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Cấu trúc


  • Relative

  • Use

  • Example

  • Who

  • Subject

  • Object

  • The man works in my office. He phoned me

  • → The man who phoned me works in my office

  • The man works in my office. You met him

  • → The man who you met works in my office.

  • Whom

  • Object

  • The man is Lan’s boyfriend. You saw him on TV

  • → The man whom you saw on TV is Lan’s boyfriend.

  • Which

  • Subject

  • Object

  • The car belongs to John. It hit my car

  • → The car which hit my car belongs to John

  • The car belongs to John. My car hit it

  • → The car which my car hit belongs to John

  • - That ( = who/ whom/ which) với đk tiền ngữ là noun không xác định, thường đặt sau “a, an, the”

  • - Trường hợp không được dùng that

  • - Trường hợp bắt buộc dùng that

  • Có chức năng y như who, whom, which

  • - Khi tiền ngữ là noun xác định

  • Danh từ riêng

  • Danh từ đặt sau this, that, these, those, tính từ sở hữu/ sở hữu cách ( lúc này mệnh đề phải có dấu “,”)

  • - Khi tiền ngữ là noun hỗn hợp ( người + vật)

  • - Khi tiền ngữ đứng sau “all, little, much, many,every, none, no,…”

  • - Noun đứng sau so sánh nhất hoặc số thứ thự

  • A woman is standing over here. She is a doctor

  • → A woman that is a doctor is standing over here

  • Yến is a nice girl. I was telling you about her

  • → Yến that I was telling you about is a nice girl

  • Mr.Tan, who is a famous doctor, is my father

  • This hat, which is red, is my sister

  • My car, which I like very much, has crashed into a lamp post

  • I’ll give you everything that you need

  • She’s the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever known

  • She was the frist woman that swam scross the Manche chanel

  • Whose + noun

  • Thuộc sở hữu “của ai” ( = of whom/ of which)

  • This is a happy woman. Her son won the 1st prize

  • → This is a happy woman whose son won the 1st prize

  • Where: mà ở đó

  • = at/ in/ on + which

  • He showed me the house. He used to live in the house

  • → He showed me the house in which he used to live

  • → He showed me the house where he used to live

  • This is the place. The plane crashed there

  • → This is the place at which the plane crashed

  • → This is the place where the plane crashed

  • When: vào ngày đó

  • = at/ in/ on + which

  • I still remember the day. We frist met on that day

  • → I still remember the day on which we frist met

  • → I still remember the day when we frist met

  • He came at the time. Everyone was asleep then

  • → He came at the time when everyone asleep

  • Why: tại sao

  • = for which

  • I didn’t know the reason. She avoided me for that reason

  • → I didn’t know the reason for which she avoided me

  • → I didn’t know the reason why she avoided me

  • Note: Why thường đứng sau chữ reason

  • What: gì mà ( thay thế cho một điều gì đó)

  • Whoever: bất cứ ai

  • = anyone who

  • I don’t know what she wants

  • What I want now is a cup of coffee

  • Anyone who has a password can enter the buiding

  • → Whoever has a password can enter the buiding

  • NOTE

  • Lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ (who, whom, which, that) khi chúng làm tân ngữ

  • Ex: The woman ( who/ whom) he married uesed to be a model

  • Không lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ làm túc từ khi chúng nằm trong mệnh đề có dấu “,”

  • Ex: This car, which I bought 5 years ago, is still in good cord

  • “ Which” có thể dùng thay thế cho ý tưởng của mệnh đề đi trước

  • Ex: He suddenly shouted at me, which made me upset

  • Preposition + whom/ which ( không dùng who/ that). Tuy nhiên ta không cần đem nó trước một đại từ quan hệ

  • Ex: He was respected by the people with whom he worked

  • → He was respected by the people whom he worked with


  • I. THEREFORE – SO (Vì thế – Cho nên)

  • Therefore (formal) và so (informal) cho biết rằng điều được nói đến là kết quả hợp logic của những gì được nhắc đến trước đó.

  • Ex: It was still painful so I went to see a doctor

  • The holiday had been a compete disaster. We, therefore, decided to fly home early

  • Therefore có thể đứng ở nhiều vị trí trong câu, còn so chỉ có thể đứng giữa 2 mệnh đề.

  • Ex: Alice didn’t study. Therefore, he failed the test

  • Alice didn’t study. He, therefore, failed the test

  • Alice didn’t study. He failed the test, therefore

  • Alice didn’t study, so he failed the test

  • II. HOW – BUT ( Nhưng – Tuy nhiên)

  • Đều diễn đạt điều thứ hai trái ngược với điều thứ nhất

  • Ex: It was cold, but I still went swimming

  • It was cold. However, I still went swimming

  • However có thể đứng ở nhiều vị trí trong câu, còn but chỉ có thể đứng giữa 2 mệnh đề.

  • Ex: Emily is rich, but Tom is poor

  • Emily is rich. However, Tom is poor

  • Emily is rich. Tom, however, is poor

  • Emily is rich. Tom is poor, however

  • NOTE

  • ,and

  • ; beside,

  • ; moreover,

  • ; further,

  • ; also,

  • ; in addition,

  • ; furthermore;

  • ,but

  • ; however,

  • ,yet

  • ; neverless,

  • ; nonetheless,

  • ;notwithstanding,

  • ,or

  • ; otherwise, ( nếu không thì)

  • ,so

  • ; accordingly,

  • ; as a result,

  • ; hence,

  • ; therefore,

  • ; thus,

  • - Beacause of = due to = thank to = as the result of = owing to = by virtue to = in (the) light of = bởi vì

  • Những công thức tiếng Anh hay vấp phải!!!

