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JUST vocabulary intermediate

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For class or self-study Vocabulary Jeremy Harmer eJLT Marshall Cavendish London s Sinqapore > New York The Just Series The Just series is an integrat ed series of books t hat can be used on t heir ow n or, when used t ogeth er, make up a complete course w ith a consiste nt met hodologi cal approach The Just series is designed for individual skills and language develop ment either as part of a classroom- based course or a self-stu dy programme The approach is learner- centred, and each unit has clear aims, motivati ng to pics and int erest ing practice activities The Just series is for adult int ermediate learners and can be used as general preparatio n mate rial f or exams at t his level The Just series has f our t itles: Just Listening and Speaking 462 00714 Just Reading and Writing 462 00711 Just Grammar 462 00713 Just Vacabu/ary 462 00712 X © 2004 Marsha ll Cavendish Ltd First published 2004 by Marshall Cavendish Ltd Marshall Cavendish is a member of the Times Publishing Group All rights rese rved; no part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retr ieval system, transmitte d in any fo rm, or by any means, electronic mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior wr it ten permission of the pub lishers Marshall Cavendish ELT 119 Wardou r Street London W1FOUW Designed by Hart Mcleod, Camb ridge CD engineered by Martin Goldman,Cambridge Printed and bound by Times Offset (M) So n Bhd Malaysia Photo acknow ledgement s pS ©Robert L1ewellyn/lmage State/Alamy; p15 ©Robert lIewell yn/lmage State/Alamy; p22 e Alamy; p24 a and b ©Spectrum Colour Library, d, e and f ©Topham Picturepoint, c ©AC Waltham/Robert Harding Picture library/Alamy; p31 top left and right ©paul McMu llin/Alamy, centre left and righ t ©Spect rum Colour Library, bottom left ©pet er Braaker/Rex Features, bottom right ©Topham Picturepoint, p32 ©image 100/Alamy; p40 ©Reeve Photography; p45 a and c © Corbis; b c gex Features; d ©Doug Scott/Powerstock; pGO a ©Braun Oral B; c and q ©Art Explosion Royalty Free: b f and i ©50ny UK; e ©Sharpe Electronics; all others ©Topham Picturepoint; p66 "Summer of The Seventeenth Doll", by Ray Lawle r, First Publ ished by Currency Press, Sydney Australia in 1978; ©Hodder and Stoughton; ©Topham Picturepoint ©Ronald Grant Archive; pGa ©Topham Picturepoint; p72 ©Popperfoto; p78 top right ©Erik Penozlch/Rex Features; left ©Jon Feingersh/Corbis; bottom right c gex Features: p79 © b, e, g, h, i st opham Picturepoint, a, ©Dimit ri Lundt/Corbis, c, ©Mit chell Gerber/Corbis, d, ©Royalty- Free/Corbis f ©Royalty- Free/Corbis j , ©Tom Stewart/Corbis, k, ©Royalty- Free{Corbis Text ack now ledgement s pp7, 48, 61, 72, Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners by Michael Rundell and Gwyneth Fox, © Bloomsbury Publishing 2002 Reprinted by permission of Macmillan, Oxford: p13, Cambridge Learners' Dict ionary e Cambridge University Press; pp18, 25, 31, 38, 42, 54, 68, Longma n Dict ionary of Cont emporary Eng lish New Ed ition e Pearson Educat ion Limited, 1978, 2D03 I •• Contents Unit Unit i! Unit A Charact er description B Meet ing people A Ant i-s ocial act ivities 48 B Permission 50 C Check out 10 C Check out 52 A Stronger adjectives 12 A Body language 54 B Giving opinions B Directing people's actio ns 56 C Check out 15 17 C Check out 58 A Shoppi ng 18 B Asking for help in a shop 20 22 C Check out Unit Unit B B Recommending holidays 24 27 C Check out 29 A Holidays Unit Unit 10 A Technology and comput ers 60 Unit 11 B Asking fo r t echnical help 62 C Check out 65 A The arts 66 69 B React ing to what people say C Check out Unit A Homes and houses 30 B Welcom ing people 32 34 C Check out Unit Unit A History and biography 36 B Paying compliments 39 C Check out 41 A Mu lti-word verbs 42 B Making promises 45 C Check out 47 Unit li! A Injuries 71 72 B Asking how someone is 75 C Check out 77 Unit 13 A Hobbies and professions 78 B Showing concern 80 C Check out 82 Audiosl:ript Answer key 83 89 •• Introduction For the