A country you have not been to yet • You should say: • what country it is including where it is in the world • what this country is like • what you would do in this country • and expla
Trang 1Bộ đề IELTS Speaking
Trang 2A Gift that Took a Long Time to
• Describe a gift you gave that took a long time to choose.
• You should say:
• what it was
• who you gave it to
• why you gave this gift
• and explain why you spent a long time choosing it *
• or
• and explain how the receiver of the gift reacted when you gave it to him or her
Trang 3An Activity You Do that Keeps You
• Describe something you do that keeps you fit * (or, that helps to keep you fit)
• You should say:
• what it is
• when you started doing it
• how often you do it
• how easy or difficult it is to do
• and explain how it helps to keep you fit
Trang 4Trang 5
Something You Forgot
Trang 7A Foreign Country You Would Like
to Go To
• Describe a foreign country you would like to go to ( A country you have not
been to yet)
• You should say:
• what country it is (including where it is in the world)
• what this country is like
• what you would do in this country
• and explain why you would like to go to this country.
Có thể là: Describe a city you want to visit
Trang 8A Success You Have Had
Trang 9An Artistic Activity You Did at
• You should say:
Trang 10An Important Conversation
• Describe an important conversation that you had with someone.
• You should say:
• when you had this conversation *
• who you had the conversation with
• what the conversation was about
• and explain how this conversation influenced you *
• or
• and explain why this conversation was important
Trang 11A Long Car Trip
• Describe a long car journey you went on.
• You should say:
• where you went
• why you went there
• who you travelled with
• what you saw on the trip (on the way) *
• and explain why you went by car Or
• And explain what you did on this trip.
Trang 12Someone Who Likes Flying
Trang 13• what it looks like
• how often you go there
• and explain why you like to go
Trang 14An Article You Read about Health
• Describe an article you read in a magazine or on the internet about health.
• You should say:
• when you read it
• what the article was about
• where you read it (which magazine or website)
• and explain what you thought was useful about the article *
• or
• and explain what you learned from the article.
Trang 15A Person Whose Job is Important
Describe a person you know whose job is important to society. *
Describe a person you know whose work benefits society (the community). *You should say:
Trang 16A House or Apartment
• You should say:
Trang 17A Time You Borrowed Something Describe a time when you borrowed something.
Trang 18Someone in the News
• Describe someone in the news who you would like to meet.
• You should say:
• who this person is
• why they are in the news
• (possibly) what you would say to this person *
• and explain why you would like to meet this person.
Trang 19Waiting for Something
Trang 20A Long Walk
• Describe a long walk that you went on *
• or
• Describe a long walk you enjoyed *
• You should say:
• where you walked *
• who you walked with *
• what you saw (and did) during this walk *
• and explain why you went on this long walk *
• or
• and explain how you felt about going on this long walk
Trang 21• Describe an occasion when something (or someone) made a lot of noise *
• or
• Describe an occasion when you heard a lot of noise *
• You should say:
• where you heard this noise
• when this happened *
• who or what made the noise
• what the noise was like (what it sounded like)
• and explain what you did when you heard this noise.
Trang 22A Song
• Describe a song that has special meaning for you *
• or
• Describe a song that reminds you of a particular time *
• You should say:
• what this song is about
• when and where you first heard this song
• how often you listen to this song
• and explain why it has special meaning for you.
Trang 23An Important Celebration
Describe an important celebration or holiday in your country You should say:
• when this celebration takes place
• what people do during this celebration
• what you especially like and dislike about this celebration
• and explain why it is important.
Trang 24A Day Off
• Version A
• Describe what you like to do when you have a day off, free from work or study.
• You should say:
• where you go
• what you do there
• who you do it with
• and explain how you feel at the end of this day.
• Version B
• Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or study.