  • • S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something (quá....để cho ai làm gì...) e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember. e.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow. • S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (quá... đến nỗi mà...) e.g.1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it. e.g2: He speaks so soft that we can't hear anything. • It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V(quá... đến nỗi mà...) e.g.1: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it. e.g.2: It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all. • S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something. (Đủ... cho ai đó làm gì...) e.g.1: She is old enough to get married. e.g.2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English.

  • • Have/ get + something + done (VpII)(nhờ ai hoặc thuê ai làm gì...) e.g.1: I had my hair cut yesterday. e.g.2: I'd like to have my shoes òaired. • It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It's +time +for someone +to do something(đã đến lúc ai đóphải làm gì...) e.g.1: It is time you had a shower. e.g.2: It's time for me to ask all of you for this question. • It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something(làm gì... mất bao nhiêu thờigian...) e.g.1: It takes me 5 minutes to get to school. e.g.2: It took him 10 minutes to do this exercise yesterday

  • • To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngăn cản ai/cái gì... không làm gì..) e.g.1: I can't prevent him from smoking e.g.2: I can't stop her from tearing

  • • S + find+ it+ adj to do something(thấy ... để làm gì...) e.g.1: I find it very difficult to learn about English. e.g.2: They found it easy to overcome that problem.

  • • To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing.(Thích cái gì/làm gì hơn cái gì/ làm gì) e.g.1: I prefer dog to cat. e.g.2: I prefer reading books to watching TV. • Would rather + V¬ (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(thích làm gì hơn làm gì) e.g.1: She would rather play games than read books. e.g.2: I'd rather learn English than learn Biology. • To be/get Used to + V-ing(quen làm gì) e.g.1: I am used to eating with chopsticks. • Used to + V (infinitive)(Thường làm gì trong qk và bây giờ không làm nữa) e.g.1: I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young. e.g.2: She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day.

  • • to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing( ngạc nhiên về....)

  • • to be angry at + N/V-ing(tức giận về) • to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing(giỏi về.../ kém về...) • by chance = by accident (adv)(tình cờ) • to be/get tired of + N/V-ing(mệt mỏi về...) • can't stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing(không nhịn được làm gì...) • to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing(thích làm gì đó...) • to be interested in + N/V-ing(quan tâm đến...) • to waste + time/ money + V-ing(tốn tiền hoặc tg làm gì) • To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing(dành bao nhiêu thời gian làm gì…) • To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something(dành thời gian vào việc gì...) e.g.1: I spend 2 hours reading books a day. e.g.2: She spent all of her money on clothes. • to give up + V-ing/ N(từ bỏ làm gì/ cái gì...) • would like/ want/wish + to do something(thích làm gì...) • have + (something) to + Verb(có cái gì đó để làm) • It + be + something/ someone + that/ who(chính...mà...) • Had better + V(infinitive)(nên làm gì....) • hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing, e.g.1: I always practise speaking English everyday. • It's + adj + to + V-infinitive(quá gì ..để làm gì) • Take place ( có sắp đặt) = happen (bất ngờ) = occur (bất ngờ) = arise: xảy ra

  • . quick (action) = fast (move) = rapid (grow): nhanh (a) • to be excited about(thích thú) • to be bored with/ fed up with(chán cái gì/làm gì) • There is + N-số ít, there are + N-số nhiều(có cái gì...) • feel like + V-ing(cảm thấy thích làm gì...) • expect someone to do something(mong đợi ai làm gì...) • advise someone to do something(khuyên ai làm gì...) • go + V-ing(chỉ các trỏ tiêu khiển..)(go camping...) • leave someone alone(để ai yên...) • By + V-ing(bằng cách làm...) • want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ pòare/ happen/ hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/ refuse + TO + V-infinitive e.g.1: I decide to study English. • for a long time = for years = for ages(đã nhiều năm rồi)(dùng trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành) • when + S + V(QkĐ), S + was/were + V-ing. • When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii • Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii • After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd) • to be crowded with(rất đông cài gì đó...) • to be full of(đầy cài gì đó...) • To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(đây là các động từ tri giác có nghĩa là: có vẻ như/ là/ dường như/ trở nên... sau chúng nếu có adj và adv thì chúng ta phải chọn adj) • except for/ apart from(ngoài, trừ...) • as soon as(ngay sau khi) • to be afraid of(sợ cái gì..) • could hardly(hầu như không)( chú ý: hard khác hardly) • Have difficulty + V-ing(gặp khó khăn làm gì...) • Chú ý phân biệt 2 loại tính từ V-ed và V-ing: dùng -ed để miêu tả về người, -ing cho vật. và khi muốn nói về bản chất của cả người và vật ta dùng -ing e.g.1: That film is boring. e.g.2: He is bored. e.g.3: He is an interesting man. e.g.4: That book is an interesting one. (khi đó không nên nhầm với -ed, chẳng hạn ta nói : a loved man có nghĩa "người đàn ông được mến mộ", tức là có nghĩa "Bị" và "Được" ở đó) • in which = where; on/at which = when • Put + up + with + V-ing(chịu đựng...) • Make use of + N/ V-ing(tận dụng cái gì đó...) • Get + adj/ Pii • Make progress(tiến bộ...) • take over + N(đảm nhiệm cái gì...) • Bring about(mang lại) • Chú ý: so + adj còn such + N • At the end of và In the end(cuối cái gì đó và kết cục) • To find out(tìm ra),To succeed in(thành công trong...) • Go for a walk(đi dạo)/ go on holiday/picnic(đi nghỉ) • One of + so sánh hơn nhất + N(một trong những...) • It is the first/ second.../best + Time + thì hiện tại hoàn thành • Live in(sống ở)/ Live at + địa chỉ cụ thể/ Live on (sống nhờ vào...) • To be fined for(bị phạt về) • from behind(từ phía sau...) • so that + mệnh đề (clause)(để....) • In case + mệnh đề (clause)(trong trường hợp...) • can/ could/ may might/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ must/ ought to... (modal Verbs) + V-infinitive

