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ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 20 (ID: 100486) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others A stretch B natural C ancient D question A land B stable C stab D exam (ID: 100489) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions B workforce B compose C compete C eject D capture D admire A promoting B diligent C terrific D respectable D H oc 01 A justice A hopeful (ID: 100493) Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer for each of the blanks /g ro up s/ Ta iL ie uO nT hi FOOD FOR ASTRONAUTS It used to be thought that people could not swallow well in space, so the food (6)………for astronauts consisted of bite-sized pieces of food pushed out of tubes But now it is known that you can eat in space in the same way as on Earth The physical constraints lie in the body of the spaceship rather than the body of the astronaut Limited storage and cooking facilities, with no space or power to (7)………for complex food preparation, mean that the (8)……… for space nutritionists has gone beyond providing astronauts with food that is palatable and good for them The solution has emerged w w w fa ce bo ok c om in the (9)………of dehydrated foods Simply add water to the freeze-dried granules and ………bon appetit! With space flights often (10)………… more than a week, astronauts cannot live on granules alone They also take pre-cooked meals (11)…… in bags, which they warm up in a small oven These are tastier than granules but, according to Dr Helen Lane, a research nutritionist, it is difficult to get astronauts to eat as much as they need It‟s partly that they are so busy but also because there is no (12)………to eat.” So tickling their taste buds is an (13)……….struggle, especially since one of the effects of zero gravity is to reduce the sense of smell Weightlessness is an important (14)……….in space food because of the danger that the food might fragment and float off in different (15)……… We need foods that coalesce,” says Dr Lane Yoghurts, puddings, sauces all hold together in large droplets Your spoon may float away, but the food will stay on it.” A diets B routines C programmes D agendas A provide B give C spare D make A opportunity B challenge C achievement D ambition >> Truy cập http://tuyensinh247.com/ để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh tốt nhất! 1/8 A form B way C type D order 10 A enduring B lasting C flying D going 11 A sealed B tied C locked D fixed 12 A hunger 13 A uphill B stimulation B intense C provocation C anxious D longing D impossible 14 A principle 15 A pieces B thing B ways C business C directions D consideration D places (ID: 100504) Read the following passage and circle A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the question from 16 to 25 George Washington Carver showed that plant life was more than just food for animals and humans Carver‟s first step was to analyze plant parts to find out what they were made of D H oc 01 He then combined these simpler isolated substances with other substances to create new products hi The branch of chemistry that studies and finds ways to use raw materials from farm products to make industrial products is called chemurgy Carver was one of the first and om /g ro up s/ Ta iL ie uO nT greatest chemurgists of all time Today the science of chemurgy is better known as the science of synthetics Each day people depend on and use synthetic materials made from raw materials All his life Carver battled against the disposal of waste materials and warned of the growing need to develop substitutes for the natural substances being used up by humans Carver never cared about getting credit for the new products he created He never tried to patent his discoveries or get wealthy from them He turned down many offers to leave Tuskegee Institute to become a rich scientist in private industry Thomas Edison, inventor of w w w fa ce bo ok c the electric light, offered him a laboratory in Detroit to carry out food research When the United States government made him a collaborator in the Mycology and Plant Disease Survey of the Department of Agriculture, he accepted the position with the understanding that he wouldn‟t have to leave Tuskegee As an authority on plant diseases – especially of the fungus variety – Carver sent hundreds of specimens to the United States Department of Agriculture At the peak of his career, Carver‟s fame and influence were known on every continent 16 With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? A The work and career of George Washington Carver B The research conducted at Tuskegee Institute C The progress of the science of synthetics D The use of plants as a source of nutrition 17 The word “step” in paragraph could best be replaced with A footprint B action C scale D stair 18 According to the passage, chemurgy can be defined as the A combination of chemistry and metallurgy >> Truy cập http://tuyensinh247.com/ để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh tốt nhất! 2/8 B research on chemistry of the soil C study of the relationship between sunlight and energy D development of industrial products from farm products 19 The phrase “getting credit” in paragraph can be best replaced with A taking responsibility B earning money C winning praise D advertising 20 The phrase “turned down” is closest in meaning to A came down B refused C put down D went down 21 Why does the author mention Thomas Edison‟s offer to Carver? A To illustrate one of Carver‟s many opportunities B To portray the wealth of one of Carver‟s competitors D H oc 01 C To contrast Edison‟s contribution with that of Carver D To describe Carver‟s dependence on industrial support 22 The phrase “an authority” in paragraph refers to A an office B a job C a person hi D a status om /g ro up s/ Ta iL ie uO nT 23 In paragraph 3, the author mentions “Carver sent hundreds of specimens to the United States Department of Agriculture” to refer to A Carver‟s work duty in Tuskegee B Carver‟s job as a collaborator for the Department of Agriculture C Carver‟s fame as an expert on plant deseases D Carver‟s influence in the United