student For the teacher Just Vocabulory (Intermediate) is part of an integrated series of books designed for you to study on your own, or together with other students and a teacher It will help you improve your knowledge and use of English words and phrases, We have ca refully chosen vocabulary areas and conversational situations in order to offer you a mix of interesting topics which will provide you with lang uage that can be used in many different socia l situations This book has a lot of exercises that will help you to develop your vocabulary in English It also contains plenty of pronunciation practice to help you say individual sou nds and words correctly, as well as helping you to use appropriate intonation (to show if you are interested, happy, bored or sad!) In addition, there are a number of exercises to help you get used to using a dictionary There is an accompanying CD to help you with the many dialogues and pronunciation exercises in the book Where you see this symbol I 11" ) it means that you can listen to the CD You will also find an audioscript at the back of the book which contains all the language on the CD When you see this symbol I ) it means that the answers to the practice exercises are in the answer key at the back of the book You can check your answers there We are confident that this book will help you prog ress in Eng lish and, above all, that you will enjoy using it The Just series is a flexible set of teaching materials that can be used on thei r own, or in any combination, or as a set to form a complete integrated course The Just series has been written and designed using a consistent methodological approach that allows the books to be used easily together Each book in the series specialises in either language skills or aspects of the English language It can be used either in class or by students working on their own Just Vocabulary consists of 13 units Each unit is divided into three sections [A, B and Cl The A sections teach the voca bulary for a variety of topic areas such as personal characteristics, homes, holidays, multi-word verbs, and technology and computers, as well as providing training in the effective use of dictionaries The B sections generally focus on the language for related functional areas such as greeting and introducing people, giving opinions, and making recommendations These sections also offer training in specific pronunciation skills The C sections are a chance for students to consolidate what they have learnt in the unit These sections also offer a variety of additional pronunciation activities All the dialogue and pronunciation materia l has been recorded onto the CD, and t he re is an audioscri pt nea r the back of the book There is also a comprehensive answer key at the back of the book, where students can check their work We are confident that you will find this book a rea l asset and that you will also want to try the other books in the series: Just Reading and Writing, Just Grammar and JustListening and Speaking A Character description Put th e miss ing vowels in the words to make the names of the occupations in the picture The first one is done for you a (f - - t fvah!xlllu: b - I 1- r ) b (n - r s -) c (d - s - g n - r ) d (p r - m - r y e (- r c h - S h - r] t - - c t r - I c - n d - c t - r) f (s - I d - - r ) g (p - r s - n - I - s s - h (r - f - s - c - I I - c t - n t) S t - r) (j - - r n - I - s r) (f - r - f - g h r) 10 Look at the list of adjectives Tick the ones you know Look up the ones you don't know in your dictionary • • • • Who you think gets paid more? Put the jobs in order where = the highest salary and 10 = the lowest salary Then compare your answers with the survey results at the bottom of page 11 t - assertive confident siderate decisive • • • • • • emotional ent husiastic frie ndly happy • • honest hospita ble intelligent interesting • • • • kind loya l pati ent pleasant • • • • Which three of the qualities listed in Exercise would you expect in each of the people in Exercise 1? a A fvarool'u: shoLlld ht o.ssul1:Je,~wll.fdMr Md LkiSiJe g h b c d e f roman tic sensitive since re sympathet