■ A computer running Windows Server 2012 as a host machineLab DurationTune: 30 MinutesOverview of Intrusion Prevention Systems and Intrusion Detection Systems activities for m aliciou s
Trang 1Evading IDS, Firewalls,
and Honeypots
Module 17
Trang 2Intrusion Detection System
A n intrusion detection system (IDS) is a derice or soft/rare application that monitors netirork and/or system activities fo r malicious activities or policy violations andprod/ices reports to a Management Station.
Lab ScenarioDue to a growing number o f intrusions and since the Internet and local networks have become so ubiquitous, organizations increasingly implementing various systems that monitor IT security breaches Intrusion detection systems (IDSes) are those that have recently gained a considerable amount o f interest An IDS is a
example, port scans One key feature o f intrusion detection systems is their ability to provide a view o f unusual activity and issue alerts notifying administrators and/or block a suspected connection According to Amoroso, intrusion detection is a
“process ot identifying and responding to malicious activity targeted at computing and networking resources.” 111 addition, IDS tools are capable ot distinguishing between insider attacks originating from inside the organization (coming from own
(Source: http://www.windowsecurity.com)
must possess sound knowledge o f network intrusion prevention system (IPSes), IDSes, malicious network activity, and log information.
Lab Objectives
■ Install and configure Snort IDS
■ Run Snort as a service
■ Log snort log files to Kiwi Syslog server
■ Store snort log files to two output sources simultaneouslyLab Environment
To earn׳ out tins lab, you need:
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 847 E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council
Trang 3■ Notepads-+ installed 011 the host macliine
Lab DurationTime: 40 MinutesOverview of Intrusion Detection Systems
violations and produces reports to a Management Station Some systems may attempt to stop an intrusion attempt but tins is neither required nor expected o f a
prevention systems (IDPSes) for other purposes, such as identifying problems with security policies, documenting existing threats and deterring individuals from violating security policies IDPSes have become a necessary addition to the secuntv infrastructure o f nearly even* organization Many IDPSes can also respond to a detected tlireat by attempting to prevent it from succeeding They use several response techniques, which involve the IDPS stopping die attack itself, changing the security environment.
about diem, attempting to stop them, and reporting them to security administrators.
Lab Analysis
your target’s security posture and exposure.
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C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 848
Trang 4P L E A S E T A L K T O Y O U R I N S T R U C T O R I F Y O U H A V E Q U E S T I O N S
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n te n n ea su re s Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 849
Trang 5Delecting Intrusions using Snort
Snort is an open source netnvrk intrusion prevention and detection system (IDS/IPS).
Lab ScenarioThe trade o f die intrusion detection analyst is to find possible attacks against their
tins by IDS logs and packet captures while corroborating with firewall logs, known vulnerabilities, and general trending data from the Internet The IDS attacks are
and categorizing those scenarios becomes a critical challenge These result ni huge amounts o f data and from tins data they must look for some land o f pattern However, die overwhelming tiows o f events generated by IDS sensors make it hard for security administrators to uncover hidden attack plans.
must possess sound knowledge o f network IPSes, IDSes, malicious network activity, and log information.
Lab ObjectivesThe objective o f tins lab is to familiarize students widi IPSes and IDSes.
Trang 6■ A computer running Windows Server 2012 as a host machine
Lab DurationTune: 30 MinutesOverview of Intrusion Prevention Systems and Intrusion Detection Systems
activities for m aliciou s activity Tlie maui functions ot IPSes are to identify malicious activity, log information about said activity, attempt to block/stop activity, and report activity.
An IDS is a device or software application that m onitors network and/or system activities for m aliciou s activities or policy violation s and produces reports to a Management Station It performs intrusion detection and attempt to sto p detected possible incidents.
Lab TasksStart Windows Server 2012 on the host maclune Install Snort.
To uistall Snort, navigate to D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 17 Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots\lntrusion D etection Tools\Snort.
Double-click the Snort_2_9_3_1_lnstaller.exe file The Snort mstallation wizard appears.
Accept the License Agreement and uistall Snort with the default options
5 A wuidow appears after successful mstallation o f Snort Click the Close button.
6 Click OK to exit the Snort Installation wuidow.
You can also
download Snort from
http:// www.sno 1 t.org.
Install Snort
l Snort is an open
source network intrusion
prevention and detection
system (IDS/IPS).
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n te n n ea su re s Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 851
Trang 7Snort SetuD ־ ' ° I *
(& Snort Setup
Snort has successfully been installed.
Snort also requires W inPcap 4 1 1 to be installed on this m achine,
r W inP cap can be dow nloaded from :
Figure 1.1: Snort Successful Installation Window
IDS, Firewalls, and HoneypotsMntrusion Detection Tools\Snort, and double-clicking WinPcap 4 1 _2.exe.
9 By default, Snort installs itself in C:\Snort (C:\ or D :\ depending upon die disk drive in which OS installed).
download Snort Rules After registration comples it will automaticallv redirect to a download page.
11 Click die Get Rules button to download die latest mles 111 tins lab w e have downloaded snortrules-snapshot-2931 ■tar.gz.
Honeypots\lntrusion Detection Tools\Snort.
13 Rename die extracted folder to snortrules.
Module 17 Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots\lntrusion Detection Tools\Snort\snortrules\etc o f die extracted Snort mles, copy die snort.conf
die Snort mles Snort.conf tile.
IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots\lntrusion Detection
V^/ WinPcap is a tool for
link-layer network access
that allows applications to
capture and transmit
network packets bypass the
protocol stack
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n te n n ea su re s Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 852
Trang 817 Replace die preproc rules folder trom D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 17 Evading IDS, Firewalls, and HoneypotsMntrusion Detection
18 Copy all die tiles from diis location: D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 17
Tools\Snort\snortrules\rules to C:\Snort\rules.