States Department of Agriculture 24 Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage as work done by Carver? w w fa ce bo ok c A Research on electricity B Analysis of plant parts C Invention of new products D Research on plant diseases 25 One of Carver‟s main concerns is most similar to which of the following present-day causes? A Preventive medicine B Recycling of used materials C Preservation of old buildings D Prevention of cruelty of animals w (ID: 100515) Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Atomic were once thought to be fundamental pieces of matter, but they are in turn made of smaller subatomic particles There are three major subatomic particles neutrons, protons , and electronic Protons and neutrons can be broken into even smaller units, but these smaller units not occur naturally in nature and are thought to only be produced in manmade particle accelerators and perhaps in extreme steller events like supernovas The structure of an atom can best be described as a small solar system, with the neutrons at the center and the electrons circling them in various orbits , just as the planets circle the sun In reality , the structure of an atom is far more complex, because the laws of physics are fundamentally different at the >> Truy cập http://tuyensinh247.com/ để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh tốt nhất! 3/8 atomic level than of the level of the observable word The true nature of atomic structure can only be expressed accurately through complex mathematical formulas This explanation , however, is of little use to most average people Protons and neutrons have nearly equal mass and size, but protons carry a positive electrical charge, while neutrons carry no charge at all Protons and neutrons are bound together by the strong nuclear force, one of the four basic forces in the universe Protons and neutrons give atoms some of their most basic properties Elements are defined by two numbers their atomic number , which is equal to the number of protons they have, and their atomic weight , which is equal to total number of their neutrons and protons In most lighter atoms , the number of neutrons and protons is equal , and the element is stable In heavier atoms, however , there are more neutrons than protons , and the element is unstable, eventually losing D H oc 01 neutrons through radioactive decay until a neutral state is reached Electrons are negatively charged particles They are bound to their atoms through hi electromagnetic attraction Opposite electrical charges attract one another, so the positive charge of the proton helps keep the negatively charged electron in orbit around the nucleus of om /g ro up s/ Ta iL ie uO nT the atom Electrons are different from neutrons in that they cannot be broken down into smaller particles They are also far smaller and lighter than neutrons and protons An electron is about one thousandth of the diameter of a proton and an even smaller fraction of its mass Electrons circle the protons and neutrons at the center of the atom in orbit These orbits are often called electron shells The closer the orbit is to the center of the atom, the lower its energy is There are seven electron shells, and each higher level can hold more electron than the previous shell Electrons naturally seek to occupy the lowest shell possible So if there is space in a lower w w w fa ce bo ok c shell, an electron will drop down to occupy that space At temperatures higher than a few hundred degrees , electrons will gain energy and move to a higher shell, but only momentarily When the electrons drop back down to their natural shell, they emit light This is why fires and other very hot objects seem to glow Electrons are also primarily responsible for many of the chemical properties of atoms Since electrons seek to occupy the lowest electron shell possible, they will move from one atom to another if there is a space available in a lower electron shell For example, if there is an atom with an open space in its third shell, and it comes into contact with an atom with electrons in its fourth shell, the first atom will take one of these electrons to complete its third shell When this happens, the two atoms will be chemically bonded to form a molecule Furthermore, atoms sometimes lose electrons in collisions with other atoms When it happens, the radio of protons and electrons in the atom changes, and therefore, the overall electrical charge of the atom changes as well These atoms are called isotopes, and they have significantly different chemical properties from their parent atoms 26 In paragraph 1, why does the author compare the structure of an atom to a solar system? A To provide an explanation of atomic structure that will be easily understood >> Truy cập http://tuyensinh247.com/ để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh tốt nhất! 4/8 B To show that the complex mathematical formulas used to explain atomic structure are inaccurate C To show the influence of atomic structure on the world at the observable level D To contrast the size of atoms with the size of objects at the observable level 27 According to paragraph 2, an atom‟s atomic number is determined by A The sum of its protons and electrons B The different in the mass of its neutrons and protons C The strength of the bond between its protons and neutrons D The total number of protons it has 28 The word stable in paragraph is closet in meaning to B Unchanging C Heavy D Equal D H oc 01 A Neutral 29 According to the information in paragraph 2, what will happen if an atom has more Ta iL ie uO nT hi neutrons than protons? A It will not have enough of a positive electrical charge to keep its electrons in orbit B Its nucleus will explode in a supernova C It will slowly give off neutrons until the atom becomes stable D Its extra neutrons will be converted into light energy D Related ro up s/ 30 The word bound in paragraph is closest in meaning to A Held B Contrasted C Dependent om /g 31 The phrase one another in paragraph refers to B Electrical charges C Electrons D Atoms c A Particles D volume ce bo ok 32 The word diameter in paragraph is