Allophones• The crucial distinction between phonemes and allophones is that substituting one phoneme for another will result in a word with a different meaning that’s why phonemes can
Trang 1Lecture 3
• Phonemes
• Allophones
• Symbols
• Phonemic symbols
• Phonetic symbols
• Transcriptions
• Broad / Phonemic transcription
• Narrow / Phonetic transcription
Trang 2• A phoneme is the smallest segment of sound which can distinguish two words.
• Take the words ‘pit’ and ‘bit’ These differ only in their initial sound ‘pit’ begins with /p/ and ‘bit’ begins with /b/ This is the smallest amount by which these two words could differ and still remain distinct forms Any smaller subdivision would be impossible because English
doesn’t subdivide /p/ or /b/ Therefore, /p/ and /b/ are
considered two phonemes.
• Other examples:
Trang 3Minimal pairs
• Pair of words such as ‘pit’ and ‘bit’, ‘pit’ and ‘pet’, ‘back’ and ‘bag’ which differ by only one phoneme in identical environment are known as minimal pairs
• More examples:
Trang 4• There are 44 phonemes in English They can be divided into two types: consonants (24) and vowels (20)
• Each phoneme is meaningless in isolation It becomes meaningful only when it is combined with other
• Phonemes form a set of abstract units that can be used for writing down a language systemmatically and
• Reasons: A letter can be represented by different sounds
• A phoneme can be represented by different letters or
combinations of letters
Trang 5• Allophones are the variants of phonems that occur in speech
• Reasons: the way a phoneme is pronounced is
conditioned by the sounds around it or by its position in the word For example: /t/
[t] tea
• /t/ [t '] stay
[t-] get there
Trang 6Phonemes vs Allophones
• The crucial distinction between phonemes and
allophones is that substituting one phoneme for
another will result in a word with a different
meaning (that’s why phonemes can be defined as meaning-distinguishing sounds) as well as a
different pronunciation, but substituting allophones only results in a different pronunciation of the same words.
• E.g.
Trang 7• Phonemic symbols: are
symbols for phonemes
The number of phonemic
symbols must be exactly
the same as the number
of phonemes we decide
to exist in the language
In RP (BBC English),
there are 44 phonemic
• Phonetic symbols: are
symbols for allophones They are used to give an accurate label to an
allophone of a phoneme
or to represent sounds more accurately Phonetic symbols usually make
use of diacritics
Trang 8Phonemic / broad transcription
• A phonemic transcription is a transcription in which each phoneme is represented by one phonemic symbol In
other words, in a phonemic transcription, every speech sound must be identified as one of the phonemes and written down with an appropriate symbol
• E.g.:
• A phonemic transcription does not show a great deal of phonetic detail and is usually placed between slanting lines
Trang 9Phonetic / narrow transcription
• A phonetic transcription is a transcription which contains a lot of information about the exact quality of the sounds It shows more phonetic detail such as aspiration, length,
nasalisation , by using a wide variety of symbols and in many cases diacritics
• In a phonetic transcription, the symbols are used to
represent precise phonetic values, not just to represent phonemes
• A phonetic transcription is usually put between square
Trang 10Rules for English consonant allophones
1 Initial voiceless stops are aspirated [ H ]
e.g pie
tea key
2 Voiceless stops are unaspirated after /s/ at the
beginning of a syllable [ ']
e.g stay
sky speak
Trang 113 Stops are unexploded when they occur before
another stop [ > ] [ ']
e.g apt
rubbed looked stopped
4 Approximants /r, w, j/ and the lateral /l/ are devoiced
when they occur after initial /p, k, t/ [ &]
e.g play
Trang 125 Voiceless stops become glottal stop [?] plus voiceless
stops when they are syllable final and after a vowel e.g tip
kick pit
6 Voiced obstruents (stops and fricatives: b, d, g, v, D,
Z, z/ are devoiced when they occur at the end of an utterance or before a voiceless sound [ &]
e.g improve
big add two
Trang 137 Voiced stops and affricate /b, d, g, dZ/ are voiceless
when syllable initial, except when immediately
preceded by a voiced sound [ &]
e.g dog
big dog
8 /n/ becomes syllabic [ ] at the end of a word when
immediately after obstruents (stops + fricatives).
Notes: /n/ does not become syllabic after /m, n, t S/
e.g question
Trang 149 The lateral /l/ becomes syllabic [ ] at the end of a word
when immediately after a consonant
e.g paddle
castle noble Note: /l/ does not become syllabic after /dZ and tS/
e.g satchel
10 Alveolars become dentalized [ ] before dentals
e.g eighth
tenth wealth get there
Trang 1511 Velar stops become more front as the following vowel in
the same syllable becomes more front [ " ] [ ! ] [ % ] [
consonant at the end of a word [K]
same syllable
Trang 16Variations of Plosives
1 Incomplete plosive/plosion: Stop + Stop
• When one stop consonant is immediately followed by
another, as in ‘act’ //, ‘top dog’ / /, the closure of the speech organs for the second consonant is made while the closure for the first is still in position The first
consonant is then considered an incomplete plosive
There is usually only one plosion for the second
• The ‘missing explosion’ happens whenever one stop
consonant is followed by another stop or an affricate
• When a stop is followed by itself, there is again only one
explosion, but the closure’s held for double the usual time
Trang 17Variations of Plosives
• When one of the strong/weak pair /b, p/ is followed by the other as in:
‘what day’
‘big cake’
there is only one explosion, but the closure is held for
double the usual time, and the strength changes during this time
Trang 18Nasal explosion /t, d/ + /n/
• When /t/ or /d/ are followed by syllabic /n/ as in ‘button’,
‘garden’, the explosion of the stop takes place through the nose This nasal explosion happens in this way: the vocal organs form /t/ and /d/ in the usual way with the soft palate raised to shut off the nasal cavity and the tongue tip on the alveolar ridge But instead of taking the tongue tip away
from the alveolar ridge to give the explosion, we leave it in the same position and lower the soft palate so that the
breath explodes out of the nose rather than the mouth
• Examples: written, hidden, certain, Britain, burden, wooden, pardon
Trang 19Lateral explosion /t, d/ + /l/
• /t/ and /d/ are made with the tongue tip on the alveolar ridge and the sides of the tongue firmly touching the sides of the hard palate /l/ is made with the tongue tip touching the
alveolar ridge but the sides of the tongue away from the
sides of the palate so that the breath passes out laterally
The simplest way to go from /t/ and /d/ to /l/ is to leave the tongue tip on the alveolar ridge and only lower the sides and that’s what we do It is called lateral explosion
• Examples: little, middle, battle, bottle