19 N o w navigate to C:\Snort and right-click folder bin, and click CmdHere
20 Type snort and press Enter.
y To print out the
TCP/IP packet headers to
the screen (i.e sniffer
mode), type: snort — v.
21 Tlie Initialization Complete message displays Press Ctrl+C Snort exits and comes back to C:\Snort\bin.
22 N o w type snort -W Tins command lists your machine’s physical address,
IP address, and Ediernet Dnvers, but all are disabled by default.
Figure 1.3: Snort -W Command
die Ediernet Driver index number is 1.
Adm inistrator: C:\W indows\system32\cmd.exe
A c q u ir in g n e tw o r k t r a f f i c f r o n " \D eu ic e\N P F _< 0F B 098 22-88 B 5-411 F -A F D 2 -F E 3735A 9?7 B B> _
Verify Snort Alert
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n tem ieasu res Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 853
Trang 925 You see a rapid scroll text 111 die command prompt It means diat die
E 7 To specify a log into Ethernet Driver is enabled and working properly.
logging directory, type
snort — dev —1
Snort automatically knows
to go into packet logger
Intrusion Detect ion
System (NIDS) mode so
that you don’t record every
single packet sent down the
wire, type: snort -dev -1
nM.flP.MM• S e q : 0 x 8 10 4 7 C 4 0 Ack: 0x4C 743C 54 Win: 0xFFFF T cpL en: 20
Figure 1.5: Ping googje.com Command
Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe - snort -dev -i 4
C : \ S n o r t \ b i n , s n o r t -d e v - i 4 Running in p a c k e t dump 11uue
— == I n i t i a l i z i n g S n o r t ==—
I n i t i a l i z i n g O u tp u t P lu g in s ?
p cap DAQ c o n f i g u r e d t o p a s s i v e The DAQ v e r s i o n d o e s n o t s u p p o r t r e l o a d
Figure 1.4: Snort — dev — i 4 Command
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 854
Trang 1029 Close both command prompt windows The verification o f Snort
verbose mode.
30 Configure die snort.conf file located at C:\Snort\etc.
31 Open die snort.conf file with N otepad+ +.
Figure 1.7: Configuring Snortconf File in Notepad++
33 Scroll down to die Step #1: S et the network variables section (Line 41) o f snort.conf file 111 the HOME_NET line, replace any widi die IP addresses (Line 45) o f die machine where Snort is ranning.
^ fe
* x
»צ <
o 1 0 e & JS
| H
Figure 1.8: Configuring Snortconf File in Notepad ־(־־ 1 ־
34 Leave die EXTERNAL_NET any line as it is.
T A S K 3
snort.conf File
& Make sure to grab
the rules for the version
you are installing Snort for.
m Log packets in
tcpdump format and to
produce minimal alerts,
type: snort -b -A fast -c
m Notepad־)־ + is a free
source code editor and
Notepad replacement that
supports several languages
It runs in the MS Windows
E tliical H a c k in g a n d C o u n te n n ea su re s Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 855
Trang 1135 I f you have a DNS Server, dien make changes 111 die DNS_SERVERS line bv replacing $HOME_NET widi yonr D N S Server IP address; otherwise, leave diis line as it is.
37 Remember diat if you don’t have any servers running on your machine,
38 Scroll down to RULE_PATH (Line 104) 111 Line 104 replace /mles widi
Line 106 replace /preproc rules with C:\Snort\preproc rules.
m The element ’any’ can
be used to match all IPs,
although ’any’ is not
allowed Also, negated IP
ranges that are more
general than non-negated
IP ranges are not allowed.
Ptc\s1xxtconf Notepad♦ ♦ _ | a x ך
Erie Ldit Search !rfiew Encoding Language Settings Macro Ru
* ף*
3 114
Ncirrwl Ur! file length: 25439 lines: 657 Ln: 106 Cot :45 S*l:0 UNIX ANSI NS
ua Rule variable names
can be modified in several
ways You can define meta-
variables using the $
operator These can be
used with the variable
modifier operators ? and
-Figure 1.9: Configuring Snoitconf File in Notepad++
39 Li Line 113 and 114 replace /rules widi C:\Snort\ rules.
108 f z r you a re u a in a r e p u ta tio n p r e p r o c e s s o r a c t tn e a e
*.09 $ C u r r e n tl y th e r e i s a bug w ith r e l a t i v e p a th s , th e y a r e r e l a t i v e t o w here an o re ia
110 f n o t r e la c i v * co •n o rc.co n X l i k e che above v a r ia b le •
111 • T h is 1a c o n p le e e ly i n c o n a ia te n t w ith how e t h e r v a r a w or*, BUG 89986
1*.? 4 Smt th • abaoluta pa th a p p ro p ria te ly
77־ v a r white LISI PAIH c : \ s n o r t \ r u i e a l
71: Bmcmsi.EAiii ciMaaalmltaJ
117 4 Seen #3: C onfigure Che decoder For More in fo rm a tio n , 9ee BSASME decode
angth: 25d51 lines:657 _ Ln:1» Col:35 S«l:0
Figure 1.10: Configuring Snort.conf File in Notepad++
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 856
Trang 1240 Navigate to C:\Snort\rules and create two tiles and name them
w h itejist.ru les and black jist.ru les make sure die two dies extensions are rules.
41 Scroll down to Step #4: Configure dynamic loaded libraries section (Line 242) Configure dynamic loaded libraries in this section.
42 At padi to dynamic preprocessor libraries (Line 247), replace /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor/ with your dynamic preprocessor libranes tolder location.
43 111 tins lab, dynamic preprocessor libraries are located at C:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicpreprocessor.
