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tiếng anh 6 thí điểm

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Week: 01 / Period: 04 Week: 01 Period: 01 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…… Giáo án Tiếng Anh 61 Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Week: 01 / Period: 04 UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 1: Getting Started - A special day I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can know the key language and structures to be learnt in this unit. II. Language Focus: 1. Vocabulary: the items related to the school. 2. Structures: The present simple and the present continuous tense. III. Method: Communicative approach IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture. V. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Ss’ Activities Content Not e - Write the title on the board ‘A special day’. Explain the meaning of ‘special’ and ask Ss to guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about. - Let Ss open their books and check their answers. - Ask Ss questions about the picture. - Play the recording - Whole class - Listen and read * Presentation : Guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about. - What is Phong doing? - Who are Vy and Phong? - Why is it a special day? 1. Listen and read Giáo án Tiếng Anh 62 Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Week: 01 / Period: 04 - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and decide they are true or false. - Allow Ss to share answers before discussing as a class. - Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the expressions. - Practice saying them together. - Ask Ss to role-plays the short conversations in pairs before creating short role-plays. - Ask Ss to extend the conversations. - Play the recording. - Let Ss read the poem in the right intonation and rhythm and check their understanding of the poem. - Ask Ss to write a poem about their partner, then read them poem aloud. - Ask Ss to match the words with the school things. - Play the recording. - Let Ss to practice saying the names of school things. - Allow Ss to check their answer in groups. - Individual work - Whole class - Pair-work - Whole class - Pair-work - Pair-work - Listen and repeat * Practice : a. Are these sentences true or false? Key: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F b. Find these expressions in the conversation. Check what they mean Key: 1. Used to express surprise (negative). 2. ‘You’ll find out.’ 3. Used to invite sb in. 4. Used to say ‘yes’ / ‘alright’. c. Create short role-plays with the expressions. Then practice them. 2. Listen and read the poem. Example: Khanh is going to back to school today. His friends are going back to school, too. His new school year starts today. He’s got a new bike. His friends are on their way. … 3. Match the words with the school things. Then listen and repeat. Key: 1 – b 2 – e 3 – j 4 – d 5 – c 6 – i 7 – f 8 – a 9 – g 10 – h Giáo án Tiếng Anh 63 Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Week: 01 / Period: 04 - Tell Ss to look around the class. Ask what they see around them/ what they have. - Let Ss to practice the words, and make up the sentences with the words it there is time. - Individual work * Production : 4. What other things do you have in your class? Example: Table, desk, noticeboard, picture, flowers… *Homework : - Write the items related to school in the book. - Prepare next lesson (A closer look 1) Experiments: Week: 01 Period: 02 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…… UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can pronounce correctly the sounds // and // in isolation and in context. II. Language Focus: 1. Vocabulary: the subjects in the school. 2. Structures: o The present simple. o The combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + Noun. III. Method: Communicative approach IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player. V. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Ss’ Activities Content Not e - Ask students to name some subjects they learn. - Whole class * Warm-up : Subjects: Math, music, English, … Giáo án Tiếng Anh 64 Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Week: 01 / Period: 04 - Teaching date: 6A………… 6B ………… Period 95 The forty - five minute test Objective a) Knowledge: Check Ss’ knowledge in unit 10, 11 Grammar : - Conditional sentences-type - Future simple - Modal verb + infi - Would you like …? Reading: Topic : - Environment, A lovely house Writing: Write the environment problems and write conditional sentencestype b) Skills: Listening, reading for comprehension, writing c) Attitude: Ss the test seriously Testing form: - 100 % Objective Test - Time: 45' - At school Matrix Topic Paraphrase Pronunciation sentences: point: Vocabulary - prep - noun sentences: sentences: point: 0,8 point: 0,8 Grammar -Conditional sentences-type1 -Woud you like -Future simple -Modal verb+infi Sentences:6 Sentences:6 point 1,2 point 1,2 Listening Sentences: point:2 Reading Sentences: point: 2,5 Writing Sentences :7 point: 2,5 Total -Environment Sentences: point: Sentences:15 point:3 Synthesis /æ/, /I ∂ / Inference Low level High level sentences: point: Total sentences: point: sentences: point: 0,8 Sentences:6 point 1,2 Environment: T/F, missing words Sentences: point:2 - A lovely house Sentences: point: 1,5 -Write the environment problems Sentences: point: Sentences:19 point: 4,5 Sentences: point:2 sentences: point:2,5 -Write conditional sentences-type Sentences: point: 1,5 Sentences: point : 1,5 Sentences: point: 2,5 Sentences:37 point: 10 Questions I Listening (2 pts) Listen and tick true (T) or false (F) (1pt) Statements We are destroying the forest, wild animals and plants We are saving water, power We are reducing trash The air, the land, the rivers and the oceans are polluted T F Listen and fill in the missing words (1pt) In Viet Nam, we recycle many things We collect waste (1)……………… and feed it to pigs We collect empty bottles and (2) ………… and recycle them We collect waste (3) ………., scrap metal and old (4) ………… and recycle them Factories in Viet Nam use all these things II Language knowledge (3 pts) Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined: (1pt) A dad A ask A hear A that 1………… B hat B plastic B clear B tap 2………… C plant C back C bear C backpack 3……… D happy D grandparent D fear D classmate 4……… Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to finish the sentences: (2pts) If you cycle more, there _less air pollution A is B are C will be What would you like _? A to drink B drink C drinking You should _English more often A speaking B to speak C spoke I am interested _learning English A on B in C at _ makes fish die A water pollution B deforestation C air pollution If the river dirty, there will be more fish A is B isn’t C won’t be Have a shower _of a bath A and B out C instead I hope your dream might _true A come B coming C came There a robot in my future house A be B is C are 10 _ makes animals’ home disappear A water pollution B deforestation C air pollution D be D drank D speak D with D soil pollution D will be D because D comes D will be D soil pollution III Reading (2,5 pts) Read the rules and match the rules with the signs (1pt) *The rules: Don’t throw the rubbish on the street Save water Plant trees Collect paper Don’t kill wild animals *The signs: a) b) c) e) f) g) 1………… 2………… 3……… d) h) 4……… 5……… Read the text and answer the questions (1,5pts) A lovely house I live in a house near the sea It is an old house, about 100 years old and It’s very small There are two bed rooms upstairs but no bathroom The bathroom is downstairs next to the kitchen and there is a living room where there is a lovely old fire place There is a garden in front of the house The garden goes down to the beach and in spring and summer there are flowers every where I live alone with my dog, Rack, but we have a lot of visitors My city friends often stay with us I love my house for many reasons: the garden, the flowers in summer, the fire in winter, but the best thing is the view from my bedroom window I’m thinking of a new house in the future with the help of Robots Where is the house? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Where is the bathroom? ……………………………………………………………………………………… What’s the dog’s name? ……………………………………………………………………………………… IV Writing (2,5 pts) Write the correct environment problems under the pictures (1pt) ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… Combine each pair of sentences below to make a conditional sentence-type 1.(1,5 pts) We reuse bottles We save a lot of money ……………………………………………………………………………………… You see a can in the road What will you do? ……………………………………………………………………………………… We use the car all the time We make the air dirty ……………………………………………………………………………………… Answer keys I Listening (2 pts) Listen and tick true (T) or false (F) (1pt) T F F T *Tapescript: What are we doing to our environment? We are destroying the forest We are destroying wild animals and plants We are wasting too much water We are burning too much coal, oil and gas We are wasting too much power This is polluting the airs with gases We are producing too much trash This is polluting the ...English lesson plan –Grade 6 School year: 2014 - 2015 Date: August 15 th 2014 Week 1- Period 1 The present simple, the present continuous I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson Ss’ will be able to use the sentence pattern perfectly The present simple tense, the present continuous tense, and do further exercise II. TEACHING CONTENT 1. Vocabulary: Cooking, writing, standing, talking Listen – listening, sing – singing 2. Grammar: The present simple The present continuous I /we/ you / they + V ( study) I am + Ving She / he /it + V-s/ V-es You /we/ they are +Ving She/ he/ it + is + Ving III. TEACHING METHODS 1. Communicative approach 2. Ask and answer 3. Individual, pair, group work IV. TEACHING AIDS 1. Text book, worksheet 2. Pictures V. TEACHING PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities 1. Warm up - Ask : what do you