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HuNG YeN department of education and training duong quang ham senior high school ****************** Initiative and experience STUDENT MOTIVATION, PARENTAL ATTITUDES AND INVOLVEMENT IN CHILDRENS ENGLISH LEARNING AT DUONG QUANG HAM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Teacher : Ha Thi Thơm Subject English i : Academic year : 2012-2013 ii STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I certify that the study entitled Students motivation and Parental Attitudes and Involvement in Childrens English Learning at Duong Quang Ham Senior High School is the result of my work Signed: Dated: iii iv TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I TABLE OF CONTENTS II LIST OF TABLES IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS V CHAPTER 1: REASON FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC 1.1 REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC 1.2 AIMS OF THE STUDY 1.3 SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 MOTIVATION IN L2 LEARNING Definition Types of Motivation Role of motivation in L2 learning 10 Studies into integrative and instrumental motivations 12 PARENTS AS A FACTOR AFFECTING STUDENTS MOTIVATION IN LANGUAGE LEARNING 15 STUDIES INTO PARENTAL ATTITUDES AND INVOLVEMENT IN CHILDRENS LANGUAGE LEARNING20 Parental attitudes in childrens language learning 20 Parental involvement in childrens language learning 24 SUMMARY 28 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 30 3.1 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENTS 30 3.1.1 Questionnaires 30 3.2 SUBJECTS 34 3.2.1 Student population 34 3.2.2 Parents 35 3 PROCEDURES 36 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS 37 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 39 4.1 STUDENTS MOTIVATION IN ENGLISH LEARNING 40 4.1.1 Integrative motivation in English learning 40 4.1.2 Instrumental motivation in English learning 44 4.1.3 Parental attitudes and involvement as perceived by students 47 4.2 PARENTAL ATTITUDES AND INVOLVEMENT IN CHILDRENS ENGLISH LEARNING JUDGED BY PARENTS 52 4.3 PARENTAL ATTITUDES AND INVOLVEMENT IN CHILDRENS ENGLISH LEARNING PERCEIVED BY STUDENTS AND PARENTS 56 4.4 CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS MOTIVATION AND PARENTAL ATTITUDES AND INVOLVEMENT IN CHILDRENS ENGLISH LEARNING 57 4.5 SUMMARY 60 CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 61 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 RECOMMENDATIONS 61 Parents 61 Teachers 63 School 64 v 5.2 CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH 67 REFERENCES 70 APPENDICES 75 APPENDIX A1: 75 STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX A2: 57 VIETNAMESE VERSION OF STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX B1: 62 PARENT QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX B2: 64 VIETNAMESE VERSION OF PARENT QUESTIONNAIRE vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1: learning Students Integrative Motivation in English Table 2: learning Students Instrumental Motivation in English Table 3: Motivation by Vietnamese and Chinese students Table 4: Parental attitudes and involvement as perceived by students Table 5: Parental attitudes and involvement in childrens English learning Table 6: T-test value of mean scores of parental attitudes and involvement in childrens English learning perceived by students and by their parents Table 7: R-values of students motivation and parental attitudes and involvement vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A: agree D: disagree DQH: Duong Quang Ham EFL: English as a foreign language L2: second language M: mean Md: mode N: neutral n: number of respondents No: numerical order r: correlation coefficient SD: standard deviation SLA: second language acquisition StrA: strongly agree StrD: strongly disagree TL: target language viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This introductory chapter provides three parts: the reason for choosing the topic, the aims of the study, the scope and significance of the study 1.1 Reasons for choosing the topic The study of motivation in second language acquisition (SLA) has become an important research topic with the development of socio-educational model on second language (L2) motivation (Gardner & Lambert, 1972; Gardner, 1985; Gardner & MacIntyre, 1993; Tremblay & Gardner, 1995) According to Gardner and Lambert (1972), motivation to learn an L2 is grounded in positive attitudes toward the L2 community and in a desire to communicate with valued members of that community and become similar to them This desire is integrative orientation, which is a support for language learning, while an instrumental orientation is associated with the desire to learn L2 for pragmatic gains such as getting a better job or higher salary (Dornyei, 2001; Gardner & Lambert, 1972) L2 motivation is indeed a prerequisite condition for the success of L2 learners like food for the brain Successful language learning can only take place if the learner has goals and an inner drive to achieve these goals (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991) L2 motivation can be seen as a desire to study the foreign language to understand and use the language that learners are learning and to serve their purposes For example, motivation in learning English as a foreign language participate in (EFL) the involves English a students learning desire process to (Gardner, 1985) Without L2 motivation, learners would feel bored, and then they just learn to pass the exams or please their parents (Krashen, 1982) Gradually, they would be afraid of studying L2 Motivation plays a significant role in the process of learning a language Language teachers cannot effectively teach a language if they not understand the relationship between motivation and its effect on language acquisition as well as its affecting factors The core of motivation is what might be called passion, which relates to a person's learners know weaknesses, intrinsic their and goals and preferences, effectively desires their utilize Successful strengths strengths and and compensate for weaknesses Successful language learning is linked to the learners passion (Karaoglu, 2008) One of the factors affecting L2 motivation maintaining is parents Parents can be considered as the most important in increasing and maintaining student motivation in L2 learning According to Wlodkowski and Jaynes (1990), parents can greatly influence and maintain their childs motivation for a lifetime Parental influences are an integral part of students motivation Indeed, the home environment and family influencing the school support student may be major (Walberg, factors Paschal, & well 16 My encourage study well parents me to English 17 My parents believe that I should spend more time learning English 18 My parents stress the importance English will have for me when I leave school 19 My parents English important think is 20 My parents help me with my English homework 21 My parents tell me to seek help from my teacher if I have problems with my English 22 My parents give me anything that I need to study English well 23 My encourage watch television programs parents me to English 24 My parents encourage me to listen to English radio programs 25 My parents feel proud of me if I study English 78 well 26 My parents me to English force learn Other opinion(s): Thank you for your cooperation! 79 APPENDIX A2: Vietnamese Version of Student questionnaire Mã S Học Sinh: Các em học sinh thân mến! Bản điều tra cung cấp cho thông tin động lực học tiếng Anh em thái độ cha mẹ em việc học tiếng Anh em Các em đọc kỹ câu hỏi trả lời cách thành thật Các em không viết tên vào phiếu phiếu trả lời cần phải tuyệt đối giữ bí mật, dùng cho mục đích nghiên cứu Tôi hy vọng em giúp việc điều tra cách điền vào phiếu điều tra dành cho học sinh d-ới D-ới câu mà có em đồng ý có em không đồng ý Không có câu trả lời sai hay nhiều em có nhiều ý kiến khác Điều quan trọng em cho biết cảm giác trân thực Các em cần điền dấu gạch chéo ( X )vào ô trống để trả lời cho câu sau Em khoanh theo mức độ không đồng ý đồng ý câu Ví dụ: Nếu hoàn toàn không đồng ý điền X Nếu không đồng ý điền X vào số 2; Nếu điền X vào số 3; 80 vào số 1; Nếu đồng ý điền X vào số 4; Nếu hoàn toàn đồng ý điền X vào số 81 Phn A STT Hon ton không ng ý Học tiếng Anh quan trọng với em em gặp gỡ trò chuyện với ng-ời nuoc ngoai Học tiếng Anh quan trọng với em em hiểu đ-ợc ca nhạc tiếng Anh Học tiếng Anh quan trọng với em em tìm hiểu văn hoá nhvề nhiều dân tộc khác giới Học tiếng Anh quan trọng với em em thích sau sang n-ớc sống Học tiếng Anh quan trọng với em em thích