־ ־
7 C:\Sn0rl\etc\s1xxU 0nf Notepad ♦ ♦ ן ־ ־ x ז Erie Ld!t Search Vie* Incoding Language Settings Macro Run PK1g<13 ftmdew J
־ז 2
2S0 צ- 2 252 255
* p a th t o b ase p re p ro c e s s o r e ngine ciyr.anlceng 1 ne /u 9 r /1 0 c a l/llb /s n 0 r L _ £ iy n a m lc e n g ln e /llb s r_ e r.g ir.e 3 0
t p a th t o dynamic r u l e s l i b r a r i e s
d y n a n lc d e te c c lo n d i r e c t o r y / u s r / l o c a l/ 1 lb /a n o rc_ d y n a m lc r u lea
4 s t e p t s : C o n tia u r e p r e p r o c e s s o r s
4 For more in f o r m a tio n , se e th e Snore M anual, C o n fig u rin g S n o r t ־ P re p ro c esso
4 STP C o n tro l C hannle P r e p r o c e s s o r For n o te in f o r m a ti o n , se e PFA2ME OTP
V p r e p r o c e s s o r o e ci p o r t a 1 2123 3386 2152 >
»צ 2
t Z n lm « p a c k e t n o r m a l iz a tio n For moz• in f o r m a ti o n , se e R £ A D 2 n o rm alise
4 Does n o tn in a i n IDS node
3r«pr0c«110r n o rn m lix e _ ip 4
p r e p r o c e s s o r r.crm ai1 s e _ to p 1 1p9 eon seream
p r e p r o c e s s o r norma l i e e i c m p i
p r e p r o c e s s o r n o r m a liz e lp « N.mul u»t file length: 2544S linttt: 657 In :247 Col :69 S*i:0 UNIX ANSI 1NS
Figure 1.11: Configuring Snort.couf File in Notepad++
44 At padi to base preprocessor (or dynamic) engine (Line 250), replace
preprocessor engine C:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicengine\sf_engine.dll.
m The include keyword
allows other rule files to be
included within the rule file
indicated on die Snort
command line It works
much like an #include
from die C programming
language, reading the
contents of the named file
and adding the contents in
the place where die include
statement appears in die
H U Preprocessors are
loaded and configured
using the ‘preprocessor’
keyword The format of die
users and programmers to
drop modular plug-ins into
Snort fairly easily.
Figure 1.12: Configuring Snort.conf File in Notepad++
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 857
Trang 1345 Comment (#) die dynamic mles libraries line as you already configured die
C:\Snort\et*V r c f < •f Notepad♦♦ - o x
Be Ldit Search View Encoding Language Settings Macro Run Pfcjgns ftndcvr Z
• 9
־ o ' H e
250 dyr.anu.ceng i n - C : \ 3n o r t\li b \s n o r t_ d y n s n 1ic e n g i n e \ s f _ e n g i n e d l l
♦ path to dynamic rules libraries
> d y n a c ic d e te c tlo n d i r e c t o r y /u » r / l o c a l / 'l l b / s n o r t _ a y n a » l s t l e a |
V >t e c *M c o n r ia u r e p r e p r o c e s s o r s
* Por more m f o rm a c io n , se e th e Snore M anual, C o n fig u rir.c S n o r t ־ P re p ro c e ss o
4 GTP Control Chmnnlm Preprocessor For *or inforwation, י•• RSADME.GTP
t p re p ro c e s s o r a sp : p o r ts ( 2123 3386 2152 )
I I n l i n e p a c k e t n o r m a l iz a tio n For more in g o z m a tio n , se a ZZZZXZ n o rm a liz e
♦ Does n o ta in a i n IDS mode preprocessor normelize_ip4
p r e p r o c e s s o r r c r x a l1 ze_־ c p : i p s ecr stre am
p r e p r o c e s s o r ncrm0 11ze_1 cmp4
p r e p r o c e s s o r n o r m a liz e l p 6
I teal fie length :25*146 ling :557 Ln:253 Col ;3 Sd :0 I
Note: Preprocessor
code is run before the
detection engine is called,
but after the packet has
been decoded The packet
can be modified or
analyzed in an out-of-band
manner using this
Figure 1.13: Configuring Snortconf File in Notepad++
46 Scroll down to Step #5: Configure Preprocessors section (Line 256), die
C:\Sn0rt\etc\snort conf Notepad*
l i t L3t Search View Encoding Language Settings Macro Run Plugre Amdcw I
♦ preprocessor norjralire icmpC
• T a r g e t-b a s e d IP d e fr a g m e n ta tio n For more inform ation, see RLADME f ra g 3
p r e p r o c e s s o r £ r a g S _ g lo b a l: m ax_Iraga 6SSS6
p r e p r o c e s s o r tr o a 3 e n g in e : p o l i c y windows d e te c t_ a r * 1a i 1 es c v erlap_11m 1t 10 a 1 n _ f ra o m e n t_ le n g th 100 tim e o u t
f o r mere m r o r a t i o n , ace h u ' j I' l s tr e a n b
V l a r g e t s i s e a a e a te c u l in s p e c t io n /o tr c a m rc a s s e e D iy
p r e p r o c e s s o r s c r e o » S _ g lo b a l; t r a c k e c p y e s , \ tr* c k _ u d p y e a , \
t r a c k _ 1 cnc no, \ MX_tcp 362144, \
r a x _ a c t1 v e _ r e 3 p o n s e s 2, \
m in r e s p o n s e se co n d s 5 _
1:269 Col :3 Sd 0 myth: 25456 line :557
Figure 1.14: Configuring Snort.conf File in Notepad++
48 Scroll down to Step #6: Configure output plugins (Line 514) 111 tins step, provide die location o l die classification.config and reference.config files.
m IPs may be specified
individually, in a list, as a
CIDR block, or any
combination of die duee.
m Many configuration
and command line options
o f Snort can be specified in
the configuration file
Format: config <directive>
[: <value>]
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n te n n ea su re s Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 858
Trang 14CASnort\ett\snm conf Notepad* ♦ ' - I ם
l i t idit Search view Encoding language Settings Macro Run Plugns ftmdcw I
djae s i s c e ז
hh« a , & * * r י
B •ncCcorf )"
il ף step 46: cor.rioure cutput plugins
4 5 *׳j ?or more information, see Snort Manual, Configuring Snort - Output Modules[
51fl * unified?