ic UNIT 1: A ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Using a dictionary: de inincns and e amples Look at the entries for assertive and sensitive , a nd a nswer the following questio ns aSSb I /: phoro&raph, co tto n, imprison, pe rson priso n 1:10/: oh, so ld ier lu:!: pool, shoot Wool doesn't fit in any of the boxes C3 B2 Saying you like something: Tha t's a rea lly nice jacket I like your shin Those are really nice earrings I think they' re great Saying something is goo d for the person who is wea ring it: Well, it rea lly suits you It looks goo d on yo u Being pleased th at so meone co mpliments you: O h, tha nks Th ank s I'm gla d yo u like th em a captu re, crown, defeat, disguise, escape, pirate, poison, sentence b co rd uroy, cotton , deni m, leather, nylon, plast ic, pol yester, silk, wool (T hese are a ll wo rds th at describe B3 A3 a S~}I11 e ? ictionarie s give eight, ot hers a b c d plast ic leather silk woo l m arerial s ) UNIT A2 a give away, give back , give out b give in to, give o ff grvc nm e b cut o ut, cut up A4 a mak e a go of b take up c go o n wo rki ng o ut d set up e get ro und ro f break up with g see about h cut down on put in AS a b c d Type 1: work out Type 2: take up, set up, put in Type 3: go on, see about Type : break up with , make a go of , get round to, cut down on A6 a broke up with b c d e f g h go on make a go of set up pu t in get rou nd to took up cut down on Give up B2 a b c d B3 Ben a lo ve yo u forever half the cook ing b the was hing and almos t all th e iro ning c the gardening a t least three times a yea r d I wo n't wear my yellow suit again I won't play my saxop hone more than twice a week Mariah a love you forever cook half the time b pretend that it's interesting let you drive my car on Sundays d you can watch Sport on TV from to B4 a rude to all mv friends when I invite them round to our flat? b promise not to play such loud mus ic in the evenings c get to class late again Ho nestly d be there on time - for once! e and obey rou forever f but you have to orga nise the drinks g if yo u' ll all the cooking h but n't pro m ise to ma ke a pa rt icularly good job of it the bat hroom tidy, at least? vo u' H never misbeh ave in class again? ANSWER KEY BS T he sound changes fro m /all to la :! beca use the pronunciation of will lw lV cha nges to IU C2 a day, break, away, make, take b cow, down, ro und o ur, abou t C so, go C3 a I promise I'll be at yo ur hou se by b c cl c fou r o'cl ock I promise I' ll four o'clock I promise I'll four o'clock ( pro mise l.1l four o'clock I pro mise I'll four o 'clock be at yo ur house by be at yo ur house by be at yo ur hou se by be a r vo ur house by C4 d a e b c UNIT A a drop b paint c put tip di et c ma ke f listen to g ride h have light I drive k use I smoke A Light sometimes rakes an o bject - see meaning \Vc kn ow thi s because it says IT I (T = tr an sitiv e) Sometimes it does n' t tak e an o bject - see meaning \Vc kn ow this because it says [I] (I = inrra nsitive) Paint some times tak e an o bject and sometimes esn't We know this because it sa ys [11 (= intransitive - i.e esn' t tak e an obj ect ) a nd [T ] (= transitive - i.c takes an ob ject) Shout so metimes takes an ob ject a nd some times esn 't [l/T ] A3 brin g [A] come [51 co lo ur [SI dr ive [51 d rop 151 enjoy [AJ (except in a special informal spoken use ) fall [NI op en [5] A4 a Don 't brin g fo od into the library b Do n't drop litt er c Don 't d rive too fast cl Don 't put up po ster s e Don 't light bonfires f Don 't ride bicycles on the pa veme nt g Don 't use a mobil e ph o ne h Don 't spray-paint th e wa lls AS D a b D c d D c S f g D h j [) A a b c Different svlla bles a re stresse d Different sylla bles a re stressed cl Di fferent syllab les are stressed e - f g Different sylla bles a re stresse d; d ifferent so unds a re used h I - D ifferent so unds a rc used for the first sylla ble B1 a Yes, certai nly b No sir I' m af id taking tog raphs is strictly fo rbidde n c No, sorry We operate a ' no gs' policy, cl I'd ther vou didn 't e Sure Hel p yo ursel f f Not a t all We'd lo ve to meet her B2 