• You should say:
• where you would go
• what you would do there
• who you would do it with
• and explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day
Trang 25A Film You Watched at Home or in
a Cinema
• Describe a film you watched at home or in a cinema *
• You should say:
• what film it was
• what it was about
• why you chose to watch that film
• who you watched it with *
• and explain if you learned anything important from the film
Trang 26The Family Member You Spend the Most Time With
Describe the member of your family who you spend the most time with You should say:
Trang 27A Time You Looked at the Sky
• Describe a (recent) time when you looked at the sky (either day or night)
• You should say:
• what you were doing when you looked at the sky
• who you were with
• what you saw in the sky
• and explain how you felt when you looked at the sky.
Trang 28Something that Made You Happy
• Describe a recent event (or something you did) that made you happy *
• You should say:
• what you did *
• where you were *
• who you were with
• and explain why it made you happy.
Trang 30A Polluted Place
• You should say:
Trang 31A Product You Were Happy With
Describe a product you bought that you were happy with You should say:
• what you bought
• how you bought it
• why you bought it
• and explain why you were happy with it.
Trang 32An Older Person Who You Admire
• Describe a person, much older than you, who you admire *
• You should say:
• who this person is
• how you know this person *
• and explain why you admire this person.
• Describe a family member who you spend the most time with.
You should say:
who the person is
when you usually are together
what kind of person he or she is
what you usually do (when you are) together
and explain why you spend more time with this person than with other members of your family.
Trang 33A TV Program You Like to Watch
Describe a television program that you like to watch You should say:
• what program it is
• what the program is about
• how often you watch it* (or, when you watch it *)
• and explain why you like watching this program.
Trang 34A Good Friend
• Describe one of your best (= one of your close, or good) friends.
• You should say:
• who this person is
• who long you have known them (= him or her) *
• what you do together *
• and explain why you think this person is a good friend *
Trang 35A Family You Know
• Describe a family (not your own family) that you like.
• You should say:
• where this family lives
• who the members of the family are
• how you know them
• what each person in this family does in life (student/work/retired etc.)*
• and explain why you like this family
Trang 36A Sport You Would Like to Learn
Trang 38A Childhood Toy
• Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.
• You should say:
• what it was
• who gave it to you
• how often you played with it (or, how you played with it) *
• and explain why it was special for you.
Trang 39An Interesting Animal
• You should say:
• what animal it was
• where you saw it
• what happened when you saw it
Trang 40A Meal You Had With Your Friends
in a restaurant)
• You should say:
Trang 41An Item of Clothing that Someone
Gave You
Describe an item of clothing that was given to you You should say:
Trang 42A Time When the Weather
Changed Your Plan
Describe a time when the weather caused you to change your plan You should say:
• what your plan was
• what weather you were hoping for (or expecting) *
• and explain how the weather caused you to change your plan.
Trang 43A Goal that You Have
Trang 44Someone Who Apologised to You
Trang 45A Story or Novel You Read
Dscribe a story or novel you have (recently) read that you found to be particularly interesting. *
Trang 46Some Local News
Describe some local news that people in your locality are interested in.You should say:
• what the news is
• how you know about this news
• who is involved in this news
• and explain why it is interesting to people
Trang 47The First Time You Used a Foreign
Trang 48A Special Holiday (Vacation)
• You should say:
Trang 49A Happy Childhood Event (or
Describe a happy family event from your childhood You should say:
• what the event was
• where it happened
• what you saw and did *
• and explain why you remember this event so well. *
Trang 50An Occasion When You Helped
Trang 51Future Work Plans
Trang 53A Place With a Lot of Water
• Describe a place with a lot of water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.
• You should say:
• where this place was
• what people were doing at this place (Or, what you did there)
• why you went there
• who you went there with *
• and explain why you liked this place.
Trang 54Cảm ơn các bạn trong danh sách sau đã tham gia ủng
hộ chương trình từ thiện Chúc các bạn một cái Tết đầm ấm bên gia đình và bạn bè, cùng năm mới An
Khang Thịnh Vượng.