519 4 aeeonsenaaa rcr !cost installs
520 4 cutput u n ified 2 : filename merged.log, lim it 128, nosts3«r, wpls_eTrent_types, vlon_event_type3
521 Si'i4 ־ A d d itio n a l c o n f ig u r a tio n f o r s p e c i f i c t j p e s o f i n s t a l l s
523 # cutput alert_uni£ied2: filename snort.alert, liiait 125, nosCaap
524 f o u tp u t lo g u n 1 r1 e d 2 : r ile n a ra e s n a r e l o o , l i m i t 123, n c s ta s p
4 o a t a t a s e
4 o u tp u t d a ta b a s e : a l e r t , <db_type>, u s? r« < u s e rn a n !> pa9 9wsrd~<pass«10rd
V cutput aatacasci 100, <dto_type>, u9er־<uacma&e> passvsr3^<paaswo?d>
» * e ta d a ti rercrcr.ee aata do not * e a itv t£e
-• include C:\Snarc\ece\elass1f1eat1on.e0nf10l
lii _ laclud# C; \Sac r \ « c c \r»C«r«nc« eonti g_|
length :25482 lina:6S7 In :541 Co) :22 S*l:0
c a Tlie frag3
preprocessor is a target-
based IP defragmentation
module for Snort.
Figure 1.15: Configuring SnorT.coiif File in Notepad++
lrigure 1 i כ: V_on 11 gunng snort.coni rile in !Notepad 1
־!־-5 0 11 1 t h i s step #6, a d d t h e l i n e output alert_fast: alerts.ids f o r S n o r t t o
519 V ftccoescnaca co r !coat i n s t a l l s S?0 4 c u tp u t u n if ie d 2 : f ile n a m e m erged 100, l i m i t 128, n osta*p» * p ls _ e 'r e n t _ ty p e s , v la n _ e v e n t_ ty p e s 521
4 A d d itio n a l c o n f ig u r a tio n f o r s p e c i f i c ty p e s o f i n s t a l l s
525 4 c u tp u t a l o r t _ u n i f i » d 2 : fila n a n w a n o r t a l r t , l i m i t 129, r.o>ca>p
524 4 c u tp u t lo g un1E1ed2: r ile n a ra e s n o r t is o , l i m i t 126, r.: ־ י a x t
- - - 4 c atafcase
533 4 cutput database: alert, <db_type>, uaer-<useman-> pea3*:rc־<fa3sword
534 4 cutput dataoa3e: loo, <db type>, u3er=<u3emaEe> pa33w:ro=<pa33word> ׳
|hc«nwl U*t file Itngth: 25511 lin»:657 1 6 ?5: מ CoJ:30 S«l:0
m Note: ’ipvar’s are
enabled only with IPv 6
support Without IPv 6
support, use a regular ’var.’
Figure 1.16: Configuring Snort.conf File in Notepad++
5 1 B y d e f a u l t , d i e C:\Snort\log f o l d e r is e m p t y , w i d i o u t a n y f ile s 111 it G o t o d i e
C:\Snort\log f o l d e r , a n d c r e a t e a n e w t e x t file w i t h d i e n a m e alerts.ids.
Ii=yj Frag3 is intended as a
replacement for die &ag 2 5 2 E n s u r e d i a t e x t e n s i o n o f d i a t f ile is .ids.
defragmentation module
and was designed with the
following goals:
1 Faster execution than
frag 2 with less complex
Trang 15ם _
Search log P
v C alerts.ids
1 item
Figure 1.17: Configuring Snort.conf File in Notepad++
53 111 die snort.conf tile, find and replace die ipvar string widi var By default die string is ipvar, which is not recognized by Snort, so replace it widi die var string.
Note: Snort now supports multiple configurations based on V LAN Id or IP subnet widiui a single instance o f Snort Tins allows administrators to specify multiple snort configuration files and bind each configuration to one or more VLANs or subnets radier dian running one Snort for each configuration required.
□ in selection Replace A|l
Replace All in All Opened Documents
I I Match rase
@ Wrae around
Figure 1.18: Configuring Snort.conf File in Notepad++
54 Save die snort.conf file.
tile; for diis lab w e have enabled ICMP mle so diat Snort can detect any host discovery ping probes to die system running Snort.