Askin g for permission : Ca n I sit here please/u se my ca me in here? Are dogs allowed ? Is it O K/all right if I use my mobile phone in here? Do you mind if I br ing my sister to the party? Saying yes: Sure Yes, certa inly Not a t all Sa ying no: I' d rather yo u d idn' t N o, so rry No sir B3 a Do yo u yo u d id n't b Is it all forbidd en c Ca n Help cl yo u mind a t all B4 a A: Are children allowed in here ? B: Sure , o f course b A: Is it OK if I tak e a ph ot ograph here ? B: I'd rather yo u did n't c A: Is it all right if I br ing my dog in here? B: Yes it's ok a y, hut keep it qui et d A: Do you mind if I tak e so me photo graphs? B: I' m a fraid th at's not po ssible c A: Can I br ing my friend to the party? B: Sur e She's welcome to come 93 A: Ca n I ta ke o ne of th ese pro gramm es? B: Sure H elp yo urself C2 fine - libra ry, lia r - bonfire, fea r - here C3 Examp le a nswers You dropped litrer on th e n a.x.e.me nt You mmY" pa inted th e wall s You lllil uP P.Qsters ~eryw here You [et yo ur QQg fou l the footpat h Yo u ma de a lot of noi se a t nigl u You rode your bic ycle 011 th e pnvcmcnr You have an ov er-ssnsirive ca r a larm You lit a smo ky bon fire You drove too 'fast in a h.u il!·up a rea You used yo ur mo bile ~ on the tra in Yo u smoked in a pu blic place C4 List I : amaz ing , exactly, forbidden, gra ffiti, occas ion, opinion, perm ission List 2: certa inly, sens itive , signatu re UNIT A a Yes \Ve know becau se the ver b is tran sitive [T] b fists, teeth and jaw A a b c d c f g h clench (fist, teeth) cross (a rms, fingers, legs) fold (a rms) nod (head) po int (finger) raise (eyebro ws, han d ) scra tch (ea r, head ) shake (a rm, finge r, fist, hands ) shrug (sho ulders) ) wag (finger) k wave (a rms, nd ) A3 a John b Pere c Th e dog d Simo u e Sara h f Sash» g Mc! h Te rry Car l I Ma isie A4 a sha king his fist b nodding het hea d c pointing his finger d shrugging her sho ulde rs e crossi ng his legs f waving his nd g shak ing her finge r h scratc hing hisfher head ising her eyebrows i foldi ng her a rms AS a di fferenr (two syllables ) b interest (two syllab les) c usu all y (three syllables) 94 ANSWER KEY cl sciousl y (three sylla bles) c genera l (two syllables) f intimacy (fo ur sy lla bles) g subco nsciouslv (fo ur syllables) h relaxation (fo ur syl la bles} A6 Exa mple ansv 'crs a determined, dict ion ar y, comfo rta ble b co llocatio n disagreement, ind iffer ence B a It's difficult to say shake you r fist An yth ing else fo ld yo ur arms b I this scene easy to say , har I foldi ng yo ur arms sh rug your s ho ulde rs B Asking for adv ice: Ho w y O ll wan t me ro this scene? What I ? \'\fha r yO ll recom mend ? An ything else ? Exp ressi ng d o ubt: It 's di fficult to say Th at's not easy to say Gi ving ad vice: I th in k you ca n co me in a nd I thin k yo u ca n sho w bored o m hv Well vou could fold your a rms : \Vell YOl; co uld sh r ug yo ur sho u lde rs Checking yo u have und erstood co rrec tly: Is thi s wha t yo u had in d ? Like this? Agreeing with an action: Yes, that's the kind/t yp e of thin g B3 a wa nt b c d c f th ink mind thin k Anyt hing easy ~ type/kind h cou ld cou ld B4 a else? to say me H ') play this scene? scratch your ear or so mething thi s ? and cross yo ur legs ~ the kind of th ing h wo uld show you ar e relaxed b c cl e f B5 Acto r: How you want me to play th is scene? Director: It's difficult to say I reckon yo u co uld scra tch your ea r or someth ing Actor: Like th is? Director: Yes, that 's the kind of thing Acto r: Anything else? Director: Well yes You could sit wn and cross yo ur legs T hat wo uld show you a re relaxed ( Possible ans wers a rm , cross , finger, fo ld , head , nod, rai se, scratch, shake, wag, wave (2 a so unds: Ik - r - n - sI so unds: If - I - IJ - - ;,/ sou nds: 11 - n - d - I - f - r - J n - sI so unds: II' - A - Z - I - d! so unds: Is - I - r - J I - n - d - J -zJ so unds: It - r - u: - 81 b in timacy, relaxation , subconscious ly (3 a b c d c f ~ h I l[) A ca lculato r c co mputer n co ntac t lenses g d cred it card I hea ring aid electric guita r q a electri c toot hbrus h