .v n (8) Yes we I'm pretty sure iI's in either aisle or w I've been looking up and down those aisles, but I lar? (A) About hall of them refer to the fo llo wi ng conve rsation w 09 w 77 sa cht 58 oe ic 84 re (C) No I attended lasl month's (C) Tilere's one next 10 Ihe bank include those sports instead M: I understand, but we need to differentiale w ourselves from Olher papers Why don't we try WWW.nhan!riviet.com M Oh, no, They cancelled the order last year as well and now we'll have to wail another year? We shoutd really call a meeting with the department supervisor 'ii' I agree Our division should gel priority when t comes to oUice supplies I'll corne along when you meet wilh the director I don't think many at our readers are rugby fans but t'l/talk t over w.th Josh and consider il Hi, t was wondering if the hotel has any part-tim e positions for the fall season M: Yes we We're looking to hire housekeepers servers for the lounge and front desk attendants w I have a 101 of experience workmg as a server in 59-61 refer to the following conversation ~, Hello, Ihis IS Ted Jenkins I spoke to someone about lull-lime employment with Primeriea a couple of weeks ago I was Vlondering f you've made any decisions w ith regard to hiring W: Well Mr Jenkins, I wanted 10 contact you because we were hoping to have you in for another interview, Are you free anytime next week? We'd like to see you on Monday or Wednesday '.1' Tuesday would be better for me Would 10:00 work for you? \\' That 's lust line Please meet us on the flflh floor in the conference room You can speak to Ms, Morgan at the recephon desk should you have trouble fmding I\ restaurants Would It be okay if I met wi th you this afternoon to discuss the poslhons further and to fill out an application form? M No problem I'll schedule an interview with you this afternoon Be Sllre to bring along your curriculum vitae and any trainIng certilicaies you may have 50-52 refer to the following conversation HI, Sue I noticed Ihal you'lI be away next week Are you gOing away on business? ~; Yes, I'm heading to New York on Monday I'm really tookmg forward to seeing the sights of Manhatlan I hear there are some great restaurants too I.l There are I was there last month I suggest you walk arollnd Central Park too The re are so many thlOgs to w· Thai sounds great I'll be in Manhattan on Wednesday I may see jf t can join a city tour 62-64 re fer to the following conversation, ~ I've really wanted to see Ihat movie for some lime now, but I saw a nJ show lasl night thai said it was aWfuL ft: That's strange My fnend said that it was one 01 the besl films of the year II's playing al the cinema downtown Would you like to go? \'1; That sounds great I'd like to check it out for myself There have been so many reviews both comments , good and bad I've got a few up on my desk I could make you a copy if you'd like P.1 Thanks My sister 53·55 refer to the following conversa tion IA The ca rpet IS nearly Installed You should be able to replace the furniture by Friday, \Y: I'm hosting a dinnel party this week Is it possible 10 linish by Thursday? '[...]... 09 w 77 sa 1 cht 58 oe 7 ic 84 re v n 6 w i{.I.!4"',!IW ~:'I¢t¥• Vlww,nhantriviel.com klll;!1 "r\,-.! o:.! 25 1 GIỚI THIỆU CÁC SÁCH LUYỆN THI TOEIC CỬA HÀNG SÁCH TOEIC RẺ Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/sachtoeicre Website: www.sachtoeicre.vn Mua sách tại SÁCH TOEIC RẺ đảm bảo: 1 100% scan từ sách gốc nên rất rõ nét như sách gốc 2 Tiết kiệm từ 40% - 70% so với giá sách gốc 3 Nhận ship hàng với chi... ic 84 re (0) At the secun ty desk 75 Who should customers ask questions to? w delivery? (A) AI her hole I (8) Allhe pOSI ofllce (C) Al lhe airporl www.nhantr;vlel.corr 77 WhO most likely is the speaker? I I A wCliter '81 A food crille Pastries Ib: Soup , " Rice ) Dessert 79 How mllch does the lavender m ousse cake cost? (C 0 N Eighty-seven 10) EIg hty-n ine 85 At what lime on Friday will Mr Onawa's interview... sheet 25 Mark your answer on your answer shee! 40 Mark your answer on your answer sheet w w 09 w 77 sa 1 cht 58 oe 7 ic 84 re v n 11 Mark your answer on your answe r sheet "I \ 1.1 I N wwwnho1t\UIVH:'Lcom Part 3 DIrections ' You '11111 hear some conv8rsalions between two people You will be asl(ed 10 answer three questions about what the speakers say In each conversa tion Selecl the besl response to... a holel (S) AI a restauran t Ie) At a cooking class (C) AI 7 o'clock (01 At a farm CD) AI 9 o'clock 54 What does the woman ask the man to do? 48 What is the woman concerned about? (A) JOin hel fOI IUllch CA) She canOl confiml departure 'Imes online (S) Sring her lhe menu (8) She will be late for an appointment (C) She has mrsplaced lhe conl acl informailon Dl SI1e 11as losl some Imp0l1anl documenlS... t1is driver's license 50 When does the man oHer the return? (A) In an hour fB) In 1\''''0 hours (C) Tomorrow morning OJ Tomorrow allernoon 51 Where is Mr Michaels? (Ai On a business trrp fB' In hiS oli lce fe) AI a meeting (0) Down(own leI Check his credi t raltng (0) Obtain a credit card 57 Whal did tile man provide the woman wilh? IAI Hr s credi l card (13) HIS driver s license (e\ HIS passporl fOl... arrangements 69 How did the man learn about the busin ess? 63 Where is Mr Pauls going tomorrow? A) To a bUSiness lunch 131 To a marketing presen tation IG) To a training workshop "I) (1\) From a newspaper nrtlcle (B) From a COlleague (C) From a !ravel pamphlet iO) From a news program To a client"s office 70 What did Ihe woman fike aboullhe 64 Wha t does the woman in fer abou t Johnson & Johnson? (A) The sl... appoinlmenllrme ( Come to the office later ••Jl Conlacl some clients 42 Wha t will the man do Ihis afternoon? ) Meel wittl some clients F Call the president's office Go to the emergency room I) Relocate his oHlce 43 What lim e will the man start his appoi ntmenllhis afternoon? II) Atl o'clock AI2 o'clock AI 3 o'clock )1 AI 4 o'clock 44 What kind of company does the man work for? (P I A detively service company

Ngày đăng: 24/06/2016, 20:14