often do in your free time? -Can play chain game 2. Presentation - Ask Ss to find out and underline the verbs in the sentences “ I often listen to music” “ I am playing games” - Ask Ss to give the usage and the form of the present simple, present continuous. The present simple -Answer the question Eg: I often watch TV - Read the sentences , Underlines the verbs. - Give the usage and the form of the present simple, present continuous. Pham Thanh Xuan 1 Nam Hong secondary school English lesson plan –Grade 6 School year: 2014 - 2015 Form: (+) S + V/ V(s;es) + Object (-) S + do/ does not + V? (?) Do/ Does + S + V? Cách sử dụng: -Diễn tả năng lực bản thân: VD: He plays tennis very well. -Thói quen ở hiện tại: VD: I watch TV every night. -Sự thật hiển nhiên;Chân lí ko thể phủ nhận: VD: The sun rises in the East and set in the West. -Diễn tả hành động xảy ra theo lịch trình, thời gian biểu đã định sẵn, đặc biệt là các động từ di chuyển VD: The train leaves at 7.00 am in the morning. Các trạng từ đi kèm: always; usually; often; sometimes; occasionally; ever; seldom; rarely; every Cách thêm “s,es” vào động từ khi ở thể khẳng định của thì hiện tại đơn: -Khi chủ ngữ là "I / You / We / They và các chủ ngữ số nhiều khác” thì giữ nguyên động từ -khi chủ ngữ là "He / She / It và các chủ ngữ số ít khác" thêm "s" hoặc "es" sau động từ Với những động từ tận cùng bằng "o,x, ch, z, s, sh" thì ta thêm "es" vào sau, còn các động từ khác thì thêm “s” Khi động từ tận cùng là "y" thì đổi "y" thành "i" và thêm "es" vào sau động từ The present continuous. Form: (+) S + is/am/are + Ving (-) S + is/am/are not + Ving (?) Is/Am/ Are + S + Ving? Cách sử dụng: -Đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói VD: I’m doing my homework at this time. -Sắp xảy ra có dự định từ trước trong tương lai gần. VD: I’m going to the cinema tomorrow evening -Không dùng với các động từ chi giác như: SEE; HEAR; LIKE; LOVE , feel, hear, smell, taste, hate, love, want, need,be Các trạng từ đi kèm: At the moment; at this time; right now; now; immediately… -Ask Ss to repeat the sentences 3. Practice -Copy the sentences, the form, and usage. -Do exercises ( work book) Pham Thanh Xuan 2 Nam Hong secondary school English lesson plan –Grade 6 School year: 2014 - 2015 -Ask Ss to do exercises in workbook (B-Vocabulary and Grammar) Exercice 1. Circle A, B, C, D -Let SS do the task individually -T call some Ss to say their Keys: 1. B. 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B Exercise 2 :Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. -T make an example -Let Ss study -Ask them to work in pairs -Check by playing game Keys: 1.finishes 2. Do you often eat? 3.Are you – am doing 4.don’t want – to stay Going 5. Are they singing 6.to spend/ spending Exercise 3: Find one odd word -Ask Ss to read aloud Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 4. Home work -Learn by heart the form Write the words ( Ving ) (Vs/ V es ) Ex 1: Do individually ,then change, correct Ex 2: Work in pairs ,discuss -Write the answers Ex3; Read aloud Pham Thanh Xuan 3 Nam Hong secondary Sao Vang juniour high school SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HÓA SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HÓA PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO THỌ XUÂN PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO THỌ XUÂN  GiÁO ÁN : TIẾNG ANH KHỐI 6 GIÁO VIÊN: PHẠM THỊ THANH TỔ: NGOẠI NGỮ- ĐỊA- THỂ DỤC -SINH Năm học: 2013- 2014 Teacher: Pham Thi Thanh Sao Vang juniour high school Preparing date: 19/ 1/ 2014 Unit 7: TELEVISION Period 63: Lesson: looking back I.Objectives: - Ss learn begin with a conversation followed by activities which introduce the topic on TV. II.Teaching aids: Tapes……. III.Procedure: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents *Warm up: Chatting -T ask Ss some questions and introduce the new lesson. - Ss look at the picture in getting started. -T asks: What do you see in this picture? You can guess: what will they talk about? *Presentation: -Before listening, t asks some questions: ? Did you learn what kinds of questions? (2kinds of questions: yes/no question and wh-question) ?If you want to match 2 sentence with each other? What do you often do? (use the conjuntions) *Practice: -Ss listen and find sime questions woards and some conjunctions in the conversation: -Ss listen again and complete the part 1b: -T give some meaning words( funny; awful, stupid) -Ss listen, repeat and write down in their book. -What is Hung’s favourite TV programme? - What channel is Laughing out loud on? - Are Laaughing out loud and Mr. Bean on at the same time? - Why doesn’t Phongl ike Mr.Beab? - What does Phong say about Tom? - Which adjectives below can you use to describe a TV programme you have watched? What programme is it? Questions: ?Do you like watching programme on tV? ?Which programme do you like watching most? And why? -Ss answer………………………. I.review grammar and practice: 1b. Listen and find adjectives describing each character in the conversation: Mr. Bean: Funny ; awful Tom: stupid , funny Jerry: intelligent 1a. Read the conversation and answer the questions: a. Laughing out loud. b. VTV3 c. No, they aren’t d. Because he is awful e. Tom is stupid, but funny. 