sống nh- cách sống ng-ời Anh Không đng ý Các ý kiến khác: 82 Không Đồng Biết ý Hon ton ng ý 83 Phần B STT Hon ton không ng ý Học TA quan trọng em qua việc học em tích luỹ đ-ợc nhiều kiến thức để trở thành ng-ời có hiểu biết Học TA quan trọng em em cần cho nghề nghiệp t-ơng lai em Học TA quan trọng em em nghĩ ngày giúp ích cho em xin việc làm tốt Học TA quan trọng em ng-ời khác tôn trọng em em giỏi TA 10 Học TA quan trọng em qua tiếng Anh em mở rộng tầm hiểu biết 11 Học TA quan trọng em em cần tiếng Anh sau (ví dụ nh-: để xin việc, để học cao hơn, để 84 Không đng ý Không Biết Đồng ý Hon ton ng ý du lịch) 12 Học TA quan trọng em qua việc học tiếng Anh em biết thêm giới ng-ời Anh 13 Học TA th-ờng đến cho em cảm thành công mang giác 14 TA môn học buộc tr-ờng bắt Các ý kiến khác: Phần C STT 16 17 18 19 Hon ton không ng ý Bố mẹ em nghĩ chúng em sống nông thôn nên không cần học TA Bố mẹ em khuyến khích em học giỏi tiếng Anh Bố mẹ em cho em nên đầu t- nhiều thời gian vào việc học TA Bố mẹ em nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng mà TA 85 Khôn g đng ý Không biết Đồng ý Hon ton ng ý 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 mang lại cho em em tốt nghiệp Bố mẹ em nghĩ TA quan trọng Bố mẹ em giúp em làm tập TA Bố mẹ em khuyên em nên nhờ cô giáo giúp đỡ gặp vấn đề rắc rối liên quan đến TA Bố mẹ em khuyến khích em xem ch-ơng trình TA vô tuyến Bố mẹ em khuyến khích em nghe ch-ơng trình TA đài Bố mẹ em tự hào em học giỏi TA Bố mẹ em chu cấp đầy đủ cho việc em học TA (học phí, sách báo, đài, băng cátxét, v.v) Bố mẹ em bắt em học TA Các ý kiến khác: Xin chân thành cảm ơn! 86 APPENDIX B1: Parent Questionnaire Parent Number: Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian, The purpose of this survey is to examine your attitude and involvement in your childs English learning as well as your childs motivation to learn English Please remember, by filling out this survey you are consenting to participate in this study If you choose to so, your information needs to remain entirely anonymous, therefore not write your or your childs name on this survey I am hoping you will assist me by completing the parent survey below Thank you for your assistance! Please put a cross ( X) to the appropriate description to show your feelings about each statement No Stron gly Disag ree I think that because we live in the countryside, my child not need to study English I encourage my child to learn English well Disag ree 87 Neutr al Agre e Strongl y Agree I believe that my child should spend more time learning English I stress the importance English will have for my child when he/she leaves school I think English is important I help my child with his/her English homework I tell my child to seek help from the teacher if he/she has problems with his/her English I encourage my child to watch English television programs I encourage my child to listen to English radio programs 10 I feel proud of my child if he/she studies English well 11 I give my child everything that he/she needs to study English well 12 I force my child to study English Other opinion(s) 88 Thank you for your cooperation! 89 APPENDIX B 2: Vietnamese Version of Parent questionnaire Mã s: Kính gửi bậc phụ huynh! Mục đích điều tra thăm dò thái độ tham gia quý vị việc học tiếng Anh cháu Xin l-u ý rằng, điền vào câu hỏi quý vị đồng ý tham gia vào nghiên cứu Nếu quý vị chọn tham gia, tất thông tin quý vị cần phải tuyệt đối giữ bí mật, quý vị không cần phải điền tên vào điều tra Tôi mong quý vị giúp đỡ cách điền đầy đủ thông tin vào phiếu điều tra dành cho phụ huynh sau Quý vị đánh dấu gạch chéo (X) vào ý miêu tả suy nghĩ việc làm quý vị câu hỏi sau Ví dụ: Nếu hoàn toàn không đồng ý điền X Nếu không đồng ý điền X vào số 2; Nếu điền X vào số 3; Nếu đồng ý điền X vào số 4; Nếu hoàn toàn đồng ý điền X vào số 90 vào số 1; STT Hon ton không ng ý Tôi nghĩ sống nông thôn nên không cần học TA Tôi khuyến khích học giỏi tiếng Anh Tôi cho nên đầu tnhiều thời gian vào việc học TA Tôi nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng mà TA mang lại cho tôi tốt nghiệp Tôi nghĩ TA quan trọng Tôi giúp làm tập TA Tôi khuyên nên nhờ cô giáo giúp đỡ gặp vấn đề rắc rối liên quan đến TA Tôi khuyến khích xem ch-ơng trình TA vô tuyến Tôi khuyến khích nghe ch-ơng trình TA đài 91 Không Khôn đng ý g biết Đồng ý Hon ton ng ý 10 11 12 Tôi tự hào học giỏi TA Tôi chu cấp đầy đủ cho việc học TA (học phí, sách báo, đài, băng cát-xét, v.v) Tôi bắt học TA Các ý kiến khác: Xin chân thành cảm ơn! 92 [...]