  • Object to + Ving: phản đối, chống đối

  • Look forward to + Ving: trông ngóng, trông đợi

  • Vật + be used for + Ving = Vật + be/get used to + V: được sử dụng

  • Người + be used to + Ving: quen với

  • Put up with + Ving: chịu đựng

  • Can’t stand = can’t help = can’t bear + Ving: không chịu đựng đc



  • S + V (thường) +…., do/ does/ did + (not) + S?

  • S + be +…., be + ( not) + S?

  • S + modal verb +…, modal + (not) + S?

  • S + have/ has/ had + Ved/ 3, have/ has/ had + (not) + S?

  • There be+…., be + (not) + there?

  • I am +…, aren’t I?

  • Everyone, someone, anyone, noone (chỉ người) + V…, V(nhiều) + (not) + they?

  • Everything, some thing, anything, nothing (chỉ vật) + V…, V( ít) + (not) + it?

  • V +…, will/ won’t + you? (câu mệnh lệnh)

  • Let + O + V +…., shall we?

  • Ngôi thứ 1

  • Ngôi thứ 2

  • Tính từ sở hữu

  • Đại từ sở hữu

  • I

  • You

  • We

  • They

  • He

  • She

  • It

  • Me

  • You

  • Us

  • Them

  • Him

  • Her

  • It

  • My

  • Your

  • Our

  • Their

  • His

  • Her

  • Its

  • Mine

  • Yours

  • Ours

  • Theirs

  • His

  • Hers

  • Its

Nội dung

TENSES - Present: simle present present continuous Past: simple past past continuous present perfect present perfect continuous past perfect - past perfect continuous Future: simple future near future future continuous future perfect future perfect continuous I - - SIMPLE PERSENT S + V/ Vs/ Ves S + don’t/ doen’nt + V Do/ does + S +V? Diễn tả chân lý, thật hiển nhiên, định luật khoa học Diễn tả thói quen, hành động lặp lặp lại nhiều lần Diễn tả sở thích, giới thiệu Keyword: ♥ every ( day, week, month, year, one,….) ♥ one, twice (số đếm) a week/ month,… ♥ always, usually, sometimes, ofteb,… II PRESENT CONTINUOUS S + tobe (am/ is/ are) + (not) + Ving Tobe + S + Ving? Diễn tả hành đông diễn thời điểm nói Diễn tả hành đông diễn không thiết thời điểm nói ( thời gian dài hơn) Keyword: now, right now, at the moment, at present, …! III SIMPLE PAST & PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE PAST PRESENT PERFECT S + Ved/ V2 S + have/ has (not) + Ved/ V3 S + didn’t + V Have/ has + S + Ved/ V3? Did + S + V? - Diễn tả hành động khứ - Diễn tả hành động khứ có thời điểm thời diểm xác định xác định - Diễn tả hành động kéo dài đến - Diễn tả hành động hoàn toàn chấm dứt - Keyword khứ ♥ Just: vừa - Keyword: ago, yesterday, this, in (1993, ♥ Already: …), last ♥ Yet?: chưa? - Ex: I learned Japan years ago ♥ Not…yet: chưa…xong ♥ Ever: ♥ How long: ♥ Up to now = so far: ♥ Recenly = lately: thời gian gần ♥ Several times: vài lần ♥ Since, for, since then, never, many - I’ve learned Japan for years IV - PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS S + have/ has + been + Ving Have/ has + S + been +Ving? Diễn tả hành động liên tục, tạm thời, không nhấn mạnh đến kết - Ex: V ♥ She has been sleeping for hours You must wake her up ♥ Because of the high price of meay, people have been eating less meat ♥ I’ve been doing the accounts all afternoon PAST CONTINUOUS S + tobe (was/ were) + (not) + Ving Tobe + S + Ving? - Diễn tả hành động xảy khứ - Keyword: at…yesterday, last, at this time, yesterday, when, while S + Ved/ V2 + when + S + Ved/ V2 S + tobe + Ving S + tobe + Ving + when + S + tobe + Ving S + Ved/ V2 VI PAST PERFECT S + had ( not) + Ved/ V3 Had + S + Ved/ V3? - Diễn tả hành động hoàn tất trước hành động khác khứ, trước thời điểm xác định khứ - Keyword: after, before, by the time, when S + Ved/ V2 + after + S + had + Ved/3 S + had + Ved/3 + by the time/ when/ before + S + Ved/ V2 VII SIMPLE FUTURE S + will/ will not (won’t) + V Will + S + V? - Diễn tả hành động se xảy tương lai - Keyword: next, soon, someday, tomorrow,… - Dùng “will” cho định thời ( lúc nói) Trước người nói chưa định chưa biết trước ( chưa chuẩn bị) - Dùng “will” để diễn đạt đoán chủ quan, thường đứng sau “ I think/ suppose, I’m sure? Probably” - “Will/ won’t” dùng trường hợp: ♥ Tự nguyện giúp đỡ Ex: A: I’m tired! B: Ok I’ll help you with the wasing up ♥ Đưa lời yêu cầu Ex: Will you please stop making noise ♥ Đưa lời hứa Ex: I won’t tell anyone this serect ♥ Đưa lời mời Ex: Will you come to my party! - Shall I/ shall me: đưa lời đề nghị ( giúp đỡ làm việc đó) A: This bag is too heavy! B: Shall I carry it for you! VIII NEAR FUTURE ( BE GOING TO) S + tobe ( am/ is/ are) (not) going to + V Tobe + S + going to + V? - hành động xảy ra, dự định tới ( thường thuộc câu cụm thời gian) Ex: A: My dad is going to retire B: Where are you going to spend your holidays? - Khi có định trước Ex: A: Kate is in the hospital B: Yes, I know I’m going to visit her - Dự đoán việc xảy dựa sở khách quan, tình có thật Ex: A: Look! There are some many dark clouds B: It’s going to rain Note: không dùng will mệnh đề thời gian bắt đầu when, as soon as, after, before, until, once Thay vào phải dùng simple present present perfect IX FUTURE CONTINUOUS S + will/ won’t + be + Ving ( Wh-) + will + S + be + Ving? - hành động xảy vào thời điểm tương lai Ex: She will lying at the beach in May next year - Nếu có hành động tương lai: hành động diễn (future continuous) ,1 hành động khác xen vào (simple present) Ex: Tomorrow when I arrive, what will you be doing? X FUTURE PERFECT S + will/ won’t + have + Ved/3 (Wh-) + will + S + have + Ved/3? - hành động hoàn tất vào thời điểm cho trước tương lai ( thường dùng cho câu có cụm từ thời gian by + mốc thời