1c.Some adjectives to describe a TV programme and what programme: Answer:popular, historical, serious, long , 2. Put the correct word in the box under each picture: Key: 1. national television 4. comedy Teacher: Pham Thi Thanh Sao Vang juniour high school - T ask Ss look at the words in the box and introduce meaning words.( game show, local TV, comedy) - Ss work in groups. - Ask Ss read carefully and decide which word is the right one. -T can guide them to some clues like “ it makes me laugh”, Disney…… -Ss work indilidually *Production: - T elicits:Ss don’t have to say” I like…./ I don’t like…” and Ss can instead say: There are not enough programmes for children” or I can watch many films. -Ss work in groups *Homework:Do more exercises in workbook……………… 2. news programme 5. game show 3. local television 6. animal programme 3. Use suitable words to complete the sentenes: 1. national 2. comedy 3. channels 4. competition 5. Cartoons 6. educational 4. Work with in groups write down two things you like and don’t like about TV: Likes:………… ………………………. Dislikes:…………………… …………………… Eg: There are not enough programmes for children” or I can watch many films. Teacher: Pham Thi Thanh Sao Vang juniour high school Preparing date: 5 / 1/ 2014 Unit 7: TELEVISION Period 58 th : Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I.Objectives: - Ss learn about vocab and pronunciation //// δθ and to talk about contents on TV. - Skills: reading, writing and listening. II.Teaching aids: Tapes, pictures… III.Procedure: *Revision: -T elicts and give some sentences and ss listen to guess which word they can give the main ideas.(Ss can give by VietNamese).T write on the board these words or use the powerpoint. ? A man on a TV or radio programme who give a weather forecast. ? Some one who reads out the reports on a TV or radio news programme. ? We use it to change the channel from a distance. ?A person who announces for a TV event. ? Teaching date: 9 /10/2012 Total : Class 6B … /40 ……………………….… UNIT 2- my home Week: 8 period: 10- a closer look 1 I.Objectives - Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic “My home”. - Ss read the conversation between Mi and Nick again ,understand it then complete the sentence. -Using the prepositions of place: in/on/behind/infront of/ between, behind, under/ next to. II. Preparations. -Teacher: Extra boards. -Students: Prepare the new words, practice pronouncing these words III. Procedures. Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents 1.Warmmer. – To introduce the new lesson. - Play agame : T asks Ss to draw their house with their imaginnation, don’t care of the beauty.(1 minute)-One student goes to the board and draws, then name the rooms of the house. - T checks with the whole class. 2. Presentation. - T asks Ss to work in groups of 8 .T write the name of the rooms on the board, in different places. 3.Practice  Ss in each group choose the number for their group go to their group , discuss and run to the board as fast as he/she could to write the name of things. *VOCABULARY / Play agame : Drawing. EX1. Name the rooms of the house. a. living room b. bedroom c.attic d.bathroom e. kitchen f.hall EX2.Name the things in each room in 1. 1.living room: lamp,sofa… 2. bedroom: bed, lamp, picture… 3.kitchen:fridge,cupboard… 4.bathroom: bath, sink, toilet 5.hall: picture EX3. Listen and repeat the words. EX4.In pairs, ask and answer questions to -T tell the Ss which group is win. -The whole class listen to the tape and repeat the words they hear. -T can model this activity with a student.Ask Ss to work in pairs.Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. -Have some Ss read out the words first.Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat the words. -T gives the way to pronounce these words in 3 ways. 4.Production. -Ss do this exercise individually first then compare their answers with a partner.(One student goes to the board and write) - T guides the way to do ,and asks Ss to practice. 5. Homework. -Learn by heart the newwords.Write 3 lines for each newword. -Prepare the new lesson: Check dictionary these words: wall, a ceiling fan. guess the room. T: What’s in the room? Oanh: A sofa and a television. T: Is it the living room? Oanh: Yes. */ PRONUNCIATION. /Z/ ; /S/; /IZ/ EX5+6. Listen and repeat the words.Then put the words in the correct column. /z/ /s/ /Iz/ posters tables,beds, wardrobes lamps,sinks, toilets fridges EX7. Read the conversation below. Underline the final s/es in the words and write / z /; /s/; /Iz/ /z/ : things, pictures /s/: lights, chopsticks /IZ/ dishes,vases. EX8: Listen to the conversation and repeat.Pay attention to /z/; /s/; and /IZ/ at the end of the words.Then practice the conversation with a partner.

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2016, 19:33

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