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Practice tests plus flyers SB

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Test Listening Part - questions - Listen and draw lines There is one example Katy Robert Listening Part - questions Listen and write There is one example GUITAR LESSONS Name of m usic school: The Where: next to Address: Day of lesson: Name of teacher: Teacher’s telephone number: s ta g e Music School London Street M r Test 1, Listening Part Test Part - questions W hat birth day present did Sarah get from each person? Listen and w rite a letter in each box There is one example Test 1, Listening Part Listening Test 1, Listening Part Test Part - questions Listen and tick (✓ ) the box There is one example What is William reading about? ' iSr Vj| vl _ I / ® f A B / What will William drink with his breakfast? Where is William’s History book? Test 1, Listening Part C □ Listening Test 1, Listening Part Test Part - questions Listen and colour and write and draw There Is one example ^^9 Test 1, Listening Part Test Reading & Writing Part - questions - Look and read Choose the correct words and write them on the lines There is one example a dentist butter a bridge You go to this place if gou want to travel somewhere by plane jam a waiter a bike CM- fUrpCTt This is brown and sweet Most children like eating this This is yellow and we put it on bread We use it when we make cakes Grown ups and children can ride this It’s got two wheels This person brings you food, usually in a restaurant or cafe People go to this place if they want to catch a bus or train This is white and we use it when we make cakes and sweets You should see this person if you have bad toothache You travel in this if you need to get to hospital quickly This is something small we can eat if we are hungry between meals a station chocolate an ambulance a castle traffic sugar 10 This is someone who goes into space, usually in a rocket an astronaut an airport a snack Test 1, Reading & Writing Part Test Part - questions - Lo ok and read W rite y S S or FlO Examples The waiter is carrying three glasses and a bottle of water jd_ The woman who is talking on the telephone has got a piece oj cake _ Test 1, Reading & Writing Part Worksheet 146 © Pearson Education Ltd 2 Photocopiabl Worksheet © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable 147 Worksheet ; "S " 148 a dentist butter a taxi an envelope an umbrella an am bulance a w aiter maths wood glue a shelf fog an astronaut an airport a snack © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable Worksheet j Vicky.- Hi, William Did you have a good weekend? • h -H j William: Yes thanks, Vicky I went to the cinema j h -H j Vicky.- Great! What film you see? ; h -H j William: It was called ‘Monkeys in space’ Have you seen it? j K -H j Vicky.- Not yet, but I want to! Did you go with yourmum and dad? j K - H [William: No My uncle took me ; [Jack: Hi Daisy What are you doing? ; K ; Daisy.- Oh, hi Jack I’m doing my history homework j K - H j Jack: I love History Does Mr Jones teach youhistory? j h -H !^ , Daisy: i No, my teacher’s called Mrs Hart She’s really nice This homework’s J very difficult h H [Jack: Let me see Maybe I can help you j i K H ; Daisy.- Thanks, Jack • j Ben.- Hi, Emma Are you going to watch the comedy on TV? j h -H ; Emma.- I’m not sure Ben What time does it start? j h -H ; Ben.- It starts at 2:30 pm j h -^ ; Emma.- OK Where are you going to watch it? j h -H ; Ben.h - - - - At my house Sam’s going to come too - - ; Emma: - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t Great! I’ll see you later © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable j 149 Worksheet r6 - , broke cut grow steal pulled decided brushing leaving knife drum bin chopsticks insects factory tight s pocket bored brave dry excellent friendly heavy important untidy Read and complete I _ a scarf out of my rucksack He always uses _ if he is eating rice I saw that new film yesterday - it w a s _ ! ‘Do you like my new spotty _ ?’ asked Vicky She doesn’t like _ her hair in the morning He was sorry that h e _ the vase The new hoy at our school is v e r y _ There were a lot o f _ in our tent when we went camping! 150 © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable Worksheet 10 Read and complete My name is Joe and I have a little brother called Robert Joe h a s _ called Robert Yesterday, Robert and I had chocolate ice cream after lunch Robert and Joe ate som e _ yesterday after lunch After the ice cream, we took our kite to the park Joe and Robert played w ith _ in the park ‘You've broken our kite!’ I shouted at Robert I felt very angry Joe w a s because Robert broke their kite 'It’s late We should go home now/ I said to Robert They went home because it w a s _ Robert said, ‘Sorry/ and then we went home They went home after Robert _ © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable 151 Worksheet 11 Healthy teeth If you want healthy teeth you should be careful Pibour what you eat and drink Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and try not to have to o sugar If y o u _a lot of sugar you may get toothache You a lso _to brush your teeth twice a day - once after breakfast and once before bedtime I t _important to brush all of your teeth, not ju s t _jront ones You should spend at least or minutes each time you brush It is also important to change _toothbrush when it gets too old You should get a new toothbrush _3 months Brushing your teeth is important, but you also need to visit your dentist keep your teeth strong and healthy It's important to visit your dentist twice a y e a r. _you visit your dentist he or she w ill at your teeth to check for any problems Example for about on many lots much eat ate eating need must should are be is the a an its your their every all each for with to Since When During 10 look looking looks 152 © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable Worksheet 12 Look, read and match make a bike ride a jriend win the answer guess a bus 10 watch a letter © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable f 153 Worksheet 13 Monday 9th May Dear Vicky, Hi How C\ri you? It’s my birthday soon and I’m ( ) _ a party Would ( ) _ like to come? It will be on Saturday 21st May at 7pm ( ) _ Gino’s Italian pizza restaurant I’m inviting some friends from my school and my cousins You ( ) stay the night at our house on Saturday if you want I hope you can come - it will be lots ( ) _ fun Love from, Sally a ■ - 154 © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable Worksheet 14 © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 Photocopiable 155 Flyers grammar and structures Tag questions Verbs (Positive, n e g a t i v e , question, i m p e r a t i v e and list short answer forms including contractions) Present simple passive (only with ‘make’ That’s John’s book, isn’t it? Adverbs I haven’t bought my brother’s birthday present yet a n d ‘ c a ll’) T h e t a b l e is made of wood Conjunctions I didn’t want to w a l k h o m e so I went o n Past continuous I was walking d o w n the bus the ro a d w h e n I saw her Present perfect Have y o u ever been t o t h e circus? He’s just eaten his d i n n e r If clauses (in zero c o n d i t i o n a l s ) If it ’s sunny, we go swimming Where clauses My grandmother h a s f o r g o t t e n where she put her glasses Be going to It isn’t going to r a in t o d a y Before/after clauses (not w ith fu t u r e re fe re n ce ) Will Will y o u your homework this e v e n i n g ? I won’t buy her a CD because she doesn’t like music Might Vicky might come to the park May The bus may not come because there is a lot 0/ snow Shall f o r suggestions Shall we have a picnic in the park? Could You could invite Robert to the/ootball gam e Should Should we take a towel to the swimming pool? 156 I f i n i s h e d m y h o m e w o r k before I played football Be/look/sound/feel/taste/smell like What’s y o u r new teacher like? That sounds like t h e b a b y upstairs Make somebody/something + adj That smell makes me hungry! What time ? What time does th e film What else/next? What else shall I d w ? start? See you soon/later/tomorrow, etc See you next week, Mrs Ball! Fly ers alphabetic Grammatical Key adj adjective adu adverb conj conjunction det determiner dis discourse marker excl exclamation int interrogative n noun poss possessive prep preposition p r o n pronoun u verb vocabulary B list club n backpack n (UK rucksack) collect u before adu + conj college n begin u comb n + u believe u competition n belt n concert n Betty n conversation n bicycle n cook n bin n cooker n biscuit n (US cookie) cookie n (UK biscuit) bit n corner n bored adj could u (for possibility) brave adj crown n break u cutu bridge n A bright a d j (of colour) a.m (for time) broken adj across prep brush n + u actor n building n D dangerous adj dark adj date n (as in time) actually adv burn u adventure n business n advice n businessman/woman n after adu + j butter n decide u ago adv butterfly n dentist n agree u David n dear a d j (as in Dear Harry) December n describe u air n G desert n airport n calendar n diary n alone adj camel n dictionary n already adu camp u dinosaur n also adu card n drum n ambulance n cartoon n during prep anyone p r o n castle n anything p r o n cave n E anywhere adv centimetre n (US centimeter) each det + pron April n century