... motivation and their parent’ attitudes and involvement in their English learning at DQH Senior High School 1.3 Scope and Significance of the Study The study was conducted at DQH Senior High School in Vangiang district, Hung Yen province The study focused on examining student motivation in the language that they parents’ attitudes are and learning: English involvement in and their their English learning. .. Motivation and English Attainment” in Hong Kong The research study aimed at investigating the motivation students examining learn patterns with of the different the English two cultural groups Hong backgrounds relationship between and attainment English of their Kong and at motivation to The respondents included 50 students The tools for gathering information were a questionnaire and an English Attainment... even be willing to study it In other words, parents’ attitudes can shape their children’ motivation to learn the language and parental involvement holds a more significant part in maintaining their children’s motivation The latter issue is reviewed in the following section 23 2.3.2 Parental involvement in children’s language learning Although little students’ parental research motivation involvement, ... that an investigation into parents’ role in promoting children’s motivation needs to consider both aspects and their manifestations In this chapter, the general information about motivation in L2 learning was explored First, the definition of motivation, types and roles of motivation were reviewed through previous studies Second, role of parents in generating children’s motivation in language learning. .. areas of increased student motivation lies not in the schools at all, but involvement factor in in the here student homes continues of the to be achievement students the and most Parental influential motivation Students whose parents are closely involved in their school lives and who monitor their progress fare best in high school From the research findings, Brophy (1987) finds significant proof that parents... findings Attitude/Motivation 1985) and revealed a that Test semi-structured instrumental Battery (AMI) interview goals, The especially future career development and meeting more varied people with career-related purposes are more important than integrative goals such as appreciating British arts and literature In addition to high instrumental motivation, the findings of the study showed that integrative... involvement in the activity, the more highly motivated they will be to engage in it initially, and later to put 11 sustained effort into succeeding in the activity” (Verma, 2005; Williams & Burden, 1997) 2.1.4 Studies into integrative and instrumental motivations It has been shown that both integrative and instrumental motivations are important A student might learn an L2 well with an integrative motivation... personality and the onset of adolescence Within the limited scope of this study, the impact of parental factor, specifically parents’ attitudes and involvement on students’ L2 motivation will be reviewed Parental attitudes and involvement are very important in enhancing Gardner motivation (1985) to finally children’s suggests 15 language that learning although the students’ directly perception related willingness... (Wlodkowski & Jaynes, 1990) 19 toward problem solving 2.3 Studies into parental attitudes and involvement in children’s language learning 2.3.1 Parental attitudes in children’s language learning Motivation in L2 learning has been a research topic of great interest to researchers and educators for years There have been various research projects done in this aspect (e.g Gardner & Lambert, 1959; Gardner, 1960; Gardner... conducted in recent years (Madileng, 2007; Liu, 2007; Sung & Padilla, 1998; Wong, 2005) demonstrate how much motivation influences student in L2 learning and some emphasize the role of parents in student s SLA In their first studies, Gardner and Lambert (1959), and Gardner (1960) investigated English- speaking high school students who were taking French lesson in Montreal in terms of language -learning aptitude,

Ngày đăng: 06/06/2016, 06:42