56 Navigate to C:\Snort\rules and open die icmp-info.rules file widi Notepad
+ +
57 Uncomment the Line number 47 and save and close die file.
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 860
Trang 16C:\Srxwi\rules\icrnp info.rules Nofepad♦
E*e Edit Search View Encoding Language SetDngs Macro Run Plugns ftndcw J >
0- > H « o ־a 4m * ורו P c* f t *ta -t -ז r ״| פ , T,[ | כ S i l i f l « >
Pi—!<■1 H trp+Tfo 1 ute« |
נ ♦ a l e r t isrsp $ EXI ERNAL_NET any -> $H0KE_NET any cnsj:"ICXE-INFC I REP r o u t e r a d v e r tis e m e n t" ; 1 ty p e :9 ; r e r e r e n ׳
29 * a l e r t le a p SEXTERNAL_NET any ־ > SHOMEKET any (m sg:־ ICXP-IKyC IRDP r o u t e r s e l e c t i o n " ; ity p e : 1 0 ; r e f e r e n c e :ו
30 # a l e r t leap $SXIERNA 1 _NET any -> $HOKE_NET any (n sg : ■־I-XP-IKFC FUJG *HIX•; lc y p e :S ; c o n t e n t : 1 13 12 11 1 10״■
31 * a l e r t lc n p SEXTERNAL_NET an y -> SH0HE_KET any (r\sg :״ ICMP־ INF0 PING BSD type"; 1ty p e : 8; c o n t e n t : ״ |O0 09 0A 01
32 * a l e r t i=r^> SEXTERNALNET any - > SH0KE_NET any ( o s g : "IS 'P -IN T C PING BayRS R o u te r " ; i t y p e : 8; c o n t e n t :■ | 01 02
33 * alert res© S EXIERNAL_NET any -> $H 0 KE_NET any (m3?:"XCXP-lNFO rIUG SeOSI.x"; ltype: 8 ; content:"|QQ 00 00 0׳
34 # a l e r t icnj? SEXTERNAL_NET a n y -> £H0KE_NET any ( n s g :״ ICM?-IK7C ?IUG C isc o T ype x " ; i t y p e : 8; c o n te n t:" |A B CD
35 # a l e r t l e a p $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOKE_NET any ( n s g :־ irxP-IK FC PING D elpiH -P iec L e Windows"; l t y p e : S ; c o n ie n
36 * a l e r t ic n p SEXTERNAL~NET an y -> SHOHEJJET any ( n s g :״ ICMP-INF0 PIHG F lo * p o m t2 2 0 0 o r Networlc Management Sof־
34 ־ alert icnp SEXTERNALNET any -> SHOKENET any (xasg: "ICXP-IK7C PIHG IP HetMonitor Macintosh"; itype:B; cont•■
38 t alert 1 st® $exiernal_net any -> Shoke_nei any (n3g:1״cxp-lKFC pibg li2i־jx/35״d״; a31ze:8; 1a:13170; 1 type :8
♦ a l e r t ic n p SEXTERNAL_NET any -> SH0XE_NET any (msg:*ICKP-IK7C PIHG M ic r o s o ft Windows"; i t y p e : 8; c o n t e n t : "0
40 I a l e r t l e a p $EXIERNA1_NET any - > $HOXE_KET any ( n s g :" I 3 ( ? ־ XKFC POTG n e tw o rk T oolbox 3 Windows"; 1 ty p e : 8; coi
* a l e r t ic n p SEXTERNAL_NET any ־ > SH0KE_NET any (msg:"ICMP-INF0 PIHG Pm g-O -H eterW indow s"; lty p e :9 * c o n te n t:
42 « alert SEXTERNAL~NET any ־> SH0KE~NET any (rasg:״ICKP-IKFC PIHG Pinger Windows"; itype: 8 ; content:"Oata
43 * alert 1 cnp cexiernal_net any ־> Shoxe_nei any (n93:”1cxff-iKF0 pihg seer wmdowa״; ltypese; content«18״a 04
44 • a l e r t 1 a 1p SEXTERNAL NET a n y ־ > SHOKE NET any (m sg:״ ICXP-INF0 PING O ra c le S o l a n s " ; d s 1 s e : 8; 1ty p e « 0j c la s
45 f a l e r t l e a p $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $H0XE_KIT any ( n » g :2 ״ CXff-IKFC PIHG Window•": lc y p e : 8; c o n t e n t : "abc d erg fcljk
9a l e r t icrap SEXIERNAI_NEI any > SH0KE_KEI any !naa:*1atP-lNfC t r a c e r o u t e " ; 1 s v c c :8; t t l i l ; claaat!tt : a t t c n
“ alert icnp SFXTRRXAL NFT any -> SH0XE KET any (mag: •׳:CMP-IKFC PIKG"; icode:0; itype: 8 ; classtyp-:»iac-activ 1 |
» a l e r t isno S m o x e jje t any ->CEXTERNAL_NET any i.src Aaareaa mask Rcpiv"> ic o d c io ; l t v p e u s ; cia®.
49 • a l e r t 1cr«p SEXTERNALNET a n y ־ > SH0KE_NET any (m sg:״ ICKP-INF0 A ddre ss Maslr Reply u n d e fin e d code"* 1 e o d e :>0
50 t a l e r t l e a p $SXTERKAL_NET any -> $K0KE_KET any ( e s g : ” Z:X9-X):FC Add:««« Ka»k R v q u e st" ; lc o d « :0 ; lt y p e : 1 7 ; cl•
51 ♦ a l e r t 1 מ גס SEXIERNAL_NET any ־ > SH0XE_NET any (n s3 :"ICJ4P־ lNfO A d d re ss Mask R e au e st u n d e tin e d c o d e " ; !co d e ::
52 « alert SEXTERNAL~NET any -> $HOKE~NET any (Mgr-ICVP-INFC Alternate Ho«t Addre״״"; icode:0; itype: 6 ; c
f alert isnp «exiernal_net any ־> «hoxe_net any (nss: 1 ״cxp- 1 NFC Alternate Host ״aareaa undermed code״; iced•
>4 * a l e r t 1 cnp SEXTERNAL_NET a n y -> SH0KE_NET any (e1sj:* IC H P ־ INF0 D atagrati C o n v e rsio n E r r o r " ; lc o d esO ; 1t y p e :3
55 f a l e r t l e a p fEXTERNAL NET a n y - > <H0KE NET any (tasg: "ZCXr-IKFC S a ta g r a a C onveralon E r r o r u n d e fin e d c o d e " ? 1 ■ v
NcinwlUxlfile length: 17357 lines: 123 Ln:47 Cc4:1 S«1:0 UMX ANSI IMS
Figure 1.19: Configuring Snort.coiif File iti N’otepad++
58 N o w navigate to C:\Snort and nght-click folder bin, select CmdHere from
59 Type snort -iX -A co n so le -c C:\Snort\etc\snort.conf -I C:\Snort\log -K ascii and press Enter to start Snort (replace X with your device index
60 If you enter all the command information correctly, you receive a graceful
61 If you receive a fatal error, you should first verify diat you have typed all modifications correcdy into the snort.conf tile and then search dirough the tile for entries matching your fatal error message.