electro nic perso nal or gani ser e kcyhoard micro wave oven h mobile ne I mon ito r k mo use p person al stereo b pr inrer f sca nner m television A2 a go online b c d e f [0 the hard disk e Print yo ur wo rk f Close the a pplica tion g Switch o ff [he co mputer, the monitor and the pr inter B1 you know how to co nnect up to the Intern et ? b t Ha ve vou checked [he connection Ho w may I help yo u? c l No Do you think that will help? a3 OK I' ll give it a try c3 Reallv? c2 Th ank s Th at 's great ! b2 \Vell, I ca n't get my persona l organise r to work with my co mpu ter a B2 UNIT d Save yo ur wor k on ema ils website crashes compu ter viruses bug A3 a Five b Sometimes it is co unta ble (it savs ICI in the diction ary) and so metimes it is uncounta ble (it savs IVI in the diction ary) c for, to cl M eaning is used when ta lking about co mputers (the diction ar y sa ys computing) Meaning is a rather formal word (it says 'formal' in the diction ary) A4 a Switch o n the co mpu ter, the mo nitor a nd the printer b Op en the app licat ion yo u want c Work a Ca n yOll help me? Do yo u know ho w to co nnec t up to th e Int ern et? Thi s thing is driving me crazy b Ha ve vou checked the batteries? J ust click on the icon T t's what I wou ld T he best thin g [0 is to switch o ff and sta rt again Wh y don 't yo u try and sec? \Vha[ seems to be [he pro blem ? c Do you think that will help? O K I'll give it a tr y Reall y? Th an ks Th at 's great B3 Th e wom a n spea ks mo re fluently B4 a Ca n yo u help mc? b \X!hat seems [2 be th e pro blem ? c Have yo u checked [he ba t te ries? d Do VQ!! know how [() use th is [...]... f Ashley: 5 Put the following lines in the co rrect place in the co nversation 1 Umm actu all y, perh ap s you ca n help me I'm looking for a fleece 2 No thanks, I'm just looki ng around 3 Oh right T hanks 4 O h, um rn, exc use me, just befor e I go and look at the fleeces, do you have any of those Arg usk i belts - you know th e brown and red ones ? 5 Th ank s 6 Thanks Goo d idea ['11 go th ere... u fancy a reall y good a I've still go t so me , We cou ld stay in town for th e w ho le d ay to do befo re th e party to morrow c I don 't agree with b I don't rea lly need to buy anything I'm just We sho uld have one day w hen eve ryo ne can relax to see w hat the new fas hio ns are like f Exc use me sir, wh ere did yOll get this c I p refer to do a ll my sho ppi ng at a because eve rything... belts? GA RY: Yes we do I'O LLY: AN DY: I'm loo king for (d) Tak ez jean s GAilY: I' m afra id we don't sell Tak ez AN D Y: Oh, t ha t 's a pit y POLLY: (b) GARY: Ca n I help you ? KYI.IE: No th anks I'm just CA RY: O h yes, so th ey ar e T ha nks GAilY: Well, yo u could tr y the sho p on the loo king a ro und OK cor ner (a ) (c) ANDY: Than ks GARY: Yo u' re welcome KYI.IE: T hanks GA R'f... frightening hilarious furious good hot boiling surprising interesting terrible amaz ing terrifying 2 Listen to Track 6 What are the missing words? 'IA) b It wa s a bsolutely c It was qu ite It wa sn't just qu ite goo d It was absolute ly a It was prett y UNIT 2: A 3 13 Look at how we can use adverbs before adjectives, and then do the exercise below We can use adv erbs (e.g fairly, really) to make the... now.' 'No Your dir ections were abso lutely perfect.' cl ' Yes please I'd like to wasb my hands.' 'No, I'm afra id not But we've got man go juice or apple juice.' e 'It's nice to see yo u too ' ' It's just alo ng the corridor Last door on the right.' 34 UNIT 5: [ c Check out accident accidental bare basement block of flats bungalow campsite camper van cluttered cold cottage cramped dark fence first... stressed syllables in these sentences Put a line under the syllable with the biggest stress a It's g reat to sec b c d e f g YOll Oh , th is is great! Can I tak e your coat? It's a bit cramped in here I've just won a prize Can I get you somet hing to drink? Tha nks for invitin g us Listen to Track 28 again and repeat the phrases •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• 35 ••A History and biography 1 Complete

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2016, 12:43