closest in meaning to A width B weight C energy w w w fa 33 According to paragraph 3, when does an atom produce light? A When it has more electrons than its electron shells can hold B When an electron drops back to its original electron shell C When an electron is transferred from one atom to another D When energy is added to the outermost electron shell 34 According to the passage, all of the following are true of electrons EXCEPT A Their energy levels are fixed and unchanging B They are kept in orbit by electromagnetic attraction C They are elementary particles and cannot be broken down D They are considerably smaller than neutrons or protons >> Truy cập http://tuyensinh247.com/ để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh tốt nhất! 5/8 35 According to paragraph 4, which property of electrons is responsible for chemical bonding? A Their ability to break free of their atom during a collision B Their electromagnetic attraction to protons C The fact that they cannot be broken into smaller particles D Their tendency to occupy the lowest possible electron shell (ID: 100526) Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 36 Years of neglect has caused the building „s water pipes to corrode A.break B.deteriorate C.collapse D.block D H oc 01 37 When she fell ill, her daughter took over the business A Took a chance B took control of C took a loss control of D lost B comprehending C tolerating uO A experiencing nT hi 38 Ethnocentrism prevents us from putting up with all of the customs we encounter in another culture D adopting C gatherings s/ B public libraries D prayer services up A concerts Ta iL ie 39 In rural Midwestern towns of the USA, the decisions that affect most residents are made at general assemblies in schools and churches om /g ro 40 Biogas can be utilized for electricity production, cooking, space heating, water heating and process heating B generation C increase D reformation c A sparing bo ok (ID: 100532) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions w w w fa ce 41 I have never dived in a twenty-metre-deep lake before, so I‟m a bit afraid of doing it A in B before C a bit D of doing 42 You have little to boast about, haven‟t you? A have B little C about D haven't you 43 Not surprisingly, poverty is a problem worth of concern in every country A surprisingly B poverty C worth D every country 44 If you‟re caught driving without a licence, you risk to be heavily fined A driving B a licence C to be D heavily fined 45 No one knows who she is She is the only member of the gang who the identity remained a secret A she is B the only C who the D remained (ID: 100538) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions >> Truy cập http://tuyensinh247.com/ để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh tốt nhất! 6/8 46 This is less satisfactory than the previous offer A fairly B far C absolutely D distant 47 It „s knowledge that the Chancellor has not been entirely discreet in his private life A universal B general C common D full 48 The professor wasn‟t …….with the current political affairs in his country after his long stay abroad A present B familiar C knowledgeable D actual 49 You will not be successful in business if you don‟t ……….risks A put B get C try D take 50 I personally don‟t believe you can of his support D H oc 01 A count B depend C rely D be sure 51 The youth team really themselves in the semi-final hi A surmounted B excelled C beat D exceeded 52 You must know how to ……….between what is good for you and what is not om /g ro up s/ Ta iL ie uO nT A differ B vary C solve D distinguish 53 The rain seems to have set ……….for the evening A upon B in C about D down 54 Paul asked Maria to ……….him to the dentist‟s because he didn‟t want to go by himself A unify B join C interfere D accompany 55 People are becoming ………… aware of healthy eating, exercise, and relaxation, and want to incorporate them into their daily lives w w w fa ce bo ok c A hardly ever B rather than C more and more D much as 56 As a small boy he was used to ………….in the house for an hour or two A being left alone B leaving alone C leave alone D be left alone 57 One of the areas of multimedia that is growing quickly…… is sound A yet is easily overlooked B.is easily overlooked C it is easily overlooked D that is easily overlooked 58 She‟s so depressed All these problem are really A Getting her down B getting round her C talking her on D toning her down 59 Man: “How was the food at the Mexican restaurant?” Woman: “Well, we ordered were nice, but one was inedible” A The most dishes B Most of the dishes C Few dishes D Few of the dishes 60 A: Shouldn't we pay before we leave? >> Truy cập http://tuyensinh247.com/ để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh tốt nhất! 7/8 B: …………………………"" A No, I don't like to pray B I'm not sure C No, they'll bill us later D Yes, we should have paid 61 Amy is very ……… person People are attracted to her way of speaking A interest B interested C interests D interesting 62 It was the best play I‟ve ever seen The production was absolutely fantastic It was A without fail C out of hand B out of this world D beyond imagination 63: Bill: "I like your bike, Helen." Helen: " ." B I wish I could afford it C Thanks, but it isn't new C I don't wear it very often D H oc 01 A Just kidding 64 This story has been passed down by ……….of mouth B phrase C memory D speaking nT hi A word uO WRITING iL ie (ID: 100558) PART I Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means Ta the same as the sentence printed before it up s/ 65 Although she was busy, she managed to find the time to proofread for me ro Busy om /g 66 I can't describe people as well as you can (better) c You are bo ok 67 If you don't take care of those shoes, they won't last for long (look) ce Unless w w w fa 68 I‟m sorry now that I asked her to stay Now I wish 69 “Have you had enough for lunch?” the landlady asked me The landlady asked (ID: 100559) Part II In no more than 140 words, write a paragraph about your holiday last year >> Truy cập http://tuyensinh247.com/ để học Toán – Lý – Hóa – Sinh – Văn – Anh tốt nhất! 8/8

Ngày đăng: 28/05/2016, 21:49