gian, by the time, by then) Ex: I’ll have finished word by noon They’ll have buit that house by July next year XI FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS S + will/ won’t + have been + Ving (wh-) + will + S + have been + Ving? - giống future perfect có tính liên tục thường có khoảng thời gian câu - Ex: By November, we’ll have been living in the neighbor for 30 years By September 5th, I’ll have been teaching in NCT highschool for 20 years TENSES ( CONT) I CỤM PRESENT Simple present - Simple present - Khi hàn động diễn liên tiếp thói quen - Ex: Every morning when I go to school by bus I like to sit by the windown Present continuous - Present continuous - thời điểm hành động diễn - Ex: At 9:00 tonight when I’m doing my homework, my mom is kitting Simple present - Present continuous - hành động xảy trước xảy có hành động khac1xua61t đột ngột, chen vào làm cắt ngang hành động trước ♥ Hành động trước dài: Present continuous ♥ Hành động cắt ngang ( sau), ngắn : Simple present II CỤM PAST Simple past – simple past - Như Simple present - Simple present - Ex: He opened the door, turned on the light when he arrived home Past continuous - Past continuous - thời điểm khứ hành động xảy - Ex: While I was cooking, my children were watching the cartoon Simple past – Past continuous - Như Simple present - Present continuous - Ex: When I was doing my homeword, my mom call me from the kitchen Since ( kể từ khi) S + V ( present perfect continuous) + since + S + V ( sipmle past) - Ex: I have been of teaching Japan since I graduated from univesity in 2000 Past perfectr – Simple past - hành động xảy trước ( chấm dứt ) ( past perfect) , hành động khác xảy sau ( simple past) - Ex: Because I went home, I had finished my work III CỤM FUTURE Simple present – Simple future - Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian không dùng tương lai phải dùng đơn When + S + V (s.present), S + V (s.future) - Ex: when ypu see her, you will give her my letter - Dùng mệnh đề tương lai đơn sư việc, hành động diễn bình thường Simple present – Future continuous When + S + V (s.present), S + V (future cont) - Ex: when father arrive home tomorrow night, his children will be watching a cartoon on TV - Ta dùng mệnh đề tương lai tiếp diễn hành động xảy tương lai vào lúc hành động khác diễn ( hành động xảy //) Simple present – Future perfect When + S + V (s.present), S + V (future perfect) - Ex: when they arrive Vn next June, the builder will have finished - Dùng mệnh đề tương lai hoàn thành đến thời điểm tương laihành động thứ xảy vào lúc hành động khác hoàn tất WORD FORM I II - NOUN ENDINGS ance: variance ancy: vacancy ation: violation dom: freedom ence: conference er: worker, speaker ion: vision ism: tourism ment: development ness: happiness or: actor ship: scholarship ty: quality ADJECTIVE ENDINGS able: comfortable al: practical ant/ ent: independent - ful: careful ible: visible ic: automatic ish: childish less: homeless, parentless ly: lovely, friendly, lonely,… ly ( adj – adv ): daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, quarterly, early - ous: serious III ADVERB ENDINGS - ly: franky, quickly, annually ( hàng năm),… - ward: forward, toward, upward - wise: clockwise( chiều kim đồng hồ), counter – clockwise = anti – clockwise III VERD ENDING - en: strengthen, widen,… - ify: identify, siginfy,… - ize: realize, recognize,… COMPARISION I COMPARATIVES ( So sánh hơn) S + V + adj/adv+ er + than + S S + V + more + adj/adv + than + S - Ex: Lan is taller than Hoa She looks more beautiful than her mother - Note: có những tính từ dài đọc âm vẫn đc xem là ngắn tận cùng có chữ : -y, -ow, -er II SUPERLATIVES ( So sánh nhất) S + V + the + adj/adv + est +… S + V + the most + adj/adv + … -Ex: She runs the fastest in my class He is the most intelligentest student in my class - Note: Ss better worse more less farther/further Older/ elder Good/well Bad Many/ much Little Far Old ss nhất the best the worst the most the lest the farthest the oldest/ eldest IV DOUBLE COMPARITONS ( So sánh kép) So sánh lũy tiến ( càng ngày càng) a Diễn đạt sự tăng dần …er more er… …more and more… - Betty is youger and youger - Her story was more and more attractive b Diễn đạt sự giảm dần …less and less… - He became less and less interested in politics So sánh đồng tiến ( càng…càng) - The older I get, the happier I am - The more dangerous it is, the more I like it - The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel V SO SÁNH KÉM HƠN, KHÔNG BẰNG S + V + less + adj + than + S S + V+ (not) + as + adj + as + S S + V + the lest + adj/ adv +….(kém nhất) - Tu is less tall than Bao - Tu isn’t as tall as Bao VI SO SÁNH GẤP (2,3,…) ( số đếm + ss =) S + V + (not) + as + adj + a/an + N + as + … REPORTED SPEED ( CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT ) - Ex: Thu says: “I’m learning Enghlish now” → Thu says she’s learning English now Notes: ♥ Must giữ nguyên hay đổi thành had to ♥ Should/ ought to giữ nguyên ♥ If loại → If loại → ( giữ nguyên) → If loại Direct I Me My Mine Myseft We Us Our Ours Reported He/ She Him/ Her His/ Her His/ Hers Himself/ Herself They Them Their Thiers I Ourselves Today/ to night Now Tomorrow Yesterday Next ( week ) Last ( week ) Ago This/ these Here Themselves That day/ that night Then The next day/ the following day The day before/ the previous day The next ( week)/ the following ( week ) The ( week ) before/ the previous ( week ) Before That/ those there Simple present Simple past Present perfect Present continuous Past continuous Present perfect continuous Modals Simple past Past perfect Past perfect Past continuous Past perfect continuous Past perfect continuous Past modals R.S OF YES/ NO ♥ Mom said: “ Are you doing your homework?” → Mom asked me if/ whether I was doing my homework ♥ Mom said: “ Are you ready, Ann?” → Mom asked Ann if she was ready ♥ Dad said: “ Did you go out with your friends last night?” → Dad asked me if I had gone out with my friends the night before ♥ Teacher said: “ Hve you finish your tests yet?” → Teacher asked us if we had finished our tests yet II R.S OF WH- QUESTION ♥ Tan sai: “ Where did you go last night, Lan?” → Tan asked Lan where she had gone the night before ♥ Mom said: “ Where were you a few minutes ago?” → Mom asked me where I had been a few minutes before VI R.S OF IMPERATIVE/ REQUESTS ♥ Dad said: “ Bring me a cup off coffee” → Dad told/ asked/ ordered me to bring him a cup of coffee ♥ Teacher said: “ Don’t talk in class!” → Teacher order us not to talk in class VII R.S WITH SOME SPECIAL VERBS - Should/ ought → to advise/ encourage + O + to V (not to V) - Ex: “I should say nothing about it if I were you” → My brother advised me to say noting - would you like → invite + O + to V - Ex: “Would you like to have luch with me on Saturday, Emma” → Nick invited Emma to have luch with him on Saturday - remember to…! → Remind + O + to V - Ex: “ Remember to switch the computer off! → He reminded me to switch the computer off - Don’t → warn + O + to V - Ex: “Don’t go too near the edge of the cliff, boys!” → He warned the boys not to go too near the edge of the cliff - Would you mind + Ving → ask + O + to V - Ex: “Would you mind not smoking in the theater?” → He asked must no to smoking in the theater All right → agree + to V Ex: “ All right We’ll delay the meeting until 11th July” → The committee agreed to delay the meeting until 11th July Let’s + V/ what about + Ving → suggest + Ving/ suggest + S + should + V Ex: “ Let’s stay here till the storm has passed” → Laura suggest staying the till the storm had passed Should have + Ved/3 → criticize + O + for + (not) Ving Ex: “Social services should have taken more action to protect street children” → They criticized social services for not taking more action to protect street children Really must + V → insisted on + Ving Ex: “ I really must go home now It’s too late” → She insisted on going home then beacause it was too late Shall me = you want me to → offer + to V Ex: “ Do you want me to type this document for you?” → Joe offered to type that document for me Show me → order + O + to V Ex: “ Show me your passport, will you?” → The customer ordered me to show him my passport Be not going to → refuse + to V Ex: “I’m just not going to the party tonight” → Nora refused to go to the party that night Will → promise + to V Ex: “ I’ll repair the leg of this desk rigt now → My husband promised to repair the leg of this desk rigt then WISH CLAUSES Câu tình → Wish clause Simple present → S + wish (es) + S + V (simple past) ( were ) Simple past → S + wish (es) + S + V (past perfect) Simple future → would/ wouldn’t Can → could/ couldn’t Ex: I don’t have time → I wish I had time Last year I failed the exam → I wish I hadn’t failed the exam last year I will buy the new hat → I wish I wouldn’t buy the new hat Wish sb sth (n) = chúc Ex: I wish you success in life I wish you happy ever after Wish + (O) + to = would like Ex: Everyone wishes to become rich I wish her to come home soon IF CLAUSES I TYPE ( FUTURE ) If clause Main clause If + S + V/ Vs/ es S + modal + V - Đk có thật tương lai - Dễ thực hiện, không liên quan đến hoàn cảnh thực tế - Chưa xảy - Ex: If I have money, I will/ can travel - Nếu câu đk diễn tả chân lý, thực, định luật khoa học dùng vế simple present Ex: If we heat water at 100oC, it boils Nếu câu đk mệnh đề câu cầu khiến câu type Ex: If you see John, please give him my phone II TYPE ( SIMPLE PAST ) S + Ved/ + O S + modal + V - Đk không thực tại, khó thực hiện, có liên quan đến hoàn cảnh thực tế - Ex: If I was you, I wouldn’t it If I had money, I would travel III TYPE ( PAST PERFECT ) S + had + Ved/ S + modal + have + Ved/ - Đk thực khứ, khó thực hiện, có liên quan đến hoàn cảnh thực tế - Ex: I didn’t go to the university If I had gone the University, I would have been enginer ♣ NOTE - Type bỏ If đảo ngữ Ex: If I had gone to university, I would… Had I gone to university, I would… - Type bỏ If ( có was/ were ) đảo ngữ Ex: If I were you, I would… Were I you, I would… - Unless = If…not ( có vế thay đổi, vế trước vế sau Ex: If it doesn’t rain, we will go out Unless it rain, we will go out If it rain, we will stay home Unless it rain, we won’t stay home - Mixed type ( đk pha trộn/ hỗn hợp) ( type + 3), thời điểm phải khác Ex: If you hadn’t eaten to much cake last night, you wouldn’t be sick today If she loved him, she would have stayed with him PREPOSITIONS AT ON - Dịp lễ Giờ - Thứ ( tuần) Ngày ( tháng ) IN IN THE END = AT LAST AT THE END ( of sth ) At the beginning of sth In time On time - - Tháng, năm - Mùa - Khoảng thời gian ngày Cuối cùng thì Vào cuối Vào đầu Kịp lúc, kịp thời - + to v + for + N Đúng giờ He usually works in the morning, but sometimes he works at night I was born on August 31st, 1993 night/ noon/ mignight/ midday/ sun set lunchtime/ bedtime Christmas/ Easter Sunday/ Monday… September 5th… Tuesday, October 2nd, 2008 Christmas Day/ New Year’s Day Saturday moring/ Friday everning… A cold night/ a beautiful morning June/ July… 1998/ 2000… The 1960s… - What the English normally eat at Christmas? I never go out on a cold night like this Shall we meet at lunchtime today? We usually go on long holidays in the summer In the end, they sold their house and left the town They intend to leave the town at the end of this month You can start work here at the beginning of June I got to the station just in time to catch the train Mr.Tan is always on time He never comes to work late RELATIVE CLAUSES Relative Use Subject - Example The man works in my office He phoned me Who Object Whom → The man who phoned me works in my office - The man works in my office You met him - → The man who you met works in my office The man is Lan’s boyfriend You saw him on TV - → The man whom you saw on TV is Lan’s boyfriend The car belongs to John It hit my car Object Subject Which Object - That ( = who/ who m/ whi ch) với đk tiền ngữ nou n khô ng xác địn h, thư ờng đặt sau Có chức y who, whom, which → The car which hit my car belongs to John - The car belongs to John My car hit it - → The car which my car hit belongs to John A woman is standing over here She is a doctor → A woman that is a doctor is standing over here - Yến is a nice girl I was telling you about her → Yến that I was telling you about is a nice girl - Khi tiền ngữ noun xác định - Mr.Tan, who is a famous doctor, is my father This hat, which is red, is my sister - My car, which I like very much, has crashed into a lamp post Danh từ riêng Danh từ đặt sau this, that, these, those, “a, an, the ” tính từ sở hữu/ sở hữu cách ( lúc mệnh đề phải có dấu “,”) - Trường hợp khô ng đượ c dùn g that - Khi tiền ngữ noun hỗn hợp ( người + vật) - I’ll give you everything that you need She’s the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever known - She was the frist woman that swam scross the Manche chanel - This is a happy woman Her son won the 1st prize - Khi tiền ngữ đứng sau “all, little, much, many,e - Trường hợp very, bắt none, buộ no,…” c dùn - Noun đứng sau so g sánh that số thứ thự Whose + noun Thuộc sở hữu “của ai” ( = of whom/ of which) → This is a happy woman whose son won the 1st prize Where: mà = at/ in/ on + which He showed me the house He used to live in the house → He showed me the house in which he used to live → He showed me the house where he used to live - This is the place The plane crashed there → This is the place at which the plane crashed → This is the place where the plane crashed When: vào = at/ in/ on + which ngà y - Why: → I still remember the day on which we frist met → I still remember the day when we frist met He came at the time Everyone was asleep then → He came at the time when everyone asleep I didn’t know the reason She avoided me for that reason = for which What: mà ( th ay cho = anyone who điều đó) Whoever: I still remember the day We frist met on that day → I didn’t know the reason for which she avoided me → I didn’t know the reason why she avoided me - Note: Why thường đứng sau chữ reason I don’t know what she wants - What I want now is a cup of coffee - Anyone who has a password can enter the buiding → Whoever has a password can enter the buiding NOTE - Lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ (who, whom, which, that) chúng làm tân ngữ Ex: The woman ( who/ whom) he married uesed to be a model - Không lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ làm túc từ chúng nằm mệnh đề có dấu “,” - Ex: This car, which I bought years ago, is still in good cord - “ Which” dùng thay cho ý tưởng mệnh đề trước - Ex: He suddenly shouted at me, which made me upset - Preposition + whom/ which ( không dùng who/ that) Tuy nhiên ta không cần đem trước đại từ quan hệ - Ex: He was respected by the people with whom he worked → He was respected by the people whom he worked with SO, BUT, HOWEVER, THEREFORE I THEREFORE – SO (Vì thế – Cho nên) - Therefore (formal) và so (informal) cho biết rằng điều được nói đến là kết quả hợp logic của những gì được nhắc đến trước đó - Ex: It was still painful so I went to see a doctor - The holiday had been a compete disaster We, therefore, decided to fly home early - Therefore có thể đứng ở nhiều vị trí câu, còn so chỉ có thể đứng giữa mệnh đề - Ex: Alice didn’t study Therefore, he failed the test Alice didn’t study He, therefore, failed the test Alice didn’t study He failed the test, therefore Alice didn’t study, so he failed the test II HOW – BUT ( Nhưng – Tuy nhiên) - Đều diễn đạt điều thứ hai trái ngược với điều thứ nhất - Ex: It was cold, but I still went swimming - It was cold However, I still went swimming - However có thể đứng ở nhiều vị trí câu, còn but chỉ có thể đứng giữa mệnh đề - Ex: Emily is rich, but Tom is poor Emily is rich However, Tom is poor Emily is rich Tom, however, is poor Emily is rich Tom is poor, however NOTE  ; beside, ,and  ; moreover,  ; further,  ; also,  ; in addition,  ; furthermore; ,but ; however,  ; neverless, ,yet  ; nonetheless,  ;notwithstanding, ,or ; otherwise, ( nếu không thì)  ; accordingly,  ; as a result, ,so  ; hence,  ; therefore,  ; thus, - Beacause of = due to = thank to = as the result of = owing to = by virtue to = in (the) light of = bởi vì Những công thức tiếng Anh hay vấp phải!!! • S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to something (quá làm ) e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember e.