62 If you receive an error stating “Could not create the registry key,” then run the command prompt as an Administrator.
Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
y ’To run Snort as a
daemon, add -D switch to
any combination Notice
that if you want to be able
to restart Snort by sending
a SIGHUP signal to die
daemon, specify the full
path to die Snort binary
when you start it, for
Figure 2.18: Snort Successfully Validated Configuration W indow
C:\Snort\etc\snort.conf -I C:\Snort\log -i 2 and dien press Enter.
Start Snort
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copynght © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 861
Trang 17Figure 2.19: Start Snort in IDS Mode Command
64 Snort starts running in IDS mode It first initializes output plug-ins, preprocessors, plug-ins, load dynamic preprocessors libranes, rale chains o f Snort, and dien logs all signatures.
65 After initializing interface and logged signatures, Snort starts and waits for
an attack and tngger alert when attacks occur on the machine.
- * > S n o r t T < *
-Uersion GRE <Build 40>
By Martin Roesch 8r The Snort Team: http://www.snort.org/snort/snort-t Copyright <C> 1998-2012 Sourcefire, Inc., et al.
Using PCRE version: 8.10 2010-06-25 Using ZLIB version: 1.2.3
Rules Engine: S F_S NORT _DET ECTION_ENGI HE Uersion 1.16 <Build 18>
SF_REPUTATION Uersion 1.1 <Build 1>
SF_POP Uersion 1.0 <Build 1>
SF_T10DBUS Uersion 1.1 <Build 1>
SF_IMAP Uersion 1.0 <Build 1>
Figure 1.20: Initializing Snort Rule Chains Window
66 After initializing the interface and logged signatures Snort starts and waits for an attack and trigger alert when attacks occur on the maclune.
67 Leave die Snort command prompt mnning.
68 Attack your own machine and check whedier Snort detects it or not.
69 Launch your Windows 8 Virtual ]Maclune (Attacker Machine).
70 Open die command prompt and type ping XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -t from die Attacker Machine (XXX.XXX.XXX.XX is your Windows Server 2012 IP address;.
71 G o to Windows Server 2012, open die Snort command prompt, and press Ctrl+C to stop Snort Snort exits.
72 N ow go to die C:\Snort\log\ folder and open the ICMP_ECHO.ids text file.
£ 0 1 When Snort is run as
a Daemon, the daemon
creates a PID file in the log
^ T A S K 6
Attack Host
m Note that to view the
snort log file, always stop
snort and dien open snort
log file.
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C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 862
Trang 18ICMP.ECHO.idT- Notepad ! ם ’ ־ ' x
File Edit Format View Help
| [ * * ] IC M P -IN F O PING [ * * ]
11/14-12:24:17.131365 1 0 0 0 1 2 -> 1 0 0 0 1 0 ICMP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:31479 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60 Type:8 Code:0 ID :1 Seq:198 ECHO
[ * * ] ICHP-INFO PING [ * * ] 11/14-12:24:18.146991 1 0 0 0 1 2 -> 1 0 0 0 1 0 ICMP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 I D : 31480 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60 Type:8 Code:0 ID :1 Seq:199 ECHO
[ • • ] ICMP-INFO PING [ * * ] 11/14-12:24:19.162664 1 0 0 0 1 2 -> 1 0 0 0 1 0 ICMP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 I D : 31481 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60 Type:8 Code:0 ID :1 Seq:200 ECHO
[ • • ] ICMP-INFO PING [ * * ] 11/14-12:24:20.178236 1 0 0 0 1 2 -> 1 0 0 0 1 0 ICMP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:31482 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60 Type:8 Code:0 ID :1 Seq:201 ECHO
[ * * ] ICMP-INFO PING [ * * ] 11/14-12:24:21.193933 1 0 0 0 1 2 -> 1 0 0 0 1 0 ICMP TTL:128 TOS :0X0 ID : 31483 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60 Type:8 Code:0 ID :1 Seq:202 ECHO
[ * * ] ICMP-INFO PING [ * * ] 11/14-12:24:22.209548 1 0 0 0 1 2 -> 1 0 0 0 1 0 ICMP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 I D : 31484 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60 Type:8 Code:0 ID :1 Seq:203 ECHO
Figure 1.21: Snort Alerts ids Window Listing Snort Alerts
means diat your Snort is working correcdy to trigger alert when attacks
Lab Analysis
yoiu־ target’s security posture and exposure.
Trang 192 Evaluate how you process Snort logs to generate reports.
Internet Connection Required
Trang 20111 order to become an expert penetration tester and security administrator, you must possess sound knowledge ot network mtnision prevention system (IPSes), IDSes, identify network malicious activity, and log information, stop, or block malicious network activity.
Lab Objectives
Tlie objective o f tins lab is to help students learn and understand IPSes and IDSes
111 tins lab, vou need to:
■ Install Snort and configure sno rtco nf file
■ Validate configuration settings
■ Perform an attack 011 the Host Machine
■ Perform an intrusion detection
■ Attempt to stop detected possible incidents
Trang 21Lab Environment
To carry-out tins lab, you need:
■ A computer running Windows Server 2012 as a host macliine
■ Windows 8 running on virtual machine as an attacker macliine
■ WinPcap drivers installed on die host macliine
■ Kiwi Syslog Server installed on die host macliine
■ Admniistrative privileges to configure settings and mil tools
Lab Duration
Tune: 10 Minutes
Overview of of IPSes and IDSes
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or softw are application diat monitors network an d /o r system activities for m alicious activities or polio,’ violations and produces reports to a management station
Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) are primarily tocused on identifying possible incidents, logging information about them, attempting to stop diem, and reporting diem to security administrators