n early adj + adv arrive u channel n east n art n cheap adj else adu artist n chemist(’s) n Emma n astronaut n chess n empty adj August n chopsticks n end u autumn n (US fall) Christmas n away adu circus n engineer n enough adj + pron 157 Fly ers alphabetic vocabulary list entrance n envelope n environment n ever a d v everywhere a d v exam n excellent a d j + excl excited a d j exit n expensive a d j explain v extinct a d j F fact n factory n fall n (UK autumn) fall over u far a d j + a d v fast a d j + a d v February n feel u fetch v a few d e t find out v finger n finish v fire n fire engine n (US fire truck) fire station n fireman/woman n flag n flashlight n (UK torch) flour n fo g n foggy a d j follow V footballer n for p r e p o f t im e forget v fork n fridge n friendly a d j front a d j + n full a d j fun a d j + n 158 fur n I future n ice n if co n j ill a d j important a d j improve v information n insect n instrument n interesting a d j itself p ro n G gate n geography n George n get married u get to u glass a d j glove n glue n + v J go out v jam n January n job n join u (a club) journalist n journey n July n June n just a d v goal n gold a d j + n golf n group n grow v guess n + v H half a d j + n happen v hard a d j + a d v Harry n hate v headteacher n hear v heavy a d j K Katy n keep v key n kilometre n (US kilometer) kind a d j king n knife n Helen n herself p r o n high a d j hill n him self p r o n history n Holly n honey n hope v horrible a d j hotel n hour n how long a d v + in t hurry u husband n L language n large adj late a d j + a d v later a d v lazy a d j leave v left a d j + n (as in direction) let v letter n (as in mail) lie u (as in lie down) lift n (ride) lift v Fly ers alphabetic vocabulary list light a d j + n little a d j a little a d v + London n look after v look like u lovely a d j low a d j lucky a d j det prepare u prize n problem n programme pull V push v pyramid n newspaper n next a d j + a d v noisy a d j no-one p r o n normal a d j north n November n nowhere a d v n Q O M magazine n make sure v March n married a d j match n (football) maths n (US math) May n may u meal n mechanic n medicine n m eet u meeting n member n metal a d j + n metre n (US meter) Michael n midday n middle n + a d j midnight n might v million n mind v minute n missing a d j mix v money n month n much a d v + d e t + p r o n museum n m yself p r o n N necklace n news n quarter n queen n quite a d v o’clock a d v October n octopus n o f course a d v office n once a d v online a d j other d e t + p r o n over a d v + p r e p P p.m (for time) painter n paper a d j + n partner n passenger n past n + p r e p path n pepper n perhaps a d v photographer n piece n pilot n pizza n planet n plastic a d j + n player n pocket n police station n policeman/woman poor a d j popular a d j post V post office n postcard n prefer v R race n + v railway n ready a d j remember u repair v repeat v restaurant n rich a d j Richard n right a d j + n (; ringn Robert n rocket n rucksack n (U n S salt n same a d j Sarah n save u science n scissors n score n + v screen n secret n secretary n sell v send i; September several a d j n shelf n 159 Fly ers alphabetic vocabulary list shorts n should v silver a d j + n since p r e p singer n single a d j ski n + v sky n sledge n + u smell n + v snack n snowball n snowboarding snowman n sunglasses sure a d j surname n swan n swing n + v T take n s o a d v + j soap n soft a d j somewhere a d v soon a d v sound n + v south n space n speak v special a d j spend v spoon n spot n spotted a d j spring n stage n (theatre) stamp n stay v steal v still a d v storm n straight on a d v strange a d j stripe n striped a d j student n study v subject n such d e t suddenly a d v sugar n suitcase n summer n 160 n (as in time e.g it takes 20 minutes) tape recorder n taste n + v taxi n teach v team n telephone n tent n thank u theatre n thousand n through p r e p tidy a d j + v tights n time n timetable n toe n together a d v toilet n tomorrow a d v + n tonight a d v + n torch n (US flashlight) tour n traffic n turn v turn o ff v turn on v twice a d v v U umbrella n unfriendly a d j unhappy a d j uniform n university n untidy a d j until p r e p unusual a d j use v usually adv V view n violin n visit v volleyball n W waiter n warm a d j way n west n wheel n where p r o n whisper v whistle v w ife n wild a d j will v William n win u w ingn winner n winter n wish n + v without p r e p wonderful a d j wood n wool n worried a d j Y yet a d v you’re welcom e yourself p r o n Z zero n excl

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2016, 11:50

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