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow • S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (quá mà ) e.g.1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it e.g2: He speaks so soft that we can't hear anything • It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V(quá mà ) e.g.1: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it e.g.2: It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all • S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to something (Đủ cho làm ) e.g.1: She is old enough to get married e.g.2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English • Have/ get + something + done (VpII)(nhờ thuê làm ) e.g.1: I had my hair cut yesterday e.g.2: I'd like to have my shoes òaired • It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It's +time +for someone +to something(đã đến lúc đóphải làm ) e.g.1: It is time you had a shower e.g.2: It's time for me to ask all of you for this question • It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to something(làm thờigian ) e.g.1: It takes me minutes to get to school e.g.2: It took him 10 minutes to this exercise yesterday • To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngăn cản ai/cái không làm ) e.g.1: I can't prevent him from smoking e.g.2: I can't stop her from tearing • S + find+ it+ adj to something(thấy để làm ) e.g.1: I find it very difficult to learn about English e.g.2: They found it easy to overcome that problem • To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing.(Thích gì/làm gì/ làm gì) e.g.1: I prefer dog to cat e.g.2: I prefer reading books to watching TV • Would rather + V¬ (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(thích làm làm gì) e.g.1: She would rather play games than read books e.g.2: I'd rather learn English than learn Biology • To be/get Used to + V-ing(quen làm gì) e.g.1: I am used to eating with chopsticks • Used to + V (infinitive)(Thường làm qk không làm nữa) e.g.1: I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young e.g.2: She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day • to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing( ngạc nhiên ) • to be angry at + N/V-ing(tức giận về) • to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing(giỏi / ) • by chance = by accident (adv)(tình cờ) • to be/get tired of + N/V-ing(mệt mỏi ) • can't stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing(không nhịn làm ) • to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing(thích làm ) • to be interested in + N/V-ing(quan tâm đến ) • to waste + time/ money + V-ing(tốn tiền tg làm gì) • To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing(dành thời gian làm gì…) • To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something(dành thời gian vào việc ) e.g.1: I spend hours reading books a day e.g.2: She spent all of her money on clothes • to give up + V-ing/ N(từ bỏ làm gì/ ) • would like/ want/wish + to something(thích làm ) • have + (something) to + Verb(có để làm) • It + be + something/ someone + that/ who(chính mà ) • Had better + V(infinitive)(nên làm ) • hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing, e.g.1: I always practise speaking English everyday • It's + adj + to + V-infinitive(quá để làm gì) • Take place ( có sắp đặt) = happen (bất ngờ) = occur (bất ngờ) = arise: xảy quick (action) = fast (move) = rapid (grow): nhanh (a) • to be excited about(thích thú) • to be bored with/ fed up with(chán gì/làm gì) • There is + N-số ít, there are + N-số nhiều(có ) • feel like + V-ing(cảm thấy thích làm ) • expect someone to something(mong đợi làm ) • advise someone to something(khuyên làm ) • go + V-ing(chỉ trỏ tiêu khiển )(go camping ) • leave someone alone(để yên ) • By + V-ing(bằng cách làm ) • want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ pòare/ happen/ hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/ refuse + TO + V-infinitive e.g.1: I decide to study English • for a long time = for years = for ages(đã nhiều năm rồi)(dùng hoàn thành) • when + S + V(QkĐ), S + was/were + V-ing • When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii • Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii • After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd) • to be crowded with(rất đông cài ) • to be full of(đầy cài ) • To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(đây động từ tri giác có nghĩa là: như/ là/ dường như/ trở nên sau chúng có adj adv phải chọn adj) • except for/ apart from(ngoài, trừ ) • as soon as(ngay sau khi) • to be afraid of(sợ ) • could hardly(hầu không)( ý: hard khác hardly) • Have difficulty + V-ing(gặp khó khăn làm ) • Chú ý phân biệt loại tính từ V-ed V-ing: dùng -ed để miêu tả người, -ing cho vật muốn nói chất người vật ta dùng -ing e.g.1: That film is boring e.g.2: He is bored e.g.3: He is an interesting man e.g.4: That book is an interesting one (khi không nên nhầm với -ed, chẳng hạn ta nói : a loved man có nghĩa "người đàn ông mến mộ", tức có nghĩa "Bị" "Được" đó) • in which = where; on/at which = when • Put + up + with + V-ing(chịu đựng ) • Make use of + N/ V-ing(tận dụng ) • Get + adj/ Pii • Make progress(tiến ) • take over + N(đảm nhiệm ) • Bring about(mang lại) • Chú ý: so + adj such + N • At the end of In the end(cuối kết cục) • To find out(tìm ra),To succeed in(thành công ) • Go for a walk(đi dạo)/ go on holiday/picnic(đi nghỉ) • One of + so sánh + N(một ) • It is the first/ second /best + Time + hoàn thành • Live in(sống ở)/ Live at + địa cụ thể/ Live on (sống nhờ vào ) • To be fined for(bị phạt về) • from behind(từ phía sau ) • so that + mệnh đề (clause)(để ) • In case + mệnh đề (clause)(trong trường hợp ) • can/ could/ may might/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ must/ ought to (modal Verbs) + V-infinitive • Object to + Ving: phản đối, chống đối Look forward to + Ving: trông ngóng, trông đợi • Vật + be used for + Ving = Vật + be/get used to + V: được sử dụng • Người + be used to + Ving: quen với • Put up with + Ving: chịu đựng • Can’t stand = can’t help = can’t bear + Ving: không chịu đựng đc • TAG – QUESTION (CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI) • S + V (thường) +…., do/ does/ did + (not) + S? S + be +…., be + ( not) + S? • S + modal verb +…, modal + (not) + S? • S + have/ has/ had + Ved/ 3, have/ has/ had + (not) + S? • There be+…., be + (not) + there? • I am +…, aren’t I? • Everyone, someone, anyone, noone (chỉ người) + V…, V(nhiều) + (not) + they? • Everything, some thing, anything, nothing (chỉ vật) + V…, V( ít) + (not) + it? • V +…, will/ won’t + you? (câu mệnh lệnh) • Let + O + V +…., shall we? • Ngôi thứ Ngôi thứ Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu I Me My Mine You You Your Yours We Us Our Ours They Them Their Theirs He Him His His She Her Her Hers It It Its Its [...]... succeed in(thành công trong ) • Go for a walk(đi dạo)/ go on holiday/picnic(đi nghỉ) • One of + so sánh hơn nhất + N(một trong những ) • It is the first/ second /best + Time + thì hiện tại hoàn thành • Live in(sống ở)/ Live at + địa chỉ cụ thể/ Live on (sống nhờ vào ) • To be fined for(bị phạt về) • from behind(từ phía sau ) • so that + mệnh đề (clause)(để ) • In case + mệnh đề (clause) (trong trường hợp... leave someone alone(để ai yên ) • By + V-ing(bằng cách làm ) • want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ pòare/ happen/ hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/ refuse + TO + V-infinitive e.g.1: I decide to study English • for a long time = for years = for ages(đã nhiều năm rồi)(dùng trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành) • when + S + V(QkĐ), S... • to be crowded with(rất đông cài gì đó ) • to be full of(đầy cài gì đó ) • To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(đây là các động từ tri giác có nghĩa là: có vẻ như/ là/ dường như/ trở nên sau chúng nếu có adj và adv thì chúng ta phải chọn adj) • except for/ apart from(ngoài, trừ ) • as soon as(ngay sau khi) • to be afraid of(sợ cái gì ) • could hardly(hầu như không)(... quick (action) = fast (move) = rapid (grow): nhanh (a) • to be excited about(thích thú) • to be bored with/ fed up with(chán cái gì/làm gì) • There is + N-số ít, there are + N-số nhiều(có cái gì ) • feel like + V-ing(cảm thấy thích làm gì ) • expect someone to do something(mong đợi ai làm gì ) • advise someone to do something(khuyên ai làm gì ) • go + V-ing(chỉ các trỏ tiêu khiển )(go camping ) • leave... play games than read books e.g.2: I'd rather learn English than learn Biology • To be/get Used to + V-ing(quen làm gì) e.g.1: I am used to eating with chopsticks • Used to + V (infinitive)(Thường làm gì trong qk và bây giờ không làm nữa) e.g.1: I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young e.g.2: She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day • to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing( ngạc nhiên... the buiding NOTE - Lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ (who, whom, which, that) khi chúng làm tân ngữ Ex: The woman ( who/ whom) he married uesed to be a model - Không lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ làm túc từ khi chúng nằm trong mệnh đề có dấu “,” - Ex: This car, which I bought 5 years ago, is still in good cord - “ Which” có thể dùng thay thế cho ý tưởng của mệnh đề đi trước - Ex: He suddenly shouted at me, which made me... nhắc đến trước đó - Ex: It was still painful so I went to see a doctor - The holiday had been a compete disaster We, therefore, decided to fly home early - Therefore có thể đứng ở nhiều vị trí trong câu, còn so chỉ có thể đứng giữa 2 mệnh đề - Ex: Alice didn’t study Therefore, he failed the test Alice didn’t study He, therefore, failed the test Alice didn’t study He failed the test,... Đều diễn đạt điều thứ hai trái ngược với điều thứ nhất - Ex: It was cold, but I still went swimming - It was cold However, I still went swimming - However có thể đứng ở nhiều vị trí trong câu, còn but chỉ có thể đứng giữa 2 mệnh đề - Ex: Emily is rich, but Tom is poor Emily is rich However, Tom is poor Emily is rich Tom, however, is poor Emily is rich Tom is poor, however... accordingly,  ; as a result, ,so  ; hence,  ; therefore,  ; thus, - Beacause of = due to = thank to = as the result of = owing to = by virtue to = in (the) light of = bởi vì Những công thức tiếng Anh hay vấp phải!!! • S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something (quá để cho ai làm gì ) e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember e.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow • S + V

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2016, 16:26