Lab Tasks
1 Navigate to D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 17 Evading IDS, Firewalls, and
on die Windows Server 2012 host machine
2 The L icense Agreem ent window appears, Click I Agree.
Figure 2.1: kiwi syslog server installation
£ 7 You can also
download Kiwi Syslog
Trang 223 111 die Choose Operating Mode wizard, check die Install Kiwi Syslog
־ ן ° ז x
Kiwi Syslog Server 9.3.4 Installer
C h o o s e O p e r a t in g M o d e The program can be run as a Service or Application
solarwinds ׳ ־
O I n s t a l l K iw i S y s lo g S e i v e i a s a S e i v ic e This option installs Kiwi Syslog Server as a Windows service, alowing the program to run without the need for a user to logn to Windows This option also retails the Kiwi Syslog Server Manager which is used to control the service.
| ( * I n s t a l l K iw i S y s lo g S e i v e i a s a n A p p l i c a t io n | This op bon retails Kiwi Syslog Server as a typical Windows appkcabon, requrng a user to login to Windows before r im n g the application.
SolarWinds, Inc.
Figure 22: Kiwi Syslog server installation
4 111 die Install Kiwi Syslog Web A c c e ss wizard, uncheck die optionselected and click Next >.
X Kiwi Syslog Server 9.3.4 Installer
I n s t a ll K iw i S y s lo g W e b A c c e s s Remote viewing, filtering and highlighting of Syslog events
I I I n s t a l l K iw i S y s lo g W e b A c c e s s
V C r e a t e a n e w W e b A c c e s s lo g g in g ■ u le in K iw i S y s lo g S e i v e i Kiwi Syslog Web Access can be enabled in the licensed or evaluation versions of Kiwi Syslog Server.
SolarWinds, Inc.
Figure 23: kiwi syslog server
5 Leave die settings as their defaults in the Choose Components wizard and click Next >.
Trang 23Kiwi Syslog Server 9.3.4 Installer I ־־ I
Space requred: 89.5MB Solar Winds, In c -
< Back | Next > | | Cancel |
Program files (required)
0 Shortcuts apply to all users
0 Add Start menu shortcut b^J Add Desktop shortcut
p i Add QuickLaunch shortcut
O Add Start-up shortcut Desa1 ptx>n Position your mouse over a component to see its description.
Figure 2.4: adding components
6 111 die C hoose Install Location wizard, leave the settings as their defaultsand click Install to continue
Kiwi Syslog Server 9.3.4 Installer
C h o o s e In s t a ll L o c a t io n Choose the folder n whkh to nstal Kiwi Syslog Server 9.3.4
Figure 2.5: Give destination folder
7 Click Finish to complete the installation
You should see a test
message appear, which
indicates Kiwi is working
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C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 868
Trang 24Kiwi Syslog Server 9.3.4 Installer [_“ I 1 ם x
C o m p le tin g th e Kiwi S ys lo g S e rv e r
9 3 4 S e tu p W iz a rd
Kiwi Syslog Server 9.3.4 has been installed on your computer.
Click Finish to dose this wizard.
@ Run Kiwi Syslog Server 9.3.4
Visit the SotorWmds website
< Back | Ftnoh | Cancel j
Figure 2.6: kiwi syslog server finish window
8 Click OK ill the Kiwi Syslog Server - Default Settings Applied dialog box
Kiwi Syslog Server - Default settings applied
Thank you fo r choosing Kiwi Syslog Server.
This is the first tim e the program has been run on this machine
The fo llo w in g default 'A ction' settings have been applied
’ Display all messages
* Log all messages to file: SyslogCatchAll.txt These settings can be changed fro m the File | Setup menu.
Happy Syslogging
OKFigure 2.7: Default setting applied window
9 To launch die Kiwi Syslog Server Console move your mouse cursor to lower-left corner o f your desktop and click Start.
Q j Yiiwi Syslog Server is Figure 2.8: starting menu in windows server 2012
a free syslog server for 10 111 die Start menu apps click Kiwi Syslog Server Console to launch dieWindows It receives logs r r J J
Windows It receives logs,
displays and forwards app
syslog messages from hosts
such as routers, switches,
UNIX hosts and other
syslog-enabled devices
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 869
Trang 25C*׳ -־T I
KKl Package 1
Figure 2.9: click kkvi syslog server application
11 Configure Syslog alerts 111 die snort.conf file
12 To contigiire Syslog alerts, first exit from the Snort command prom pt (press Ctrl+C).
13 G o to C:\Snort\etc and open die snort.conf file widi Notepad++.
14 Scroll down to Step #6: Configure output plugins, in the syslog section (Line 527), remove # and modify die line to output alert_syslog: host=, LOG_AUTH LOG ALERT.
Snort.conf before modification Syslog
Notewd-Hr [<*t S mt H i yicw tvcM q fectng* Marre Run Pluglni Window J
t Step te : Coaflgrare output plugins
* Additional configuration for 9E«c1r1c typea or lnatalla
* output al*rt_unlfled2: filename snort.alert U n it 128, n 08ta*p
* output log_«UT1ea2: niecaae 9rtort.log, u n i t 128, rostairp flo g ; LOO AJIg 100 ALERT|
ט The reason why you
have to run snortstart.bat
batch file as an
administrator is that, in
your current configuration,
you need to maintain rights
to not only output your
alerts to Kiwi, but to write
them to a log file
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 870
Trang 26C:\Sn0rt\etcVsrxyt cof't Notepad-• ן - ־ g flnqi Mam Run Pluqin Window
^ ל׳ץ 1 י־ ן weSrf»g
׳ Filf fdt Search View f
3 )[§) 3 Cv יי S ) | -י
• fe| 3 c
iC<5 preprocessor reputa tion: \
013 **#**#**«**«#*»*#*«##**#*«*#•*#*«****#»**#•*#»*#**
pi4 # Step *€: Coaflarare output plugins
pis * For *ore Infomatlon, see Snort Manual, Conflouring Snore - Output Modules 5
l output u n iiie a i: £ile:;«*e se;aec.ica, l u u t 128 nostanp, npls_e5
ז Additional c onfiguration fo r s p e c ific types of i n s t a ll s
1 output a le rt_ u n lfle d 2: filename s n o r t.a le r t U n it 128, nostajip
» output log_unlfled?: flle n aa e s n o r t.log, l l j t l t 128, nostaxp
» database
I output database! a l e r t , <db_t/pe>, users<usernan«> pa8avford=<pa»sv0rd> te s t dbnaa!e-<r.a1*e> h0st*<S10atname3
I output databasei lo g <db_typ«>, usera<usernane> password»<passv׳ord> te s t dbna»es<naae> bo»t*<ho*tnaae>
U Ca li M:l»
Figure 2.11: Snortconfig after configuration
16 Open Kiwi Syslog Server Console and press Ctrl+T Tins is to test Kiwi Syslog Server alert logs
File Edit Vic* Hdp
Dale Tun* P-o״ly
lla*ln«m-11 14 2012 1621 30 Lwal7.D»U1g 127.0.01 Kiwi Sytloy S* 1vv1 • T*t< latfttayw nuaibei 0001
Figure 2.12: Kiwi Syslog Service Manager window
17 Leave die Kiwi Syslog Server Console D o not close die window
18 N ow open a command prom pt with Snort and type diis command: snort -
press Enter (here X is index number o f your Ediernet card)
E th ica l H a c k in g a n d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council
C E H L ab M an u al P ag e 871
Trang 27_ □ x
Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
Figure 2.13: Snort Alerts-ids Window Listing Snort Alerts
19 O pen a com m and prom pt 111 your W indows 8 virtual m achine and type tins command: ping 10 0.0.10 (IP address o f your host m achine where Kiwi Svslog Server Console is run n in g )
20 Go to Kiwi Syslog Service Manager window (diat is already open) and observe die triggered alert logs
u a Kiwi Syslog Server
different logging action
depending on the host
11-14-2012 184012 Autf Aleil 127.0.01 Nvv 14 18 40.12 WIN-2N9STOSGIEN w.ort |1 384 6| ICMP INF: PING |CU«*i»c*tion Hhc activity) [Piiuiily 3] {ICHP) 11-14-201? 18 40 0C Autf Air,I 1270 0 1 Nov 14 1 0 40 on WIN-?N9r.1nSG1rN tnatl |1 384 G| ICMP-INFO PING (CtasiKcalian Mbc n«:tivil*| [PiKnityr 3] (irMPJ 10 0 01?
11 14 ?012 10.40.Ub Autfi Alcit 127.0.0 1 Nov 14 10:40:0b WIN 2N91>1USGILN *nort: |l J84:b| ILMI־ INI U I1NG ILIautfication: Hue nctivitvl H'noiity: 31 (ICMP) 11-14-2012 18:4004 Autf A leu 127.0.01 Nov 14 18:40:04 WIN-2N9STOSGIEN tnort |1:384 6| ICMP-1NF0 PING ICIattificalion: Hite activity [Piioiity: 3] {ICMP)
11-14201? 18 40 03 Autf Air.1 12700 1 Nov 14 1 0 40 01 WIN-?N9r.TnSGIFN mart |1 384 C| ICMP-INTO PING (CUsiKcalian Mbc activity] [Piiaifty: 3] (IPMP) 10 0 01?
10 00.10 11-14 2012 18:4002 Autf Alcit Nov 14 18:40:02 WIN 2N9S1USGIEN *nort: |1:384:6) ICMP INF (J PING (Ua3*tf1cat10n: Mac acbvitrl [Pnonty: 3] {ICHP) 11-14-2012 18.40.01 Autfi Ale J Nov 14 18.40:01 WIN-2N9STOSGIEN w.ort [1.384.6] ICMP-1NF0 PING |CU«*c*tion: H״ c activity) [Piioiily: 3) {ICHP)
10 00.10 11-14-201? 18 40 (10 AutfiAlril 127 0.01 Nov 14 1 8 40:00 WIN-2N9STOSGIEN snort |1 384 6| ICMP-INF0 PIHG IClasirtcahan Mbc activity) [Piioiily: 3J ilCHP110 0 0 12
10 0 0.10
11 14 2012 18:39:59 Autf* Alert Nov 14 18:39:53 WIN 2N9510SGIEN *nort |1:384:61 ICMP INFU PING [CIroiication: Mnc acbvitrl [PrioiKy: 3) {ICHP) 11-14-701? 1839 58 Autf Aletl 1270 0 1 Nov 14 18 39:58 WIN-7N9STC1SGIFN tnort [1 384 6| ICMP-INFO PING [CLmificatian Mbc activity) [Pifciiily: 3] {ICHP) 10 0 012
11 14 201? 103*57 Autf Alert 127 001 Nov 14 10•39:57 WIN 2N9S10SGICN *nort |1 304 K| ICMP INFO PIHG U:U» 1*r,ahon Mmc cebvitj׳) [Pnoiiljr 3] IICMP110 0 0 12
11 14 2012 18:3958 Autfi Alcil Nov 14 18:39:56 WIN 2N9STOSGIEN *nort )1:384:6) ICMP INFO PING )□***ification: Mbc activitrl [Piioiity: 31 {ICMP) j
Figure 2.14: Kiwi Syslog Service Manager widi Snort Logs
21 111 Kiwi Syslog, you see the Snort alerts outputs listed 111 Kiwi Syslog Service Manager
22 You have successfully output Snort Alerts to two sources